• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress By the great beard of Armok, would you look at that! Kruggsmash has finally reached the incredible milestone of 75 000 subscribers! Let us congratulate him for this!

    Dwarf Fortress By the great beard of Armok, would you look at that! Kruggsmash has finally reached the incredible milestone of 75 000 subscribers! Let us congratulate him for this!

    By the great beard of Armok, would you look at that! Kruggsmash has finally reached the incredible milestone of 75 000 subscribers! Let us congratulate him for this!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:05 AM PST

    New training regime

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:20 PM PST

    You will never guess where the last living human lives ��

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:02 AM PST

    "Urist, I told you not to pack all that crap! Now we're stuck!" Vanilla four wagon embark pileup!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:40 AM PST

    My adventurer became a mayor

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

    My dwarf adventurer became a mayor of dwarven village. When I retire in this settlement, he will be live as mayor here?

    submitted by /u/primosz1515
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    I murdered a child after he went berserk...

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    So... One of the child's of Mt first fortress went berserk and was killed by one of my miners with a pick, is there any way to save that event? I think it has something to do with legends but I don't know how that works...

    submitted by /u/Yolo4Reddit
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    My first fortress has been overrun by bards

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

    My first fortress has been overrun by bards

    So... for some reason I have a dozen bards visiting my dirty "fortress", why would they be interested in being here ?

    \"A Thousand Bards in a Kitchen made of dirt\"

    submitted by /u/Yolo4Reddit
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    Preview Win64 0.47.02 Pack "Caveat Emptor" Edition: Dwarf Therapist, DFhack, TWBT (text only,) Phoebus, SoundSense, QuickFort.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:58 PM PST

    That's slightly off...

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    They're breeding.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Got some Necromancer besieging my fort. Along with several squads of undead led by the new undead lieutenants there are several different experiments. I don't know if it's a bug or not but two different species of experiment have given birth outside my fortress. The young appear to have been born adults, and are supposedly friendly to my fortress. I'm torn between continuing construction of a death corridor to deal with the siege or wait them out and see if the young stay and are truly friendly.

    submitted by /u/Dorf_of_the_Fortress
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    Oh Boy, my Prussian above Ground Fort is under Siege

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Join the newest, largest, and soon to be oldest (years played) succession fort in DF history!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Well the time has come for yet another succession fort - except this time it is different in a big way.

    Myself and 13 others on the Dwarf Fortress discord server have started a succession fort mega-project. We're on year 3 and going strong with many - many more years to come.

    You're a good fit if:

    1. You want to play - nobody is turned away, even if you aren't skilled at DF. We have fail safes set up to prevent the fort from ending prematurely and to allow for everybody to have a good time.
    2. You have played prior succession forts OR you have not played prior succession forts.
    3. You want to experience DF through various phases of the game - from the "boring" start to constant warfare to collecting artifacts and animals.
    4. You have discord (it's just too hard to coordinate without it)

    The fort is democratic and the people playing decide on additional rules/taking away rules. No one person gets to decide on specific rules without at least a majority vote.

    We have only 3, simple, goals.

    1. Declare war on everybody, because what succession fort can be done without that happening at some point?
    2. Gather every artifact in the world for our artifact museum.
    3. Gather unique and interesting creatures for the creature room.

    We would like to invite you to join us! Message me, comment, or come on discord and message or ping me via the same username. All current guidelines are pinned for ease of access on the Discord channel.

    Current Guidelines and rules (may have changes since pasting them here from discord)

    ~~~~~~\~~ BIGGEST RULE OF THEM ALL ~~~~~~\~~

    IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ANY RULE BEING MADE - THIS IS A DEMOCRATIC FUNCTIONING SUCCESSION FORT! Nobody, not u/The Elf Lord nor I, u/Muffinsofjoy , nor anybody else can impose their rules on everybody. If the majority of you want to remove or add rules - that is 100% a part of this fun.

    Fail safes in place to prevent this from ending too soon


    1) If you end the fort on your turn, we start from the last person's uploaded file and you lose your turn this cycle with it passing to the next person. You are more than welcome to participate in your next turn because LOSING IS FUN! This way the fort will keep going long into the future.

    2) ALL people are welcome to play this succession fort. If you decide not to follow our rules, which we have made as lenient as possible, then you will be taken off the succession list.

    3) If we hit an FPS death point and you are unable to correct it then pass the world to somebody who can and forfeit your turn. If you didn't cause the FPS death then the last person will miss their next turn (don't be an asshole, simple stuff)

    When you finish your year upload it to: https://easyupload.io/ for the next person. See the pinned message for the turn order!

    Turn Order ~~~~~\~

    1) u/Muffinsofjoy , did year 1

    2) u/The Elf Lord , did year 2

    3) u/Drunk Sensual Pop-Tart , will do year 3

    4) u/Scroungy , will do year 4

    5) Whoever is on when it comes will do year 5

    6) Whoever is on when it comes will do year 6

    7) Whoever is on when it comes will do year 7

    Current Goals ~~\~~~~

    1) Declare war on everybody - everybody must be cleansed.

    2) Gather every artifact in the world for our museum.

    3) Capture one of every unique and interesting beast for the beast room. 4) Become the oldest succession fort in DF history. Or at least the largest active player base.

    Pathing Calculator for those interested (no requirement to use it) : https://qiao.github.io/PathFinding.js/visual/

    Current Guidelines

    1) Quantum stockpiles are ok. Same with atom smashers. They are truly FUN

    2) No sealing the fort off from the surface unless there is a siege that you can't survive without doing so.

    3) No "perfect start" please. Let's do something weird, a nonstandard area without every resource possible.

    4) IDC what size of world but, medium savagery please, and sparse minerals.

    5) Get as many non-dwarves as possible and encourage non dwarf child "industry".

    6) No DFhack

    7) No cheating, exploiting game mechanics is fine.

    8) Population limit in fort of 80, anybody over and you must exile, atom smash, or otherwise dispose of the excess Urists.

    9) 2 day succession limit to prevent this from going stale. If you aren't done the year by the 48 hour point then please upload the file before that time expires otherwise it passes to the next person and your worldfile will be forfeit.

    submitted by /u/MuffinsofJoy
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    A human monster hunter killed a cave crawler and several other monsters with a artifact mug

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:51 PM PST

    Learning Cage Traps - Advice Requested

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Learning Cage Traps - Advice Requested

    Today I got to share some fun with an unexpected visitor in the underground system I've begun exploring. I had set some traps in the entry chamber but after he broke through the door he just kinda stood there looking at the trap, not moving. Admittedly, the smith who crafted the components made them quite pretty to gaze upon.

    Wait he's blind so nvm. Maybe it smelled good.

    Hoping to lure the blind cave troll up the stairwell into a room prepared with traps, I sent one of my lesser mace dorfs down to maybe lure him to chase. The mace dorf couldn't stop himself. He just lost his shit and turned the ogre's head into a quivering pool of gore.

    How have you guys utilized cage traps for mighty unfriendlies? My goal is to one day make a monster pit and a hatch trap system to drop invaders into before they reach my menacing spike floor. You know, so everybody can get a good laugh. It will be the first time using traps, animal piles, chains for restraints, etc. Any insight to this process is greatly appreciated.

    Picture is for your enjoyment.


    submitted by /u/MegaLowVoltage
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    Playing on 47.02, got a necromancer in two different migrant waves. The second one is a fish cleaner.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:01 PM PST

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