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    Dwarf Fortress BF - Past mistakes

    Dwarf Fortress BF - Past mistakes

    BF - Past mistakes

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    I think my dorfs are unhappy with me. That's organic diggin' doncha know

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Beware the one-eyed serpent! So this attacked me live on stream, my entire channel base couldn't take this seriously.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:13 PM PST

    Swordsdwarf in Copper Armor + some of my Dwarves fighting a Fire Breathing Tundra Titan

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Steal the books from a necromancer tower, and they will send one supersoldier who twerks at your walls for two months to assert dominance before he jumps over the wall like a cat.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PST

    Dwarf Fortress Roundtable Podcast Ep. 25: A Ten Barrel Automatic Minecart Water Shotgun. Hello Nate!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Some weird things going on in my world.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I founded a fortress in the year 10,000. It has been the Age of Death since around year 500. I assumed my civilization was actually dead, but no. I get caravans, migrants, etc. We are currently under siege by a necromancer with various experiments, corpses, "Poisoned Thralls" and "Night Butchers." Aside from the hundred or so soldiers brought in the siege, a horde of wild creatures have been butchered and raised by the necromancer. Including several zombified elephants. Well over 200 monstrosities are on the map.

    The poisoned thralls are worrisome, as they are monarch butterfly men and coati men. The butterfly men fly through the sky, smacking down any avian wildlife. They hit the earth as a kind of irregular corpse rain. One of the coati men is a hammer lord, which terrifies the hell out of me.

    The night butchers confuse me. There are two unnamed "Goblin Night Butchers" who are showing up as friendly. From what I can tell they were invaders who were killed by wildlife, raised by the necromancer, and are no longer hostile.

    The necromancer himself has an odd history. He was born in the year 13, and according to legends was at one point beheaded by a kobold (Perhaps to shame him?) and resurrected. It still says he's just a necromancer, and I have all the proof I need that his ability to raise the dead is intact. He did seem to lose his ability to write books, as after being resurrected he never wrote again. He does have a head, if anyone is curious.

    Finally, investigating our civilization itself, which I had thought dead... it seems there were dwarves hiding in the wilderness for thousands of years, which is not all that uncommon. What is weird is that upon founding a new fortress, a dwarf necromancer somewhere became our king. I'm hoping I can get him to show up at some point, if for no other reason than to torment the ten thousand year old bastard.

    submitted by /u/stressedoutdwarf
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    A necromancer on the brink of death reminiscences his kill from 200 years ago

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    A necromancer on the brink of death reminiscences his kill from 200 years ago

    While gathering plants, a 79 years old Soap Maker who actually is an over 500 years old necromancer angered a Giant Honey Badger.

    Badly injured, bleeding out, left for dead he reminiscences the one notable kill he had in his long life and announces it for the whole fortress to hear, dropping the farce of him being a simple soap maker.


    I love this game.

    submitted by /u/ErendirOire
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    Unfixable loyalty cascades in 47.03

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    My second fortress since 47.03 almost succumbed to some kind of a deadly brawl which could not be mitigated with dfhack fix/loyaltycascade. My previous fortress was also destroyed in what appeared like a loyalty cascade but i didnt try to perform a fix with dfhack.

    The trigger this time seemed to be instructing my squad of markdwarfs to kill a visiting werewolf elf poet who was quarantined in the tavern dormitory (where he previously killed all his fellow poets). He was in werewolf form when they were instructed to attack. I carved out fortifications for this purpose and they were shooting him and then suddenly the marksmen started brawling and killing each other, bringing in more civilians as well. Lost about 1/3 of my fortress to this event. Dfhack reported no loyalty cascade.

    My previous fortress was completely destroyed by a similar event where a berserking dwarf caused a cascade and necromancers raised undead that wiped out any survivors. Anyone else running perhaps 'a bit too frequently' into these in 47.03 with dfhack unable to fix it?

    submitted by /u/steinar96
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    Quality Soundsense Additions

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    There was a thread on this years ago, but I generally stay away from necromancy.
    I've just randomly thrown some tracks by All Them Witches in. Was kinda interesting going through their discography and categorizing a handful of their songs by season. They're a great band in general (particularly imo their earlier albums), and though their music sometimes tends toward high gain fuzz (which I'm personally fine with), their cleaner bits fit well enough alongside Simon Swerwer's stuff.

    Any other good fits out there?

    submitted by /u/carryyourzero
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    A small town like fortress.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    would it be effective to start a dwarf fortress mode campaign by making a few small houses out of wood,and setting the dwarves to live in them until something better cn be made.

    submitted by /u/Gwakkerboybaggot
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    Preview Win64 0.47.04 Pack "Caveat Emptor" Edition (w/DFhack, TWBT, Dwarf Therapist, Phoebus Tileset, Sounsense, LegendsViewer.)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:00 PM PST

    I made a little video showing how to remove the annoying poot-poot sounds from SoundSense that deafen you every time a job is cancelled or completed. I hope it's useful!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Just visiting... sure

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:27 PM PST

    A bandit fell victim to mob justice

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Discovering the game is so much fun!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Earlier today I started digging deep because I needed metal for my army. My squad is still a bunch of wrestlers because I just don't have any melee weapons. I find some useful ore, and shortly after the caverns. Elkbirds (love the random animals) swarm out and are everywhere! Careful as I am I immediately start building a wall and a drawbridge at the cavern entry. Now, of COURSE within that short amount of time a ton of stuff happens:

    • A random animal I've never heard of attacks a dwarf
    • A migrant wave arrives. Of course there are hunters. Of course they immediately run into the cave and start shooting random elkbirds before I deassign them.
    • My cats and dogs find the caves amazing and I need to check for every one if it's outside before closing the bridge.
    • The dwarven caravan leaves. Now, this doesn't sound relevant. But of course these dorfs just HAVE to try leaving the map through the caves.

    Well, I have to close the entrance at some point. And I'm not waiting for that merchant to come back. MAYBE there is a secret entrance... And if not, oh well, I'm not waiting for him to decide he wants to come back out, I have more important things to do. I leave him there.

    Now if this was any other game, that would be the end of it. But a few hours later I suddenly hear a creepy sound and have proof Mr. Merchant didn't make it out: He has started terrorizing my dwarves as a ghost! My first reaction is sending my squad after him. I start laughing at seeing the poor guys desperately hitting air before he fades into a wall!

    I read up online a bit and hear about slabs and how you don't need a body for them. There also seems to have been a bug where you couldn't get rid of merchant ghosts. Welp, I can only try.

    I craft a slab. I check what I can engrave into it... And sure enough, the merchant ghost is an option! As soon as I put it up outside, the ghost disappears.

    Such a journey just because I decided to dig down and found a cave! The UI and controls hurdle is huge, but the graphics at least become VERY readable thanks to Meph. I'm really happy I didn't give up and took the time to learn the basics and now I have at least months of new things to discover. I'm looking forward to all of it!

    submitted by /u/Gwynlix
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    Amost Nillelum has idea for legendary artifact, continues lying on the floor

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Amost Nillelum has idea for legendary artifact, continues lying on the floor

    Amost Nillelum, Brewer looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible (while sunk into depression...)

    This is the first time I've ever had a fell mood overcome one of my dwarves. I set her to 'follow' so I could see which workshop she decided to claim, except, after a few ingame days I realized she wasn't moving. With three status icons flashing (purple exclamation, brown exclamation, brown background), I decided to look up what could possibly be the matter.

    In the end I discovered that she had loosed this fell laughter while lying on the floor of a still too depressed to get up.

    I didn't know that it was possible for a dwarf to have an idea for a legendary artifact and an emotional breakdown at the same time.

    submitted by /u/alfalfascouting
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    Thats....alot of gremlins.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Unconventional Necromancer Tactics

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PST

    So nobody has noticed the similarities?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PST

    Lost my fortress to infighting, miasma and depression

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PST

    So one of my dwarves got into a serious depression. I tried to help him and checked his desires: apart from the omnipresent "being with family" and "being with friends", there was "practicing a martial art", so given that my main squad had an empty spot I thought sure enough, and drafted him in.

    After a couple of months, I noticed that his state wasn't improving, when all of a sudden, when he was "socializing" (so much for missing "being with friends") he went berserk. This started a fortress-wide brawl that ultimately killed ~50% of my population: corpses were everywhere, every dwarf was experiencing emotional distress, the general morale sank below the floor and soon miasma permeated every inhabited layer of my fortress.

    Fun times.

    So, lesson learned: I need a jail, I need restraints, cages and a place where to put troublemakers - and possibly a hospital to treat wounds. On the other hand, I have serious problems in keeping my dwarves' stress low: some of them, those who practice skills, typically are very happy and not stressed at all; others, instead, sink deep, and I don't really know what to do for them. To be completely honest, I am not really good at work management with Dwarf Therapist: I considered switching to the DFHack optimization plug-ins but thought that is straight cheating. Any suggestions for this?

    submitted by /u/cicciograna
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