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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I've started playing a few days ago and I already LOVE this game. This is my first normal fort and I like how comfy it sits in this indentation. Its basicly a huge pit 1-block deep. I built a wall around it on the upper level, and that entrance on the right leads to the dorms, meeting hall and mine.

    Dwarf Fortress I've started playing a few days ago and I already LOVE this game. This is my first normal fort and I like how comfy it sits in this indentation. Its basicly a huge pit 1-block deep. I built a wall around it on the upper level, and that entrance on the right leads to the dorms, meeting hall and mine.

    I've started playing a few days ago and I already LOVE this game. This is my first normal fort and I like how comfy it sits in this indentation. Its basicly a huge pit 1-block deep. I built a wall around it on the upper level, and that entrance on the right leads to the dorms, meeting hall and mine.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    My First Real Failure!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I've reached the point in DF where I can work the UI and keep a fort going for the first year or two, but up until now things just got out of hand once I had over 50 dwarfs. That isn't quite enough time for the Fun! to begin. I'm happy to say I finally had a fort destroy itself. One of my Masons got bit by a were-boar which infected the whole fort and killed enough people to cause a depression spiral.

    It's the little things.

    submitted by /u/Viro-Brain
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    The incredible story of Clumsy the woodcutter

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I started a new fortress a few days ago and as usual all kind of stuff happens. But for me, the funniest part of it is the story of Clumsy, my woodcutter. He earned that nickname because one day, as he was wood cutting, one of the logs fell on his leg and basically busted it. But it didn't happened only once, he managed to end up in the hospital 3 times (always with at least one broken leg) by getting himself knocked out by a log (maybe because his wife was my chief medical).

    Our story comes to an end the fourth time. Same as usual, he get knocked out by a log but this time, he fell into a pond nearby. You can guess the rest, he drowned there. But the funniest part is that his son didn't care about his death, neither did his wife. She carried his body to my cemetery but hasn't got any negative thought, and within a week she had a new lover. She earned the nickname "Doc Lusty".

    Guess he was as good for founding a family as for woodcutting. Clumsy, you will be remembered.

    PS : I don't have the logs right now but I can post it if some of you are interested.

    submitted by /u/Velcatt
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    [MODDED] Wrong call

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    So I made a mod for DF that adds skaven to the game as a playable race. I tried to stick to their culture while playing and keep a very hostile altitude.

    Today I started on a new site, as usual, but then the first caravans started coming. They were elvish. I giggled and sent one rat ogre wrestler to kill both of the traders. Both tried to run away, but failed. The next caravan that I had was elvish too, so same story.

    Fast forward a couple of hours, I opened a library and made it open for all visitors. It's been like a year or so of gametime until the first scholar to visit my library. An elf one. I traded for a couple of pretty expensive books with skaven caravans beforehand and really kept an eye on them. Some time later when I was checking on my bookcases I found not a single book there and upon checking creature on the site I noticed that the elf was gone.

    Then it hit me.

    He stole my precious books.

    I was so furious that the next thing I decided to do was to rally up all the rat ogre brawlers (~15 or so) and send them to the closest elf site on an extermination mission. They totally wrecked the place even though I've lost half of my soldiers and started a war with elves.

    Feeling content, I suddenly notice that my scholars are reading. I check their inventories and there I find all the books that were "missing". So now I reconstructed my main hall to be the most dangerous of rooms full of traps and all my rat ogres are now spending whole year training.

    Don't forget that your dwarves can displace some things in your fort.

    submitted by /u/DukeGneiss
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    I'll start playing the game, but I don't want a world that I have to scrap later. I want a world that will consists my old fortresses aka. failures. How should I set the world up? (Using PeridexisErrant's Starter Pack)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    With all the candy wiffle bats at present, I finally got a win...

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Master Swordsdwarf and novice weaponsmith Col McUrist got moody and grabbed a forge and one of the few bars of adamantine I had. Then I went to bed...

    Today, fired it up after work, and he came through with an adamantine shortsword, which he claimed. And I'm happy with that. Cuts through trolls like a hot knife through butter...

    Seriously, a dwarf wielding an adamantine artifact blade that they had forged is awesome.

    Beats the previous mood, where I got an adamantine toy boat...

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    "Not everything is an anecdote! You have to use some discrimination." -Steve Martin, "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles"

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Begginer tips pls :3

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    I am a newbie in dwarf forttess. Can you guys help me out ?

    submitted by /u/polish_human
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    A Legendary Dwarf Wrestler Cold Stalker ripped my dwarves to shreds. This is the only way I could picture him.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    New player: trouble farming

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:10 AM PDT


    Hi guys,

    I'm a fresh-from-the-oven noob and still struggling with quite a few basics. There's one thing I've encountered and I can't find a solution for it:

    I have a small farm set up on farmable soil, underground, never touched by any sunrays. I have plump helmets planned for all seasons and 20 seeds in storage. Now no matter what season it is, my dwarf will walk up to the plot, stand still for a while and then walks away without having actually planted anything. Apart from that it says I have 7 farmers in my colony but only my woodcutter goes to farm. I can't find a way in the manager tab to assign to sow specifically. What's happening?

    submitted by /u/PM_Me_Cool_Questions
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    Ice: a dorfs worst enemy

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    So I embarked on a new fort just today. New 550 year old medium sized world, high savagery, but also high mineral abundance. Should be fun!

    Well the fun started very quickly, as after marking out where I would create my 'spire' megaproject, I started carving out an early fort in a nearby hill. I hit an aquifer 3 z-levels down, and although this is my 4th or 5th fort, I had never encountered an aquifer.

    Hmm, well, better get set in for the long haul. I'll just get my animals penned up, and set up some more farms and workshops.

    Error message: Urist Mcdorf cancels pasture animal - dangerous terrain.

    Huh? There's no cliffs or anything around here! And then I saw it.

    The ponds had frozen over in a snowstorm, and thawed in the moment one of my miners was walking a dog to the animal pasture. Rest in peace sweet Urist (but, well, let's be honest...)

    Can anyone tell me how to create a 'no-go' zone for the ponds? I had a search for it on the wiki but couldn't find what I was looking for.

    submitted by /u/GeoMagnus
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    Ustuthbab. Come for the monsters, stay for the lava!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Ustuthbab. Come for the monsters, stay for the lava!

    Just after trespassing the limit of how much you can play around with magma (basically I accidentally transformed my main stairwell into a magma waterfall), this happens.


    I try to contain the fire (literally) but all my efforts are thwarted by the magma cancelling all jobs. The poor dwarves are desperate and separated from each other in multiple levels. I really want to fight for this fort until the very end, but my poor design decisions render damage control to just not possible.

    After 12 game-years of running a fort of ~190 dwarves and big plans still to complete, it all went down the sink because we dug a channel one tile too far to the south!

    I think it's time to leave them to their own volition.

    Sorry chaps, but more FUN awaits me!

    submitted by /u/r1c3m1ll3r
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    Master Lasher has been here for years, and has decided to already claim a grave for himself how nice! Also his lover and only friend in the fort is already buried in our cemetery

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:15 PM PDT

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