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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress So “Drakes” are ducks, not dragon-like creatures?

    Dwarf Fortress So “Drakes” are ducks, not dragon-like creatures?

    So “Drakes” are ducks, not dragon-like creatures?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:25 PM PST

    I feel like such an idiot.

    One of my old fortresses, a migrant arrived with a drake. I got excited and immediately chained it up in the hallway to my main gate to guard against any intruders or attackers.

    With this recent update, I made an adventurer with a war-dog and a drake as a companion thinking "Oh man, I can adventure with a little dragon thing, so cool!" Explains why he died so easily

    I am now holding back laughter and deep shame as I picture a dwarf fortress, it's sole protector a duck chained to a wall.

    And an adventurer convinced that the small duck waddling beside him is actually a small dragon.

    submitted by /u/Framesjanco11
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    Honestly, My Favorite Way to Play

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST

    The elves invading my fort brought some curious reading material with them

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    I do believe his wife kicked him out

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:17 PM PST

    I'm playing the latest version and was checking to make sure I had everything squared away when I noticed something...odd. My newly minted Baron has a lover. But my Baron is one of the original seven dwarves, and his lover is from the fourth migrant wave. Because I re-name all dorfs upon arrival, I tend to know who is dating whom. And I don't think I had ever seen a cross migrant wave romance before this one and I've been playing for years. Maybe I missed them all, I don't know. It just caught my eye.

    So I take at look at her, and it turns out she's got three children. I assume it's because she arrived with three children but I look again and the youngest is just a baby, born in this fort (HonorGuild). I check out the children and...wait, their father is in this fort? He's a High Master Fish Dissector, so I zoom and he's camped out in my reserve dormitory asleep. And his thoughts are him complaining about how he's embarrassed not to have room. But his holdings say he has Modest Quarters and a cabinet. So I go to look and see he's got quarters he shares with...his wife, the Bone Doctor, who is now the Baron's lover.

    Yeah, this game is deep.

    submitted by /u/Bar_Sinister
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Cave adaptation

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:34 AM PST

    I always wondered why only dwarves become cave adapted after living for some years underground, but other species are not. Not even tamed cavern animals that most likely lived all their life there are affected by the sun if you bring them out. In my mod, every civilized species becomes cave adapted and so are all underground creatures. This way my humans of the Mine Town would react properly when going to the surface after several years of living in the mines.

    submitted by /u/fenriswolf1991
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    My first Fun ending...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Well I started off, as I have finally gotten used to doing. I haven't been able to finish a single play through because some aspects have been hard to wrap my head around but I finally am starting to get it. My dwarves made it about 2 years? I'm still not quite sure of the best way to track time.

    I had gotten a single wave of migrants then no more as I realized I chose the one dwarven civilization that has nothing but barons/noble people who won't migrate. Oh well, it just adds to the Fun after all!

    Some times later, my first siege happens. A dwarven necromancer showed up with a zombie and two void ghouls. Luckily I had a bridge set up at my fortress entrance with a lever already so I googled how to get your dwarfs inside and safe. I created a burrow for the inside of my fort and shut the gate and just waited.

    Maybe a day or two went by before the necromancer left and I was like, well maybe the others will too. The Zombie was just meandering around where he can in still and the Ghouls had murdered my yak cows outside the fort. Dang it! Right when I built a farmers workshop to milk them, oh well.

    I wait a bit longer and they still don't go anywhere and my next idea is to see if this human pikeman that came to my fort for the tavern (right as I opened it) would fight for us as I read that online somewhere. So I restrict the tavern to citizens only. The human doesn't leave. I say meh it's okay I have cage traps set up right inside so hopefully they'll catch them and sure enough they did.

    Now I googled wtf to do with them and came to the conclusion that they will collect dust until I have some sort of army as I don't want to dig a pit to throw them down all though it sounds Fun. I leave them for another couple days. During that time I trap the Zombie too as he hadn't left.

    I start building a wall outside the fort so I have a nice area to protect my animals in the future and an area to build a barracks in the future as I only had 12 dwarfs and 3 children. I get the wall built and my second merchant caravan shows up.

    I prep stuff to be moved, so all of my crafts. I start looking through all my masterwork junk and I'm excited to hopefully get some chickens or something as I did the default embark. And there was a rooster but then I though, wait what if I try to sell them these asshats? I designate all three of these undead fools to be moved to the depot and the first one (the zombie) gets picked up and somehow escapes? I'll have to research about that I guess. But he escapes without me realizing it at first. He murders my last dog, a miner and is working on another by the time I find him. I have NO IDEA what to do so I just say fuck it and he murders EVERYBODY.

    Well it was a fun learning experience for sure. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/psyrpent
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    Choking people

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

    I just cant seem to do it. It lands, i am a good ambusher too, but my enemies just wont go down! Any help?

    submitted by /u/HotStewOnMeLap
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    Uh? what the...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    McArcady's LinuxDwarfPack-0.47.03-r1 (w/experimental DFHack and TWBT!) Released!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Nearly Instant Fun

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Hail Urists,

    Been many years since I last built a fort, but I got the itch again, so I grabbed the most updated LNP I could find and set about generating a world and embarking on a promising looking site.

    WELL. I forgot about things like biomes. This one is Evil. Oh, but no undead have turned up yet, just creepy crawlers trying to rot all my food and such. And approximately 2 werebeasts per year.

    The first two were kind enough to wait until a wave of migrants had appeared, and I've always been one to focus on getting a military going ASAP, but having 8 recruits armed with training weapons and wooden crossbows (with bone bolts) at best wasn't really up to the task. After taking out an Axedwarf, several cats and puppies, and my woodcutter (and someone's favorite chicken, who was the last animal still pastured outside, and died very far away from the fort, and thus is still "missing") the Werecat reverted to a human, and I said "nah fam, you're not getting off that easy" and ordered his death.

    My surviving military dwarves feel a great amount of guilt over this. Too bad.

    The "good" news is that most of the dwarves who got attacked died outright, so there's little chance of the curse spreading. The two potential patients are being quarantined.

    So I got a set of drawbridges built, and just in time too, because a Wereelephant showed up next, and I still only have steel production in the early stages. So he got to sit out there until a human caravan came. I missed out on their wagons, but . . . pretty sure that's worth it. Most of the human guards died. Alas.

    Just when it seemed like things were starting to stabilize, a military with actual skills, no dwarves needing to go outside (tower caps and cave moss up and running, artificial indoor pond, hooray). Oh, right, I accidentally discovered a cavern almost immediately while trying to dig a garbage pit, hence all the fungus in my dirt layer. I made it a well instead, because there was water down there.

    Well, according to the latest reports, that's not all! Iglian, Portent of Rot is hanging out down there too! Lovely little blob shaped forgotten beast. Grime and filth, no problem right? Oh, but BEWARE HIS DEADLY DUST.

    Maybe I'll be lucky and it can't fly? I don't think it has any path to walk into the fort other than straight up the 30z level well.

    submitted by /u/Hiseworns
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    Captain_Duck streaming Dwarfort; Axecoven stream 3

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Hey i'm going to stream some more dwarfort, this time stream 3 of Axecoven.

    Last time i found out that all humans, goblins and elf civilizations are extinct, it's just all dwarves. However i did piss off a dwarf necromancer tower and got some dwarves captured.

    I'll stream for 4 to 6 hours from posting this and afterwards i'll upload the VOD to youtube and i will post a link here.


    submitted by /u/captain_duck
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    Dreampage - The Bleeding Tree

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Dreampage - The Bleeding Tree

    This is a picture of a dead blueberry bush, a dead birch sapling, and a dead chestnut treethat exists at the bottom of a deep pit I discovered stretching downward below the first cavern level. I sent one lowly dwarf down and this is what he saw. Notice, also the dead troglodyte. The tree spurts blood red leaves from time to time, which fall to the ground. It is very unusual, and I was unable to google or search forums for an instance of a similar experience. Eerie, I thought. Anyone else seen something like this? Does it mean anything?

    It affected me enough to really turn my thoughts, and I was inspired to write a short story about the fortress, Dreampage, and tie it into the themes of wealth, despondence, power, and mortality. I invite you to read it.



    submitted by /u/MegaLowVoltage
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    The wiki is down

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:22 PM PST

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