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    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress My solo hammerdwarf swam across the ocean to raid a tower and single handedly struck down a necromancer

    Dwarf Fortress My solo hammerdwarf swam across the ocean to raid a tower and single handedly struck down a necromancer

    My solo hammerdwarf swam across the ocean to raid a tower and single handedly struck down a necromancer

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Call me weird but this made my day.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:17 AM PST

    I just watched a religious war start!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:47 PM PST

    I just watched a religious war start!

    I walked into a monastery (at least I think that's what it was), and saw a ton of people standing around talking. I didn't think much of it, so I started to walk around and explore the building. It was pretty small, but I found a tiny downstairs area and explored it for a few seconds. I walk back up, and see a bloodbath, with people sprinting out the door to escape; total chaos.

    The aftermath

    I had no idea what happened in the short time that I was downstairs, but I wanted to find out. I looked back in the announcements, and realized that a crusade just started between two religious groups, the Sacred Glee and the Exalted Consideration.




    submitted by /u/flber
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    As soon as I granted him residence, this visitor went to teach my dwarves some exotic mining techniques. This is how you get citizenship.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Necromancers are out of control in this world

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PST

    World of Convenience Succession Fort(vanilla)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Hey, I just started up a new succession fort. The idea is you download the save and just play in one sitting, and reupload as soon as you're done so the world is constantly in play. Strictly vanilla game to avoid errors during save transfers.
    If you're interested, here's the link

    submitted by /u/AdvonKoulthar
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    Keeping it together--100k stress and still not having a tantrum

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:18 PM PST

    Your favorite example(s) of the detailed story.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I've been getting into DF (still mostly reading the Wiki and watching videos in between playing) and the story's detail and depth is staggering.

    What is your favorite example of how far the detail/story goes? Some insanely detailed origin story about a creature? Relationship mechanics causing events? Some seemingly meaningless detail you caught? Etc.

    submitted by /u/Tankspanker
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    Armok 4.0: The Unstoppable Armok

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PST

    LINK: http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14290

    The Playable Armok mod is back, with even more features for the God of Blood, taking advantage of the 0.47 update's additions in magic. The other heroes included also have updated powers!

    Take control of the God of Blood (or other superpowered/divine creatures) in Adventure Mode, using your absolute power to bend the world to your whim, for good, fun, or absolute chaos. You may also retire your Divine adventurer at your fortress, and take the position of overseer while watching an all-powerful being help (and harm) your fortress with incredible displays of power.

    You can view the old features of Armok and the other heroes in the previous version's post. It contains detailed information about Armok and other hero's powers. I'll list Armok's previous features after his new features; but for the old features of other heroes see the old post.


    - Divine powers! The 0.47 update gave shrines the ability to bestow various blessings and curses. Armok has access to those powers, with his own unique twist:

    1. Angel Summons: The most versatile new power in our Arch-God's arsenal. You can summon two different angel-class characters, a Toady One and an Angel of Armok. Both are composed of pure slade, and are thus incredible durable and hard hitting, capable of sending enemies sailing across the room in several pieces. They also have maxed attributes, naturally legendary skills, and the full divine immunity to traps, suffocation, stunning, nausea, fear, dizziness, emotion, hunger, thirst, fatigue, paralysis, fevers, dragonfire, and webs. The Toady One is a large, sentient toad made of pure slade, about the size of a Giant Cave Toad. They can't fly, but their large size make them good mooks to occupy the opponent, and they are nigh unstoppable. The Angel of Armok is a humanoid being made of pure slade, the same size as a human but much more powerful. They are essentially mini-Armoks without powers, but their ability to fly makes them extremely versatile. Combined with their super-strength, invulnerability, and maxed skills, a single Angel can easily clear a vault on its own.
    2. Polymorph Curse: Can curse enemies into becoming a random animal.
    3. Berserk Curse: Turns creature berserk; said creature will attack everyone and anything indiscriminately; except creatures of the same race under the effect of the same curse. Good for turning peaceful scenes into absolute bloodbaths.
    4. Summon Slade Maul: Drop the hammer! You can now summon an artifact-quality slade maul, perfect for bashing opponents across the room. You may keep it for yourself or bestow it upon whomever you wish; some dwarves may have a hard time using it do to its size, but humans can use it no problem.
    5. Force Push: Naturally, this new, very powerful ability originally given to Undead Lieutenants is available to our Arch-God, complete with a more powerful form. The propel target ability is the same one lieutenants have, and will send humanoid enemies flying a good distance; large creatures like forgotten beasts, clowns, and bronze colossi can weather it. The launch target ability is 1000 times more powerful, and will not only send humans flying, but will also toss the aforementioned megabeasts, clowns, and forgotten beasts across the room like leaves in the wind.
    6. Healing Blessing: Armok has access to the new healing blessing; he can bestow it on himself or to others. This blessing will heal every affliction, to the point of completely regrowing limbs and repairing normally unrepairable injuries. Combined with the invulnerability and natural healing factor, this makes Armok unkillable by anything in the game, including another Armok.

    Armok also retains his old features:

    1. Nigh invulnerable (with this update, functional invulnerability)
    2. Humanoid with a mouth and a tongue
    3. Able to see 360 degrees without eyes (extravision)
    4. No need to breathe, no nausea, pain, or dizziness
    5. Doesn't get exerted, hungry, thirsty, or tired, and has no gender.
    6. Immune to paralysis, webs, and extreme temperatures (including dragonfire).
    7. Non-living (Undead won't attack by default)
    8. Ageless (functionally immortal)
    9. Level 2 building destroyer, so you can break down the doors, although this only important in Fortress Mode since all adventurers can bash down doors. You can open doors like a normal God otherwise.
    10. Able to fly, crawl, swim, and run at 1 tile/tick, fastest possible speed in the game.
    11. Default legendary skill in everything. Due to a glitch, natural skills don't show up in adventure mode (may have been fixed; still broken for me, but Toady claims he fixed it), but there's a DFHack script to fix it. Of course, you could always just make all of your skills legendary with DFHack anyway.
    12. Able to breathe !!DRAGONFIRE!! and hurl !!FIREBALLS!!
    13. 3 attacks; the tap (a blunt attack that tends to pulp and send enemies flying), the poke (turn your hand into a spear and skewer enemies), and the brand (sucks blood out of enemies, but has the propensity to sever stuff due to Armok's size).
    14. Maxed out physical and mental attributes by default (except empathy and musicality). Thus, a superhumanly strong Armok created in adventure mode is beyond the Archgodly standard, more powerful than any supreme being, while a standard, average-strength Armok is still vastly stronger than even the strongest dwarf.
    15. Armok is the largest possible size a creature can be, and is made of pure slade. This makes his strength level unimaginable. He can wrestle with giant sperm whales, and a mere touch from him will send anything flying, including demons! It also means pretty much nothing can move him, outwrestle him, or send him flying; only another Armok can harm him. And for anything that does manage to harm him, he's got an accelerated healing factor to close the wound in minutes.
    16. Armok is Fanciful/Supernatural; the former meaning Armok will be considered the stuff of legends, and the latter meaning Armok cannot be cursed by any deities (they are lesser than him anyway), and he commands the powers of his respective spheres (see #18).
    17. Armok now is immune to traps. His size also means he's immune to Dwarven Atom Smashing, as bridges will break over his head.
    18. Armok is a "power" and rules over the spheres of chaos, creation, death, fortresses, rulership, strength, war, and volcanoes. If there are any secrets/powers under those spheres, Armok will automatically know them if applicable. By default, only death has a secret/power (Immortality/Animating Corpses), but any secrets you mod in under those spheres will be usable by Armok. Unfortunately, Armok doesn't get the ability to animate corpses, as he is immortal by default and therefore doesn't need the secrets of life and death. You'll still be able to deal plenty of destruction, however.
    19. Acid Spit
    20. Fire up to 20 slade boulders in a single tick, which strike with the force of a cannonball.
    21. Freeze Breath: breathe a super-cool liquid, dealing frostbite and certain death within a few in-game minutes.

    The Armok Civilization is still extremely unbalanced, and doesn't actually work; somehow the GLACIER environment tag got broken, so the game doesn't know where to place the Armok Civ (it used to place it on glaciers). In any case, it would still spawn in a bunch of murderous Gods with no sense of heirarchy, breaking lore and balance. I'm considering removing the civ in the next update.

    I AM STILL LOOKING FOR MORE WAYS FOR INTERACTION IN FORTRESS MODE. It would be cool if Armok would turn those who displeased him into goats, or randomly cast his berserk curse at someone he dislikes and cause mayhem at your Fortress; however, I know of no way to implement this. LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE IDEAS IN THIS REGARD!

    Changes to other heroes:

    - Wolverine: Now has access to the healing power, and can regrow lost limbs and regenerate scarred tissue.

    - Maiar: Have access to more spells, acting as an anti-lieutenant. In addition to fireballs, they can heal others and themselves (which takes more of a toll than Armok and Wolverine), launch humanoids, and raise fogs cast by Lieutenants.

    Have fun!

    submitted by /u/interfederational
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    6 yo IRL World (Anenu Onori) ADVENTURE - The perfect party, 15 Trolls (I'm a Goblin)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Steam Community Update 4 March 2020: "Necromancer experiments are potential citizens"

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:26 AM PST


    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PST

    What have been the longest lasting , biggest, and highest population forts of all time

    submitted by /u/SandWyrmBreou
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    Teleporting unit bug is at an all time high and really ruining my enjoyment, unfortunately.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Ugh, wanted to share my frustration. I am having units teleport to random parts of the map, especially into shafts where they fall to their deaths.

    I had an entire goblin invasion simply vanish. Then a Forgotten Beast vanish as well. That seemed fine until I had a trapped Forgotten Beast teleport into my fortress along with the vanished Beast, a Quail and kill a quarter of the Fortress because of its deadly dust.

    Then I had 3 Dwarves teleport into the caverns and drown. Then another teleport next to a trapped Ettin. Now I'm making sure to kill everything on the map to minimize these anomalies.

    I hate force closing the game. It really ruins my enjoyment as I feel I cheated myself, but I like when it is my decisions that cripple the fortress and not random bugs. It has never been this bad.

    submitted by /u/Metadomino
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