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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pro tip: Light aquifers can be exploited to quickly and easily create passive mist generators. Just make sure you include a drain.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    The fisher dwarf's greatest ability: swimming across a river, then forgetting they can swim

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    The number of fisher dwarves that forget how they swam across a river in the first place is hilarious. I usually try to disable fishing for these guys until I build a bridge but when I receive a group of fisher migrants someone is going to fall through the gap and spam me with "can't find path" messages. Maybe they're like dogs and need to smell their trail to remember what path they took? I love imagining the thought process for this (I know it's a game and they don't think but half the fun is treating them like they're real).

    Urist: I am catching plenty of fish on this bank but I'm sure if I go to the other bank I'll catch even more

    *Urist swims valiantly through the rapids to the other sides of the bank*

    *Urist gets hungry*

    Urist: If only there were some way for me to get back to the fortress and eat! Alas I've been stranded by a cruel unloving god!

    It would be cool if there was a way to make a dwarf remember the path it took to get somewhere, that would lead to less FUN! but I feel like it's a QOL improvement.

    To punish the fisherdwarves I've decided to construct the bridge out of raw stone. If they last long enough they may rejoin the fort

    submitted by /u/tremblinggigan
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    So this just happened, and I'm grinning like an idiot.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Magma/glass dance-floor tavern

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    He's unstoppable, the troll never touched him. This man will be the first with a set of candy armor...

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Magic, Science, Death: An Undead Fortress

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    TL;DR Using a combination of adventure/fortress mode, necromancy, and questionable ethics, I've created a fully functioning undead fort.

    I wanted to get this down before I get completely scooped by Kruggsmash's new series, but honestly someone on Bay12 has probably already done this that I haven't seen. Unfortunately, my screencap software wasn't set to automatically save everything like I thought, so most screencaps are after the fact. Version 47.03.



    The Universe of Cyclones is an old world, marred by the constant battle of the dwarves and humans. In the shadow of this war, the evil dead proliferated unchecked, and the dwarves of The Books of Binding realized a bulwark was needed. Gatestar was founded to be the first line of defense and, eventually, the staging ground for the incandescent crusade that would burn the undead scourge from the world. The forward expedition struck the earth near the tower of Scriberains. When an early werebeast managed to infect a dwarf before being put down, we sent the cursed one on a solo mission to Scriberains. Torch - the dwarf in question - went willingly, and as far as we know he's still there. Gatestar dwarves know that life's highest virtue is sacrifice. Efficiency is a close second, though, and Torch's visit had two purposes. First, he hopefully arrived in his werebeast form to strike a surprising first blow. Second, he delivered a message to the foul coven:

    "Try us."


    Not long after sending off Torch, a giant showed up. In my experience, they die laughably fast. Axe to the achillles, hammer to the head. Done. What I didn't notice until later was that the giant dropped a very interesting slab. After hearing stories of necro fun in the new update, I knew I had to do something with this. See, the undead sieges were coming in full force, and immigration had slowed to a trickle. We needed a game-changer.

    I went into adventurer mode and took control of one of my dwarves. Gizmo, our lead scholar and mechanic, seemed like a natural fit. After a few false starts (see Blooper Reel), I was back in fortress mode with a necromancer citizen. After some testing, I could get Gizmo to semi-reliably raise recently dead entities as intelligent undead (this particular strain was confusingly called "Rotten Corpse" instead of something cool like "Damned One," lucky Krugg...).


    A small complement of intelligent undead would be a boon to any fortress. They are stoic, stalwart laborers and subsist on magic alone. But if some is good, then more is better. Turns out Gizmo had reason to be particularly devoted to the cause. Torch is her husband. So we'd take it a little further, in the interest of the greater good. After all, Gatestar dwarves know that life's highest virtue is sacrifice


    Okay this gets a little grisly. From our initial testing we put together a simple resurrection chamber. The troll at the bottom is our Catalyst. When I lock Gizmo in the right room and order/cancel attacks on the troll (and just letting her run around scared sometimes, it's not a precise science), she'll raise viable corpses in the left chamber through the fortifications. Everyone is the screencap - except those zombie dogs - is an intelligent undead heckling the trapped troll. Works fine but it's low volume and moving nonviable corpses around is a pain.

    So we expanded. In the first iteration, the wall at (3) wasn't there, but the principle is the same. Intelligent pre-undead file in and the door is locked. Bridge (2) is lowered allowing water from the river above to rush in. Once the screaming stops, Bridge (2) is raised and the Bridges at (4) are lowered, allowing the water to drain to the caverns through the grate. Gizmo can then raise corpses from her chamber through the windows at (1).

    In the first attempt, we attempted too many subjects simultaneously - about 100. The chamber took longer than expected to drain, and it took so long to haul bodies on the drain back in range of Gizmo that we lost many to decomposition. Even worse, some future test subjects in charge of corpse-hauling sustained damage from trauma-induced violent outbursts. Unacceptable. So we added the new wall with doors for a quicker way to do small batches.

    Typically we station a few squads outside the drowning chamber as sometimes the zombies and intelligent undead start fighting. It's good combat practice and keeps our newly improved citizens damage free. Successfully getting a corpse raised as intelligent is the hardest part, but with the latest setup run well I'd estimate it happens 70% of the time. I don't have hard numbers though; the bookkeeper turned out to be nonviable.

    That's alright though. A few more refinements and Gatestar will be ready to churn out an immortal army of unflappable killers, ready to rid the world of necromancy. Well, most necromancy.


    Here's what I learned:

    • Reanimation

      • Necromancers will use raise/animate powers in conflict, as long as they have a line-of-sight to bodies. Range seems to be about 10 tiles X/Y. Didn't test Z.
      • Bodies and/or enemies the necro is in conflict with can be on the other side of fortifications or windows.
      • The decision to raise a body as zombie or intelligent undead seems semi-random, but non-dwarves seem more likely to be raised as zombies and you need a full non-mangled corpse for a chance to be raised intelligent. If the conditions are right, intelligent undead seem to be preferred.
      • Corpses need to be fairly recent. Seem like once rot (miasma) starts, bodies can only be zombies.
      • Necros like to raise in batches of the same undead type 1 2 3 when given the option. Note that the "Urist's rotten corpse" in the 1st pic are zombies and the "Dwarf stonecrafter rotten corpse" etc in the 2nd pic are intelligent undead.
      • Being mindful of locking doors/bridges is key. Otherwise be okay with save scumming.
    • Behavior

      • Zombies are raised hostile to all life except necro, but that can change quickly if your necro sees fellow citizens fight zombies.
      • Intelligent undead retain loyalties from their most recent non-corpse state. In one instance a human visitor was raised as a zombie, killed, then reraised as intelligent. He retained his hostility to life.
      • Some trolls, trogs, and grizzly bear people were resurrected as intelligent but are friendly, despite being hostile in life. Apparently they have a common enemy with us in the troll I have locked up to scare my necromancer into using magic. I think this is what would happen to raised invaders.
      • Intelligent undead don't eat/drink/breathe, don't sleep, don't feel pain, and don't get unhappy (or happy, so far) thoughts. Otherwise they do pretty much everything they did in life except reproduce.
      • Citizens raised as intelligent retain and work enabled labors from life, but labors cannot be further edited and they are ineligible for military until...
      • Intelligent undead citizens and residents will (re)petition for citizenship and can then be worked normally. Thus far, raised citizens start re-petitioning very soon after resurrection.
    • Current Unknowns

      • Children can be intelligent undead, but I assume they'll never become adults.
      • Intelligent undead are known to have special powers granted by their resurrection. Mine haven't seen much combat yet, but thus far I haven't seen any used.
      • Intelligent undead can't gain or rust attributes like strength or agility - they get a boost during resurrection though, I think - but I don't know if that applies to skills or other attributes like memory or willpower.
      • Forgotten beasts? Demons? Animal People?
    • Bloopers

      • First use of the drowning chamber I used fortifications to block Gizmo's chamber instead of windows. She was the first to drown.
      • Gizmo will resurrect corpses while the drowning chamber is still totally full, not that the undead mind. It can actually be kinda useful as the intelligent undead will climb up the channel to the river and come into the fortress proper without help.
      • This was my first time playing with adventure mode, so I had plenty of missteps. I initially chose my mayor to read the slab, but once he got to it I learned he was illiterate. When I went back with Gizmo, I realized I hadn't made the mayor drop the damn slab. I hunted him down to his bedroom, but he wouldn't give it to me. Luckily, there were no witnesses and Gizmo is a very strong dwarf. She grabbed the slab with one hand and battered his face and neck with the other. When he went down, she crushed his neck with her foot. I thought it was over, but then he got up and ran out. I panicked because Gizmo was hurt and couldn't catch him, but he suffocated before he made it through his office.
    submitted by /u/Based_Beans
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    Outsiders are overpowered for pets

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    It seems that human outsiders in adventure mode can start with virtually any creatures as pets. Gremlins are only worth 1 point, so you can literally start with thousands of them. Giant elephants are only worth 251 points and are completely overpowered. The list goes on.

    submitted by /u/iamthelol1
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    "We, uh, have a problem with some monsters threatening our Butcher's Shop. No, no, you probably won't need your weapon. Leave it here in your room."

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:57 PM PDT

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