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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Plump Helmet Farmer

    Dwarf Fortress Plump Helmet Farmer

    Plump Helmet Farmer

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    This map shows the populations of all the life in the world. I don't know whether to be impressed or scared by the population number.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Known a few of these in my time, and they're always frightening

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    DFHack 0.47.04-r1 released

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Download here

    DFHack 0.47.04-r1

    New Scripts

    • color-schemes: manages color schemes
    • devel/print-event: prints the description of an event by ID or index
    • devel/sc: checks size of structures
    • devel/visualize-structure: displays the raw memory of a structure
    • gui/color-schemes: an in-game interface for color-schemes
    • light-aquifers-only: changes heavy aquifers to light aquifers
    • on-new-fortress: runs DFHack commands only in a new fortress
    • once-per-save: runs DFHack commands unless already run in the current save
    • resurrect-adv: brings your adventurer back to life
    • reveal-hidden-units: exposes all sneaking units
    • workorder: allows queuing manager jobs; smart about shear and milk creature jobs


    • Fixed a crash in find() for some types when no world is loaded
    • Fixed a crash when starting DFHack in headless mode with no terminal
    • Fixed translation of certain types of in-game names
    • autogems: fixed an issue with binned gems being ignored in linked stockpiles
    • catsplosion: fixed error when handling races with only one caste (e.g. harpies)
    • deep-embark:

      • prevented running in non-fortress modes
      • ensured that only the newest wagon is deconstructed
    • devel/visualize-structure: fixed padding detection for globals

    • exportlegends:

      • added UTF-8 encoding and XML escaping for more fields
      • added checking for unhandled structures to avoid generating invalid XML
      • fixed missing fields in history_event_assume_identityst export
    • full-heal:

      • when resurrected by specifying a corpse, units now appear at the location of the corpse rather than their location of death
      • resurrected units now have their tile occupancy set (and are placed in the prone position to facilitate this)
      • fixed issues with removing corpses
      • fixed resurrection for non-historical figures
    • spawnunit: fixed an error when forwarding some arguments but not a location to modtools/create-unit

    • stocks: fixed display of book titles

    • teleport: fixed setting new tile occupancy

    • tweak embark-profile-name: fixed handling of the native shift+space key

    Misc Improvements

    • Added "bit" suffix to downloads (e.g. 64-bit)
    • Tests:

      • moved from DF folder to hack/scripts folder, and disabled installation by default
      • made test runner script more flexible
    • deep-embark:

      • improved support for using directly from the DFHack console
      • added a -clear option to cancel
    • devel/export-dt-ini: updated some field names for DT for 0.47

    • devel/visualize-structure: added human-readable lengths to containers

    • dfhack-run: added color output support

    • embark-assistant:

      • updated embark aquifer info to show all aquifer kinds present
      • added neighbor display, including kobolds (SKULKING) and necro tower count
      • updated aquifer search criteria to handle the new variation
      • added search criteria for embark initial tree cover
      • added search criteria for necro tower count, neighbor civ count, and specific neighbors. Should handle additional entities, but not tested
    • exportlegends:

      • added evilness and force IDs to regions
      • added profession and weapon info to relevant entities
      • added support for many new history events in 0.47
      • added historical event relationships and supplementary data
      • made interaction export more robust and human-readable
      • removed empty <item_subtype> and <claims> tags
      • added identity information
      • added creature raw names and flags
    • full-heal:

      • made resurrection produce a historical event viewable in Legends mode
      • made error messages more explanatory
    • getplants: added switches for designations for farming seeds and for max number designated per plant

    • gui/prerelease-warning: updated links and information about nightly builds

    • install-info: added DFHack build ID to report

    • manipulator: added intrigue to displayed skills

    • modtools/create-item: added -matchingGloves and -matchingShoes arguments

    • modtools/create-unit:

      • added -duration argument to make the unit vanish after some time
      • added -locationRange argument to allow spawning in a random position within a defined area
      • added -locationType argument to specify the type of location to spawn in
      • added -equip option to equip created units
      • added -skills option to give skills to units
      • added -profession and -customProfession options to adjust unit professions
    • modtools/syndrome-trigger: enabled simultaneous use of -synclass and -syndrome

    • repeat: added -list option

    • search: added support for the fortress mode justice screen

    • dfhack.init-example: enabled autodump


    • Added Items::getBookTitle to get titles of books. Catches titles buried in improvements, unlike getDescription.


    • Added separate changelogs in the scripts and df-structures repos
    • Improved support for tagged unions, allowing tools to access union fields more safely
    • Moved reversing scripts to df_misc repo


    • pairs() now returns available class methods for DF types


    • Added an XML schema for validating df-structures syntax
    • Added globals: cur_rain, cur_rain_counter, cur_snow, cur_snow_counter, weathertimer, jobvalue, jobvalue_setter, interactitem, interactinvslot, handleannounce, preserveannounce, updatelightstate
    • Added divination_set_next_id and image_set_next_id globals
    • Dropped support for 0.44.12-0.47.02
    • abstract_building_type: added types (and subclasses) new to 0.47
    • activity_entry_type: new enum type
    • adventure_optionst: identified many vmethods
    • agreement_details_data_plot_sabotage: new struct type, along with related agreement_details_type.PlotSabotage
    • agreement_details_type: added enum
    • agreement_details:

      • identified most fields of most sub-structs
      • added struct type (and many associated data types)
    • agreement_party: added struct type

    • announcement_type: added types new to 0.47

    • architectural_element: new enum

    • artifact_claim_type: added enum

    • artifact_claim:

      • identified several fields
      • added struct type
    • artifact_record: identified several fields

    • battlefield: new struct type

    • breath_attack_type: added SHARP_ROCK

    • breed: new struct type

    • building_offering_placest: new class

    • building_type: added OfferingPlace

    • caste_raw_flags:

      • renamed and identified many flags to match information from Toady
      • renamed many items to match DF names
    • creature_handler: identified vmethods

    • creature_interaction_effect: added subclasses new to 0.47

    • creature_raw_flags:

      • renamed and identified many flags to match information from Toady
      • renamed many items to match DF names
      • identified several more items
    • crime_type: new enum type

    • crime: removed fields of reports that are no longer present

    • dfhack_room_quality_level: added enum attributes for names of rooms of each quality

    • d_init: added settings new to 0.47

    • entity_name_type: added MERCHANT_COMPANY, CRAFT_GUILD

    • entity_position_responsibility: added values new to 0.47

    • entity_site_link_type: new enum type

    • export_map_type: new enum type

    • fortress_type: added enum

    • general_ref_type: added UNIT_INTERROGATEE

    • ghost_type: added None value

    • goal_type: added goals types new to 0.47

    • histfig_site_link: added subclasses new to 0.47

    • historical_entity.flags: identified several flags

    • historical_entity.relations: renamed from unknown1b and identified several fields

    • historical_figure.vague_relationships: identified

    • historical_figure_info.known_info: renamed from secret, identified some fields

    • historical_figure: renamed unit_id2 to nemesis_id

    • history_event_circumstance_info: new struct type (and changed several history_event subclasses to use this)

    • history_event_collection: added subtypes new to 0.47

    • history_event_context:

      • identified fields
      • added lots of new fields
    • history_event_reason_info: new struct type (and changed several history_event subclasses to use this)

    • history_event_reason:

      • added items new to 0.47
      • added captions for all items
    • history_event_type: added types for events new to 0.47, as well as corresponding history_event subclasses (too many to list here)

    • honors_type:

      • identified several fields
      • added struct type
    • identity_type: new enum

    • identity: renamed civ to entity_id, identified type

    • image_set: new struct type

    • interaction_effect_create_itemst: new struct type

    • interaction_effect_summon_unitst: new struct type

    • interaction_effect: added subtypes new to 0.47

    • interaction_source_experimentst: added class type

    • interaction_source_usage_hint: added values new to 0.47

    • interface_key: added items for keys new to 0.47

    • interrogation_report: new struct type

    • itemdef_flags: new enum, with GENERATED flag

    • item: identified several vmethods

    • job_skill: added INTRIGUE, RIDING

    • justification: new enum

    • lair_type: added enum

    • layer_type: new enum type

    • lever_target_type: identified LeverMechanism and TargetMechanism values

    • monument_type: added enum

    • next_global_id: added enum

    • plant.damage_flags: added is_dead

    • plot_role_type: new enum type

    • plot_strategy_type: new enum type

    • poetic_form_action: added Beseech

    • region_weather: new struct type

    • relationship_event_supplement: new struct type

    • relationship_event: new struct type

    • setup_character_info: expanded significantly in 0.47

    • specific_ref: moved union data to data field

    • squad_order_cause_trouble_for_entityst: identified fields

    • text_system: added layout for struct

    • tile_occupancy: added varied_heavy_aquifer

    • tool_uses: added items: PLACE_OFFERING, DIVINATION, GAMES_OF_CHANCE

    • ui_look_list: moved union fields to data and renamed to match type enum

    • ui_sidebar_menus.location: added new profession-related fields, renamed and fixed types of deity-related fields

    • ui_sidebar_mode: added ZonesLocationInfo

    • unit_action: rearranged as tagged union with new sub-types; existing code should be compatible

    • unit_thought_type: added several new thought types

    • vague_relationship_type: new enum type

    • vermin_flags: identified is_roaming_colony

    • viewscreen_counterintelligencest: new class (only layout identified so far)

    • viewscreen_justicest: identified interrogation-related fields

    • viewscreen_workquota_detailsst: identified fields

    • world_data.field_battles: identified and named several fields

    submitted by /u/lethosor
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    Sometimes they're not so bad... tame, even

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Clowning around

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Ey my first post woo-hoo(AKA: I have no idea what I'm doing), ok down to business. I love messing around with dwarf fortress and sometimes my experiments are a success and sometimes they are a crashy buggy mess (I use the LNP). Everyone is doing "fun" stuff with necromancers (and I did some of that too) but todays experiment will be DEMONS! Can they be civilized? u/AtTheFinComrade made a post about getting a friendly demon by... liberating it from a human civ that captured it, and with friendly building destroyers no longer having the need to flatten everything they see. I knew now was the time to try to get some real demon citizens. Lets say that we got two of these demons, a male and female. Would they be able to have children? Would the world be able to stand against my demon family army? All these questions and more Have to be answered, in the name of !!SCIENCE!!! So I dove into what I can only describe as world gen hell. It took soooo long to gen a world that has M and F demon of the same species that are still alive, don't have some kind of fire/gas/dust attack that makes them to dangerous to use in a fort (webs would have been cool though) and have the correct orientation (also I found that wg LOVES to make lizard demons). I set out with some adventurers and to summarize (because that adventure is worthy of a book series by itself) I geared up, trained, had some necro fun by gathering almost all of the necro slabs in the world (thank you legends viewer), fighting in a war, getting 2 specific demon slabs from 2 vaults (thank you legends viewer x2), getting those 2 demons and bringing them to my fort (I used dfhack to get them to settle, they were "Hostile" otherwise. sorry vanilla purists but I wanted to get this done within the next 1000 years). I then locked them in a small room designated as a tavern and soon they were married. First comes love.

    Then comes marriage

    Then comes the baby in the baby carriage

    Family picture

    One child praying (right) and one reading (left)


    From one of the jackal demon children...

    Insert buzz lightyear hmmmmm

    Well... to each their own I guess... Anyways, next, WORLD DOMINATION MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Nobody-Particular
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    [47.04] ZM5's Modpack - Hero Update

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Hey, figured I'd make a larger post rather than only the link, considering this is a fairly large update. Download links will be at the bottom.

    I've released the Hero update that I've been working on for quite a while - adds castes to almost every single civilized Warcraft race, representing different caster and hero units from WC3 as well as some notable WoW npcs/bosses (ones that were feasible anyway) - i.e Draenei having Vindicators and Anchorites, Orcs having Shamans, Blood Elves having Blood Magi, Spellbreakers, Priests, Sorceresses and Blood Knights, or Night Elves having Demon Hunters/Huntresses, Druids of the Claw/Talon/Moon/Wild, Wardens or Archdruids (Malfurion stand-ins). Same goes for the Warcraft addons, i.e Hill Dwarves having Shamans, Chaos Orcs having Warlocks, Stormwindians having Paladins that emulate WC3's Paladin heroes, etc. etc.

    Wild races like the Makrura also got casters, and some wild animals also have alternate castes now (i.e Felhounds have a basic Felhound caste as the baseline type, and Fel Ravagers as a stronger variant using the Reforged model as a base).

    Lastly, there's two potential dark pit civ rulers - Fallen Titans (Sargeras stand-ins) and Helqueens (Helya stand-ins) - they're about as powerful as you'd expect.

    I've done a small update to the Dragon's Dogma side of the pack as well - basic Undead from DD as a hostile civ (alongside the Stout Undead as a caste called "Burly Undead"), Pawns as potential companions you can get from rolling the dice well (with different castes themselves that have different abilities and skill learning rates), or skeleton warriors that may appear at night in some savage regions (with different variants - regular skeletons, fighters, mages and heavily armored skeleton lords) - Death also stalks the caverns, as a rare but highly deadly encounter.

    Mythological side of the pack only got a Tarasque megabeast, more of the original folklore "six-legged part-tortoise part-lion part-dragon with a scorpion's tail" type than the DND one.

    That's it for now - here's the download links (addons require the main pack to work):

    Main Pack

    Kingdoms of Humanity addon

    Five Dragonflights addon

    Warcraft Derivatives addon

    Additional Kombatants addon

    I've also done very minor sneak updates to the Diablo mod, the Horror mod, and Darkest Dungeon mod, so now the music changes from those are included in their raws-only versions. Same goes for this mod.

    Make sure to remove the creature_wc_unique_playable_allies_zm5.txt file if you used older versions of this, the creatures from it have all been moved to the derivatives pack.

    Hope you guys enjoy this, took forever and a half to actually do all this.

    submitted by /u/DMaximus5
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    Requesting donation of a deep-delving fortress save file for my D&D campaign

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    My D&D players are getting into their end-game. One of them is a dwarf from an ancient hold, Lamduthnerholdt. This was a highly prosperous and advanced city that dug too deep (dwarves amirite) and unleashed an ancient evil upon itself. That evil is nothing like the demons beneath Dwarf Fortress, this is more Darkest Dungeon stuff, but that's okay. It maddened and mutated the dwarves. A minority retreated to the upper reaches of the city and magically sealed the rest off. It's been millennia since, but the seal is weakening and so our heroes are delving into it.

    I can make a generic nonsense dungeon, but it'd be awesome to have one that is actually functional and diverse, that has all the stuff that comes from dwarves living industrially (to fill the rooms).

    Has anyone got a save file they're willing to donate? :)

    submitted by /u/NobbynobLittlun
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    What's the most potato system you've managed to run dwarf fortress on?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Yes, I know that there are technically minimum hardware/system requirements, but curiosity makes me wonder what you all have gotten the game to run on and not crap on you early.

    I'll go first.

    HP Stream x360 Convertible PC11

    2.16Ghz Intel Celeron N2840

    2gb RAM

    not only that, but running the game directly 0ff of an SD flash card because there is not enough enough spaceon the hard drive of the pc

    It works well so far. Running vanilla with 50 dwarf cap, 3x3 embark, currently at 55 due to citizen monster slayers monster. May have to limit visitors. It MIGHT be slower? If it is I can;'t fully tell. gonna see how far I can get.

    What potatoes have you played dwarf fortress on? Super curious

    I'd like to ask another question. Why? I'll go again first.

    Now I can sit on the bed with my girlfriend and play with her for fun as she learns on her laptop (Much Beefier than mine). I wanted to not be tied to my pc.. I have a feeling it will FPS death before TOO much longer but it's enough that I'm happy while having nerd bonding time with my girlfriend while watching kruggsmash.

    What's your best Potato DF rig and why did you use it?

    Note: "Only thing you can afford" is a completely valid reason and I hope that no one will pick on you for that. That is genuinely not my goall to happen for instance, this little hp netbook was all I could afford for a laptop myself. by afford, I mean I'm broke and my girlfriend game me this one (She upgraded)

    submitted by /u/Rashernvideo
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