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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Elves are trapped in their own hell

    Dwarf Fortress Elves are trapped in their own hell

    Elves are trapped in their own hell

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:15 AM PST

    I realized this after permitting some elves to live in my fort to be ill-equipped front line wrestlers.

    They loved it there because they had proper rooms(beds made from wood) and hidden from rain,snow, ooze, etc

    I've made a few elf adventurers and the elves literally just live in the trees with no beds or furnishings or anything and just freely get rained, snowed or oozed on and they get just as much of a mood penalty as dwarves do

    Elves are literally in hell living for, potentially forever, in a world where they are constantly tormented by the hell that is rainfall, with no proper rooms, and forever taunted by the idyllic existence of dwarves who are free of all these things and only have to pay the price of being used for mine cart, magma, bridge, atom smasher, forgotten beast traps and the occasional child sacrifice!

    Truly dwarves we live the most idyllic life of all others, and elves should be lucky to be put into servitude of us!

    -Queen Xuspgas

    who, for the last time, is not secretly part of the goblin civilization while being queen

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Hold up.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:43 PM PST

    Every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. I absolutely love how history has depth now. All of this extra action produces more skilled and unique characters too. I'm wondering if the magic update could bring this heart beat to life, sustaining endless waves of history.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Migrant Necro dwarf who learned immortality from a human who learned it from a metal slab created by a deity. i love this game

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:46 AM PST

    The absolute maddwarf

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST

    The war of the Urns Of Bearing

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:04 AM PST

    The war of the Urns Of Bearing

    I was checking out one of the dwarf civilizations in my world until I came across something that caught my eye.

    The Urns Of Bearing

    I wondered how it is possible for a place not belonging to a civilization to be the governor of so many cities, so i went deeper and found that they waged war against the "Treaty of Gales" they civilization of origin managed to take many cities and cause more than 6530 deaths, together with several massacres and displacement of civilians "the War of Steam" it was called. And in the year 229 they declared war on "The Torment of Stockades", a goblin civilization and took their sites nearby.

    The Urn of Bearing Conquests At His Height in 230

    After the loss of its best commanders with the faction it began to lose more and more territories for both civilizations leading to the collapse of their puppet governments in 249

    The region in 250

    submitted by /u/pohiena
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    First time building a magma forge...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:28 AM PST

    My dude really likes Twitter

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Molten Lead Trap

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I recently found that if you make your own little magma pit, you can use it as a dump location. I have a nice hatch cover attached to a lever so I don't get anyone smoked or steamed to death.

    Anyhow, I decided I wanted to free up space for my metal bars, so I had all the lead bars dumped. (Hundreds!) I happened to notice later that the lead melted, but was never actually destroyed in my garbage pit. Instead, I had (Magma 6/7) and then about 150 {Molten Lead} in there...

    Time to make a new welcoming siege entrance tunnel for the neighborhood goblins I think...

    submitted by /u/vespidaevulgaris
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    My fortress wont save (Lazy Newb Pack)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    i recently started playing dwarf fortress and was told to use the Lazy Newb Pack to start with. So far ive created 3 worlds with the use of the Lazy Newb Pack program nad neither my settings in the program or world will save even though i saved ingame.

    Is there something im missing? ive noticed that i dont have a Save folder in the Dwarf Fortress 0.44.12 folder, can i just create a folder named Saved Worlds?

    submitted by /u/Ikguzzi
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    To the Glory of Ismir

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    To the Glory of Ismir

    To the Glory of Ismir Molcetsizet

    It's the ninth of Malachite, the second year since the founding of our new home. Summer is in full swing. The recent hubbub of activity has died down as trade has come to an end and the caravan prepares to leave. The children - who were just so recently hounding our feet and eagerly sniffing around the trade depot for a rare, annual treat - have all pulled back; most having already gone back to their games while the more restrained ones have secreted themselves away in their temporary beds in the Plank of Relief to enjoy their treasure at their leisure.

    We dwarves are a hardy and self-sufficient folk. We carve our lives out of the sturdy stone beneath the surface, as we have since the gods put us here just over a hundred years ago. We master our crafts and come up with our own solutions to whatever problems come our way. We don't really need the surface folks, even if the trade can help sometimes. However, sometimes, just sometimes, they come up with something that we can't help but adopt ourselves.

    I am of course speaking of Ismir Molcetsizet. Ismir wasn't always a facet of our society. I remember my grandmother telling me of a time when the world was young. They had just breached the surface. Obviously, in reality the event involved a lot of vomiting all around since no one had developed any resistance to sunlight yet, but I digress. They were shocked as they came across a stranger, similar yet different and taller than anyone had any right to be, who was just as shocked to see them as they were to see him.

    It turned out he was a traveler from the Helpful Confederacy exploring the mountains. I won't bother getting into all the details. Suffice to say he agreed to deliver a trading proposal when he returned back home and gave them a parcel of food as a parting gift. "A gift from Ismir," as he said.

    How they marveled at the gift he left them. It was unlike anything they had ever had before. When there was nothing less they scoured the nearby surroundings for what it could be. However, while they discovered a lot of things they couldn't find anything that it seemed it could have been made out of. Finally, the next year when the first caravan arrived they asked the trader if she would mind delivering a letter to Ismir to answer some of their questions. And then, after having been greatly confused, she laughed and explained things to them. Ismir Molcetsizet hadn't been the name of the traveler. Instead he had been a worshiper of the humans' god of food and gave them a venerated dish as a gift in the honor of his god. (Which made sort of sense to my grandmother in hindsight, because what could something like that have been other than divine providence?) And while she didn't know how it was made she did have some in her stock and would gladly trade it to them.

    And now here we are, a hundred years later. Forty-seven strong in our newest fortress with just shy of a quarter of us worshiping Ismir. Besmar has confided to me that she expects a petition for a temple in his honor any day now. The initial steps are apparently a secret of the human clergy and none of our outposts have discovered the source yet. So we still rely on trade if we want to have the occasional treat.

    Of course, as with anything people can never seem to get along and just agree that we like something. Instead everyone and their mother has their own idea on how things are supposed to be and the faith splintered into different sects. Some, like our miner Olin, are part of the Faith of Butter who are adamant that the butter is the most important part of the dish. Olin swears that the richness of the fat makes it just perfect together with some chopped rock nuts. Others are instead part of the Doctrine of Sugar, who rose to prominence only a scant 20 years ago, and insist that adding sweetness to offset the bitterness is needed to bring it to its full potential. They point to things like how you can make a sublime cake by mixing it into a batter made from cave wheat flour, dwarven sugar and a couple of eggs.

    But then, lately I've noticed that things have been changing. I've seen a lot members leave their former orders, being tired of all the food wars and wanting to leave that silliness behind them. Why not simply partake of what Ismir has given us? Or as we say:

    Shut up, sit down, and just enjoy your chocolate! Sheesh.

    An excerpt from the memoirs of Avuz Matchflags.

    To the Glory of "Ismir, the chocolate snack"



    Just a little something spawned from my current fortress. I noticed a peculiar god while setting up temples for my dwarves, after which I dug around a little and found out not only about the sects, but also that most of my believing dwarves were former members of them. I thought I might as well share.

    As a side note, I like to think the leader of the splinter sect "the Doctrine of Sugar" created it simply so he could get to eat more chocolate. Why? Because he gave himself the title the "Holy Tummy".

    submitted by /u/LyteOfSpring
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    The astonishing rise and dismal fall of Thunderbrass

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    250 years followed the rise of Dushig from the murk and Nucam turning its gaze upon mortal concerns. Dushig took its rightful place as god of death while Nucam's infinite mercy drew it into the pantheon. The Dwarves toiled ceaselessly, humans sought immortality, and elves protected their forests vigorously.

    Trees fell to axes. Dwarves fell to treachery. Humans fell to arrogance. Dushig smiled. Goblins spread like pus on an open wound until the humans unleashed necromantic energies and consumed them.

    The mountainhomes, well protected in the Northern mountains of the Land of Birth, watched in despair until 7 dwarves broke from the Pointy Trade to found Thunderbrass as a bulwark between the hidden elves and corrupted humans. Rovod Flickeredbells drove his 6 friends to dig fast and deep to escape the coming undead horde. 2 grueling years of toil paid off and the first wave of shambolic human corpses crested at the gates and eventually drained into the trap-laden corridors beneath the placid river. Thunderbrass celebrated freedom with Lokum Eaglegazed's creation of The Awe-Inspiring Hides, a mussel shell figurine. Its whirls and spikes of microcline so thoroughly entranced the eye that word of it spread instantly through the Land of Birth; thus it was simultaneously claimed by hundreds of scurrilous knaves.

    A parade of necromancer poets, bleak corpse monster hunters, and faded corpses marched unceasing into the glorious Inn of Armored Harvest. Situated mere steps away from the main hall and dwarven museum, the Armored Harvest hatched hundreds of plots to steal every dwarven creation on display; but no golden scepter nor platinum sword drew so many sticky fingers as the Awe-Inspiring Hides! In three short years, 87 dwarves were intimidated, corrupted, or fooled into attempting to steal the Hides while their compatriots watched in distress. Olon's hammering arm grew to something misshapen and herculean as he pummeled senseless every fool so ensnared.

    Work in the shining granite halls ceased, though safe from outside invasion, the golden chains and masterful beds of the dwarven prison were overflowing. Finally, Kadol Scarredwire grabbed the reins of the fortress from this descent into anarchy, he immediately closed the inns, temples, and guilds from the invading spalpeens. The glorious museum of dwarven art was shuttered while every remaining artifact was protected and ensconced behind golden fortifications.

    Thus began the glory of Thunderbrass. Freed from the constant threat of theft and merciless dwarven justice, the Pointy Trade flourished; dwarves dug deep, sealed the terrifying caverns, roofed the underground volcano, and began the slow process of arming themselves to defend the surface. Dushig's temple was consecrated. Its floor was a golden retractable bridge, quantum entangled with a microcline lever in the center of the great hall. The golden dance floor, mere inches from the burbling magma did not melt thanks to the cunning dwarven architecture. Moments after the final glorious artifact of Thunderbrass, a forgotten beast scepter with bone cabochons, was placed safely inside its silver fortifications, the temple was opened to the world; once again hundreds of the previously-dead, masters of deception, and the singers of doom were drawn to Thunderbrass. Their blasphemy against Dushig redounded to its scaly, feathered glory.

    The dwarves dedicated the months of Slate, Galena, and Opal to Dushig; Hematite and Sandstone to Nucam's mercy. As each Dushig bacchanal drew to a close, one lucky dwarf was sent to the sacred lever, and pulled. It was said that one could feel the earth sigh contentment at each sacrifice.

    For ten years the dwarves praised Dushig's protection and poured plump helmet libations to Nucam's mercy. Galena the first of 263 saw a terrifying portend of the end. The twelfth forgotten beast arrived and was summarily executed by archers stationed in the caverns. Only in retrospect did they see the name of the beast: Dushig. As its scaly hide and iridescent feathers came to rest in the soft cavern moss, hushed whispers rose throughout the fortress.

    The second of Sandstone saw the first deaths. The terribly victorious archers returned to civilian life for 2 months of freedom from military service. Ushrir Romancepaged passed them in the main hall, hefted his silver mace, and bruised 3 hapless brains in seconds. No crime this, not a plot from a bleak-human poet, not even that inscrutable psychological horror known as 'loyalty cascade,' this was Dushig's mercy. Urist and his wife fell a week later, bisected by Oddom Workedgenius' sword; their baby wandered the fortress for two months before succumbing to dehydration.

    These same two months of inscrutable, periodic bloodshed left the once ecstatic dwarves of Thunderbrass haggard and broken. The queen fell to an arrow through her eye. The chief of medicine's nimble hands fell in a bloody heap upon the *Masterful* engraving of the goblin Ber Vilebrands, felled in his quest to steal the Awe-Inspring Hides. The population fell to less than one hundred traumatized, bloody, and largely insane prisoners of Dushig's mercy. Nucam was silent. Armok watched silently, until, with a grimace and a flick of the wrist: "Your settlement has been abandoned".

    submitted by /u/abelew
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    My adventurers's companion just died

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:40 PM PST

    And I'm gonna tell her story, because that's what I think this game is about. Fikod Craftedbanks the Neutral Feed of Razors, the dwarf, is one of the first of his kind and is guided by forces unknown. He is an Axedwarf and a citizen of The Pages of Time, a dwarven civilization, and he lived in Torchpower, a dwarven fortress. In the year 48, Fikod decided to become an adventurer, and accompanying him were Ast Tomesflicker, a speardwarf, and Thití Goodcrow, an elven poetess. On their way to Evertown, a dwarven hillocks, the group found and killed an eagle, with Fikod making a small figurine of the eagle's bones, and he took the rest. After arriving at Evertown, the group heard of Fametattoed, a nearby bandit camp that had been tormenting the hillocks, and decided to clear it out as an act of good will. Thití decided to stay back, since she wasn't a warrior. Fikod and Ast arrived at Fametattoed, and sighted the bandits. There 4 of them, and Fikod decided to sneak up on them and behead them, one by one. Upon killing the first bandit, Fikod realized another had sighted them, and was heading at Ast, brandishing a copper halberd. As the battle raged on, Ast fell unconscious and Fikod's ear was cut off and his left hip's muscle had been torn, disabling his ability to stand. In this moment of desperation, he decided to wrestle the halberd out of the human's hands. Sucess! Fikod then hit his opponent's knees, making him hit the ground, and chopped his head off. After the battle Fikod went to check on Ast. As she regained consciousness, she said "I've been injured badly. I can keep it together". This was not true, as she would then suffocate on her own blood. Fikod, stricken by fury, beheaded the rest of bandit's heads, and as he laid there, on the ground, bleeding and not knowing if he would survive, he took out one of the eagle's bones, and an iron carving knife, and made The Grim Death of Beauty, an eagle bone figurine. This is a well-crafted eagle bone figurine. The item is a well-designed image of Fikod Craftedbanks, Ast Tomesflicker, three humans and figurine in eagle bone. Ast Tomesflicker is dead. The three humans are dead. Fikod Craftedbanks is in a fetal position. Fikod Craftedbanks is weeping. Fikod Craftedbanks is engraving the figurine.

    submitted by /u/nestobendez
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    0.47.03 Linux DFHack w/ TWBT combo pack

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST

    For those running on linux hoping for a LNP, I've posted a combo DFHack with TWBT plugin pack to http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14863. This can be added to a vanilla df_linux install. You'll need to add your own graphics and tilesets, but hopefully this will get you going until a real Starter Pack is available.

    submitted by /u/thurin_R
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    My Dorfs seem to have started burning the corpses... There aren't any fire breathing creatures on the map so idk how they did this.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:46 PM PST

    This is bad

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:27 PM PST

    “Maybe I can just......figure this out”

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:46 PM PST

    A quote from me starting my first world an hour before I gave up

    submitted by /u/Mojozolo
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    This is the last week 24-28 Fed 2020 to get crayon drawing for donating to Tarn's Dwarf Fortress.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:52 PM PST

    tit le

    submitted by /u/Sanctume
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    Hmm... forgot to pasture my reindeer... Wait, who are you? Oh no...

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

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