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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ☼Fortress Friday☼

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Our weekly thread for posting interesting events without cluttering up /r/dwarffortress. Screenshots, stories, details, achievements, or other posts are all welcome here! (That includes adventure and legends mode, even if there's no fortress involved.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ≡«gold shin»≡

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    After the assassination of their Clown, the goblin civ, Quiet Evils, still decided to pick a fight. We now welcome 20k new Goblin slaves... err, citizen, into the underclass of the Heroic Pride-Lancer.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    One day... You will die

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Streaming Dwarf fortress the next ~4 hours

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    So I was trying to figure out why the merchants left as soon as they arrived, and found this interesting bug report.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    So I was trying to figure out why the merchants left as soon as they arrived, and found this interesting bug report.

    I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me, as I found wagon wood under a pile of abandoned goods. I can't be 100% sure the wagon exploded from pure horror (apparently caused by a dead giant skunk), but it's what I choose to believe.


    submitted by /u/LuNatic_
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    !!!SCIENCE!!! Report: Guaranteed All-the-way-down Ramp/Stair Location Theory Debunked

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Summary: Some particular locations on certain embarks were investigated to see if it was always possible to dig (stairs or ramps) straight down to the magma sea without breaching any caverns on the way down. The hypothesis was disproved.

    Full writeup: I was asking for a way to determine locations where it is possible to build a ramp/stair from the top of a fortress all the way down to the magma sea.

    /u/berrmal64 suggested here, that

    if you build down in the exact center of the embark, you're guaranteed not to get caverns within a certain size square

    I said I'd do the !!!SCIENCE!!! and report back, which is this post.

    There appears to be no way to conclusively prove the notion of this guaranteed location. What I did was to investigate several embarks, hoping to provide statistical support for the hypothesis.

    Embark sizes investigated were 1x1 and 4x4. Using current Peridexiserrant's Starter Pack 0.47.04-r5 (including current DFHack version).

    "The exact center of the embark" is open to interpretation. To me it means either the center tile(s) of the embark area in the horizontal plane, or the location of the dwarves' wagon. Both were investigated.

    In the case of 1x1 embarks, both digging from the centre of the map area and from below the wagon breached the first cavern in the first attempt.

    For the 4x4 embarks, going down at the centre of the map area was investigated twice. In the first case, a 1x1 stair reached semi-molten rock at z=-24, and a 7x7 stair did not breach until 3rd cavern at z=-1. But the second attempt breached the first cavern when digging a 1x1 staircase.

    Digging down from below the wagon (still 4x4 embark) looked more promising at first, in that even 5x5 stairs would not breach anything until reaching negative z-level. Well once, but that cavern had magma in it. Which appears to have been just the luck of the draw. 4 out of 5 attempts with 3x3 stairs breached the caverns, and one would also have done so if only 1x1 stair.

    All in all, no silver bullet was found. Still, this was !!!SCIENCE!!!

    If anyone points me to a relevat wiki article, I'll update it as appropriate.

    submitted by /u/Oysterjungle
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    The mental image of a dorf biting into a kobold and shaking him around like a dog with a toy makes me extremely happy

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    The Forgotten Beast Gened Osnunatu Gozru Äb has Come!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    The cyclops dissector

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    So its my 4th fort, and a cyclops appeared, I closed the doors because I dont have any military, and the cyclops kills every living thing outside including a dirty elven caravan, a migration wave came and half got butchered, then I told them to try and kill the thing and they failed even tho some had axes and picks.

    Understandable, but as I watch the last survivor carry the corpses of the fallen comrades to the corpse stockpile outside I notice there are more combat logs, a human animal dissector is fighting!

    After she got stabbed... 40 times? with goblin arrows, she punches the cyclops in the head and knocks him unconscious, after 6 pages of punching him in the face he wakes up, stabs the human couple dozen more times and... gets punched in the face again, being k.o, the human finnaly breaks something inside his head with his remaining arm, and the cyclops dies.

    She is my hero now, I wish I knew how to make a proper hospital.

    https://imgur.com/a/UVJmZeH --- Various screenshots of fun

    P.S: I dont know why the log doesnt show its dead, the icon does

    The cyclops weights about 10000

    submitted by /u/Aponnk
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    Get info about dwarf/fortress during game

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hey everyone ! I am trying to find a way to automatically output a stream of info about my dorfs and fortress in a text file while I play dwarf fortress.

    The kind of info I'm interested in would be number of dorfs in the colony, skills of the last selected dwarf, name of the mayor...

    I guess that's something that could be done in dfhack as much more complex things can be done, but I can't figure out how. Any hints ?

    submitted by /u/aximili42
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    Question about capping dwarf count in order to combat FPS death

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I love this game, it's so fun but I always lose interest because of FPS death, so I want to try and do a couple of things to slow it down.

    I've heard limiting the dwarf cap is a good way to go on about it and I've done it in the past (works reasonably well but isn't good enough on its own usually), some people say sub 100 is good, others say 150 is okay; but I've heard that you miss out on certain events if you limit your dwarf cap because they never reach certain thresholds... What's a safe limit I can set my dwarf cap to without losing out on events?

    submitted by /u/moon-byte
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    The Bizarre Tale of Idil The Human Druid, Ruler of Elves

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    The Bizarre Tale of Idil The Human Druid, Ruler of Elves


    Record scratch

    Freeze frame

    Yep. That's Idil Friendlygarnishes, an unfortunately named human in charge of an Elven civilisation - more specifically, the Godly Sparkles, which is the smallest Elven civ in the world. You're probably wondering how he ended up in this situation. Well, it all began when he was born.

    Idil was born to an extremely unimportant married couple of human commoners in the year 8. He was also born in potentially the single most unlucky place on the entire planet, the town of Elbowdrew, which had about one monster attack every three years. Idil spent his early years trying not to die from the sheer number of minotaurs who apparently were out for his human peasant blood.

    And for some reason, a lot of minotaurs were out for his blood.

    Unfortunately for Idil, things went from bad to worse, because in the year 16 he was abducted by Nako Hatewire the goblin to the Dark Fortress of Kindlemenaces.

    He forgot his former identity as a proud Elbowbrewian and grew up to become a miner for the goblins in the year 20, before he decided that wasn't much fun and changed his profession to Poet the next year. What follows is actually quite a lengthy and successful career: he authored 4 poems by the year 34, all of which are described as "tender and touching" and also had an apprentice goblin under him.

    In fact, Idil turned out to be quite a skilled Poet.

    Things were actually going well for the lad. In 36, he joined The Crowds of Mirth, a poetry troupe, and travelled with them for 30 years from site to site, performing and perfecting his poetry. However, in 66, everything went pear-shaped because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    The Tours of Blocking, the so-called \"government\" of the warmonger necromancer Vucar Enterlance, had captured one of The Godly Sparkles' sites.

    Which just so happened to be where a certain someone was performing.

    Indeed, the Tours of Blocking was and still is one of the deadliest forces in the world. Its frequent and merciless conquests have stunted the Godly Sparkles' growth, leaving it a tiny husk of unfulfilled potential. Idil became a refugee as a result and joined an Elven migrant group. With not much else to do he fought in a few of the Godly Sparkles' wars (for some reason, they and another human civ decided to spend around half a century just attacking one goblin fort and not much else, which Idil took part in) until he settled in the forest retreat Wanesnarled in 68, where he became a herbalist.

    In 70, tragedy struck for the Godly Sparkles. Their Druid had been struck down in battle with the goblins and he left no heir. The rest of his family had long since passed. Who shall lead them in such terrible times?

    If you were paying attention, you would have noticed earlier that Idil is quite the charming Speaker. After some discussion, it was decided: despite the oddness of a human Druid, he had proven himself loyal to the Godly Sparkles in battle, he was a cultured Poet, he was familiar with the struggles of the commoner and he was extremely well-spoken, so...

    And that's how we got here.

    How is Idil as a ruler? Eh. He could be better. He's not one for Elven religion, instead opting for a popular Dwarven faith and several human gods, he's perpetuated that weird and seemingly pointless war against that goblin fort, he's prone to false friendships and perhaps most controversially, he's partaken in a crossbow throwing competition with a servant of the evil necromancer Vucar Enterlance. One thing that cannot be denied, however, is his bravery.

    Just look at all these battles he's fought in as Druid! Keep in mind, he's 65 at the youngest in these. And that's not even all of them! He keeps on going!

    Idil was forced to face conflict at a young age, coming face to face with minotaurs even as a baby. He was even kidnapped! But no matter what he faced, he always got back up, alive, and tried to make something of his life even when he had nothing. Even though he might have joined the dirty tree-hugging elves in the end, you can't deny that he has tenacity.

    submitted by /u/JA_Pascal
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    If all goes well, we should be bringing some justice to town this stream! It's Fortress Friday, and it's stream time! I have my co-streamer Mere with me today.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    If you ever wanted more music similar to official DF soundtrack: Evil Gnomes by Pete Gough

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

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