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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress My current 7 dwarf fort just had a 70 enemy siege or "Why I Love Bridges"

    Dwarf Fortress My current 7 dwarf fort just had a 70 enemy siege or "Why I Love Bridges"

    My current 7 dwarf fort just had a 70 enemy siege or "Why I Love Bridges"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    My current 7 dwarf fort just had a 70 enemy siege or "Why I Love Bridges"


    !!Mild spoilers about candy and clowns. Turn away if those terms don't sound familiar.!!

    Year 4 of my 5th try at a 7 dwarf fort. I kept running into issues where nearby towers saw fit to send trap Immune sieges my way before first winter so I start iterating on what I call "The Dwarven Red Cross". Normal traffic comes straight in but closing the main bridge forces entities down the left path. 8 raised bridges that come down the full length of their respective hall and don't block traffic while raised and all link to a single lever. The center of the cross is for an eventual Spike tunnel to deal with things That refuse smashing.

    Now, Goblins won't siege normally until you hit 80 dorfs but I got excited about finally outfitting everyone in full high quality iron so I sent them to sack a small goblin hamlet. I always embark with a fully skilled tactician because when your military is this small it needs good leadership to fight. So, we head out, pillage a town, and head back. Then I notice a problem.

    I had built the lever controlling the bridges in the center of the main path... No traders for me. I break it, set it to the side, start hooking up bridges, and get hit with everyone's favorite notification.


    Only 3 of 8 bridges are hooked up, no worries (me thinking it's going to be a small siege). It isn't. 70 invaders with goblins, trolls, and beak dogs all mixed in. The only good part is that every dwarf is still in full gear.


    All I have up top are walled in windmills so invaders just charge straight in. Main bridge raised, bridge lever is set to pull on repeat, and there's an emergency lever that closes off the end of the hall in case I need to bunker down. Things go alright, goblins are being flung and crushed in a beautiful fashion but the Trolls are sprinting and it's gonna be bad. A troll gets flung to the end of the hall. I panic and set a lever to be pulled, thinking it's going to lock up that area. Wrong lever! The main gate opens and the horde is right there. !FUN!

    I get it closed but 5 enemies are in and the less disciplined dorfs are panicking, causing the other lever pulling jobs to be cancelled. Nice. Most everyone is being chased by beak dogs while the trolls make it into the first room and start on some workshops. I see a big splat of red on the floor. *Pause* "okay I'm going to hit r and either be really happy or really sad".

    *Note that an optimized 7 dwarf fort on a decent computer is running well over 100fps so things happen quick.

    Sigun, my military tactician, has engaged the pile of enemies and dispatched 3 in an instant. The amount of arrows this girl deflects with her buckler in the next few moments actually got my heart pumping. She's taken no hits and the beak dogs are struggling to damage the other dorfs through their full Iron. But the remainder of the horde, maybe 40, is just about to round the final bridge and nobody is pulling the lever.

    Only 4 of the 7 dorfs are currently upstairs. 2 are down 50z levels hauling stone and 1, the lovely Tosid, is down having a drink by the waterfall. Gods do I love Tosid. Here's her motto.


    An interesting dwarf, legendary engraver, expedition leader, unbreakable will, and her stress has never gone above -50,000. She finishes her drink, walks upstairs directly past 2 beakdogs and a troll, pulls the bridge lever instantly flattening almost all of the 40 invaders in the hall, turns, stabs a beak dog through the lung, then heads back down the stairs to have a snack while Sigun cleans house.

    The siege ends, one dwarf is bruised, and I've had a lovely evening. Feeling my luck I immediately send the squad down to mine straight into the adamantine in the 3rd layer. come at me Armok. The spire sticks all the way up to the 49th z level so I'm confident that I won't see clowns but I'm still chasing that adrenaline so away we go.


    I dug out 4 whole layers of the spire just to test my luck and now I'm in a lovely spot. Just need to throw the rest of the bodies under the bridges for atomization and I'll be ready for the next siege.

    7 dwarf forts are a blast and the Dwarven Red Cross is really the best trap tunnel I've ever made. A lovely time and I do suggest. The tile-set in use is based on Aesometica and I've just been modifying it for personal taste as I play. Still thinking on edits for cave ground tiles and such. I like having interactable tiles stand out but when there are a lot it can be jarring as exemplified above.

    Thank you for your attention and for letting me share this silly story with you.

    Oh! I know how to end this post.

    *whistle whistle

    submitted by /u/leronjones
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    I have been playing this game seriously for more than a decade. TIL: forgotten beasts have trapavoid.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I don't know if it was a recent addition or I just somehow managed to never notice, but I sure the fuck noticed yesterday.

    I had a fort that stretched from the surface down to the first cavern level, and I wanted to explore the second level. So I made a tunnel running off my main fort with a stairway leading down at the far end that would eventually got to the second cavern. Before I mined my way down, however, I made this hallway the deathtrap of deathtraps. I had wave after wave of weapons traps, mostly serrrated discs but also some giant axes blade and warhammers for variety, and menacing wooden spikes at either end for the bleeding effect. I even masterfully engraved the walls I was so proud of it. The ultimate hallway of death. Nothing could possibly survive.

    Secure in the knowledge that I was basically invincible I dug down to the second cavern. And to reward me for my ingenuity Armok saw to it that there was amadantine there, the highest up I've ever seen the stuff.

    So everything is sunshine and unicorns for many years. I start making candy axes for my super elite, spend-all-day-working-out militiadwarves, of which there are four regulars plus the baron and the woodcutter who train with them sometimes.

    Many forgotten beasts come and go, and I barely notice. I set a squad to kill it and it's dead the second their tiles touch.

    Then he arrives. I'll edit this post later with his full name but I recall it started with Ona. He's a worm with a shell (I'm pretty sure that's just called a "snail") who spits webs. Whatever, I set the squad to kill him and don't even watch them do it.

    Big mistake.

    I see an announcement that the leader of my secondary squad is dead. Then the other member. For some reason when I checked the list of dead units I mistook another dead forgotten beast for the one they were fighting and thought they killed each other. Well they didn't.

    The next thing I know I'm getting a million death announcements. Then I realize the beast is still alive. I jump to him and he's in the middle of the hallway of death, blood everywhere, at least a dozen dead bodies strewn about (the hallway was high traffic as it led to the second cavern).

    I look at his wounds. Only his tail is hurt. At first I assume his shell is protecting him from the traps and I might still get a lucky hit but I slowly realize the horrifying truth. He's trapavoid.

    I sent the rest of my militia dwarves, with adamantine axes and legendary axedwarf. They're killed almost instantly.

    At the end of the day all I was able to do was lock the lower hatches and wait for him to wander off, then pull up the lower draw bridge. So much for the second caverns.

    After all was said and done he killed over half my fort, about 32 dwarves total.

    submitted by /u/FermisFolly
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    Speculation on Boats: musings About how cool boats will eventually be

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    So, with this update, to me, it feels like most major forms of transportation are in the game, and even usable by players in adventure mode at least. Except for boats.

    Why will boats be cool eventually? Because boats are a huge part of any relatively primitive world. For site generation, there would actually be reasons to build port towns to connect continents and long civilizations because boats let people travel farther faster.

    Ports themselves are awesome, big ones act as world melting pots spreading religions, technology, and letting distant civs start talking. If diplomacy in world generation supports alliances and stuff this would be interesting too, all dwarfdom talking or something. Maybe it would be easier to fight world ending threats.

    Also, ports are huge centers of trade, and a great way to get inter-civ trading going on. Suddenly elfs start importing dwarf weapons and dwarfs would probably just import mead or paper or something, idk. But like access to more goods!

    Also ports can be crime centers. Imagine a large city with slums and criminal gangs mostly in control while the site guards don't patrol there. Secret necromancers, smugglers, spys meeting up, and quests to fight crime! There's so much.

    And of course, what set of ocean criminals would be complete without pirates! If navel combat is added, imagine the ruler being kidnapped by pirates only to be rescued by a civ agent who had already infiltrated the pirates, or they don't get rescued, and instead were hired to start a war by blaming it on another civ!

    Finally, I'm being able to set up colonies on say an uninhabited or Uncontacted continent becomes infinitely more interesting potentially. I'm thinking there could be a new doc building for merchant vessels and immigrants from home. You could set up the first base on a savage continent, then retire and make more inland, or the civ itself could. You would be the heart of your people's new foothold in an unknown land.

    Now, imagine if that went wrong. You could be the roanoke of your civilization. Maybe it was disease, or an invasion from a foreign civ, or a vast unknown goblin empire!

    TLDR: whenever boats come into the game, that will be cool.

    Nothing has been said about boats recently, i was just thinking about future features since we just got a cool update.

    submitted by /u/Noelwiz
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    Goblins falling down 20+ levels don't die

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Linux LNP 0.47.03-RC1 Released

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    The Christmas Goose

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Something so incredibly df-y happened that I just had to share:

    Some time ago, a pet goose wandered on the wrong tile as I was training siege operators and was yeeted through fortifications to the forbidden part of the range, so it wasn't buried.

    Goblin Christmas came, not that it matters much -except for the title- and I had a visiting necromancer in my tavern. This hero, this unbelievable genius, got jumped by a puppy in the tavern and started running for his everlasting life. Right by the ballista range, of course. You can guess where this is going: it's going to be a Mangled Goose Skeleton <Undead> spooking my siege operators. Then something completely unexpected happened: while everyone was freaking out, a lowly leatherworker climbed up into the forbidden range through the bolt recovery ditch (since I assume that he didn't walk through the forbidden door) an decapitated it with a swift kick to the head. The head is still stuck in the fortifications.

    He hasn't given any other signs (recent immigrant) but I guess I need to keep an eye out for vampirism.

    submitted by /u/Oliludeea
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    The Road of Ashes: A DF Adventure Mode Story

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    -- Quick Note from the Author --

    TL;DR: Poetry ahead and no pictures, imagination only.

    After Reading "Oku no Hosomichi" (The Narrow Road to the Interior)(1702) by Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho, I have started playing adventure mode as a traveling poet, writing "travelogues" in the same style as Basho. I created a basic poet character, and chose one of the poetic forms the world generated and traveled and wrote poems in the same style. I'm not a poet by any means, when I wrote the poems I focused on syllables and lines, less on "Forms of parallelism." but I find this to be a great way to play adventure mode. I had some obvious problems, including the early demise of my poet, and I might start generating more peaceful worlds, etc. to try and fix this. But I'm excited for the possibilities in the future. Let me know what you think of the final product. I decided against including screenshots or pictures because Basho's travelogue's don't include pictures obviously.

    -- Enjoy! --

    The Road of Ashes, by Human Poet Matsuo Ramul

    In the spring of my youth, and indeed the spring of the year. Growing restless from the dull training and duties of a court administrator, I took leave of my master and collected what Items I could carry with me. I boarded a boat across a calm sea and began a journey in a foreign land. I traveled to a human fort named Creamdrops. Founded just over 100 years ago by the Human civilization "The Nations of Chocolate" Here I rested after my long journey for two weeks. Eventually, I decided to travel the "Road of Ash." The Road of Ash is a road connecting the Northern city of Skyjuggles to the more central fortress of Focusbells. I was inspired by the travelogues of my countrymen to create my own in this strange land. And so I headed off. In addition to my clothes and a small woodcutting axe, I carried an extra water skin and two weeks of food. At the gates of Creamdrops I stopped to compose a poem. Using a poetic form founded on this island: The Mirthful Pantomime.

    The Mirthful Pantomime

    poetic form

    The Mirthful Pantomime is a poetic narrative intended to amuse the audience, originating in The Nations of Chocolate. The rules of the form are applied by poets to produce individual poems which can be recited. The poem is a single tercet. Use of simile and vivid imagery is characteristic of the form. Forms of parallelism are common throughout the poem, in that certain lines are required to maintain phrasing and they reverse grammatical structures. Each line has thirteen syllables. The third line of the tercet must expand the idea of the first line. The first line concerns the past. It has a terminal caesura. The second line concerns current events. It has a medial caesura. The third line concerns the future.

    Rainy Castle Gates

    "Motionless, I lived at home for twenty seven years.

    Journeys now lead me far from my home. The Gentle rain,

    Falls onto the stones of castles I have yet to see."

    It is the 1st of Slate, in the year 125 on the island's calendar. And I have found the road. Not yet on the Road of Ash. Creamdrops sits an hours walk west of "The Path of Labryinths" the road that connects Searchblushed and Skyjuggles. The sky is grey in the early morning. I press onward and I will try to make Cottageacts by midday. The rain is cold, and I have not yet even started my journey so I must ignore the beautiful ponds and groves which call out my name to stop already.

    By midday I find Cottageacts. Cottageacts is the tomb of both Ejel Growlseized and Gagu Tangledroses. Gagu was an adventurer who traveled the island, and Ejel was a Law-giver who created many government positions in the Nations of Chocolate. A founding father perhaps. I sit at the base of his tomb and composed a poem about adventurers and death.

    The Grave of Rhymes

    Ejel and Gagu embarked for discoveries,

    I too embarked. Hoping to see the world's splendor.

    Shall I have a tomb, constructed in my name as well?

    I traveled on to Skyjuggles without incident, where I will spend the night and plan for the official start of my journey. In my entry into Skyjuggles. The city is quiet, empty and abandoned shops. IT was a human city when it was founded, but became a goblin city thirty years ago. The city is covered in a thick layer of snow. Piles of food, and Abandoned shops still filled with wares are everywhere. I trudge through thick snow until the sun set, and fumbled towards the keep. I Follow voices until I find a gate. Passing goblin children I find a goblin long hall. It seems as if every goblin in the city was here for a party. As I arrived all the goblins were shouting about a fight and I was knocked down while trying to enter the long hall. I have decided to simply leave this goblin city and enjoy the peace of the wilderness. I am hungry and thirsty, I walked to the edge of town to find an abandoned house to spend the night in.

    Before I lay down I pen a poem.

    Untitled, before sleep

    The Goblin Tavern, a brawl, endless shouting, a melee

    An abandoned house, outskirts of town. Cold and Hungry.

    The sun peaks in the east, respite, tomorrow arrives.

    I must have chosen the wrong house! A goblin posse! Lethal intention! Run!

    Matsuo Ramul Death Poem

    The copper bolt has lodged firmly in the wound, alas.

    Trouble breathing, giving into the pain. Left for dead,

    Spring of the year, Winter of my life. Stained snow. my blood?

    submitted by /u/SorrelWood
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    How to weed out your weakest dwarves

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Emptiness and Death

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Have you ever had a worldgen end in the Age of Emptiness or the Age of Death? Or even while playing? What happened to get the world to that state?

    submitted by /u/dilonshuniikke
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    New baby boy gets a Werebeast

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    Hey there my stout fellows! Im a new player who just captured their first werebeast, a former fisher dwarf of my fortress now turned wererabbit. Being a little tiny plump helmet sized baby at this game, I have no idea what to do with him...

    So, heres what Im asking! What should I do with him? Instructions to your insane ideas would be appreciated; I cant wait to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Sesameseeder
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    -Unknown Fort- The Book of Monom

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    -Unknown Fort- The Book of Monom

    This pocket world (yr1000) was destroyed by a wicked necromancer and her army of undead/abominations. Towards the end of the worldwide purge, a displaced goblin (master mason) named Zaneg traveled across the sea to an island. There, he built a fort in the name of the dwarven civilization he was born into. It is now the last vestige of civilized life.

    Good on him.

    Monom was the leader of a religious group. They worshiped a dwarven god of valor, war, and fortresses and were now refugees.

    She had seemingly written this prophetic guide with the idea of a place for her people to take refuge from their inevitable doom. After about seventeen years of wandering through The Steppe of Incense, carrying her guide with her, they all made their way to Zaneg's island fort upon it's creation. She stored her book there and died in peace a few years later. This is the only book they have and it tells the story of Monom and their people.


    Obviously I embellished a bit but it's a damn good story. These images were taken from Legends Viewer.

    I wanted to see how the island fort would progress into the future so I regenerated the world to the year 3000. Very very strangely the map shows the fort was there but it isn't a site and has no information to read about. Zaneg never existed and the end of Monom's life was a bit different after the necromancer purge. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I'm utterly confused as I thought the same world gen info would produce the same results every time. Thanks for reading!!

    submitted by /u/Count_Triple
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