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    Saturday, March 7, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress beak dog

    Dwarf Fortress beak dog

    beak dog

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:46 PM PST

    I just got my first Criminal and Necromancer migrants! I didn't even know this could happen so I'm !!excited!! :)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Vegetarian Adventurer

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:04 AM PST

    I started playing a sloth man... but he can't eat meat? Wouldn't this make keeping him fed really difficult? I thought it would be easy because sloths eat leaves and leaves are everywhere but in df a slothman only licks the leaf and doesn't eat it....

    submitted by /u/Phatbuffet
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    Sometimes the simulation gets too real and your fort starts working on a coronavirus vaccine.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Titan & necromancer !Fun!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:02 AM PST

    This is my very first save, around 1-ish IRL month old. Hell, dwarf fortress is amazing, but my first 'proper' fun ending is looming above me.

    Basically, a web-shooting-hill-titan arrives in the land of Oilbridged. My marksdwarves are rubbish, so everyone is staying inside the fort.

    This 'siege' lasts a few weeks, with visitors all dying horribly to the titan.

    A dwarf necromancer arrives and promptly starts reanimating all the corpses around her.

    A migrant wave arrives, is butchered, then are revived.

    At this moment, no one is very joyful. Some undead horses manage to dent the titan's shell before getting torn apart and revived again. It's a miserable, continuous loop.

    The necromancer apparently doesn't sleep or drink :/

    Dead creatures are currently fighting a hill-titan.

    I think fun is heading my way.


    submitted by /u/Nightbreezekitty
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    Ah yes, The most unsettling of spheres

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Some agents aren't that subtle.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Some agents aren't that subtle.

    Guess they keep their job titles now. Combat logs and announcements just referred to it as 'The Agent'.

    Also, guess who just had to isolate their expedition leader? (He survived 10 pages of mammoth beatdown and is still going).


    submitted by /u/FlowerUrchin
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    Utility Idea: Dwarf Tracker

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Alternative name- Dwarf CCTV

    This idea came to me when looking at the artifact screen. One gets a little window that shows the location of the artifact and it's surroundings.

    Imagine a utility included in the Lazy Newb Pack that allows you to pick a dwarf/creature/item/static location and be able to monitor it in real-time while the game runs in a separate window.

    This should be doable. Utilities like Armok Vision exist. I imagine the window size would support any number of tiles, but somewhere between 5x5 and 10x10 would be the most comfortable. Tilesets should be supported but I would be fine just with ASCII. The name of the entity selected should appear somewhere on the window.

    The possibilities are endless: One can keep track of a troublesome dwarf or monster. Keep the window centered on the tavern where there is always interesting things happening. Multiple windows can keep track of a whole family of dwarves. Streamers can use this utility to great effect. Maybe the user can create a "playlist" that cycles between locations/creatures.

    Forgive me if this actually exists already. What are your thoughts? I wish I could make this but I have no coding skills.

    submitted by /u/VonHeer
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    Small performance improvement for Mac users

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Changing the print mode to STANDARD in the init.txt file had an improvement in performance and responsiveness of the game. Using a 2019 macbook air, maybe its just the intel graphics, cant test with a dedicated gpu.

    Had been struggling to fix an annoying performance issue on my osx install. The keypresses had a small delay that was driving me mad. The computer also seems to be handling the load from the game much better, before the fans would run full blast the entire time while playing and now they hardly ever come on.

    Hope this helps some other people!

    submitted by /u/uristohkrat
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    The elves really seem to hate me this time around. (Even more sprung afterwards, but were buried under job cancellation messages)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PST

    Goblin Invasion

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Windows prevents me from starting the game

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PST

    When I try to open the game it says: Your PC is being Protected. With Windows Defender SmartScreen we prevented an unknown app from being opened. Starting this app could prove a risk for your PC. Did I get the wrong download or is this normal?

    submitted by /u/bananensoep_F
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    There's no goblins

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:01 AM PST

    I have the biggest world type for like 1 year, but in my world there's no goblins, i destroyed all with my dwarf empire, and in the menu of civilitations, there's only dwarven civ. , what o have to do now?

    submitted by /u/Bateador321
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    The story of Clutchrelic

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Clutchrelic was founded near the top of a volcano and out of the mountainside a grand fortress began its construction. Farms were planted, workshops and warehouses, bedrooms and a large multifloor dining hall slowly took form.

    Migrants flowed in year after year and as the surface farms and animal pens were carved from the peaks the new forges, with their quick access to magma, begin to pump out axes and armor.

    Clutchrelic had but one minor problem: No access to fresh water! Ah but no matter, a steady supply of drinks would keep the dwarves working happily. The caves were soon breached in search of more metals and scores of human monster hunters swarmed the depths. However not all of the humans were so well trained and the small hospital soon begin to fill with injured hunters. Of course without well water these poor humans would all die of dehydration. The order was givin to dig ever deeper and sure enough a large underground lake was discovered. However this was over 50 levels down and hauling buckets so far just wouldn't do.

    Efforts were now refocused on a massive pumpstack to bring water up to the main fortress. This would serve not just for the hospital but also a grand waterfall in the main dining hall. However a shortage of metals and wood for the windmills slowed production and many of the dwarves began to sit idle. Tantrums started. Lack of any place to worship was the most common complaint. To keep them busy a large generic temple was quickly constructed.

    At this point the fortress was over its peak of 200 citizens and all of them desperate for a place to pray. The temple was completed and the majority of the population rushed in at once to pray. At the same time. To different gods.

    In hindsight the ensuing bloodbath and loyalty cascade was inevitable. There was some small hope the remaining dwarves could clean up the mess so the order was given to seal the caves and the main gate to at least keep out pests and raiders while hundreds of coffins were built and corpses were hauled. Alas the stress was too much for most of the haggard dwarves still left who were one by one going insane.

    And then the goblin raid hit. Well, at least they were stuck outside! Unless they learned to climb. And found the animal pen. The last few dwarves were no match for the raiders and were quickly slaughtered. All except two children who somehow got locked in the caves with no food and all sorts of nasty cave creatures.

    At this point I usually abandon and start over but I thought why not see this fortress to the bitter end and let its death go down properly in the world history. So the fortress was kept running, occasionly keeping an eye on the two kids waiting for their inevitable downfall.

    Somehow the cave creatures left them alone for quite some time and they had access to the lake for water. Eventually hunger began to take its toll and one of the kids ran off to hunt for vermin and was eatin by a jabberer. So now it was just one child left, and checking her health it seems she had stepped in some nasty goo and both her feet were rotting off. A tragic end!

    But.. she didn't die! Season after season she crawled around the cave hunting vermin, avoiding monsters and playing make believe. And for the first time in ages I was actually excited to see a migrant wave appear!
    But how could this ragtag group deal with the goblins and the huge mess inside? And how could they even get inside with the main gate closed? Well the siege was officially over but the goblins couldn't get out since they had climbed in. The migrants were ordered to remove the animal pen wall and then hide in the hills, sure enough the goblins fled through the hole and the new group of migrants entered and began the slow process of burying the dead and cleaning the halls.

    Two years later Clutchrelic was alive and thriving. Many more migrants appeared. The dead buried. The waterfall completed. The King had arrived and the caverns once again opened and while the last child of the founders had finally perished she was given a magnificent tomb.
    Clutchrelic was reborn from the ashes!

    submitted by /u/Nemoder
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    Help dwarf stuck

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:35 AM PST

    So I have a dwarf who is completely healthy but is unconscious and shows no signs of waking up. There's no rescue dwarf job either and this has been going on for months.

    submitted by /u/MesoPT_2001
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    Mysterious Aquifers Everywhere!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I'm getting back into DF after an absence of a few years; hoping my Factorio and Satisfactory experience can be put to use in even crazier projects in DF now. I'm running DF 0.47.03, as it's the version currently compatible with Dwarf Therapist.

    So I'm enough of an old hand to know what a good embarkation site looks like. I made sure to avoid aquifers, and I cycled through the biomes of every site I chose to make sure there were none. Further, IIRC the game used to give you a warning if you were embarking on an aquifer site, and I've received none of those.

    Nevertheless, every time I dig about 3-4 layers down, I get a "damp stone" warning. I thought maybe I was just digging under a murky pool that I somehow couldn't see, but when I actually punch through to the stone I get the slow but infinite flooding you would from an aquifer.

    Am I nuts or has there been some kind of change to the embarkation menu or how soil layers work?

    submitted by /u/panjshirlion
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    DFHack Lazy Mac Pack updated to 0.47.04 alpha0

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:01 PM PST


    • The "open me" script is set to remove the quarantine from more files for better Catalina support.
    • Updated SoundSense-RS with v1.5.1.
    • The DFHack tab's "pure bugfix" option now runs the fat dwarf fix and the dry buckets fix to prevent fat dwarves from slowing down the game and to allow buckets of water to be emptied and used.
    • The auto fullscreen Retina setup script works on newer Macs now.
    • no more TWBT override errors in Meph graphics packs.

    download link: DFFD: DFHack Lazy Mac Pack

    Edit: 2020-03-07 at 09:40 UTC, fixed settings for Announcement Window and LNP update alert feature.

    Edit 2: 2020-03-07 at 19:35 UTC, added 0.47.04 Dwarf Therapist layouts, updated DFHack from March 1st build to March 5th build, set default print mode for non-TWBT packs to "STANDARD" to improve performance.

    submitted by /u/jecowa
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