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    Thursday, October 7, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress I fed an AI artist a bunch of Dwarf Fortress tropes. These are the results.

    Dwarf Fortress I fed an AI artist a bunch of Dwarf Fortress tropes. These are the results.

    I fed an AI artist a bunch of Dwarf Fortress tropes. These are the results.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    'The Monster at the Edge of the Forest'

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    Re-made a drawing from last year. It's a concept for a party of animal people I wanted to make to test things like micro management and such. never gave them a try. Might do it one day. From right to left we have a Rhino man, Toad woman, Jackal man, Beetle woman, and Copperhead woman

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    Steam News - Water Physics and Building Wells First look.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    [Kruggsmash] Crimsontrumpets 10: Age of Hammer

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    The Goblin Peddler: A recount of one sublime example of Dwarf Fortress emergent storytelling

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    The Goblin Peddler: A recount of one sublime example of Dwarf Fortress emergent storytelling

    Hmm, I've had trouble with goblins travelers assuming a mundane identity to visit and plot within my fort before... It may be prudent to zoom in on that guy

    Aha! Why is he flashing blue as if he has hidden legendary abilities and/or is a night creature?!

    A slightly more zoomed in version of the same sprite taken from the Phoebus tileset art files. That is the most fancy-pants goddamn goblin peddler I've ever seen!

    Alright, it's time to interrogate him as a suspect of an unsolved cold case. I've had some success forcing out confessions to matters entirely unrelated to the case in question.

    I knew it! The Savage Beast-Mastery is the name of my fort's local government by the way.

    It's time to mete out justice.

    Ned Stark style.

    P.S. I get the feeling he's not gonna make it, guys.

    And that's all she wrote.

    This kind of experience is what keeps me coming back to Dwarf Fortress on and off for the past 10 years. This little story has brought me great joy and I won't be doing it justice (ha!) if I don't share it.

    submitted by /u/JBlakd
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    Steam Community Update 7 October 2021: Building Underground Wells

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Building Underground Wells - Dwarf Fortress Gameplay (Kitfox)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    The Dungeon of Eternal Dragonspite

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    The Dungeon of Eternal Dragonspite


    My fort was saved by a dragon recently. I was busy building an aboveground mansion but neglected the perimeter walls to keep the green menace away. A siege showed up and the dwarves were caught with their pants down- that was until Straza Uslotsulo Obrazslakga showed up. She slayed more than a dozen of them and her fiery roars set the grasses of the hot tropical savanna ablaze. They fled in terror as the siege was broken.

    But when the smoke finally cleared, the dragon was dead laying in the bed of one of the ponds that dried out during the summer time. The goblins had laid enough wounds on her for the mighty beast to bleed out. (And thus she didn't turn her attention on the dwarves)

    So the dwarves dug down below the muck of the pond to make a tomb for the dragon. Beyond the engravings of burning goblins, a narrow catwalk beckons. The path leads into the heart of the fortress and it is watched over by Straza's skeleton, purposely posed by the dwarves in a crouch as if it were about to spring through the glass wall. Beyond the red light and wavering air of rising heat, it almost looks like she is moving. Some are nearly startled off the catwalk by the sudden sight. Once in a while the fires from below flicker off her still sharp teeth and claws.

    At the far side of the catwalk, the glint of golden statues of dragons beckon- one of them encrusted with red diamonds to stand in for eyes and teeth.

    That's when the traps spring. Spikes and serrated discs fly down at the advancing goblins and they have to make a choice between being sawn in half or dodging aside, off into the open air and the embrace of the liquid-hot magma sea. Straza is the last thing they see before plummeting into smoke and fire. Some of the goblins in their final moments, can almost swear she is smiling at them.

    submitted by /u/Wingedwolfserpent
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    What is dwarf fortress about?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    After watching a tutorial and reading a bit about the game I got the impression that dwarf fortress is a sandbox rpg but when I started playing I ran into a lot of restrictions. First I wanted to move my dwarves to a different location but I couldn't move the map past a certain point, then I wanted to gather some stone and store but couldn't find a wat to craft a chest. I was expecting this game to be like total war warhammer but with more freedom.

    submitted by /u/GUDIHHK
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