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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Beware the Wereass!

    Dwarf Fortress Beware the Wereass!

    Beware the Wereass!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Don't worry skinny captain, it's like Ducim is still with you!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:48 AM PST

    Migrant legendary fighters

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:27 AM PST

    They're migrants from an occupation of a dark fortress, but most of my occupying force wasn't even that great just a couple squads of legendary warriors and the rest were scrubs

    the fortress fell years later to constant revolutions and finally finished off by being occupied by another goblin civ who killed everyone who remained, and then they fell apart into infighting and the place was abandoned.

    So all my dwarven migrants have been these epic, scarred warriors with kill lists I've nothing to do with.

    Some have been, apparently, driven mad by war and even with total stable mental health immediately turn violent upon entry to our fort

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Dammit Meph...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:53 AM PST

    I'm currently running using Meph's tileset after it got added to the LNP, it's beautiful and awesome on many levels, but dammit, with that much tile variety every brand of wood has a different color and I need to bulk produce specific block types in order to get my above ground tavern/castle built. It's like 4 or 5 times as much work to make it not look like an eye-bleeding kaleidoscope.

    Seriously though, beautiful work. Once I'm significantly more advanced I'm going to breach the aquifer and start looking at all the pretty stone variety. Until then, 5 times the work to get half the building done, woo!

    submitted by /u/Peter_G
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    That's a little bit insane

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:55 PM PST

    My first time using pumps I flooded a quarter of a z level.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:16 PM PST

    College of Dwarfology - Chapter 6 (Rollers and the Dwarven Train System)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:11 AM PST

    In this chapter we covered the mechanics and safety features of rollers and ramps. From storing ammunition, to safe disembarking from an automated travel system. All without waiting for a dwarf to do something.

    This chapter can be found at:


    and the main Dwarfology thread can be found at:


    stop by and drop a few topics you'd like me to cover.

    You can also expect me around the bi-weekly Q and A threads, if you prefer a more lithographic answer.

    submitted by /u/RNGstrategist
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    My Outpost Liaison just went berserk.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:51 PM PST

    She attacked one of my engravers, so I ordered my military to take her down. In the aftermath I saw two "found dead" alerts, and noticed that one of my carpenters had, for some reason decided to attack the same engraver, and subsequently she met a grisly end as well. I was confused as why this would happen.

    Legends revealed the carpenter and the outpost liaison as lovers, despite the latter having a husband elsewhere on the continent. I couldn't find any notable connection between the engraver and either of them, so at the moment my it appears that my carpenter saw her lover attacking a dwarf, and concluded that was a good enough reason to decide said dwarf had to die. The things we do for love.

    Now to see how this affects my relationship with the Mountainhome.

    submitted by /u/Nargleberry
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    Wait so you can just make infinite metal? That sounds awesome!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    nbd, just a completely naked human necromancer with a fantasy trumpet hanging out in this tavern....

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:47 PM PST

    Imagine you casually wake up with a living fountain person next to you every morning

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:30 PM PST

    My armor smith made a pair of greaves named after herself

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I want to get into this game, it looks like the type of game I'd enjoy, but thebgrqphics are off putting and it's very complex

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I already have it downloaded with a graphics mod that makes the view a little better but it's still confusing

    submitted by /u/chadhinkly
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    Cinderhold has just survived its first siege!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Around one year after settling in the cold taiga, the fortress of Cinderhold has grown quite rapidly, but still lacked a properly equipped military. Shortly after summer came, some undead arrived near the fort. Luckily, we were able to get everyone inside, including most of our reindeer herd. We did, however, lose a pair of reindeer.

    The situation looked dire. We were still not ready for the recent large wave of migrants, and lacked the farm production for drinks. People were very thirsty, but the only water source was outside. Our reindeer herd had nowhere to graze, our military was mostly equipped with bone armor and had little training, much less any combat experience.

    We evaluated our stock. We had plenty of coal, plenty of ore, and lots of rock. It would take too long for us to equip and train the military to fight the horde of undead and their icicle slinging commanders. There had to be another way.

    Our first hero of the siege was a miner by the name of Erith Eturlam who managed to breach the canyon walls and allow our population access to fresh water. It wasn't ale, but it's better than nothing...

    We decided that the cage traps we had set up in the forest could be produced and laid out in our main hallway. We set the dwarves to work, producing mechanisms, cages, and building walls to enclose the trapped hallway.

    Things were getting desperate. Summer was almost over, and we couldn't let the mountainhome see us cowering like this. Our reindeer were looking quite weak without food. We had no choice but to break down the walls and hope our traps work.

    The military was set up in a room at the end of the hallway. It did not take long for the undead army to notice the entrance to the fort was no longer sealed off, and they rushed in at the scent of blood and flesh.

    The only hope our dwarves had now came from the clanging of traps and cages, and the desperate groans of the undead inside them. The clanging began to quiet, and reality began to set in: there were not enough traps to quell the horde.

    But, a glimmer of hope remained. The traps had taken prisoner most of the zombies, and the few that remained could be taken down with good old fashioned iron weapons. It was time for our military to be put to the test.

    They charged in, the brave souls. The citizens of the fort looked on in horror, watching the chaotic scene, hearing the fearsome cries, and smelling the metallic scent of blood and iron in the air.

    Finally, things quieted down. The military reports back, their bone armor cracked and ruined beyond recognition. But all came back, all except poor Ast Duthalolon, who was now cleaved in two at the neck by the sword of an undead goblin swordsman. Brave Ast, eldest son of Fikod Murderrazors and Bim Warmstaff. He is the first to give life for the freedom of Cinderhold, but sadly will not be the last...

    The fresh air and sunlight was never quite so invigorating to the dwarves. The reindeer happily grazed in their fields once more, and the glory of Cinderhold remains untarnished. A great iron statue has been dedicated to Ast, and in the eyes a new fire burns. A fire for vengeance. The cruel tyranny of the necromancer responsible for this will not be tolerated. One day, the legions of the undead will crumble under our steel.

    submitted by /u/_Naptune_
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    DevLog 26 February 2020: "The next fix release should be coming by the end of the month."

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Necromancer citizens

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:35 PM PST

    I'm playing the latest version, and in my very first wave of migrants, I got a necromancer dwarf. He works just like any other dwarf, and I enlisted him in my military. He is marked by a Ñ - not with the normal dwarfy face, but otherwise, he seemed like a good fellow.

    A couple of migrant waves later, I get yet another one.

    Nothing strange seemed to happen, until now: I gave the order for my military to chase down and kill some local wildlife.

    Now one of the necromancers have reanimated a kangaroo arm - and the arm isn't friendly! It fights against my military dwarves. And every chance my necromancer gets, he reanimates some other chopped off body part.

    ... What do I do?!

    submitted by /u/Susitar
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    A bright future for this young soldier!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:41 AM PST

    A bright future for this young soldier!

    Another dwarf caravan had departed, and Winter arrived in it's place. This is the end of the second year since The Portentous Spears founded Blazedguild on this mighty volcano.However, the newly assigned Mayor had forgotten the most important thing for the people, security, as a Giant with it's invader, thirsty for blood, arrived shortly after a snow storm.
    In a hurry a small militia was armed, but the dwarfs were all over the place transporting tables and chairs, only one dwarf managed to reach the location, without a weapon as he refused to wear anything other than a hammer, which the fortress did not have yet.The Giant was making a mad dash to the temporary shelters, where the one militia was stationed, the others nowhere to be found, probably still packing things up or drinking.Then the guard saw the Giant, much like a male human but with unbelievable size.

    The guard bravely went after the Giant, trading a couple of blows with the Giant, but the Giant spotted a weaker victim, or so he thought... A child by the name Eral Okuntobul was trying to reach the main fortress, still under heavy construction, when it was suddenly assaulted by a massive mountain of a man.

    "The child was a brave one!" said a shaken Blacksmith dwarf that had reached late to the party. "T'was probably a solid minute or two when the fightin' started, me n' the lads arrived to help and ssaw the kid daftly jumpin' left n' right! Poor lad been bruised a few times, but he's a strong one! Can't say much for the poor sod that tried to protect the lad, Giant got tired of tryin' to get the lad an' went after the guard, crushed his neck like t'was nothin'! Mayor Rakust is gun' force us to hurry up the construction of the graveyard now caus' of dis! Here's hopin' he does the same for the Military District, now that's a project I don' min' workin' on as long as I can still drink in the future!!!!"

    Lessons were learned, Rakust will surely want to assign a dedicated guard force, and his eyes are set on this brave young child as his future Captain of the Guard.

    He surely deserves a nickname after this brave display, if you guys got any suggestions please do say so! For the time being he will be nicknamed "Giant's Nightmare" for being able to distract and interrupt the Giant through that fight.

    Below you'll find a couple of cropped screenshots of the fight.

    The fight had begun, the child showing an amazing performance through the fight

    Right after, the child saved the guard by knocking a giant unconscious!!! The two proceed to try and beat the giant's head as much as they can before it stands up! (about 3 pages of them both punching the head.)

    The guard did not see that one coming, and the child was unable to save him this time. He had to survive a bunch of attacks on his own before reinforcements arrived.

    He was even tossed away, the Giant finally realizing that he picked the wrong kid moved on to focus another target, but these reinforcements were dexterous...

    ... to a certain degree at least. After a few more blows the Giant could not hang on to fighting any more and passed out, this is where the civilians saw an opportunity and completely surrounded the Giant's head, beating it to a pulp until the Giant was finally dead.

    A dead giant with some of the dwarfs nearby, the kid (red) making his way to grab a drink

    submitted by /u/Lubuthewarrior
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    Getting more adept with Fortress Mode

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Getting more adept with Fortress Mode

    So, I started on DF after hearing about it via Rimworld forums. I then saw Kruggsmash's videos and that made me decide to try. I was pondering space station 13 too at the same time but anyway....

    So, I think its been less than a year. I started on it before it came to steam, but not that long before. Ive played games on a Commodore 64 and played NetHack back at GenCon when it was still being held at Lake Geneva, and varied other MIUDs on sporadic occasion. So, it wasnt too alien for me.

    It still took a while. Its a bit of a convoluted sub-menu, something all its own. I have a vision of getting a game going where I like how my first fort or two went and then run it from there. It seems saves are getting mostly compatible now. I hope so, because the most recent fort got off to what I feel is the right kind of start.

    The only error I really did was I didnt think of selecting the closest dwarven clan to my chosen location so my clan is way down at the south pole. They can reach me though, as we are on the same megacontinent.

    So, the embark wagon touches down and I see I am right in the crook of a bend of a frozen brook. I make three 1x1 tunnels like 8 levels down, and carve out medium room sized cisterns of 7x7 as the spring snow thaws. My heart was thumping as I did it as I had been trying to successfully build a fortress with a well and proper water supply for some time now. Ive had some spectacular moments of entire fortress levels filling up with water after building a temple, temp tavern/meeting hall, and minor hospital as well as rooms for several waves of dwarves. Not to mention fun times with cave ins and other random borkiness.

    That grey building is an attempt to make a mausoleum for the kobold.

    In the meanwhile, as the ground becomes less and less snow-concealed - the stone from the deep cisterns has been stockpiled on the surface and I make hatch covers and stone grates. I place the stone grates down below the sediment layers to keep out mud and fish. One dwarf gets stuck putting in the 3rd grate but we dig a stair and get him out just as the brook thaws and water starts to seep down the holes. It worked! Non-stagnant water (now I just have to dig out floodgate locked channels so I can control pressure flow coming in before winter for at least one cistern so we can have water during the cold season).

    Cats, chickens, and farms. It just feels right.

    So, once that was sealed, I started digging down to make the 1st set of bedrooms, the sherrif's office, and the temple. After setting up that task, I also carved out a farm room, with food storage next to it and zoned a pen in there, putting my cats, hens, and rooster in there. The cats kill the pests that attack your crops and food supplies and the hens just kinda are easier to place there traffic wise because of eggs and nest boxes.

    Peat, clay, and sand are great for hollowing out storage rooms

    Up top, I have two yaks (a make and female pulled the cart apparently), a pair of dogs, a ewe and a ram, and some rabbits. Kobolds always pop up and try to nab one of your critters when you have a pen of grazing animals so I already had my first military squad set. Not that they were needed, as apparently one of the dogs took a dislike to the thief and had it mostly ripped to shreds by the time my chief medical dwarf arrived, to hold the kobold down so the dog could finish it off. The dog only got some fat bruised.

    Everyone has their own room! Unless its a pair of lovers. Theyre living together to see if it works out. By decree. Because upset dwarves are dangerous.

    So, not only did I get a quick and efficient cistern base for an aqueduct system set up - I also killed my first kobold. Yeah I know big deal. But I think the only other things my dwarfs have killed so far have been things like dingos so yeah.

    Check out the cisterns on that one! GARRRRR!

    Ive been too busy with projects to continue since then. Im kinda waiting for a good moment because I dont wanna mess up getting a well in there by winter. I saved right when the liason arrived at the start of our first autumn and we are *just done* with making the second set of bedrooms for my first wave of migrants.

    Ive done this thing where at embark I choose prepare carefully and give the 3 people that dwarf therapist says are the worst miners at least an 8 in mining and make them miners. This is to increase their stats related to mining. I also try to do the same with the worst woodcutter. In this circumstance, most jobs fell into line outside of that and I was able to give many of them ranks of at least novice in those extravagant luxuries such as observation, discipline, swimming, armor use, teaching, tactician, leader, and student. Not to mention have some with a smattering of social skills outside of the bare broker necessities.

    Oh! And while legends viewer indicated my faction has a TON of gods - it seems my dwarves follow only three so far - a god of valor, a god of law, and a god of compassion. This might bode well. I envision a place that is not just a stronghold ... but a bastion of righteous dwarves. Law and the good of the soul will be themes I will endeavor to shepard my intrepid clan on.

    But oh, the mining is good here.

    submitted by /u/Walpurgisknight
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    Don't forget to donate before the end of the month if you want a Dwarf Fortress crayon or story reward!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    For those who don't check the main website often; Tarn and Zach will no longer be doing donation rewards due to ever-increasing demand, but will honour new requests until the end of the month.

    So, if you've ever thought of requesting a reward - now's your last chance to get one! http://www.bay12games.com/support.html

    Feel free to post pictures of rewards you've received already - I'd love to see them. I'm eagerly (but patiently) awaiting mine once they get through the backlog!

    submitted by /u/Jacky_AllTrades
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    First instance of FUN! in a while.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

    So lately I have been successful with my forts. I've been focusing on getting food and drink production sustainable, as well as setting up nice bedrooms, taverns, temples. Really learning the basics of making something productive and happy. Or at least content. I actually set a fort aside because I no longer had goals as I had made it self sufficient with few unhappy dwarves at just over 100. This time, however, I settled on an evil biome, and did not respect it. I was working on some above ground structures, and was in my first winter. Everything was set up for metal crafts, I was making electrum to turn in to crafts to trade for fuel as I was sorely lacking in trees and coal. I had food and cloth production started. We were set for the winter.

    Then the otters came. Four otter corpses rushed the entrance, killing two dwarves before they went down under the silver hammers of my hastily put together squad. The dwarves refused to move corpses no matter what I did, eventually those corpses rose, killing more. An undead plague had come for the fort. A corpse being finally hauled reanimates and mauls the hauler. The dead rise, kill, in only a few moments seven more dwarves have been killed. I know there's no way to get rid of the corpses before they, too, rise with a taste for dwarven flesh. The children are in the fort, playing make believe. They don't know what's coming for them. We've locked them in a bedroom, maybe they can be safe there until the dead leave.

    I think it's time to embark a fort with the goal of training a military. I've learned the basics of fort management but I've neglected military.

    submitted by /u/DiceAddiction
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    An ambitious ruler

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    An ambitious ruler

    So I started a brand new world, Licevadefini, "The Legendary Dimensions", and I embarked a brave group of crafters from the civilization Helm of Seizures, the new fort is called Sákrithdomas, "Blazedguild" and governed by Niral Lokum (probably badly translated), "The Portentous Spears". Their symbol (forgot the name, if there are tips on where to find it i'd apreciate it!) consists of a mountain on fire that's surrounded by five spears.

    The Helm of Seizures is generally peaceful, residing on the southern side of the whole world along with several other civilizations, of all kinds of races, hence the idea of venturing further to the center of the map, away from the mountainhomes, right onto a volcano that is close to humans and goblins.

    It is the second year of the fortress, the dwarfs have been living in temporary holes as they prepare something big that Rakust Edanfikod, the expedition leader, wants to celebrate his approaching promotion to Mayor. He wants to make a fortress large, massive, and ready to take on any who would want to make the Blazedguild their home.

    Some would go against this idea, shouting that they need more stairs, others complaining that their stumpy legs won't be able to walk that long around the fortress.

    Rakust does not seem to care, his vision is of great ambition, one who can't be denied, as walking a few kilometers more does seem better than the temporary dirt hole they dug at the very beginning.

    The first human caravan is about to depart, and Autumn is soon upon them. Predicting another migrant wave approaching Rakust can already smell his promotion, and construction had already begun a long time ago.

    ----Fort Tour!----

    Through a large entrance visitors will be tempted to take a left to visit "The Barricaded Baker", the very first tavern made on the dirt cavern that will soon be relocated with food and drink stockpiles to ensure the tavern keep has a quality stock at hand.Further down the same path a crossroads, to the left and right those rooms will be designated as the Barracks, places for soldiers to train and sleep, some additional work will have to be done as a predicament showed up in the shape of clay and sand. "I knew we should've gone deeper!" said Rakust when the clay was spotted on the military area.Turning a right on the crossroad, through the barracks and another crossroad you will encounter a residential district, this is where every non-noble dwarf will reside and there are plans to make the place more pretty with statues and engravings, to keep the commons happy.Going back to the second crossroad you'll make your way to the very heart of this fortress, the very volcano we reside in. This is where all the forges will be located to take full advantage of the lava to craft the best steel items in the world!On the side of the heart the Religious District can be seen, still to be mined out, it will be where the temples of the many deities will be, possible expansion needed due to the Helm of Seizures having so many deities (20+), but the general temple being the largest and with the common's graveyard right behind it."Hey, on the entrance we took a left, what's on the other side?" That will be the Guildhalls, the place where Guilds will have their dedicated rooms to host demonstrations and conversations about whatever it is they do asides drinking."What about a place for farming and animals?" Although Rakust cursed the appearance of clay and sand at the military district it also helped him realize that he can save precious space in other areas by just putting the farmers and their land right next to what will be protecting them, right to the north side of the military district. The appropriate measures will be taken to ensure they have plenty of places, as well as the ability to host a variety of animals to help feed several types of industry!The southern part of the fortress? Well, that will, according to Rakust, "reserved to aid the expansion of the guilds and religious districts", but we are still missing the Noble district...

    Current Population: 49-Dwarfs: 46-Humans: 3

    Edit: Engraving is one way to find out the name and symbol of your groups symbol, as well as your civilization. Simply select an area to engrave and hit "D" to specify what to engrave, "Existing image" is where to find them.
    The Helm of Seizures has Egstak Dishmab, "The Eviscerator of Ramparts", an image of querns.
    The government of The Portentous Spears has Beraned, "The Earthen Sports", a masterfully designed image of five spears and a mountain. The mountain is burning. The mountain is surrounded by the five spears.

    A large group of miners and engravers are working on the fortress while the rest craft and furnish what's ready to assemble.

    submitted by /u/Lubuthewarrior
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