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    Wednesday, September 1, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress The adhesives scholar came to my library. Said he couldn't put down these books, they were so good.

    Dwarf Fortress The adhesives scholar came to my library. Said he couldn't put down these books, they were so good.

    The adhesives scholar came to my library. Said he couldn't put down these books, they were so good.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:13 AM PDT

    You'll never find a matching shoe

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    neat artifact i just got

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    neat artifact i just got

    Sosadtabar Zegakath

    this thing is worth 14400 dwarfbucks and is recursive multiple times


    submitted by /u/_ZachBoB-
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    Xenraga jaranga "the human bear rider

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    The benefits of bringing a bunch of animal companions along

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Smallriver #2 — ☼ Let’s Strike The Earth ☼

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Part 1  


    Zefon is looking over the plains and there is a nostalgic look in his eyes: this region is so different from our southeastern mountains. He quickly pulls himself together and starts sketching some plans. He gives them to me to review.


    The Great Wall.


    "This perimeter wall and these four archery towers," he tells me, "will require around 2000 stone blocks, but should be a great addition to our fortress outer defense design.". Well, it's a big undertaking, but it's definitely one that we can successfully achieve collectively.


    First year, we'll have to focus on getting food and booze production up and running. We will also need to produce as many blocks as possible, and hopefully, by the time winter arrives, we'll have one or two layers of the wall already completed. "Yeah, right... And with any luck, we will have a proper fortress running before the goblins know we're here!" shouted sarcastically Kogan as I was outlining the project to the whole team. "Well Kogan, we can't possibly hope to defend a structure we haven't even started yet, so I guess you better get to work, grab a pick and start digging," I answered fiercely, astonished by such defiance.


    A few months have passed — it's already mid-summer — and the least we can say is that things are moving slowly but surely.


    Over the last months, the miners's picks have never stopped ringing out in unison: the miners have dug out several rooms and corridors, which everyone uses to sleep in until more permanent dormitory can be arranged. Our industries, storage facilities, dorms and all else we need to establish a proper fortress will soon be put up in these rooms. Using all the gathered stones, Zevon is keeping on churning out stone blocks, keeping a steady order of one block being delivered after the other, no more and no less. Despite all this, we've not yet managed to create a proper wall around the entrance. There are still gaps, but we're all assured that we'll be able to strengthen the wall easily enough in the next few months.


    Overview of the outpost. (gif)


    All those who do not work the stone are engaged in agriculture, namely gathering plants, planting seeds, harvesting crops and taking care of the livestock. The amount of alcohol we produce isn't significant yet, but it's a good start, and we have managed to start producing some food. Hopefully, we'll have enough food worth trading when the supply caravan arrives, which is expected in autumn.


    As for me, I'm living a pleasant life. I had an office dug a long way from the commotion, near the depot, where I spend most of my time. I do some bookkeeping every morning, then eat with the dwarves, then back to sleep until night when we have our dinner, then sleep again. When I'm not sleeping, I keep an eye on the progress of the operations from a distance. This does not sit well with everyone. Some complain that I'm not doing my "real job" (whatever that is) due to spending all my time in a nice comfy office; that they're used to long, hard work and complain that I do nothing but drink their booze. This statement makes me giggle every time; I just tell them I'm here to oversee the project and that they should not worry about it.


    Another couple of months have passed and the fort is still in a semi-permanent state of construction. The dwarves move a lot of rocks, but not much seems to happen. The wall is still far from being finished, even the first layer has not been completed. There are boulders everywhere, the workshops are scattered all over the place without any rationale and the majority of the rooms still don't have any doors, which makes them cold and damp.


    Luckily, the outside world has not forgotten us. A few migrants arrived from the mountainhome: a lovely couple of woodworkers with one of their children, and two miners. They were quickly followed by a metalsmith and his four children. The dwarves welcomed them warmly, showing them to a couple of empty rooms. We are glad to have them. Their arrival raises the population substantially and they all seem to be good workers. Some dwarves are upset that they brought so many children though: "They'll congest the place and make it harder for us to work.", some complain.


    Later, trade parties also arrived, led by the outpost liaison Olon Complexrope. While they were glad to trade with us, we had not much worth trading. I suggested they could take some of our children, but they declined and soon left. I hope my joke wasn't taken the wrong way by Olon, whose uncle is the current king of our civilization — the fact that he is related to him does not make things easier: he has always been prudish and quick to anger. We can only hope that he comes back next year, since we'll definitely need more supplies.


    Winter is now just around the corner. It's been a tough year for all of us: the work has been hard, some dwarves have barely slept since we arrived and all that takes a toll on the weaker members of our crew. Fortunately, booze is plentiful and strong, so the mood doesn't get too grim. I asked to have a temple dug near the tavern, where we can all go to pray to our old deities and hopefully find some peace. It will be a great reward for this year of hard work. Kogan had protested, arguing that the wall should be built first and saying that a temple would take away from work time, but he was shouted down and the work on temple progresses according to plan, without any more protests.

    submitted by /u/Hoofrad
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