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    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress You Can't Always Get What You Want in Dwarf Fortress

    Dwarf Fortress You Can't Always Get What You Want in Dwarf Fortress

    You Can't Always Get What You Want in Dwarf Fortress

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    A wet tile

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Here's one for you Kruggsmash fans (art by me, don't judge too harshly k thanks)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Unexpected DF vibes

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    "The ROTTEN Visitor" ;-;

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Roundtable Podcast has published Ep. 28: Inappropriate Game Mechanics and Adamantine Cheese Barrels

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Covid-19 prep

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    When prepping for the inevitable Covid-19, I was thinking the entire time, "how can I make this more dwarfy?"

    So I bought every Rubbermaid container in Target.

    I set up an alcohol wash waterfall that inundates everyone who enters my home, which then drains into the floor through a floor grate, where it is recycled with a wind powered pump.

    I have clear zone in my front patio where the UPS/Fedex/Mailman can drop off their packages, or the dude from Instacart can drop off the groceries, without entering the house.

    I took one of my bedrooms and separated it from the rest of the house, with a locked door, and put a rubbermaid container filled with thread.

    I started making roasts from carrots that I'm growing in my backyard and wine from the mushrooms I'm growing in my basement.

    I set up my idlers to making cloth surgical masks.

    For some reason I feel like chopping down all the trees in the yard, just in case.

    The one thing I'm missing is an anvil.

    submitted by /u/leftover-cocaine
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    Militia Captain vs Fortress killing spider

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Militia Captain vs Fortress killing spider

    For this fortress, I started by trying to reclaim a world gen dwarf fortress with a military squad. Things are going well enough, as I'm trying to build a farm in the under road area, when suddenly a find out a dwarf has been eaten by a giant spider. I don't think much of it, even though I still only have about 7 dwarves. I'm busy dealing with a caravan to get some supplies for the coming year. So, I send my three dwarf squad down there to handle it and return to the negotiation table. To my horror, one by one, they are webbed and ded. I sick the rest of my fortress on it in a last ditch effort...but they all fall to(who they named) Amazevigor the Crow of Stasis.

    I go and create a demigod dwarf adventurer and a wolf(wo)man sidekick to go hunt the beast down. After arriving at the fortress, bodies, and bits scattered everywhere, the two begin their search, sneaking all over the place. After a few days, they give up, but before they leave...something happens. My wolflady sidekick becomes webbed, and my report says she's being attacked by a spider! My demigod is but ten spaces away, and he sees no spider. He tries to help, but she is eventually eaten by the invisible spider. No amount of throwing objects or praying could defeat the unseen enemy as she kills the adventurers. I cry out in frustration and leave the game once more.

    A week later(today) I start another military band set to retake the place. Trying to pick up where they left off, I have the walls in the underground seal as best I can(not good enough), and keep a careful eye out. The only thing in the fortress is a random merchant constantly trying to ambush me, but ends up only loitering. I can only imagine he is one of the survivors from when my fortress originally fell.

    After two months, I give up on the spider and try to focus on why my dwarves can't seem to traverse from the middle of the fortress to the top without being commanded in the military and also trying to build a clean water supply. Suddenly, as I'm checking my reports, I see fighting. I flip down to the forges and see my Militia captain fighting Amazevigor! I immediately order all dwarves in the fort to aid her. They're nowhere, with the only person nearby being that "hostile" merchant, just watching the bloody brawl. The fights over in seconds...somehow, the spider lost!

    I looked into the battle report and...I'll be honest, I was shocked. She should have died. Bitten and paralyzed completely, but then she just, she just STANDS BACK UP! Multiple times! I'm going to share the battle report. This unbelievable battle...ended with a quote that just further rockets her badassness. Also, after the fight, she stumbles away leaving a trail of blood, then turns around and starts cleaning it up.


    \"I've been wounded. That's very annoying\"

    submitted by /u/Fral_Leman
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    The forgotten beast, Onethu the Frothy Sweat

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Latest news from Berstigil: My dwarves have captured two human necromancers. But how best to make use of them...

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Lazy newb pack for current build

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Is there a lazy newb pack for the current version of df?

    submitted by /u/CoolestDudeOne
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    Table inception

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Windstream - The first year of my new fortress

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Dwarf-to-job ratios

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Out of curiosity, how many dwarves do you have doing each job? Which jobs do you prioritise?

    submitted by /u/Nightbreezekitty
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    Trouble Running on Mac

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Hey, all. Trying to run DF on Mac (yeah, I know, but it's what I have) and running into a "permission denied" error

    In terminal I cd to my DF folder and run "sh df" or "sudo sh df" and receive the following error:

    dwarfhentais-MacBook-Pro:~ dwarfhentais$ cd /Users/dwarfhentais/Downloads/df_osx/

    dwarfhentais-MacBook-Pro:df_osx dwarfhentais$ sh df

    df: line 16: ./dwarfort.exe: Permission denied

    dwarfhentais-MacBook-Pro:df_osx dwarfhentais$ sudo sh df


    df: line 16: ./dwarfort.exe: Permission denied

    I've checked permissions and all are in the clear as far as I can tell. Could it be that someone chmod'd "dwarfort.exe"? If so, how do I un-chmod it? (I don't even know what that means, btw, but I found it mentioned on Google in a thread someone made about the same problem I'm having. The post was from like 8 years ago and was never resolved.)

    Any info would be greatly appreciated. I'm running latest OS X and have the latest build of DF from the official site. I'm hoping it's not an Apple being a dick thing where just because it's an .exe file it's not letting me run it. Thanks, all

    EDIT: I tried moving the folder to different directories where I can execute other terminal commands without permission issues for sure, like Documents or Desktop and it still isn't working.

    submitted by /u/hellotherehomogay
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