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    Thursday, March 5, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress When you get one of your starting seven killed breaching the aquifer but find a way to bypass it a minute later

    Dwarf Fortress When you get one of your starting seven killed breaching the aquifer but find a way to bypass it a minute later

    When you get one of your starting seven killed breaching the aquifer but find a way to bypass it a minute later

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PST

    [Kruggsmash] Kruggsmash Draws & Q+A

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:01 AM PST

    Not sure if this is common knowledge, but I've had much more luck getting my marksdwarves to train consistently and concurrently by making every archery target a single-tile-wide range. In this case I built walls flanking each target before creating the range, then dismantled the walls.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:03 PM PST

    This is the worst possible world i could have generated

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PST

    When ur dwarfs wants to be humans.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:58 AM PST

    I was going through legends and made some of the first works of literary art of my world

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I may do some more of these later, its kinda funny applying to the poetic forms it gives

    The first poets and musicians were goblins.

    We See Seers

    A serious poem written by the goblin Song Ghoulmasters.

    We see seers to divine why

    What answer gives gods that die?

    The Typhoon of Scrapes, Poetic Form

    The Typhoon of Scrapes is a poetic form concerning war, originating in The Fed Curses. The rules of the form are applied by poets to produce individual poems which can be recited. The poem is a single couplet. Use of juxtaposition is characteristic of the form. Forms of parallelism are common throughout the poem, in that certain lines often contrast underlying meaning and they have similar grammatical structures. Each line has six syllables. Every line of the poem has an initial caesura. The first line is dramatic and intended to express grief over the subject of the poem. The second line is a riddle and intended to refuse consolation.

    We See Hays

    A musical composition written by the goblin Bosa Blackcontrol.

    The Lilac of Smiling, Musical Form

    (1st Verse)

    We see hays

    Ahead in the dark

    Ahead ahead

    Ahead in the dark

    We see hays


    We see hays

    We light the stack

    Time to pillage

    In the smoke and haze.

    (Bridge Instrumental)

    (Second Chorus)

    We see hays

    We light the stack

    Time to pillage

    In the smoke and haze.

    (Second Verse)

    We see ash

    We take our stolen

    Plunder back

    The Lilac of Smiling is a form of music used for entertainment originating in The Crazy Evils. The rules of the form are applied by composers to produce individual pieces of music which can be performed. The music is played on three spodsta. The entire performance is to be very soft. The melody has short phrases throughout the form. Only one pitch is ever played at a time. It is performed in free rhythm.

    Each spodsta always does the main melody and should be melancholic.

    The Lilac of Smiling has a well-defined multi-passage structure: a verse and a chorus all repeated one times, a brief bridge-passage, a chorus and a verse and a coda.

    The first verse is moderately paced. The passage is performed using the abo scale. The passage should be composed and performed using glides.

    The first chorus accelerates as it proceeds. The passage is performed using the ogo scale.

    The bridge-passage is very slow. The passage is performed using the ngub scale.

    The second chorus is very slow. The passage is performed using the xenmu scale. The passage should be composed and performed using glides.

    The second verse is slow. The passage is performed using the lasm scale. The passage should be composed and performed using glides.

    The coda accelerates as it proceeds. The passage is performed using the abo scale. The passage should be composed and performed using glides.

    Scales are constructed from twelve notes dividing the octave. In quartertones, their spacing is roughly 1-x-x-x-x--x-xx--x-x-x-xO, where 1 is the tonic, O marks the octave and x marks other notes. The tonic note is fixed only at the time of performance. Every note is named. The names are asmuk (spoken as), ok (ok), slulasp (slu), ozse (oz), sasne (sa), odu (od), nuklat (nu), ost (ost), urdu (urd), usmdas (us), uto (ut) and nol (no).

    The abo pentatonic scale is constructed by selection of degrees from the fundamental scale. The degrees selected are the 1st, the 2nd, the 6th, the 8th and the 9th.

    The ogo pentatonic scale is constructed by selection of degrees from the fundamental scale. The degrees selected are the 1st, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th and the 9th.

    The ngub heptatonic scale is constructed by selection of degrees from the fundamental scale. The degrees selected are the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 6th and the 9th.

    The xenmu heptatonic scale is constructed by selection of degrees from the fundamental scale. The degrees selected are the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 6th and the 7th.

    The lasm heptatonic scale is constructed by selection of degrees from the fundamental scale. The degrees selected are the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the 6th and the 8th.

    First Human Poetry

    Grotto And the Unbridled Show

    A poem written by the human Ilosp Matchedwashed.

    And then Ilosp, rider greet he the stream's head - grotto of shade grotto of calm

    Where a herd of wild horse, unbridled show - abrubtly... gallop away.

    The Knowing Petal, Poetic Form

    The Knowing Petal is a poetic narrative concerning a historical figure, originating in The Union of Showers. The rules of the form are applied by poets to produce individual poems which can be recited. The poem is a single couplet. Each line has five feet with an accent pattern of unstressed-unstressed-stressed (qualitative anapaestic pentameter). The first line is intended to make an assertion. The second line is intended to undercut the previous assertion.

    submitted by /u/Walpurgisknight
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    FUN. Loyalty cascade + Necromancer citizens, a recipe for disaster. Survivors cleaned up by walking corpses

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Last week, we lost a loads of dwarves in an undead siege, surely nothing else can go wrong. Join us on Twitch at 7.30pm GMT (Just under 4 hours after post.)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PST

    i always envy the werebeasts for their fighting skills

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Fell moods during world gen can lead to interesting results

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PST

    I was wading through the legends in a newly generated necromancer-infested world, looking to find out how the necromancer situation got out of hands so badly, with 100 towers and some 1300 necromancers, but I came across something more interesting instead.

    When I was looking at the leaders of the various civilisations, I found Ummu Faintcave the Shady. He was a rhinoceros devil, founder and initial ruler of The Kindled Dungeons, one of the goblin civilisations. Not much of interest about him, apart from his death: He was killed in 329, by a dwarf called Adil Ivorylashed. I noticed that Adil was rather young, only 14, when she killed Ummu, so I was curious how she would have achieved that.

    Apparently, Adil, who was kidnapped when she was one year old and grew up with the goblins, was taken by a fell mood one day, grabbed the master of this goblin civilisation, butchered him and made an earring out of his bones.

    What a way to go... I knew strange moods happened during world gen, but I didn't realise they can target any historical figure.

    submitted by /u/Nilsolm
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    Now this is strange

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PST

    "Hush, Urist. The Queen must never know, lest she'll have our heads. And if anyone asks why we're importing so much garnierite, just tell them it's for cages."

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Fun with Loyalty Cascades

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Abbeytreasures, 138: Year of the Captain's Betrayal

    Disclaimer: (spoiler) some of these names have been lost to history temporarily, as the fortress is ongoing, and the specific numbers of losses are estimates which might change as the hospital struggles to stitch everyone back together.

    The incident: an unidentified Urist Metalsmith, dismayed at his lot in life, threw a tantrum in the tavern, and, acting swiftly, another citizen reported him to the King, Tor, for his crimes. Justice was swift: a Swordmaster soon thrashed him where he stood in the tavern.

    The events of four years ago came to the minds of several bystanders. Another Smith had been locked in his quarters and isolated due to his mood, and left alone to eventually starve to death. The other citizens had looked upon this and shuddered, knowing that this was not an isolated incident. This changed, however, when screams of rage emanated from within his chambers. The mayor wisely recognized that he was now fully lost to his rage, and if left alone could potentially damage his masterpiece quality furniture, which would dismay the creators of his bed and cabinet. The Guard were dispatched to unlock his door and deal with him as they saw fit.

    Unbeknownst to the Captain of the Guard, an Axe Lord, the two Speardwarves who accompanied him were kin to the Dwarf in question, and when he struck the raging Dwarf's head from his shoulders, he was beset by his compatriots. Luckily, he far outclassed the assailants, and in two more strokes stood bloody and alone in the hall, unharmed. The violence spread no further than this, but some citizens remarked behind closed doors how ready the soldiery were to turn on even close allies.

    Seeing this Urist beaten publicly, such that he may never stand unaided again, a number of onlookers descended upon the Swordmaster. She was surprised at this, and only her finely tuned reflexes saved her from being overwhelmed in the first instants. Those same reflexes, however, triggered her to enter into a martial trance, and in seconds her steel had cut through the necks of many citizens.

    Those citizens were not alone, however. Soon, many others came to the tavern, joining the slaughter. The Swordmaster was joined by her own squad, the Fortress Guard, and the Militia, recently returned from raiding a Dark Goblin Fortress. However, the king had that month officiated a new squad, and, while the details are murky, it seems that this squad may have turned against the more veteran squads.

    It was a violent two day riot. Heads were hewn, necks were throttled, socks were torn. The King advised that any who could ought to lock their doors and stay inside, before he himself was beaten by the crowd and forced to retire to the hospital.

    All the while, miles below the main fortress, the Adamantine Miners were safe from the conflict, locked to their task by an electrum drawbridge.

    At the end of it all, some 50 or more citizens were lost. Of them, at least three children and babies were slain, and the Fortress Guard was severely depleted, including the Captain of the Guard. The crisis ran its course, but Abbeytreasures remained at the end of it all. Edit: it's to its

    submitted by /u/rumbletiltskin
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    New player looking for graphics set to use

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PST

    I just downloaded the game and tried playing around a bit, but the graphics are not that easy to undestand for me and I'm look for a graphics pack that is compatible with newer versions(preferably 0.47.04).

    Can you guys recommend me something?

    submitted by /u/Max_G04
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