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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I'm no Kruggsmash but I took a shot at recreating Moldath the Necromancer with a limited colour pallette

    Dwarf Fortress I'm no Kruggsmash but I took a shot at recreating Moldath the Necromancer with a limited colour pallette

    I'm no Kruggsmash but I took a shot at recreating Moldath the Necromancer with a limited colour pallette

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I threw a fly at my pet dog.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I know throwing in DF is strong but... it was just a fly, a live fly. ''it'll just fly away" i thought to myself. "My doggy will just eat it" I thought. No.

    I was carving up some masterpiece bone earrings for myself when i noticed i could pick up a fly; it was probably buzzing around the meat or after some of that juicy fat laced with water.

    Well, i threw it at the damn pup and it bruised his right front paw. Ahhh crap, how strong can i be to bruise a dog with a fly? Well, 'high strength' according to my stats, so maybe i am not that strong.

    The poor doggy whimpered away. Sorry. I followed him; i wanted to make sure he was ok. Ahh he seemed fine, just a bruise.

    The only tiny little thing was that my trusty donkey companion saw all this. She decided that my fly-throwing move was obviously a slight against the dammed pup. She knew that muscular dog was not welcome anymore.

    Jeeez that donkey has a nasty bite... poor pup. Ah well, good training. War donkey it is then!

    submitted by /u/oscarBrownbread
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    The tale of Titans and goblins

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    For context this was my third fort in this world and while not my first rodeo with Dwarf fortress it has been my most exciting fortress so far and my first goblin seige. I hope you enjoy.

    My fortress was going extremely better than any fortress I had done before I was nearing 100 Citizens of my little underground fort. So (maybe a little later than I probably should have) I started up a basic millitary and had them train and just a week or 2 later a Humaniod titan made of coral had stumbled onto my fortress.

    A big portion of my citizens were outside hauling wood I had thought about just leaving them but decided against it and sent out my untrained Squad. To my shock they had managed to kill it with only 3 farm animals killed.

    Well that was not the only challenge my fort faced soon after the Titan had come my first goblin seige a few months later. While this had my attention many of my citizens made their way under ground to safety but at that moment I saw my mistake there was holes in my farm and seed stockpile so I had to pull out of there and properly seal the fort underground.

    While the seige razed and mudered anything living out side my dwarves had enough alcohol for 10 years but not nearly enough food. So the militia captin planned a daring raid to get the grown crops. This mission was successful with only one dwarf going into a depression.

    Then as my dwarves were satisfied they could hear thoundours tremors as a second Humaniod Titan had appeared and did battle with the goblin horde but only killed a few goblins before being over ran. An anticlimactic end to this story the seige just left and everything returned to normal.

    Thank you for reading have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Kasier_Stalin
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    you'd think they'd eventually run out of stuff to pillage

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    It has happened.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I took the leap last night and started following the wiki, and damn I'm enjoying it. Honestly, the only concern I have is just how tf I'm going to remember this all, there is so much you have to do.

    I've gotten pretty far, just searching for ores right now. I sort of fucked up with the whole trader thing, I didn't get any goods to sell in time so they sort of just sat there, but I'll get it next time.

    I have been looking at the game for quite some time now, but I've only just properly played it after too long. It is quite similar to rimworld, but oh boy it's a lot more. I've found myself unable to create a story in my head because I am laser focused on making sure everything is okay, so I hope with time I'll open up to it.

    Anyway, that's a ramble. Pretty good game, I haven't died yet!

    submitted by /u/Lordoge04
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    [Stream] Helping new players and picking fights with neighboring civs! Bootships ~ 3-4 hours long

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

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