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    Dwarf Fortress Dwarven Lich

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarven Lich

    Dwarven Lich

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST

    Bomrek the Hyena man

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Alligators in the storeroom!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST

    Alligator woman adventurer

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Just had proper FUN

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:12 AM PST

    I've been playing the game on and off for years now, and I've had my first real FUN today.

    I had a steady fortress I've put actual thought in. It was properly planned, had nice bedrooms for everyone, industry, all that jazz. 120 dwarves strong.

    Then a titan came and went bananas, killing left right and center. After rinsing the whole fort with dwarf blood, it was stopped on the lower levels by... children. I kid you not, a bunch of children swarmed it and punched it to death, finishing what the others started.

    In the end, I am left with 4 barely functioning dwarves on the brink of madness, 2 wounded and 30 children. The blacksmith is on coffin duty, the miner-mayor is the doctor now, and the rest are trying to cope. My only hope is that I manage to bury everyone until they rise and a new wave of migrants helps out.

    I love this game.

    Update: 3 waves of migrants followed one another into the pit of despair; then a forgotten beast finished the story. On to the next one!

    submitted by /u/aagapovjr
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    An NPC asked me to join them

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:11 PM PST

    My very first fortress - a Noob's tale of mistakes and fun

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:37 AM PST

    Preamble: I'm a DF noob. I just started and the learning curve is steep. And just one hour ago, my first real fortress ended in a lot of fun. I'm still overwhelmed with the emotions and have to share.

    I've dabbled into DF since a couple of years but never got any fortress over the first migrant wave, just because it became too overwhelming. I wasn't sure what to do, couldn't figure out why jobs weren't getting done etc. etc... But over the last days I took the bull by the horns, read up in the Wiki whenever I encountered a problem or didn't know how to do something. I pushed trough and started my first fortress for real.

    It went great. My fort, dug into the gentle hill of the mountain, grew steadily. I managed to trade with caravans and after some time, my craftsdwarfes produced masterfull items to trade. I was so proud when one of my dwarfes got a strange mood and I managed to give her all the ingridients that she needed. Children were born, guilds were founded and soon it was a sprawling fortress of more than 70 dwarfes. I was so happy and felt confident. I even figured out how to install a drawbridge in my main access corridor and link it to a lever, to be able to shut myself in in case somebody bad came knocking on my door.

    However, death and destruction lurked around the corner. Two of my dwarfes that came in the first migrant wave were necromancers. I thought that was weird, but they didn't cause trouble and worked like the rest, so ... no harm done, right?

    It all started with a berserk Werelizard that roamed into the map. I still felt confident - after all, I thought I was prepared. (Spoiler: I was not). I paused the game and read up in the Wiki on the basics of military. Created a squad of some more or less arbitrarily chosen dwarfes (because, I had no standing milita and no dwarfes with any military training whatsoever - why should I? I never needed them) and ordered them to kill the beast. I also pulled the lever for the drawbridge to separate the milita and the beast from my other, oblivious and happy dwarfs who know only work and drink (not necessarily in this order).

    Which was really, really dumb.

    Because, you see, I hadn't (and have not yet) figured out how to tell my dwarfes to hurry inside. And the drawbridge closed in such an untimely manner that many of civilian dwarfes (hunters, gatherers, fishers that still went about their jobs outside, oblivious to the danger) and some very underpowered militia dwarfs were locked outside, while the bulk of the fighting force couldn't reach them because they still were inside. And the beast proceeded to rip the poor dwarfs apart on the doorstep of my fortress. So I lowered the bridge again, allowing the rest of the army to join the assault and try to kill the beast.

    Well, one of the militia dwarfs also was one of the necromancers. Who proceeded to raise some of the slaughtered dwarfs. Which were - to my great suprise - hostile. I always assumed that the eventually raised undead would be loyal to the necromancer. However, hilarity ensued when the doorstep of my fortress was splattered with blood and body parts all over, while Werelizard, zombies and militia dwarfes fought each other and tore each other to shreds.

    However, to my great happiness (and surprise) the militia prevailed! The beast was slain, the zombies put down and everything was allright, I had merely lost 10 dwarfes. My most precious workers were still safely inside and I even had prepared a small crypt with a couple of unclaimed coffins for emergencys. I also had a hospital near my main stairwell and two doctors who immediately tended to the wounded that were brought inside.

    The fortress was safe and it was a great victory. I dismanded my militia and send them back to work, because I didn't need them any more, the danger was gone.

    So I thought. Another spoiler: I was very, very wrong.

    I was focussed on finding out why a corpse wasn't hauled off to the corpse stockpile or entombed into an emtpy coffin, so I didn't pay much attention to what was happening elsewere. The message that one of my dwarfes had transformed into a Werelizard took me completely by surprise. What? I had slain the Werebeast, was there another one?

    Apparently, before being put down, it had passed the curse to some of my dwarfs. I didn't know it could work this way. My surprise turned into horror when I looked at the site of the announcement.

    At least one of the dwarfs who was wounded in the engagement now had transformed. He was in the hospital were they all lay resting and immediately started attacking the doctors, other weakened dwarfs in the neighbor beds, dwarfs that were there to bring water or feed them. In a couple of ticks the hospital wing of my fortress erupted in violence. I recalled the milita to arms and told them to kill the werebeasts.

    It didn't help that the other necromancer dwarf happened to wander by. It happened exactly what I had experienced before. Dead bodies came back to life and started attacking everyone. Only this time in the heart of my fortress.

    However, this time, a friendly undead butcher was among them and proceeded to hack apart Werebeasts and other zombies alike. But it was too late, to little, too central in my fortress. Blood spilled three floors down the central stairwell, bodies and body parts littered the hospital and the main hallway. More and more dwarfes joint the fight, were reanimated, fought again killed more dwarfes, fell ...

    After all was done, about 15 dwarfs still were alive. I set them to clean up, haul the dead to the corpse stockpile, construct coffins... but they all were to traumatized, refused to do tasks, slipped into depression or threw terrible tantrums. The dead weren't hauled away, rotted all over the fortress and miasma spread.

    The only dwarf not breaking, standing still and upright, observing the retching and screaming, stoically witnessing everything with his rotting eyes was the undead butcher, standing in the middle of the hospital room, knee-deep in the dead.

    I couldn't figure out how to proceed, so I retired the fortress and decided to learn from my mistakes.

    What do I want to make different in the future?

    I want to create a military squad sooner, set them to training and keep them ready. I want to figure out how to get my dwarfs to safety, inside. I really need to learn how to use traps and fortifications to shoot at infectious beasts without having to touch them. I will build a quarantine wing in my hospital so I can wall it off in an emergency. But most important, if there should be a necromancer among my dwarfs, I will preemtively wall them in somewhere they can't to any harm.

    I figure I will make a ton of more reading in the Wiki tonight and I'm looking forward to the rise and fall of my next fortress, having fun and learning in the process.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/ContraTheory
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    Unib the undead

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:20 AM PST

    [Kruggsmash] Murderhall: Water, Tears, Blood and Beers

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:16 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:50 PM PST

    I've just had a large dose of FUN

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    I was playing a fortress built into the side of a mountain. Had a rooftop training area for my 1 squad of army dwarves from the 50 dwarf population that I had. And then I got an undead siege of 100. No necromancers, just various corpses, ghouls, experiments etc. I managed to get everything including my animals secured with only a hunter and for some reason the mayor who wandered outside just before I closed the bridges outside. I set the armourers to work to forge a suit of armour for each of my army dwarves to at least make a dent in them while I set up traps and tried to lure them through a back entrance.

    And apparently, undead can survive multi-storey drops. That or they can climb down sheer walls because a group were on the training area carved into the mountain. They slaughtered my army dwarves before making their way into the fortress putting a chunk of my other dwarves in the hospital before being put down.

    I watched as the rest of my dwarves tried to go about their lives before more broke in before the wall to the training area was finished. So I let this fortress succumb to the invasion.

    submitted by /u/Necromaticfluff
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    My current fortress just got destroyed by a forest titan

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Some friendly dwarf had a tantrum and smashed the lever that closes the gate.

    The titan was a serpent... With webs...

    submitted by /u/unclean0ne
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    Your daily dose of Dwarf Fortress Wierdness presents: Mountain Titan Recruit

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Kobold Civilization with an... interesting name

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST

    Streaming a new fort, haven't played since .43

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Necoexperiment Visitors

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:15 PM PST

    Got some sort of hairy 4-horned necomancer experiment who just wanted to hang out in my tavern and drink for some reason. However, it looks like due to most (if not all) necromancer experiments being building destroyers, my stone doors became prime targets and he started knocking all my stuff over. My 7 starting dwarves had no hope of killing him, and nothing could get his attention.

    ...So, noticing my floor was directly above a 11 level free fall into the caverns, I had my miner casually walk up and drop the poor guy into the caves. These guys are tough, apparently. He wasn't even damaged by the fall.

    Anyone else have any interesting visitors with the update?


    submitted by /u/Ninjayb
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    Best tileset for adventure mode?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    I generally play with Meph+Vordak, but there's something about Vettlingr which makes it snap really well with whole adventure feel

    submitted by /u/VicomteChateaubriand
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