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    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress The three different types of Dwarf Fortress players

    Dwarf Fortress The three different types of Dwarf Fortress players

    The three different types of Dwarf Fortress players

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:39 PM PST

    In my time with both the game and the community, I can see three different types of Dwarf fortress players within the community: Roleplayers, Engineers and Scientists.

    The role-players are engrossed in the incredibly detail the game allows, and uses it to tell a story. They're the storytellers and scribes of the community, and are in it for FUN. They tend to vary in competence, but generally have a good enough grasp of the game to build a decent fort. Dwarves under roleplayers are probably the luckiest, since their forts are generally the most humane and most likely to actually care about the individual lives of each dwarf. Of course, roleplayers whose goal is to roleplay as a cruel overseer tend to have much worse conditions, and a fair amount of players are in that category.

    Engineers are those who are into the intense complexity and depth of some of the game's mechanics, and uses these to build elaborate megaprojects or mega death traps. Engineers look at a feature and think: "How can I optimize it?", or even more frequently, "How can I weaponize it?". Think of them like the mentally of an average Factorio or ONI player. Most of them are pretty skilled at the game, at least enough to build a drowning chamber or cave in trap. The most skilled engineers are able to build truly impressive contraptions, like building an ocean drainer to catch sealife or an entire undead fort to remove stress management. They generally are far less humane than the average roleplayer.

    The scientist are the last breed of players, and by far the least ethnically sound of them. Because of how complicated the game is, there a ton of weird bugs or interactions that are still yet to be discovered, or knowledge of mechanics yet to be known. The scientists are the true innovators of the community, constantly making the impossible a reality. Experiments like how much magma do I need to pour on a dwarf to burn off all of their fat but still live? How do different material attributes affect their ability in combat? How high do I have to toss a dwarf to get the maximum number of limbs severed so I can reanimate them, destroy them again and harvest the bones to make crossbow bolts? Ethics are rarely a concern for most scientists, since true progress do not wait for those who are limited by morality.

    There's also significant overlap between different types of players and many are multiple at once. Some roleplayers build elaborate death traps for community games. Many Scientists collaborate with engineers to use their experiment results to optimize.

    submitted by /u/professorMaDLib
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    Testing 47.05 by trying to capture megabeasts. This will definitely end well (~3hrs, from 2pm UTC)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 05:58 AM PST

    I'm Living with A Giant!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 11:04 PM PST

    I'm Living with A Giant!

    He's also been cowering in fear the some of the south-western bedrooms which I've forbidden the dwarves from entering. He hasn't become hostile and I'm thinking of leaving him be. Hope I'm not making a mistake but he ran from two Axedwarves and I have a soft spot for the big lug.


    submitted by /u/Invizoblack13
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    8 year old fortress - finally made some toys

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:37 PM PST

    Riverside fortress, with plenty of game and mussels, so starting off, lots of shell and bone crafts for trading. Worked well, recycling a waste product. So little stonecrafting aside from goods as needed.

    Eight years later, trying to buy something from new elven traders, so throw a few wooden toys from their side in so I'm not losing too much. Decide to make 20 toys as well, as I may have neglected that.

    A bit later, all 12 kids in the fort are clustered in the finished good pile, all playing with marble toy hammers and copper puzzleboxes, finally.

    Still, developmental handicaps are probably the least of their issues...

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    well... adamantine is...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:47 PM PST

    Just had to crush a full siege of dwarves with goblin names

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:22 PM PST

    Got a siege alert, checked the unit list to discover dozens of dwarves with goblin names. Almost felt bad as they all died. RIP, brainwashed companions.

    submitted by /u/ihutch92
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    Streaming Dwarf Fort for a few hours. Come watch! I'll add the VOD here after.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 10:00 PM PST

    I feel stuck

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    I want to enjoy dwarf fortress I really do. I love the ASCII, I love how I can feel how deep and rich this game is. But after I'm done following the quick start I feel stuck. I don't feel like I know what I'm doing enough to make traps or start a super project, but I can manage a minimal fort. Advice on how to embark from here? A good starting project? How do I have me some fun?


    submitted by /u/f_u_al
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    The amount of detail processed in adventure mode

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 03:09 PM PST

    So we have this system in fortress mode that keeps a detailed track of everything in our playing area while another system runs the rest of the world that we can't explore and is much more simpler so the game can actually run. The edge of the map is where these two worlds seperate from each other from this point of view I guess. When I heard you can explore the whole map in adventure mode I got so confused . So isn't there a world edge ? If not then how does the game handle keeping track of all the things in The entire world ? Is this even possible ? I'm very very new to DF and I haven't even played adventure mode and I have zero idea how that mode works so keep that in mind .

    submitted by /u/EstEsc77
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