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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Original artwork - Goblin

    Dwarf Fortress Original artwork - Goblin

    Original artwork - Goblin

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    This might be a rough neighborhood.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    (Bug) Cursor resets to center of screen after pressing any key.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Using the lazy newb pack most recent release, this also used to happen on my laptop as well which was just an older version of base df, no lnp.

    Edit: fullscreen mode is the cause.

    submitted by /u/Fungo420
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    I do not understand stockpiles...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I do not understand stockpiles...

    I have a toy stockpile in my dormitory:

    Toys sitting next to stockpile

    Notice that I have a bin in the stockpile and two toys sitting next to it. The stockpile's settings are toys only:

    Just toys enabled, everything else off

    I have no other stockpiles with toys turned on, but many toys are currently in bins of stockpiles that previously had toys enabled. My goal was to flush them out into this one so my infants stop playing in general stockpiles.

    To help in that process, I took a hint from a bug report and built three pedestals right next to the new toy stockpile and mounted three toys on them. This worked. Then I removed the pedestals and two things happened:

    • One of the toys fell onto the stockpile and a dwarf dutifully came by, picked it up and brought it to a craftdwarf workshop!
    • The other two toys fell on the floor and have remained untouched.


    I tried setting the stockpile to "take from workshop" on my new craft workshops and that changed nothing.

    Edit: Note I am using Dwarf Fortress 0.47.04 via PeridexisErrant's Starter Pack 0.47.04-r03 and have workflow and autolabor enabled.

    submitted by /u/Tyler_Zoro
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    Original Artwork - Goblin Slayer hears you've got plenty of goblin quests here

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I came across refugees from my old fort as an adventurer. They're not doing so hot.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    excellent start

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Central dininghall / corridor

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    Going to be starting a new fortress, and am thinking about making a huge tavern, and everything else directly connected to force 100% of travel through it. For max socialization/happiness.

    Does anyone have experience with such a design? tips&tricks?

    submitted by /u/Gitzo-Gutface
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    Live Out Your Dwarfy Days Hobbit Style!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT


    Hi guys, so since we've been stuck inside I have gotten abit of time to update my smoking mod abit.

    Now works with any 0.47 version (I have older versions too).


    Tobacco version, which lets you harvest tobacco and roll cigars at a special workbench.

    Weed version, essentially the same thing with a few different strains of weed.

    The weed does get the dwarves high and the tobacco has a few mild effects too.

    You can actually see the smoke when they smoke and smoke can also effect nearby dwarves.

    All the info is on the Bay12 website at this link http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14199

    Would really like some feedback as to whether I should finish this and customise it more or should I use my time to work on something else?

    Its a very small mod and doesn't effect gameplay that much, just something fun for the background and roleplay I guess

    Above pictured is an example of some dwarves chillen' out smoking a few blunts after a hard day of dwarfing.

    submitted by /u/Injoker666
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    hello everyone! a new DF player here, i built my fortress and would like to get some feedback on how to improve the design or just looks. under ground is my main hall btw. could i get some advice on how to get my military working and training properly? thanks

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    My first wereskink attack.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    My first wereskink attack.

    So, it finally happened. My first introduction to the beautiful and brutal nature of this game. This is my 4th fort, the last 3 I just restarted because of a bunch of reasons.

    Anyway, I am in the process of getting my military up (pumping out steel) when I was notified of the wereskink. At this point, I sort of panicked, as it was 12am and I was just about to press save. I decided to deal with it then, and I quickly searched how to use the burrow.

    Boy... if games could give you nightmares, this one can. The wereskink went after a happy dwarven child playing just outside my base. Unfortunately, this child wasn't fast enough. At this point, several dwarves started to run into the base (I didn't know I had that many outside at once, I should probably check why that happened for next time). This child fought back to the best of it's abilities, but they were no match for the werebeast. For whatever reason, the wereskink loved to grab the child by the fingers and toes and throw them, not quite sure why.

    A hero ranger came charging in to try and save the child, but they were overpowered and killed. This encounter taught me a few things, and I am going to be ready for the next time something damned happens.

    RIP :

    Stinthad Urvadmelbil, Ranger

    Udib Litastast, Dwarven Child

    Tobul Atzulineth, Cat (Tame)

    Stray Yak Cow (Tame)

    Stray Yak Bull (Tame)


    submitted by /u/Lordoge04
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