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    Dwarf Fortress Luckiest Embark

    Dwarf Fortress Luckiest Embark

    Luckiest Embark

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Luckiest Embark

    Embarked with two dragons and an ettin in a cave together, the dragons are different genders. Wish me luck on the breeding program. The ettin is dead tho...


    submitted by /u/TheBigKDog
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    39 years of Dancemanor

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 05:42 AM PST

    39 years of Dancemanor

    The Umbilical is complete, the trade tube is complete, things are going great.

    The Dwarves of Dancemanor have been hard at work! The worlds longest bridge and future site of undersea biodomes has deep plans for the near future, if you'd like to see how we got here check out my last erroneously titled post. With the connection of the Umbilical we can focus solely on extending the Umbilical all the way down to the magma sea.

    The top of the Umbilical can be used for training keeping my military free from the barfies. Everyone except the nobles and the necromancer are in the military.

    Microcline is plentiful beyond belief and that's a good thing, after a sneaky peek with DF hack I determined that I'll need minimum 3558 blocks to reach it and there isn't any major roadblock other than a bunch of water that could be easily plugged or maybe pumped. That's going to be about 900 stones if I include places that will need walls but I could fill those in with glass which means we only need 890 microcline stones (49 on hand lets go baby!). So far we have made at least 8339 blocks (2085 stones) 24 of which are currently unused. I'm going to move block production right next to the current bottom of the Umbilical.

    This was our first trade in the tube during Umbilical construction. If I could turn back time I would have constructed it one channeled layer at a time.

    Umbilical and trade tube construction got pretty dicey for unexplained reasons. None of the dwarves got hurt but a bunch of cats died. On multiple occasions cats teleported into the water and surprisingly it only ended badly once. I don't know why it happened but I saw it happen 5 times building the trade tower. One cat fell into the trade tube while it was being built, it died as well.

    The Umbilical easily resulted in the most cat deaths, somewhere between 5-8. Surprisingly none of them exploded into gore so that was nice. I didn't witness any of the deaths closely but it doesn't surprise me, we had a bit of a catsplosion after the traders brought a male cat and our broker brought his clowder of cats to greet them. All male cats have been gelded and the stray females were butchered.

    The bottom of the Umbilical connecting to the \"old\" fort which is going to be the only fort for a long time still. Currently the Umbilical is 16 z levels from the bridge and has 3 floors above the bridge that include some fortifications.

    Initially I wasn't going to extend the Umbilical all the way to the magma sea but after a sneaky peek I know that it is the right move. Currently glass production can be localized near the trade tube but I need magma in the worst way. Sadly it's right at the bottom, 3 layers above semi-molten rock. There is a small underground volcano somewhere in the third cavern layer that's a little higher but it's also in the western biome of the map, it's faster to go straight down. This also allows for the possibility of draining the ocean into the caverns in a very controlled way. I think this is what I am going to do, I like crabs but not magma crabs.

    Apparently dwarves love to train after 38 years of mostly partying. After about 15 months of non-stop training they're getting loads of positive thoughts about getting super buff. Most are legendary in at least one job.

    There's more good news! Nobody has died in a couple years.

    I still feel bad about Isethiden. I was checking combat logs and noticed one for her on the day I accidently butchered her. She screamed.

    Unfortunately we haven't had a new baby in a while, this might be because of the population cap of 30 or maybe it's from the 15 months straight military training. It's a bit unusual but I'm going to give everyone but the masons a season of free time, they need some downtime and to do something creative.

    One of my favourite dwarves is Rovod Monktour. She is 149, the oldest living dwarf in the fort. She arrived in the spring of 251and is a legendary leatherworker and dyer. She created Listenyells, a tall blind cave bear leather helm. She is married to Kogan Rockreleased and has 8 children with him all of which were born in the fort. She is extremely strong, agile and tough not to mention a totally badass (proficient) speardwarf, adept speaker, a professional observer and easily the happiest and nicest dwarf in the fort.

    Her husband is pretty cool too. He also enjoys dyeing and has that look that says \"Dad loves leather.\"

    Her second eldest son is the Holy Show and a good dwarf even if his life's work was a sand pear wood crown. I recently learned that he enjoys gelding and I'm not super sure how to feel about that.

    Holy Show Urvad Pillaroiled can be forgiven, we have some good artifacts. He is 32 years old and has not lived up to his last name (yet!).

    I'm wondering if too much leisure time has had a permanent effect on the dwarves, most of them value relaxing. Surprisingly most of them are only novice conversationalists, they take frequent breaks to socialize when off duty.

    I'm also wondering about setting up a resurrection chamber. I have no idea what the intelligent undead are like in this world but I am VERY curious. World events lead me to believe that we are losing the war with the goblins and it would be nice to have a squad of ultra beefcakes to keep Dancemanor safe. I'm going to try setting it up with some clear glass coffins that only accept citizens, we have a goblin lady and she's been our prisoner for a very long time and she should make an acceptable trigger for ol' Skeletor to get spooked.

    Tosid is shredded, his abs are legendary. Unfortunately none of his children live in the fort but he did remarry in Dancemanor, his husband is also super ripped.

    Glass production is at an all time low. We are simply out of wood, there is no wood to be had. I'm hoping the caverns will be fruitful but I'm not holding my breath. Those underwater domes are going to have to wait and unfortunately my dream of an underwater arboretum cannot be realized, trees did not grow in my test run at the bottom of the Umbilical. Turns out ocean biomes have no valid above ground vegetation and it gives me the big sad. I might be able to spawn some with dfhack but I feel like that goes against the spirit of the megaproject. I only want to drain the sea once and quickly channel it down afterwards, it shouldn't be hard at all now that the plan is to drain the sea into the caverns The only real question is how deep do I make the sea and do I still go forward with a underwater arboretum if it's going to take extensive environmental engineering?

    I could channel up to 54 layers easily, just above the first cavern layer, but I imagining the years of moving all that stone makes me think that even though it would be really cool it would take so long that I'll want to die. Fortunately I can make that decision after I get to the current base of the umbilical, only 11 z levels of channeling. When I do this I'll make the Umbilical 2 tiles thick all the way down on the off chance that a fight breaks out inside it and some unfortunate dwarf somehow dodges through a wall to drown rather than fall to their death.

    The underwater arboretum seems cool but I can't afford to lose precious tree growing land. I'm thinking about maybe just channeling a large area straight down that can be accessed via umbilical somewhere. In a perfect world I could just drop the top z level of soil down and I like the idea of having above ground trees growing in the third cavern layer just above the magma sea. If my understanding is correct this wouldn't even be difficult but I'm a bit concerned that thousands of stone all being destroyed at once would cause the game to crash.

    Things are looking good! I'm hoping to hit the magma sea by the start of 291 at which point I'm bumping the cap up to 70 and hoping for some new dwarven families to start up. Visitors would be nice but I need to set up the underwater tavern before that.

    The next 5 years should be a period of remarkable growth. Even though I need about 3600 microcline blocks it shouldn't be a problem at all. We probably have enough clear glass blocks to easily build our "underwater" tavern but I'll need to make sure first. It'll have to be dry for a while, maybe decades if I can't get glass production to skyrocket, The plus side is that I could easily extend it upwards or downwards while we produce more glass blocks. Underground tree farms are going to be mandatory but I think I can set them up pretty easily on my journey to the magma sea.

    Dancing bonus pic. Continuation below.

    Dwarven music is great, they spittin' bars! In my mind they're channeling Warren G and Nate Dogg but to be honest I have no idea how to interpret how it really sounds.

    submitted by /u/acheeseplug
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    "I'm fine."

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 11:37 AM PST

    Vettlingr Tileset 1.6 - Outlined Edition: Loads of new features, biggest update yet!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 03:23 PM PST

    We need blood as a liquid rather than just a contaminant.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 12:08 PM PST

    How am I supposed to fill a cistern with the blood of captured goblins slaughtered on grates above?? Tarn, please.

    submitted by /u/paranoid_metroid_
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    I've created a SSH-Accessible Dwarf Fortress Docker image for anyone who wants to play their same dwarves on any connected computer

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 12:17 PM PST

    Hello! I just thought I'd share on a fun mini project I've worked on for the last day or so, Containerized, SSH-Accessible Dwarf Fortress.

    Basically this spins up a container that downloads dwarf fortress and unpacks it. It also creates a configurable username and password for you to use to SSH into the container. It is also designed so that once you SSH into it, it automatically starts up dwarf fortress for a somewhat seamless experience.

    Now in order to run Dwarf Fortress via SSH, it has to be in TEXT mode, so no fancy texture packs :(.

    I've provided a little readme on the linked repository for some important bits when deploying this via Docker or Kubernetes, for any hobby sysadmins out there.

    It's even accessible via phone if you dare 😁

    Edit: I should probably mention that I advise against exposing this container to the internet. Having an SSH portal into your container and consequently your network could have some security implications.

    submitted by /u/Daxiongmao87
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    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 08:46 PM PST

    The fate of humanity in dwarf fortress

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Cacame Awemedinade, Elf King of the Dwarves, mid combat.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 08:34 PM PST

    Am I the only one who simulates medieval battles in Arena?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2021 09:36 AM PST

    So lately I've become fascinated with medieval Europe, and at the same time I've been a huge fan of this game for a few months now. So, aside of the usual Fortress mode, I've began simulating medieval battles in the Arena.. And oh God it's so much fun... I usually place them a bit like in real life battle, usually 50v50 battles, with bows, swords, axes, bludgeons etc.. And then I take control over one of the soldiers, and fight as a usual soldier would in the midst of a medieval battle. And it is incredibly fun and realistic.. Sometimes I even spend like 10 minutes inspecting the battlefield with K and imagining all of that.. Limbs, blood, vomit, mangled corpses, weapons thrown all around, wounded hoping for quick death to come... Don't think I'm some kind of a sadist lmao but I've just got obsession on the point of medieval battles, and I've never found another game which would recreate them in such detail.

    Are there any other people who do the same thing? Because I really recommend trying it, it's fun! Especially with some realism middle-ages mods that add new weapons armor etc... You can even make cavalry charges!

    submitted by /u/LivingSwing0
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    Someone is raising undead and educating them

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Give me an idea/challenge for my next fort

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 01:14 PM PST

    I have played for several years but i feel as if ive done it all, so give me your hardest/coolest ideas i should try to pull off

    submitted by /u/OrganizationIcy4123
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    Dwarf Justice = to a thief human.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Hello to the DF community.

    I have a question about "justice" dwarf. Recently while playing I did a simple patrol over the museum. I love to keep an eye on the museum from time to time to see how the dwarves feel happy and see how the fortress is becoming more "rich" in artifacts made by my dwarves.

    In one of those "patrols" I saw a dwarf remove an artifact without my concentration, at the same moment that I saw that action I looked at my list of artifacts and from being 14 to 13 (I was quite suspicious since when a dwarf transports an artifact disappears from the list).

    So I said ... "ummm trying to steal?" Have you looked for it? Close the museum doors by putting them "forgotten" and leaving the dwarf locked there.

    After a while observing her, she left the artifact on the pedestal, returning to have 14 artifacts in my possession. So he opened the door and let her go without first watching what she was doing.

    Later during my surveillance (tracking mode) I saw that the dwarf went to the tavern and was related to a human leader, this human leader came a few days after the human caravan arrived.

    As my suspicions were true, I sent my captain of the guard to interrogate first the thieving dwarf and then the human leader.

    While doing this I noticed that the representative of the humans (was going off the map with several of his guards even before the caravan finished trading and collecting).-------------------Playing detective with the help of my captain of the guard: I discovered that the human leader was extorting my dwarf to steal the artifact and my dwarf instead of communicating it to the captain of the guard stayed down and obeyed.

    The human *** was questioned before and did not release a pledge so later the dwarf denounced him and was correctly accused, extending his sentence for lying to the law.

    Dwarf: 29 days in prison = robbery Human leader = 29 days in prison + 50 hammer blows = robbery + extortion + lying to the law.------------------Now I have 2 questions that I hope the community will solve for me.1º Is there any possibility of putting that human in a box after the arrest?

    I don't want to hammer him to death (My hammered has a sublime quality platinum hammer so I think it would only take a hammer to send it to Armok)According to I read if I killed the human there would be war = and currently I get along with humans so I prefer to put it in a box and sell it as a slave to the elves.If not possible, I will probably sacrifice it to my forgotten creature that I have locked in the cavern waiting to feed on blood (which I use to clean the cavern from time to time)

    2º The case is still open, when the human told all the information he commented that there was another involved. I still think that it was the human representative who caused all this (since the representatives tend to stay long after the caravan leaves the map, so I am suspicious that the opposite happened). Would there be any way to accuse the representative even if he is already off the map?

    submitted by /u/azraeldestiny
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    A simple question

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 09:43 AM PST

    Given you only had one metal ore in your fort, would you rather have native silver, or terahedrite? Comment below why

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Ok-Sport-3663
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