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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Hardcore river termites with a lot of killed carps

    Dwarf Fortress Hardcore river termites with a lot of killed carps

    Hardcore river termites with a lot of killed carps

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    A goat kid died and was consistently expelling miasma for a while, my dwarves stood there and kept preforming and enjoying without a single complainer during each miasma wave.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Hey! Do you remember when you forgot to sign up for the Gladiator Tournament last year?

    Document Hub

    Tournament subreddit

    Sign ups start Monday 29.06.20.

    Bookmark the hub, set a reminder, bring a friend.

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
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    I have been playing for almost a week, I learned a lot, but my interaction with the outside world is minimal.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    As the title says, I picked up DF about a week ago. My first fortress lasted a few hours before I decided to abandon it and make one which made more sense.

    I chose a more or less random location with no evil, aquifers, and plenty of woods. After digging and building for almost 3 years, my fortress is a barony with140 citizens plus the occasional 20-40 guests including humans, goblins and elves. Nobody bothered me yet besides the merchants, to whom I traded about 10k worth of Exported Wealth.

    The game is fun and there is a lot to learn, but I was expecting demons and goblin invasions, where are they? How do I interact with other civilizations in general?

    Another issue is that I could only find Cassiterite ores, no iron at all. Is it normal? Should I just keep digging? I am now 23 levels below the surface.

    submitted by /u/Lognu
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    Checking combat logs after my first werebeast attack… Looks like we are safe, as it was my Dwarf who did the biting.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Short story: dehydrated at the top of a tree

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Vabok, the herbalist was found dead on the 7th of Timber 130, a day before was declared missing for a week.

    Then it suddenly came to my mind an announcement: A kea stole a stepladder...

    Vabok had no way of coming down the tree and died of dehydration while trying to gather plants.

    submitted by /u/pe1uca
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    I've been playing for less than a week, and I'm having a blast, but oh god, everything happens so fast

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    So I've known about Dwarf Fortress for a long time, but hardly more than the name. I remember seeing the illustrated story of Bronzemurder ages ago, but I didn't really get interested until last Monday when youtube randomly recommended this interview with Tarn. Over the course of a few days, I ended up watching Kruggsmash's Crash Course, and then the first several videos of Nookrium's tutorial.

    I finally dove in on Friday evening, referencing the Quickstart Guide on the wiki, at least in the beginning. My first big problem was that what I thought was a river was in fact just a few small stagnant ponds. No worries, just got to make sure booze production is good. I was doing decent for a while, felt like I was struggling a little bit, but was trying to make sure my 17 dwarfs were happy when an elf caravan showed up. I had heard how much the elves hate wood, so I quickly switched to making more stone crafts and objects, and was trying to only move stone items to the depot to avoid accidentally trading a wooden bin or barrel. Somehow, in this scramble, I somehow completely missed a group of migrants showing up. I have no idea how I blew past that notification and auto-pause, but a few minutes later I noticed that I had a population of 42. FORTY TWO. Somehow, a group of 25 migrants, more than my entire existing population, slipped in under my nose. I panicked, and immediately started adding more bedrooms, and expanding other areas as well, I ended up missing the notification saying the caravan was leaving soon, and missed out on trading with the stupid elves altogether.

    This kicked off a long panicked Red Queen phase, where I felt like I was running as fast as possible just to stay in place. Every time I thought I might be getting ahead of things, I was hit with another wave of migrants, too much clutter, a berserk dwarf, or starting to run low on food. Since I started with low savagery, I was criminally negligent with my military. I had a full squad, but no weapons (that I had created out of panic with the first berserk dwarf) and trained the two dogs, one for hunting and the other for war. Sometime when my population was between 50 and 70, an ettin showed up. Of course, I paused and looked it up. Wiki said it's a semi-megabeast, treat as a stronger cyclops. That's when panic really set it. I had maybe three weapons in the whole fort. I was concerned that it was going destroy everything and everyone. I made another full squad with no weapons or armor, and sent both squads out on the offensive to try to see how bad things would. Turns out 20 dwarfs and two dogs can pummel and wrestle an ettin pretty effectively, with only 1 casualty.

    I figured it was about time to set up a hospital, but with such an easy victory, I was still negligent with my military. Things are going well, the fortress was made into a barony, I owe several guilds fancy guild halls, I found out items are sometimes stored in buildings when miasma started spewing out of my butcher's shop, and I finally got around to making some iron spears, and holy crap are they valuable. I had several spears worth over 4k out of the 17 or so that I had crafted, so I traded a handful of spears for basically half of the most recent caravan to come through. I'm up to around 90 something dwarfs, and I finally set up a barracks, set the squad to use spears, and set their training schedule. Unfortunately, none of them had any time to actually train before a goblin band showed up. That's where I left off at this point, and now I have to hope that I configured my squads weapons correctly, hope that this goblin band isn't too much worse than the ettin, and hope that my dwarfs know where the pointy end of the spear goes. I guess I'll find out tonight.

    Edit: Well that went poorly. 15 dwarves down and I only took out 1 goblin. Doesn't help that the goblins have a few dwarves on their side. Now I'm getting spammed by no water source messages (cause I don't have a water source) and am trying to mine to some water, except no one's mining. . .

    Edit 2: Just realized my new mining area was outside my burrow. Problem fixed.

    submitted by /u/GettingFreki
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    Rough New Year for the Dwarfs Created at World Gen.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    [REPOST] Westeros Map

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    So, let's try this again. I did it officially this time. Paste bin decided it couldn't handle it when I copied the world gen file into it. PerfectWorld loaded the map but I wasn't able to view the entire map without scrolling. So after combing through my search history I managed to find the original website on the file depo.

    Here it is (enjoy two other maps that come with it as well!)https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=10751

    EDIT: When it's generating it can be a bit heavy duty, so when watching the world generate starts to become boring I reccomend stopping it then

    submitted by /u/20jhall
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    "This fortress is gonna last a thousand years"

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Massive Populations, my poor computer

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Massive Populations, my poor computer

    I spent about six hours generating a large world with a very long history and I stopped it around 1017. Normally at this point in history (in my experience with smaller worlds) civilizations have wiped each other out and everything but goblins is basically extinct. But imagine my surprise when I opened legends viewer and found that only 5 civs of 39(!) had fallen (3 kobold, 1 goblin, 1 human).


    submitted by /u/resnaturae
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    Your Favorite Randomly Generated Feature

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    I was meditating on the beauty of RNG within DF and how there are so many combinations for such a broad number of things. (Geographical features, people, religions) and I realized that everyone probably has at least one significant RNG moment that really sticks in their memory.

    Mine was found exploring the map of my first generated world. I was reading off the names of things to my wife as I was nerding out about how neat the map was (I love building worlds and maps for D&D homebrew) and I came across a small body of water named "The Lake of Stabbing" and I broke into a guffaw before I finished speaking it. I don't know why it was so funny to me, but it really stood out.

    What are some of your most memorable moments in random names?

    submitted by /u/Un4tunate
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    Lazy Newb Pack for new players + ver .044 spacefox tileset

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Alligators, rattlesnake and giant hamsters, oh my! We're streaming Telear's Fabulous Embark and I'm curious to see what I can catch, tame and breed from the interesting wildlife around here. Link to the vod will be in the comments after the stream :)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

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