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    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.10: A Warm Welcome

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.10: A Warm Welcome

    [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.10: A Warm Welcome

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    I embarked on a volcano that was in a lake. Turns it it was quite literally IN the lake.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I embarked on a volcano that was in a lake. Turns it it was quite literally IN the lake.

    Location Selection showing a volcano in a lake.

    3x3 Embark. Left side is land, white is the (frozen) lake, and the hole is the volcano.

    The lip of the volcano was below lake level, so as soon as the ice thawed, water poured in and capped up the volcano.

    submitted by /u/illithoid
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    uhh child? I don't think this is the best place for you to play around in

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    "The Oily Dweller" The legendary Tetrahedrite ring

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I... I think I'm a terrible person.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    This happened a couple weeks ago.

    I started up on my laptop and launched a new embark. Taking special care to make sure there was no aquifer in my embark zone, though I selected a river to run through it. I had never had one before. I thought it would be cool.

    I started digging. 2 levels, boom. Aquifer or underground river, I don't know. I should have expected. I dig around the map. Hidden water and wet stone everywhere. It's worth mentioning that I've made the mistake of this 5 or 6 times now and still haven't figured out the system for it

    It's 3am. I can't sleep. I've had a sinus infection for over a week. I snapped.

    "Okay, you want a story out of Dwarf Fortress? Suicide pact. Let's go."

    And so, our 7 brave dwarves found themselves unable to live in this new land far from civilization, and decided that since they didn't have enough supplies to make it back (They probably did) that they were having a cult party. I channeled a large area 2 tiles away from the river, which had quite the torrent. I built a floor over my new hole and created a large room. I then proceeded to channel my room 6 floors lower, creating quite the small cavern (Hey! I made it even with damp stone!).

    The time came. I built a stairway and set a mandatory burrow inside my room. Everyone except a single miner filed in. BUT WAIT! Suddenly a migrant caravan arrives! 7 more Dwarfs! I... I could start anew... You know what, Nah, "Come on in folks! The Kool-aid is quite tasty! Here's a robe."

    And so, 13 dwarfs stand in a cavern waiting, Some knowing what will happen, the newcomers not knowing. Also, I fucked up. The cavern is slowly filling with water leaking in. It's very slowly getting deeper. I set my miner to work. The plan was to collapse the roof and then channel 1 level next to my cavern and dig into the river, sending a torrent of water rushing in, sweeping my surviving miner off the edge too his doom, and creating a watery grave for my now dead dwarves.

    Actual events: Channel around the floor. It doesn't fall. A tree is holding it up somehow. Oops. I give my miner woodcutting and he cuts the tree. The floor falls, instantly killing everyone inside and burying half of them. I realize that my miner accidentally tripped and fell in with the floor when the tree was chopped down. "Why do I not have a message about my fortress crumbling into ruin?" I thought.

    Turns out our miner is still alive after a 6 level fall. with both his legs and an arm pulped to gore he cannot stand or drag himself away. His fate is to lie among the bodies of his friends and family knowing what they have done until he either starves, dies of thirst, Or the slowly rising water drowns him.

    Oh, and I totally smashed a kid. Didn't realize that one of the migrants was a baby. Also, somehow a duck and chicken made it in there.

    I...I'm a monster. I felt kind of bad for awhile. I haven't played much since. Maybe today I will.

    submitted by /u/Rashernvideo
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    Now this is just sick

    Posted: 28 May 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress - Steams Large Workshops and Minecart Tracks

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    [OC] Cave Adapted

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Experimenting with the new undead

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    This latest version introduced something that the game calls "intelligent undead", it also happens that necromancers are more common and it doesn't seem unusual if some decide to migrate to your fortress. So, the only obvious thing to do was to experiment with this. These are my results so far.

    So let's get the most basic stuff out of the way, like, what is an intelligent undead? They have different names, probably per world. In my current world there are at least two variaties though I suspect there exists many more. The two I have are called "Wasting corpse" and "Ruined zombie" As the name suggests, it is a zombie like creature, but not like those mindless zombies that come when a necromancer sieges you that are hostile to all living things. They don't drink, don't eat, don't sleep, don't feel anything about anything, get a huge buff to strength and agility and don't try to eat your face off. Basically, they are the perfect dorfs. As an added bonus, they get super powers. These can vary wildly between worlds as well as between different types of intelligent undead. In my case I was a bit unlucky, mine got the power to make you feel sick and some others have the power to make you dizzy. Other possibilities (from what I've heard) are jedi force push, raising corpses (into normal zombies), shooting icicles and probably others.

    However, despite being undead, they are still "intelligent" and can perform jobs just like normal dorfs. You can put them in the military, throw them in the mines, have them make sculptures, tend the farms, be a tavern keeper, whatever.

    Like I said, they are basically the perfect dorf.

    When it comes to you as a player, there are 3 different types of intelligent undead you should care about. Hostile ones, neutral ones and friendly ones. Hostile is simple, they are working for another faction that wants to attack you, like a necromancer tower. Neutral ones are former enemies a friendly necromancer turned and the friendly variety are former citizens that have been brought back to live. So if you just had a big goblin siege and you want to turn them into an army of slaves, you're out of luck. Those become the "neutral" variety at best or just the normal run-of-the-mill hostile-to-all-live type. The neutral don't do anything, I've seen been attacked by enemies but more often than not, even the enemies ignore them. You can attack them without issues though, which means they could be good for training. I've also had some produce a constant stream of miasma in my gatehall before I put them down.

    So, if you want your undead army of slaves, they have to be a part of your fortress before they die and come back. And that's where it gets tricky. A necromancer will only raise the dead if he is in "combat mode" which means an enemy needs to be in his line of sight. You can use captured animals for this and tell your necromancer to kill the creature when in line of sight of the corpse. At that point, 1 of 2 things can happen, and in my experience, it's a 50/50 chance of either of them happening. The first option is that it fails and it's a normal hostile zombie. The second option is that he successfully becomes an intelligent undead.

    Therefore, a proper setup contains some hostile creature (probably a normal zombie, after all, you have necromancers) locked in a room with fortifications (or glass, I guess, but why bother with that) and a drawbridge in front of the fortifications (so you can make sure you don't bother the still alive dorfs). Then you have some way of getting the corpse in that room, either you put some coffins there and make sure they are assigned to dorf that's about to die. Or you put a dump zone there and mark the corpse to be dumped before it gets properly buried. It might be a good idea to put cage traps next to where the corpse is gonna be. You know, in case it's gonna be a "eat off your face" type of resurrection. You only get one chance, though. If it fails and it becomes a normal zombie, even if you kill it and try to raise again, it won't work. It can become a "neutral" one at best.

    If you are successful at this stage, you will notice you are actually not able to put him in the military or give him jobs whatsoever, he will do the jobs previously assigned but you can't control it like normal dorfs. This is a temporary situation. Before long he will request citizenship and after that it's just like a normal dorf. Only slightly less alive. In my experience this happens pretty quickly, but sometimes it can take a year or longer.

    Things to note:

    DO NOT SEND THEM ON MISSIONS. I discovered this the hard way, while he is gone, it's possible / likely (100% success rate but with very limited testing, good by legendary undead soldiers T_T) that a ghost will pop up and putting the ghost of an intelligent undead to rest will make him disappear. I think it's fine if you keep the ghost around but... that might give you other FUN issues.

    Despite not caring about anything, they still have their needs. They won't become unhappy if they aren't met but will become unfocused / distracted. Should you care? Personally I don't.

    Also, they are not necessarily immune to forgotten beast deadly dust and it appears that they are still breathing. More !!SCIENCE!! is required to check if they can drown or not. But they can be afflicted by whatever effects the deadly dust syndromes give (I noticed "has trouble breathing" on them before one died. More testing is necessary to see if you can re-raise them. I tried it but got a normal zombie, but it's the only test I conducted so far.

    A necromancer brought back to live will not have it's "Necromancer" title removed and as such, will not be called "wasting undead" or whatever it's normally called in your world. He will get the added bonus of strength / agility and will still be able to raise corspes. More testing is needed to see if he also gains the super powers of the intelligent undead. Also, no experiments have been done with vampires so far.

    TL;DR: a completely undead fortress seems completely feasible and might possibly be the best type of fortress when compared to vampire-, necromancer- and werecreature fortresses.

    submitted by /u/TheNosferatu
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    Well that’s an interesting end to my fortress...

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    A carpenter, Rigoth, the last surviving adult Dwarf of my fortress, went berserk after his close friend died, and then continued to hack his close friend's only baby with a copper axe. Then, a visiting Elf bard observer came and beat his head in with a famous book in revenge for the baby's death. Well shit...

    submitted by /u/lil_freed
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    So a lot of books seem to be Books of Life and Death...

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    Noticed that I had a few more necromancer citizens than I thought I had before, so went through all 124 books we've captured.

    As far as I can work out, 12 of them are necromancer training manuals. I'm never sure if my games are representative of anything, but 1 in 10 books turning out into an undead creature seems a bit high, especially when damn books are the only special things I've ever gotten from a raid.

    Anyway, I've forbidden them. Do I need to do anything else to stop a meltdown of undead citizens angry at not drinking?

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    A cool series of events

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    It all started when I accidentally imprisoned a dwarf, Ral. She was my furnace operator and a jolly good lass but unfortunately she shared her first name with a suspected; later confirmed, vampire. And I skimmed the justice list till I found a Ral.

    She died in prison, as the brook that we used as a water source froze (a cistern and well were promptly built), though unfortunately her body was thrown in the brook...because I accidentally dumped it

    Couldn't retrieve it. And she came back all spoopy like and tried to haunt us. Had to build her a slab.

    She now sits is the only slab in my catacombs of dwarven coffins, around her are engravings dedicated to her

    One of her hugging her husband One of her being wrongfully convicted

    And one I made myself, 890 bats, representing 890 days she was to serve in dwarven prison for vampire crimes.

    The name of the engraving was auto generated. The walls of imprisonment.

    So I read into her history, she was part of a civ that was constantly fighting, and losing to a fort named seducedacted.

    Guess who was part of that fort...? The Vampire.

    submitted by /u/Mrstealyourcrab
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    Back-end of DF

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    does anyone know the Basics of how DF is built? How does he simulate emotions and preferences.

    submitted by /u/Potential_Exercise
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    Devlog 27 May 2020: " I didn't have a scene to show, so I was just pottering away on code bits in a sleep-deprived pandemic haze and lost track (I've remained healthy, but the sleep schedule has become unmoored.)"

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    German DF content available for all of you who are interested!

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Blubb Blubb everyone!

    German Let's Player/Streamer here! I am very new to reddit and I was actually send here by SalfordSal who many of you hopefully know already :)

    Streaming a lot of DF recently on Twitch, so if any of you might be interested I always appreciate new people joining the !FUN!
    My last Fort Ancienttomes just aired on Youtube so you might want to take a look over there. All you need should be available through my twitter, which is linked with my reddit account.

    Sorry for anyone who does not speak german. Although I have heard that if you know the basics it might be a good way to learn more of the language. Why anyone would I am not sure, but since Sal tries to there might be some of you out there :D

    submitted by /u/GaryTheGammarid
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    What’s the hardest part while trying to learn how to play Dwarf Fortress.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I've been playing tons of Caves of Qud and I've been thinking about redownloading Dwarf Fortress instead of waiting for the steam version to come out for right now.

    Honestly any help would be appreciated.

    I just have trouble figuring out some of the goals for the game.

    submitted by /u/GalacticGoldFish
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    live again working on the tower! come chat :)

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    The walking apocalypse

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    My freshly generated 250 years old world has 28 necromancer towers waging endless wars against all the brave civilisations. I was just wondering if this is considered normal. Or is this rather unique? Edit: spelling errors

    submitted by /u/Drowsy_dwarf
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