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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Storyteller [OC]

    Dwarf Fortress Storyteller [OC]

    Storyteller [OC]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    When you see there's a combat report at your peaceful fort and so you decide to check it out

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    Drawing of 2 Troglodytes. I picture Troglodytes as dwarfs who got trapprd in the cave and went insane in the caves.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    The first artifact my fortress has ever produced... Inception Underpants

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Finished my entrance bridge - it works too well...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:48 PM PDT

    Glassmaker, the saddest profession

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    I just downloaded the windows Noob pack and need help.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    First of all it shows some error when extracting it. At the end it says something along the lines of "cant create file which already exists" with the file being the main exe file. The second issue is that the pack does not have mouse support (toggled green) or tileset (I selected the default). Those are the two main reasons I got the pack. Any help?

    submitted by /u/MiroslavusMoravicus
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    Zon, you sly dog

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Zon, you sly dog


    I just noticed two of my starting seven dwarves became married.

    Further inspection showed them to be a gay couple. That's cute, but then I noticed this on the relationships screen...

    Is Zon cheating on his new husband, Kosoth, with this homewrecker, Vucar?

    submitted by /u/-Moosah-
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    Luckweather: Epliogue

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Luckweather: Epliogue

    We made this bridge as a link between two worlds.

    And after almost 10 years, it's still standing as strong as ever.

    We even have a Cyclops toll! Just make sure not to anger her, she doesn't not take visitors kindly.

    We boast a healthy population of Elk Birds and Dralthas, by now we're considered to be the best at handling them, they're basically our cows and chickens at this point...

    And this is how the main fortress looks like, kind of messy, but still functional. To the north, you have a temple dedicated to most of our gods, also serving as a guildhall. On the South-West we have our barracks, as well as the room where we pile up goblin prisoners in cages to shoot them later, for fun. East of the Barracks we have the Dining Hall, it even has a small mist generator. You know, for when we're feeling sad. You may also notice the amount of food we have stored in barrels. The pure definition of \"Overproduction\". We also have our graves situated next to the sea, may their souls rest in the Smooth Gulf.

    This is the mist generator I've been talking about, took me a while to understand how mechanisms work. It's powered by 3 windmills outside, near the farms. It just needs some water thrown in, a lever pulled and voila! It runs indefinitely, while also eating up FPS.

    A more closer look into the goblin shooting range. Archers stand on top and shoot the goblins below, making them dance like pigs.

    Heading down, we have a more \"Ornate\" and \"Cultural\" division of our fortress. To the west we have the hall of our Nobles. It has masterfully engraved walls and floors, as well as artifact weapons on display. To the east we have our Hospital and Library, for those who wish to have a read. Oh, and the corpse pile is just to the North-East.

    Here is our Queen arriving together with her Legendary guards. She saw the potential Luckweather has as a capital, so she decided that it should be her new home.

    Heading even more downwards, we have our prison. Any dwarf that does not respect the law gets thrown here.

    Of course, we're not savages, when they get thirsty we give them water (not alcohol because they're filthy criminals) from a well.

    Hey, how did you get inside the well?

    Oh, sweet Armok, look at what you've done!

    Either way, we did find candy while mining underground, and we made sure to use ALL of the vein. And you know what happens when you mess with Candy...

    That's right, Clowns. These particular ones are actually enclosed in the 2nd cavern layer, so they don't even mind us being here. We don't mind them either, actually. In fact, they help kill some of the forgotten beasts that show up in our caves. Thanks, clowns!

    We prepared to breach the circus, to give those clowns a neat surprise.

    A lot of time later, we got the circus fully smooth! Every single floor tile. It looks so nice that even Armok himself can look at it, as if it were a shiny mirror. We're planning on building an Inn there, probably complete with bedrooms. Hot Tourist Destinations, anyone?

    submitted by /u/Zenishira
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    [MOD] Dragon blood

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Hi all, this is intended to be part of a larger mod I'm working on, but I figured it'd also just work as a standalone while I'm figuring out the rest. Any feedback would be welcome, I'm relatively new to modding.

    What this is:

    This adds some additional reward to fighting dragons. Drinking the blood of a dragon now

    - Increases your physical abilities by 200% (the same boost vampirism gives you plus recuperation)

    - If you have vampirism, it cures the need to drink blood (Yes, this is a Warhammer reference)

    - Gives you *thrusts hips* stamina (curing the fact that adventurers are sterile by default)

    - Gives you two powerful and personally dangerous !!FUN!! interactions that let you either blow away people as a breath weapon or as an AOE around you. (Reactions blatantly borrowed from the ZM5/Meph Masterwork Sphere Secrets mod)


    I'm working on a larger mod built around making adventuring a bit more rewarding. By combining ideas from a lot of different mods (like AdventureCraft's magic system) I think I can make fighting megabeasts and learning spells a bit more interesting by giving the player something to strive for. In this case it's "How do you fix a vampire curse"? Quick note, this doesn't really. You're still cursed, divination dice wont work for you, and you're still a vampire, but it removes some of the disadvantages while keeping and even improving some of the advantages, but also being rewarding if you're not a vampire. Additionally, if you weren't a vampire before but later become a vampire, "REMOVE_TAG" supersedes "ADD_TAG" so you shouldn't gain bloodthirst. There's no easy way to remove a curse with a mod without delving into some DFhack commands. But yeah turns out Warhammer already figured out a rad concept for "how do you fix vampirism", of course.

    This doesn't make you invincible either. A lucky hit, necrosis, melting, throwing yourself off the top of a Dark Fortress, ect. All that can still kill you.

    The Code:

    Basically, put these two into .txt files, ctrl+f through your creature files to find dragons and change








    submitted by /u/Nixeris
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    Playing more SCP fortress, getting the army set up and werebeasts contained! (2-3hrs, starting now)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:32 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:50 PM PDT

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