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    Friday, January 8, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:09 PM PST

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ☼Fortress Friday☼

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:08 PM PST

    Our weekly thread for posting interesting events without cluttering up /r/dwarffortress. Screenshots, stories, details, achievements, or other posts are all welcome here! (That includes adventure and legends mode, even if there's no fortress involved.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    All Hail the Dwarf Baby Beards. (Also I have no idea why I wrote "baga" instead of "ba," but it made me giggle.) Digital painting in Procreate.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:14 PM PST

    I think I just beat my personal best record for fastest time to cause a mental break in a new migrant

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    This is one of the weirdest I've ever had. May try to capture for the purposes of silk farming.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Okay Dwarves, I have been told my last hallways were two small and too long to walk, so I created new living areas in a new fort, so far three levels tall with multiple exits, I hope it meets your standards. also the stairs lead straight to the tavern, for some reason I can only upload 1 photo.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:26 AM PST

    [TUTORIAL] Dwarf Fortress running directly on ARM Android phone (Termux)! (Not SSH/Telnet)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:23 PM PST

    [TUTORIAL] Dwarf Fortress running directly on ARM Android phone (Termux)! (Not SSH/Telnet)

    (no root needed)

    I'm running on Asus max pro M2, 3gb ram. i generated pocket worlds, with a 3x3 area, and it is running very well, obviously i take more time to load things than in pc, but it hadn't take more than 8min to generate pocket worlds with 250 years. I tried both 32bit and 64bit, both worked well, quite playable. I use software keyboard, but im pretty sure a external keyboard should work well too.

    For those who want to try it:

    1 - Download termux on google play

    2 - Run this command on termux:

    pkg install wget 

    3 - Download the 32bits or 64bits ubuntu install script (choose one)

    32bit Ubuntu:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AllPlatform/Termux-UbuntuX86_64/master/Ubuntu-i386.sh 

    64bit Ubuntu:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AllPlatform/Termux-UbuntuX86_64/master/Ubuntu-AMD64.sh 

    4 - Run the script.


    bash Ubuntu-i386.sh 


    bash Ubuntu-AMD64.sh 
    1. You should see a message like "You now can start ubuntu with: ./start-ubuntu.sh" or something like this, this means the ubuntu x86_64 is now installed inside termux. (dont start ubuntu yet)

    6 - get lastest dwarf fortress (linux version according to the ubuntu version u just installed)

    7 - delete df_linux/libs/libstdc++.so.6

    8 - change df_linux/data/init/init.txt [PRINT_MODE:2D] to [PRINT_MODE:TEXT]

    8.2- (32bit only) edit df_linux/df with a text editor and add this line before the last line

    export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 

    9 - put df_linux folder somewhere in your phone root folder

    10 - use these codes to copy the files from phone to termux

    32bit ubuntu:

    cp -r /storage/0/<folder>/df_linux/ ~/ubuntu-fs/root/ 

    64 bit ubuntu:

    cp -r /storage/0/<folder>/df_linux/ ~/ubuntu-fs64/root/ 

    11 - Now run the ubuntu-start script





    12 - now run these commands

    apt update rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/$nomdupaquet* -f 

    13 - install df depedencies


    apt install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0 libopenal1 libsndfile1 libncursesw5 libglu1-mesa 

    32 bit

    apt install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0 libopenal1 libsndfile1 libncursesw5 libglu1-mesa libgtk2.0-0:i386 libpng-dev zlib1g:i386 zlib1g 

    14 - Run these commands, to make df binaries executable:

    chmod +x ~/df_linux/df chmod +x ~/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress 

    15 - thats it! now run df

    cd df_linux ./df 

    16 - to close termux, type exit on terminal to exit the ubuntu, then exit again to close termux.

    17 - To open dwarf fortress again its simple, open termux and run these commands:


    ./start-ubuntu.sh cd df && ./df 


    ./start-ubuntu64.sh cd df && ./df 

    You can edit termux extra-keys row in ~/termux/termux.properties

    My special Thanks to Akira Yuki for his Termux-UbuntuX86_64 project

    Links to Akira Yuki contents:







    submitted by /u/Milton_Guardiao_Univ
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    Trouble with Modding trees

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST

    So I'm currently in the process of working on a large mod for this wonderful game, problem is I cant get my Custom tree's leaves to be a different color from the trunk of the tree, I've tried everything I can think of and recoded these stupid trees from scratch more than once. I think it has something to do with the "growth print" part but I can't figure it out for the life of me and the wiki has nothing on it that helps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/thatdragonperson9
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    Meet Curokesp, the Giant Cave Spider that shakes their victims by the head until they die, many have fallen to this beast, and I have a feeling many more will. It literally does this to every person it finds in the caverns. More humans show up by the day to hunt this monster, but none return.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    Dwarf Fortress Livestream @ 2pm EST

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:54 AM PST

    Just in case anyone here is interested, I am going to be doing a dwarf fortress livestream around 2pm est today.

    Grab a coffee (or beverage of choice) and join me if you are so inclined.

    https://youtu.be/ihFdBdFMxeQ https://www.twitch.tv/sleepygarysgamestream

    submitted by /u/sggstream
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    Large rat caught drinking dorf booze. Killed and turned into a meal afterward. Justice was served.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    The Game Enders

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:05 PM PST

    Recently, I have found myself questioning just how bad some of the world shaking beasts that DF can create and how people can deal with (or can't) deal with them.

    Any stories or tid bits of how busted some of these creatures can be?

    submitted by /u/Kyokyodoka
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    (Legend Mode) Jlilbus and Traber

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    I've always adored reading LPs of DF, but never quite been able to get in on my own. I tried adventure and fortress mode but it didn't work-but then I got Legends and Legends Viewer. And that, that works for me absolutely wonderfully. I've only been doing this for a bit, but I want to tell you the story of Jlilbus Picksoothed and his wife Traber.

    Jlilbus and Traber were both kobolds from Lengthdeeps, which was ruled by Dlithilikus. He was a hunter, she was a ranger. The very year that Jlilbus divorced his wife Lokokliris-who was Traber's childhood friend and still survives to this day because she became a nomad and left all of this behind-he and Traber became lovers. They were lovers for seven years, and broke up for one year. The breakup only made their relationship stronger-a few years after the breakup, they married.

    They were together for three years, before the dragon Cobim Fireheat razed Lengthdeeps and slaughtered every kobold there, including them and their three children.

    Thirty-three years later, the dwarf necromancer Rovod Machineaqua came to Lengthdeeps and raised some of the massacred kobolds from the dead to aid his master, Kikrost Handleinks, in her conquest of the world and the Violent War(no, seriously, that's the name gave it) she was waging against a civilization of elves.) Jlilbus and Traber were among these, still married and still together as damned hunters. The two were by each other's side in each battle they fought, which were at first all victories for Kikrost's Trades of Balance, a faction that remained dwarf by name but was mostly composed of horrible undead abominations. For two years, the two were together again and achieved glory in the war, with Jlilbus even managing a noble title-until the Attack of Ignition in the year 76.

    The elves of the Forests of Sinking led dwarves, elves, humans, and wild beasts in the thousands against a few hundred of the Trades of Balance's monsters holding the forest retreat of Prairiewiped. The Creatures of the Night, the Warriors of Lafoeria, and the abominations known only as the Mistakes of Soakedhailed were slaughtered to the last.

    Despite the massive army rallied against them, the tiny horde of undead kobolds somehow prevailed. Every more advanced beast was destroyed, as was every undead with a name, while the living remained healthy as they retreated.

    Traber and her husband died again there, both damned hunters struck down by a grizzly bear fighting for the elves just as the dragon had once struck them down. They had three years of marriage, but were only given two more in undeath. None of their children were resurrected.

    submitted by /u/eliseofnohr
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    Small report on adventurer run

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:42 PM PST

    The "Small report on adventurer run" was a scroll. The written portion consists of 1 page essay entitled "Small report on adventurer run" authored by 24601venu. It concerns the adventures of Savesh Ulengzasit in the early summer of 225. The writing is quite self-indulgent. Overall, the prose is amateurish at best.

    Before going into the details it might be interesting to mention a couple of things. My fortress had three survivors after a succession of undead and forgotten beast attacks, and one beast was lurking at the aboveground entrance. I retired it in hope that unretiring would move the forgotten beast back in the pits where it came from. It worked but left my fortress in a messy state. A dozen merchants and horses appeared in the second cavefloor, where new beasts had appeared. Most of the merchants and horses managed to get upstairs before the entrance to the cavefloor was walled for good. I did not notice at first but actually the merchants would take jobs from p/l, all their jobs including hauling and other were unassigned for some reason, so I expelled them, before leaving to the edge of the map however, they went to the still and forgot to leave the mug behind, a message would tell me that mug had been stolen, damn thiefes. I did not want to pasture the horses so they would die to the next undead invasion, after all we are surrounded by three towers, so I buchered them in the main hallway. Short after though miasma was floating. It took my a while to figure out that for some reason my entire food stockpile was frozen with ice blocks. These problems aside I had other sources of miasma such as piles of items that the merchants had brought with them, all kinds of chunk including weapons and food. I tried everything but I could not use them, except for buildings. I searched on the internet and could not find why this would happen or how to solve it. So I decided to install dfhack again, which I avoided so far so it would not corrupt my saves. 'troubleshoot-item' showed me that it was a foreign good belonging to the damn merchants. My honest dwarfes would never touch goods belonging to others, I see. After searching I finally found the command I was looking for 'gui/gm-editor' would allow me to change the belonging-flag. It was however cumbersome to go through all 200 items this way, so I left them there for a while playing with the thought of atom smashing them. This was all however unnecessarily because the next time a caravan left my site all those items' belonging-flag changed and my dwarfes went crazy on sorting them out. Through all this I stumbled across the command 'resurrect-adv' and I had to try it out.

    I decided to create some sort of Legolas but starting from peasant and with zero skills except swimming and reading. Savesh Ulengzasit "Lostknife" was an elfen diagnoser in service of my fortress. He spawned aboveground, I made him gather some corpses that my dwarfes would not carry around because it was aboveground and went downstairs. Although I had closed all entrances to caves with walls except for a huge z-hole I was surprised to see a Jabberer lurking in the mainhall. It had to be, he was my first victim. Or rather me the first 10 times. Cause of death was either bloodloss or choped off head. It it a high claim but you haven't played DF if you hadn't had your own head in your inventory yet. Each time 'resurrect-adv' was run Savesh stood without weapon and clothing. In order to get my hands on a weapon I decided to jump away from the Jabberer before he could snatch me and in the process I learned that you can jump and whilst doing so cling yourself to the wall in DF. The fight was happening in the fortress's dormitory and moved to a passage, where Savesh got support from a dog. I guess with 'bodyswap' I could take control of the entire world as dog couldn't I? More dwarfs joined in the fight and sadly the Jabberer was not my official first kill, but a pet goose.

    After getting some sensible clothing I decided to erradicate the closest necromancy tower, which was really close. It is rather cumbersome to travel in a cold biome cuz one has to unfreeze the water in the waterskin in order to drink. No zombies in sight and the necromancers were actually friendly, yielding each time before I tried to end their unlife. I found books of life and death but sadly my elf was not aquiring the powers, because elfes are already immortal and do not fear the shadows of men.

    I went off to look for quests and went to a town that was according to rumours under the attack of an army. It was the year 225, the siege though should have happened in 224. I convinced to safe a human guard from the invasion and we went to the next necromancy tower. Honestly, the human spearman could have taken them all alone, while I had died a couple of times. At this point I forsaked such things as clothing. We left town and I decided to kill my companion, he would die soon anway. He was as tough as the Jabberer, but he could not be allowed to take all the credits for the cleaning of the tower. Next destination were some human towns, I crossed kobolds that were attacking each other, tried to talk to them but nothing helped. After killing the winner I butchered him but could not eat the pieces. I thought elfes do devour their enemies in DF but apparently not in adventurer mode. I wanted to level my elf so he sprinted naked through snow storms on hill land to the next dark pit. Only at the end I had realized that he still had a spear in his right tight.

    To be continued...

    submitted by /u/24601venu
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    The would-be tale of Aban Kastarducim.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:12 PM PST

    Here's a little story that I came up with while playing Fortress and Adventurer mode that I thought was cool. Some liberty in the writing was taken.

    Chapter 1:

    It all started in the Dwarven civilization known as The Celebrated Mansions, inhabiting much of the southern mountains. A group of 7 dwarves led by one who is called "The Humble" traveled north to create an isolated settlement for the 7 hermits to peacefully enjoy. Due to a basic lack of expectations the 7 dwarves were ended by a siege of 4 undead. Back in the southern mountains of the Celebrated Mansions. An independent group of 2 dwarves that called themselves The Twin Hammers heard about the 7 dwarves who decided to dangerously live in lands within the necromancers' sphere of influence and decided to travel north out of concern of the fellow dwarves' safety. The Twin Hammers ended up arriving too late and found the settlement in ruin and were deeply saddened by their inability to protect them. They put the remaining skeletons in their former beds in order to let them rest.

    Chapter 2:

    After the expedition, the Twin Hammers prayed to the god of war Dok Kingbored to bless them for their upcoming revenge. They traveled to the nearby Necromancer tower in an attempt to destroy it. Upon arrival, The Twin Hammers found themselves unable to do any damage against the horde of undead. Watched his partner be stabbed to death and ran away.

    Aban now grieving at both failures ran and climbed up the roof of a nearby dwarven fortress. In anguish and disappointment of his skills he threw his useless hammer away, jumped down the roof and picked up a two-handed blade. Thinking to himself that he does not deserve to survive in battle if he cannot perfect a weapon he is not made to be accustomed to. He headed into the fortress in hopes of finding a religious answer as to why the god which he picked to worship so heavily abandoned him and the dwarves twice. After rolling countless dice while channeling the help of Dok Kingbored he gained no answer and screamed in anguish. It seemed to him that the god only cared to enjoy watching as dwarves battle against the worldly evil and are consequently left in misery whilst giving no care to the peaceful and honourary dwarves. Aban Kastarducim would go to make a vow that he would destroy all dwarven piety in Dok Kingbored by going to murder religious heads and burn the monasteries dedicated to him and went on to train with his new weapon.

    or at least that's what he wanted to lol

    turns out that there exists no religious order dedicated to dok that could build the monasteries so this story i attempted can't really be continued

    submitted by /u/Klemen702
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    Display Issues on first time launch

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:22 PM PST

    I'm just starting Dwarf Fortress for the first time ever and I'm having an issue with the way the game is being displayed. I'm using a 1440p monitor, trying to run the game in fullscreen mode and this is how my game looks. I set the game to fullscreen, and it didn't work. Windowed works, but it's too small to read anything. I tried manually setting the fullscreen mode's resolution, it displays the same way. How do I fix this?


    It was a Windows 10 scaling issue. I have Windows set to 125% scaling.

    How to fix:

    • Right click "Dwarf Fortress.exe"
    • Click "Properties"
    • Click "Compatibility" tab
    • Click "Change high DPI settings"
    • Check the box next to "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:"
      • Choose "Application" in the drop-down box.
    • Click "Okay"
    • Click "Apply"
    • Click "Okay"
    submitted by /u/CrimsonKnight98
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