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    Wednesday, February 23, 2022

    Dwarf Fortress This game is the best one that had ever existed and nothing can change that. It is not even a competition with other games. IT IS SURREAL. If you don't think that, download legends viewer.

    Dwarf Fortress This game is the best one that had ever existed and nothing can change that. It is not even a competition with other games. IT IS SURREAL. If you don't think that, download legends viewer.

    This game is the best one that had ever existed and nothing can change that. It is not even a competition with other games. IT IS SURREAL. If you don't think that, download legends viewer.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 03:26 PM PST

    Well...... I don't know even where to begin with....

    The histories the thing generates seem like they were writen by someone and if you give a little creativity and roleplay in the process, the game plays you.

    If you don't want details, you can stop reading here. The next part is just some disorganized notes I took from my playthroug to follow the history. Again, they are disorganized:

    Ramul Satheth -

    Things to search latter:

    In 125, the thin swords conquered Tingalley - was destroyed by a beast

    Somenoe marched at Hallmasters

    Lidavaave is the elven city nearbt (Romantic wood?)

    Gil Sika re human traders

    This universe is home to only one Dwarven Civilization, The Thin Swords.

    The Thin Swords has never entered in an open war against any other group, but it takes

    part in many military events by being allied with warmonger elven kin. The Dwarves had

    never suffered any major defeat and generally win the battles they take part in.

    Their current leader is the queen Tholtig Righeousconstructs, a former battle dwarf that

    took part in many battles against our allie's foes. Her former husband was killed in the

    battle of the searing onslaught by a giant raven in the Conflict of axes.

    Here are some examples of wars in wich the civ fought as allies:

    The war os Scarring:

    Started and ended in the late winter of 24.

    Romantic Wood (elven) attacker and dwarvesX The union of orders (human) (winners)

    The furious war:

    Started in 78 and ended in 79

    The Walled Mosnter (goblin attacker) X The calm Berried (Elven) and dwarves as winners.

    The conflict of axes:

    Started in 34 is is going until now.

    The Gully of Fogs (Elven and dwarves) X Maligned Fleas (goblin)

    This is a pillaging war, each side pillages the other's holds, with few decisive


    The capital of the Thin Swords is Steampaged - Kengmorul. Where surprisingly, the goblin

    population outnumbers the dwarven.

    The Fortress of Avzureg - Mineglove owned by he celebrated Iron

    It is a Fortress located in a taiga (that gets very cold in winter). Very close to the elves of the Romantic Wood in the

    west, our allies.

    The expedition leader is Lokum RingDistance. She has pale brown skin, dark honey eyes

    and hair. Her hair is set into two braids and she is short and fat.

    Her personality is lacking. She is not very confident, quickly to become afraid and somewhat

    dull and aerial. She worships Ud Shadeclimax, a dwarven skeletal godness associated with the

    sky, the moon and desiases.

    In the first wave, Fatharan (Rabbit) came. He is thin, bald and has a long combed braided moustache.

    Very focused and rational. He has a big family and 15 children. He came from Alvil of Culminating

    and whips of Cathing groups and used to be a miner (he will be a mason here). He feels sad

    about being far away from family as he brought just his son who is 8 years old.Rabbit is a former

    battle dwarf too, fighting in MANY battles against the goblins in the furious war as a swordsman.

    His son is called Vabok and is a self entitled, antipatic dwarf who things too much of

    himself, likes to discuss intelectual things and brag about his intelect. But he seems

    very confused and not in control of his own life. He was nicknamed prick when others aren't


    In 126, the first boy was born, being nicknamed, fortress born :D

    By a very bad planning action, Zuglar Kenzefon and Sigun Ulzestlorban died :(

    In 126, our former allies, the Romantic woods and 5 goblin civs declared war on us.

    In the late winter of 126, the fortress government was retired, after many died (including

    fortress born after an incident with sliding earth and the threat of war). The population

    was frustrated after working long ours in te winter and seeing no fruit of their work.

    SkinAxe - Salullibash from the axe of roots.

    Different from the other fortress, the leader of this one is a brave dwarf, rational and

    social, who dreams of raising a family. He was called Lion because of that. He has long

    beard (no sideburns), hair and moustache. His hair is braided in two brands.

    This fortress is a battle fort, they won't wait to build oppulent halls beneath the earth.

    WE ARE AT WAR! so we must be quick and dig ourselves into the earth before anything happens.

    The focus is to build quickly downearth.

    In 126, Minesglove was conquered by the goblins of The Mechanical Torment and Tingalley by other

    goblin civ. All inhabitants died (Rabbit inclused)

    There is a Dwarf lady called Diorite, she is very cold and humorless, almost anything can

    make this dwarf feel a sensation. She built cool artifact necklace with the drawing of the

    foundation of Skinaxe. She is a war veteran from The Furious War. She was a goblin

    prisioner during childhood.


    This world is constantly changing. Tingalley is changing hands very quickly (dwarves, goblins, beasts, elven). And many of my dwarves are veterans from old wars. Unfortunatelly, almost all of the veterans I had contact with died in MineGloves. But they killed MANY goblins in the process.

    I was in a super peacefull region and them.... BAM, 6 wars. My fortress wasn't prepared for that as I was building in a relaxed way above ground, that is why I retired it and built a more ''battle fortress'' latter.

    The game is so involving I am always waiting my play time all day. Trying to figure what will happen and which people I will met. It is like reading a book.

    Tarn and Zach.... You are crazy geniuses.

    submitted by /u/Joseias_BR
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