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    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Well... sh*t ... That is one hefty bar brawl

    Dwarf Fortress Well... sh*t ... That is one hefty bar brawl

    Well... sh*t ... That is one hefty bar brawl

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:36 AM PST

    Instead of carving a moat full of water to defend the fortress, i used a river to close my gates

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 10:21 AM PST

    Sneaky git! Fanart done for Kruggsmash

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:57 PM PST

    About industries and wealth.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 04:57 AM PST

    After 2 months of reading and playing. I believe I am getting the things right in DF. I can make a stable, safe and happy fortress in one year. My fortress has 2 years and 657 thousand wealth (is this good?).

    There are many industries to give a shot, metal, cloth, glass. It seems that many people don't do all insdustries at once, but focus to optimize results. My fort has strong food and drink industrie, dabbling metal industry and strong cloth. When I mess with many things at once it seems unorganized. Can ou manage a good fort with many industries or it is more complucated than it looks?

    Anotherthing is. What is low, average and hight wealth? Which numbers would be milestone for wealth and how this afects the events in the fort?

    Which is the most lucrative industry?

    submitted by /u/Joseias_BR
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    Digging too deep vol 3

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    An ettin dropped this on my doorstep. If only it could read...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:47 PM PST

    Embarking on a tomb [DFHack]

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:22 PM PST

    (For the record, this is all in V0.44.12.)

    Some time ago, after playing a number of 'legit' forts, I decided to turn on the 'embark anywhere' hack to see what it's like embarking in forbidden locations (on top of towns or tombs). I tried looking at a couple of starts embarking on tombs; the idea of making my fort inside an existing pyramid seemed pretty cool and dwarfy, but I wasn't entirely sure how to clear out a pyramid to make it safe for use. In any case the tombs themselves looked too small to try to fit an entire fort's population inside, even in cases where there were two separate pyramids at the same site, so it appeared that a large fort would still need some underground living space. But the idea sounded fun, regardless.

    After not playing the game for some months, recently I decided to give it another try, mostly just to do some Science regarding methods for clearing out a pyramid. I went through the advanced worldgen a few times, found a world that looked okay, and then went for a 3x3 embark on top of a suitably located tomb, expecting to find a pyramid for testing.

    What I found was not one, not two, but eight separate pyramids at the same site. Each of my 48x48 embark map tiles, save for the northeastern one, had its own giant marble pyramid standing on it. I had no idea that tombs could come with so many buildings, but once I saw it, I knew I had to attempt a real fort there.

    Well, I learned a few things...

    Actually clearing out a pyramid isn't very difficult. In preparation I would build a chokepoint with a drawbridge in front of the door, and then another door at the other end of the drawbridge, coupled with a typical U-bend with floor hatches and cage traps. Most of the skeletons can actually be carried out, dumped and destroyed with a garbage compactor, as they don't wake up until somebody actually touches the coffin. Of course eventually you have to touch the coffin, I sacrificed a few dwarves doing this but it's also possible to do it with a cat (put the cat in a cage, build the cage inside the burial chamber, link the cage to a lever outside, lock the door, pull the lever, wait for the cat to wander around the room and touch the coffin). Conveniently, the skeletons and mummies are not building destroyers, and therefore doors work very nicely to control their movement. After waking up a mummy and its retinue, I could systematically lock and unlock doors to entice them out into the bridge corridor and squash them with the bridge, usually two or three at a time. It turns out the traps inside the pyramids also activate on their own inhabitants, so occasionally an undead would get ripped apart by a weapon trap.

    For burial chambers with more than one level, it might be possible to destroy the mummy with an engineered cave-in without having to wake it up, but so far I haven't tried that.

    I built my farms underground, because all the pyramids have stone block floors that are no good for farming. Later on I realized that I could rip up the stone block floors and then plant aboveground crops on the soil inside the pyramids. If I try this sort of embark again and find another good spot with lots of pyramids, I'll probably go for that approach as it feels more 'pure'.

    The pyramids are full of treasure. This is fantastic for trading; if you disassemble the weapon traps you get all sorts of worn-out giant metal trap components that you can trade to the merchants. It also makes it much easier to decorate a room for nobles. (Yes, I got a monarch in my fort within the first couple of years. That seems to happen in every fort I play. 😒) Removing dozens of statues and pedestals to make room for workshops and stockpiles is a bit annoying, though.

    On the other hand, the treasure seems to draw a lot of attention from enemies, too. Within the first three years or so I was attacked by three separate sieges, all with 100+ invaders, which really struck me as unusual for a fort that wasn't really producing much wealth other than through tomb robbery. By the time the first siege came in I had only cleared three pyramids and was setting up to clear a fourth, while the other four were still largely untouched. Over the course of the three sieges, the invaders actually broke into two of the other pyramids, woke up the inhabitants and fought them. This was convenient for me to have the hostiles taking each other out, and they were actually surprisingly well balanced; the undead would not resurrect after being taken down, so they and the trolls were pretty evenly matched and killed a lot of each other. (Some trolls also got eviscerated by the weapon traps, of course.) Even so, if I had known the enemies would be coming in such numbers, I probably would have focused on clearing more pyramids earlier, in order to have more space to work with by the time I had to seal it all up and wait out the sieges.

    The pyramids also provide nice building materials. I ripped out a lot of the marble ramps on the outside, as well as floors wherever they were positioned over walls on the Z-level below. That gave me a few hundred marble blocks with which to build other things. I still built most of my workshops out of wood, but I could have used marble blocks instead.

    Some pyramids were annoying due to having doors too close to the edge of the map. You can't build walls or traps near the edge of the map, so with two pyramids I ended up sealing off the original door from the inside and installing a second door for the purposes of clearing them and eventually accessing them for my own use.

    After the third siege I finally had enough time to clear out the remaining pyramids. However, the business of transporting hundreds of invader corpses and corpse parts to garbage dumps has had a pretty serious psychological impact on my dwarves, with a number of them reporting high stress, occasional tantrums, etc. I'm not sure if carrying the original human skeletons bothers them at all, but the leftovers from the combat between invaders, undead and weapon traps definitely took its toll. Anyway, I'm not sure I'm going to play this fort any further (dwarven stress is a pretty broken mechanic), but I did manage to clear all eight pyramids and get them hooked up to safe underground tunnels, so the proof-of-concept is definitely there for having a fort inside a pyramid complex.

    Has anyone else tried this? Any other ideas for how to handle it, or what particular things to do with this sort of embark?

    submitted by /u/green_meklar
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    My first (serious) fortress! BTW, the room to the far right is a temple, and I do have a farm.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 04:36 PM PST

    I love how alive is DF world.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 12:46 PM PST

    Questions about the Game

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:46 PM PST

    Howdy. I've been looking for a survival/base building game to tool around with, and this crossed my path. I love everything I've read about the gameplay, but I'll be honest, I just cant get past the visuals. I don't need cutting edge graphics or anything, and love playing retro stuff, but this just won't do it for me. Leading to my questions:

    Did I see somewhere that they were working on potentially different visuals? Do we know when that might be released? (Or has it already been released?)

    If not, are there trustworthy mods that make it a bit more palatable?

    Failing the above, is there anything similar to this, but with more modern visuals?

    Thanks in advance,


    submitted by /u/Tex75455
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