• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress DevLog 8 March 2021: "You place a bedroom zone in the new system, for instance, by just laying out a rectangle (or whatever shape) and selecting that type. Have a bed placed there? Good. Don't have a bed? The floor is being suggested, and if you add a bed later, that'll work too."

    Dwarf Fortress DevLog 8 March 2021: "You place a bedroom zone in the new system, for instance, by just laying out a rectangle (or whatever shape) and selecting that type. Have a bed placed there? Good. Don't have a bed? The floor is being suggested, and if you add a bed later, that'll work too."

    DevLog 8 March 2021: "You place a bedroom zone in the new system, for instance, by just laying out a rectangle (or whatever shape) and selecting that type. Have a bed placed there? Good. Don't have a bed? The floor is being suggested, and if you add a bed later, that'll work too."

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:20 PM PST

    Single-player Video Game Experience Survey

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PST

    Hi r/dwarffortress,

    My name is Thor Janson, and I'm a Cognition and Communication Master's student at the University of Copenhagen. I am currently working on a research project as part of my Master's thesis, and this involves conducting a survey that aims to investigate players' single-player video game experience. The moderators of this subreddit have kindly allowed me to post my questionnaire here, and I am very thankful for this. I would likewise be extremely thankful if you could take the time to fill out the questionnaire! It takes roughly 10 minutes to complete.

    I hope that as many of you as possible take part in this research, as I would like these results to be as meaningful and applicable as possible. This project is the culmination of my academic career, and I very much look forward to seeing your responses.

    Once the survey is closed and the data have been analyzed, I may post the results here if participants indicate that they are interested. I am also available to answer any questions or considerations you might have, so feel free to leave a comment, send me a message, or email me at mwk684@alumni.ku.dk. You are also welcome to recommend this survey to friends or share the link via social media.

    You can find the questionnaire here:


    Kind regards,

    Thor Janson, University of Copenhagen


    What are the requirements for participating in this research?

    Anybody who plays single-player video games is encouraged to participate!

    Is the questionnaire focused on a specific single-player game?

    No. The questionnaire will ask you to respond to a series of statements based on your experiences playing your favorite single-player game, which you will be asked to supply beforehand. As long as you play single-player video games, you are welcome to participate!

    Does the questionnaire require divulging any sensitive personal information?

    Apart from gender, ethnic background, and country of residence, the questionnaire does not ask participants to divulge any sensitive information. For the mentioned items, participants may decline to answer. The questionnaire does not ask participants to divulge any other personally identifying information.

    What type of questions are on the questionnaire?

    Apart from demographic questions, the questionnaire will ask you to respond to a series of statements based on your experience playing your favorite/preferred single-player video game.

    Will I get to see the results?

    Yes, once data analysis is complete, I may post the results back to this subreddit. If you are interested in seeing the results, please let me know via comment, private message, or email.

    submitted by /u/KU_ResearchStudent
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    Anxiety in a nutshell

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Thanks to a forgotten beast dust, a good chunk of my warriors are now immune to pain. Thanks forgotten beast!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:45 PM PST

    McArcady's Linux Dwarf Pack has updated! LinuxDwarfPack-0.47.05-r1 (DFHack-r1)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:55 PM PST

    What should have killed your dwarves if real world properties were coded in?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:20 AM PST

    I want to know what you've done in your fort that should have killed your dwarves if the game was a little more realistic.

    An example would be storing your alcohol in lead barrels. This should give your fort lead poisoning but lead poisoning isn't implemented.

    submitted by /u/Some_Tiny_Dragon
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    Necromancer Relationships

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Has anyone ever seen a necromancer marry one of their risen creations?

    Reading through the legends of my world I found a story of a ruined zombie marrying the dwarf necromancer who brought him back to life.

    Ironically after divorcing a short time later, the zombie went on to have several relationships with other necromancers.

    Curious if anyone else has had an interesting experience with necromancer relationships.

    submitted by /u/Silent_Starer
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    Apparently the secrets of life and death do nothing for plump helmet people

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:03 PM PST

    More SCP fortress at Knowledgevaults with vaulting a Cyclops and starting a library (2hrs, starting now)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:57 AM PST

    LinuxDwarfPack-0.47.05 -r1 (with DFHack-r1)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:49 PM PST

    Simple pack for Linux that includes:

    • DwarfFortress 0.47.05
    • DFHack 0.47.05-r1 + TwbT
    • Dwarf Therapist v41.2.1
    • Legends Browser v1.19.2
    • Announcement Window v1.3.0
    • compatible DFGraphics tilesets: Spacefox, Ironhand, Phoebus, Vettlingr, Meph ...

    Ubuntu/Debian and tar.bz2 packages here: https://dffd.bay12games.com/who.php?id=7393

    .rpm, arch and .AppImage versions also available here (requires a Github account): https://github.com/McArcady/lnp-forge/actions/runs/630692791

    For feedback or support, see http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=157712.0

    submitted by /u/McArcady
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    Imminent steam release achievment ideas

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:49 PM PST

    I've already asked this question a few years back, but now with impending steam release (i just hope it'll be this year) it's time again for your achievment ideas, maybe we can toss a few better ones to The Great Toad and he'll make sure they'll be implemented in the steam release. As for me: i'm all for secret (as in you don't know conditions before you do it) boatmurdered references achievments. Like flooding all the above ground tiles with magma. Anyhow, it's time to hear your ideas, Urist!

    submitted by /u/KTyJLXy
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    Quickfort issue

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:05 AM PST

    So I started using quickfort, its great but since turning it on my alt + w hotkey for workflow constraints doesn't work on any of my fortresses. Quite annoying and I want to turn off quickfort completely now but I'm not sure how. It's probably really simple but I'm stuck. Help plz.

    submitted by /u/Trojanexe13
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