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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress I imagine most long-term fortresses end up like this map of Moria

    Dwarf Fortress I imagine most long-term fortresses end up like this map of Moria

    I imagine most long-term fortresses end up like this map of Moria

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    demon stole my sock and destroyed me ;(

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:20 AM PST

    It's not a wererhino or anything, but it's a horrible nonetheless...

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:20 AM PST

    My favourite artifact so far

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:47 AM PST

    OK so this a little bit disturbing but just found out my peeps be inbred. (I'm playing 'Human fortress' so perhaps they're a bit more carefree on that front than dwarves...)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:16 AM PST

    This is why you should fear the night. Just because I missed one line where a dwarf had been bitten, everyone had too much fun. Had to drown the fort.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:29 AM PST

    You know things are good when a man with a head of polar bear visits you.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:51 AM PST

    What was that feature that blew your mind in DF, for me it was the variety of abilities among animal people in adventure mode.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    I read a post in our subreddit listing the different abilities that animal people have. It is amazing how different you can play between a rhinoceros man and a mosquito man.

    A brown recluse man? Talk about an "Age of Death" creator. 8 shields to block with plus a fatal venom, I'm in.

    What was the feature in Dwarf Fortress that really blew your mind?

    submitted by /u/MuffinsofJoy
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    The Confederacies of Shoving - Who are they? (Exploring the legends)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    The Confederacies of Shoving - Who are they? (Exploring the legends)

    In the world of Namsil, The Destined Plane which is 349 years into the age of Myth

    A map of the world

    a world with half of its population beign elves, more than 158,000 elves lived there! and only 16,838 humans, somehow, the humans have managed to make an empire of their own.

    I am talking about The Confederacies of Shoving! 3176 people, live with nearly 1200 others, in only 29 sites, they are not even the human population with the largest amount of sites, or the largest population, but you won't belive what they survived!!

    they fought 41 wars! 32 of them as the defenders!!!!!!! more than any other civilization! the whole world had only 137 wars, and 41 of them, fought by this small human civilization

    A graph

    The The Confederacies of Shoving that own 1450 horses fought most of its wars against elves, but even after beign attacked every few years, and having insane amount of deaths and a relativly small population, they still controll major area acress importent regions in the north

    A site map of the Confederacies of Shoving

    a map showing battle deaths and diplomacy! the heat map is for battle deaths

    The Confederacies of Shoving was created by the human necromancer Aqus Poemvocen in the year 4, and he was the ruller until the year of 31, 9 different humans ruled this empie after him, the longest lasting one was Lubbe, who controlled the civilization from the year 32 to the year 121 when He died of old age, then mudi cheerfultreaties took control.

    mudi worked in a library where dozens of elves worked! he was one of the only 3 humans who worked there, but when he 30 yeas old he started taking part in spare throwing competitin in tge festival of poets, and he won 4 times in 2 years! later he tried other sports, but always lost.

    later we made the scroll "Lunar Phases: Fact Or Fiction?" a legendary white-handed gibbon parchment scroll. it is still placed to this day in the same library where he worked when he was young! :O

    after continueing his life, winning dozens more spare throwing competitions, and getting better at foot races he met a women called Xidel deathbuckled who was known as "1280", she formed a false friendship with mudi in order to extract information about tubbreach, where mudi lived. but year later he moved to some place with a long name, then became the ruler, and for some reason just game the controll to his daughter later I don't care about them, I just want to play and build a fortress, by the way his douther is entombed at The Tomb of Waters if you care.. it's in mouthcook, I swear it's the name of the town, it's a town where humans and dwarves live together. 933 humans, very large town, the largest in The Confederacies of Shoving. here is a map of the place:

    mouthcook's map

    very cool, I wrote enough, never going to continue, but here is a graph of who attacked this civilization and how much they lost:


    also, before I stop writing, most of the people who controlled this empire had the same goal, to bring peace to the world, lol. ironic!

    ok, bye, I go to play....

    submitted by /u/orenog
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    The story of soakedvalley

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Soakedvalley was intended to be a bandit hideout: a small fort of 15 dwarfs with 5 taking care of the fort and the rest stealing everything from any civilization. The first time i saw the name i found it funny but i wasn't imagining how the fort name wasn't refering to the small river it was flowing on the bottom, it was a premonition of the bloodbath it would happen in the whole valley. The fort was going good and i decided to build a library to store all the codexs i stole. With this and the cave discovery, the small valley between the mountains become quickly a peregrinating site full of scholars and monster hunters so i had to close the camp preventing them for enter. Those scholars were wandering until a weretapir apeared. The almost 90 visitors started to run in fear as the weretapir was malming them to death. After a bloody night, the monster hunters slayed the monster but some of them were bitten, at this moment i couldn't risk opening the gate so i built a secret passage for my invaders to get in. Once they arrived i closed the pasage for entering the fort and decided to build one to get into the caverns hoping that the monsters in the depths would end the madness of the weretapirs. Not even one day passed until a giant cave spider emerged from the caves slaying more scholars. At this moment i just had one farmer and the rest of the squad was just building and engraving slabs. The scholars and monster hunters kept on comming as cannon fooders. Every time a creature of the caves found the path to the surface and every full moon the valley was staining in red. Not even the everlasting rain could clean that up, so i came with an idea, during the raids we pissed a lot of people: Elves, humans, goblins and other dwarfs so why not use all that rotting meat as a defence. At this point all my fort was at least proficient reader, the library and the main hall with a big pile of artifacts were the only stress removing areas so i decided to steal a codex from a necromancer tower, hoping to get the secrets of life and death and raise my own zombie army. Instead of getting that, we got one more death as the necromancer forces surprised us, we got better tactics but they outnumbered us. It didn't passed much time since the incident with the necromancer that we got our first siege. The treelovers were pissed because we stole a bunch of their artifacts livestock and released one goblin from their cells. They came during the most fun part of the month, the full moon, so instead of ambushing us with their war beasts and their large numbers, they were trapped by the wereplague that infected at this moment over 70 lurkers outside the fort. This was the beggining of the end for the wereplague because elfs retreated with a ton of looses but almost all the weretapirs were dead by the sunset, most of those were scattered underground from where death was comming next. Our graveyard by the moment was almost the full mountain before the elf invasion we were sitting in +150 deaths, after that, we ended with 267 dead bodies painting the valkey in red. The situation inside the fort was delicate, we got water as we used the river to fill a pool of clean water inside the fortress, we also had food, the raids on the goblins provided us a few breeding and egg laying beak dogs but the stress was starting to kick dwarfs high, the ghosts of the dead started spawning before we could end the engraving labour for all of the fallen. I'm sure that just a glimpse outside would make my dwarfs to get on a breakdown. The newly open and engraved temple wasn't enough but they managed to survive the madness. Then a forgotten beast came. A towering humanoid made from cobaltite with four arms and a web throwing mouth wrecked his way through the caves entering the valley and destroying everything at its range. That full moon no weretapir survived to the blue fists of the beast. It was the new lord of the valley but our acces was locked by a hatchdoor so we were safe. With more than 350 corpses scattered through the whole map our graveyard was the biggest zone in the fortress and it didn't had a single tomb. I decided to hold until another siege came and slay the beast but i wasn't specting that kind of siege. The dead started to rise, the necromancer we tried to steal from was taking his revenge and hundreds of corpses with him, not only scholars were being awakened: Giant cave spiders, war beasts from the elves, elven warriors and monster hunters, blind cave trolls and troglodites formed a massive army that teared down the beast but they were staying for a long time and if i cannot control the dead, nobody should so i prepared a plan. Almost three months took us to engrave all the slabs so i moved to build doors. Nine masterwork doors were made out of the obsidian of the mountain. We raised the bridge that lead to the caverns prohibiting the acces from the valley and unclogged the fortress acces to them. My expedition leader, miner and mason went down to the caves in the search for adamantium but it was not the metal what we were searching. When we found it the nine doors were built to slow the clowns and try to save the miner. All was the process was made step by step with my supervision, when we opened a door to the circus almost no one was there leaving my miner with plenty of time to scape, seal the path leading to the fortress and open the path to the surface. Suddenly, two or three days after the breach, the whole circus came out and i enjoyed how the necromancer's forces were reduced to ashes while my computer gave in to the sweet fps death.

    submitted by /u/TheMarrades
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    I'm starting here

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:39 AM PST

    Final update on Cobrastrikes the accidental "Demon tamer"

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:49 AM PST

    Hey again! You may or may not remember me from a post I made not too long ago regarding my Goblin Puncher, Cobrastrikes, their adventures and the subsequent taming of a great Demon Master from her parent civ. If you haven't given it a read yet, then I strongly suggest that you do. It'll give you a lot more background info on this post. If you don't want to read it, that's fine - just be prepared to get hella confused.

    In the aforementioned post, I asked you all for some !!FUN!! ideas to do with my new demon, Gusmul. One of my favorite ones, and the most upvoted ones was to train ourselves to be the best musicians Namroth Arkoth has ever seen. And you know what? I tried pretty damn hard for this.

    Y'know, they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but holy dooley it is IMPOSSIBLE to teach a Demon how to dance. I tried over the course Hematite to Sandstone to teach Gusmul how to do a simple, improvised dance. I fully quit after Gusmul, my Macedwarf and I performed in front of the rulers of Mokathiceca, or The Saturnine Raven, a faraway Elven civ, where Macedwarf and I were performing on a level that was exceptional and flawless, and the message popped up that Gusmul chants sloppily, over and over again. The performance was SO terrible, that a nearby Elf bard spat upon me (She missed, of course - Dodging skill actually has some use!). But thinking back on it, it might not have been because of the performance, but likely due to my killing of a ranger that was in the same building. "Murderer! You have killed blah blah blah" yeah yeah whatever I get it you tree-hugger....

    Anyways, another suggestion that is a favorite of mine was to offer Gusmul the seat of lady/lord of a civilization. That would be a much more... Ahem, accomplishable task, as all I would need to do was find a human civ (plenty of those 'round here), kill the ruler, then claim the site for me and my group, and finally offer Gusmul my seat and hopefully they'll accept it.

    Easy enough, I did all of those steps then offered Gusmul my seat and woohoo they accepted it!

    So, what now?

    Well, I could always reinvite them to join me in my adventures, then we could take over a vault with the slab that has their true name, then bind them to my service/banish them forever? Sounds fun enough!

    Gusmul, how about one last adventure - for old time's sake?

    "I am sorry. My duty is here."

    Wow. Okay. It seems as if Gusmul, who I managed to befriend over the course of our journeys, was too preoccupied as being lord/lady of Aslabehal, or The Healing Kingdoms, where they ruled from Fancyworth, a Human Town.

    Surely they couldn't be that busy, right? Just give it a few months, then I'm sure that Gusmul will accept my offer!

    And so, I spent 6 months building a throwaway fortress. My main goal was to occupy trade routes from one island to another, by building bridges during the colder months. It crashed and burned after one too many Goblin Sieges, and I couldn't even make it halfway.

    Unretiring Cobrastrikes, I found myself back in Fancyworth, where I was biding the time by settling there doing whatever the heck I was doing before I unretired. I made my way to Gusmul, and asked them once more if they wanted to join me in my adventures to the vault.

    "I am sorry. My duty is here."

    Darn. I guess Gusmul is content on spending their days as ruler of The Healing Kingdoms. I mean who wouldn't be, right? It was quite the expansive civ, With many towns along the tropical coasts of Egun Zukod, The Steppe of Trusting, all the way to near the Mountainhomes and the warm beaches to the North of it, such as Awiyivadane, The Spry Dune, reaching faraway to the fertile grasslands of Xunust Osma, The Field of Fortifying, which, despite it's Goblin name, was completely devoid of any Dark Pits or Dark Fortress, making it the idyllic setting for many hamlets spread across its land. Yes, The Healing Kingdoms was a great one, and with it's new and powerful leader, Gusmul, it was destined for fame and fortune. Who am I to deny Gusmul what they deserve?

    With that, Cobrastrikes recruited a few more companions and set a path to the Vault only known as Ekastegul, Safetycontrol - quite an ironic name with what happened there in consideration.

    Entering the Vault with caution, my companions and I were immediately met with two Death Puppets (sadly their description is not on Legends Mode and I would rather walk to the circus and back than go back to that cursed vault).

    Cobrastrikes managed to kill the two, Dibeshasol (Or Crazyseizure, which is a daunting name for a creature if I've ever seen one), and Vopeosel (Stabdevils), but not before the two Death Puppets managed to kill all three of my companions. A merciful fate, considering that I escaped with a smashed nose, permanently disfiguring my beautiful face. The adventure was not in vain, however, as I took the curved pale metal shield one was holding - A grand shield of Divine Material, and a haunting reminder of what took place in that vault.

    I ran as fast as I could back to Fancyworth, a few days away, and I consider myself blessed for managing to escape from the clutches of Bogeymen.

    So, what happens now? What happens to our beloved duo, Gusmul the Moose Fiend lord/lady, and Cobrastrikes the Vampire with a knack for punching things?

    Well, soon after my recovery, I settled in Fancyworth with an irreversible addiction to alcohol, performing that same dance I tried teaching Gusmul many moons ago to the patrons at The Sweet Nuts, the local tavern, much to the laughter and appraisal of the patrons and the Tavern Keeper.

    As for Gusmul, well... They still reign as the ruler of The Healing Kingdoms. Gusmul and I seldom meet, but during the occasions rare and precious that we do, it's always over a cup of Dwarven Rum I stashed from Plankshimmer, laughing over our past adventures.

    Well, that's it! I hope you all enjoyed the adventures of Gusmul and Cobrastrikes as much as I did, but it's time for a new chapter - A chapter that will perhaps leave more of an imprint on Namroth Arkoth than Cobrastrikes ever did. If you have anything to say about this, then feel free to comment it below! Again, thank you so much for reading!

    submitted by /u/hdhedjjdjfh
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    First fort had a fun ending! A werepig attacked and infected my expeditionleader, went from 34 dwarves to 2 real fast.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST

    The exploits of Mestthos Lolumzaneg, Poet

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:16 PM PST

    The exploits of Mestthos Lolumzaneg, Poet

    I have a permanent visitor in my fort named Mestthos Lolumzaneg, who is a poet. He is a Master Speaker, A Great Poet and a Competent Axedwarf, with some novice level social and fighting skills. He is very strong but has otherwise terrible stats in just about everything. His agility according to Dwarf Therapist is 7 and his Martial Prowess is -3.

    He is, in short a quite ordinary poet, except for one little detail.

    He has killed exactly 600 goblins in some place called Earthensound. All of the goblins were males.

    Do you believe him?


    submitted by /u/MorpH2k
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    Are you ok, Oddom? Want to talk about it, buddy?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:37 AM PST

    Tarn Adams talking about map generation at UCSC (at 59m40s)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PST

    Any idea why my inn has a 3x21 dance floor

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    Learning curve starts to give in ;)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:41 PM PST

    I've finally figured out how to raise bridge, I've had my first millstone powered by water wheel and I have 2 archers that are practicing shooting at a target. Lots of fun!

    submitted by /u/ror6ax1
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    Why though (it's on the other page but the same stuff is also there for throat)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

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