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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:22 AM PST

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I Made Some Calculations Towards Determining The Possible Amount Of Titan Combinations In Vanilla Game

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Special thanks to Dwarf Fortress wiki. I am afraid however that given information might be still incorrect judging by limited information I had. You are free to disagree with me or make your own conclusions. As you make them I will be updating those calculations. I may be even doing that as the game is being updated. Wiki even mentions possibility of skinless titans, lack of body parts or extra body parts even unusual colors.

    Material composition:

    Liquids, gasses, and powders = 9 (I included here blood and ash)

    Fire = 1

    Flesh = 1

    Rock (1) + Minerals (25+40) = 66

    Glass (3) + Gems (127) = 130

    Pure metals (11) + Alloys (14) = 25

    Total = 232 (they cannot be made of special metals)

    Body Shape/Races:

    Blob = 1

    Animals = 211 (thanks Meph248)

    Total = 212

    Special Attacks (10) + Lack of any (1) = 11

    Movement Types = 2

    232 * 212 * 11 * 2 = 1082048 and this was done excluding bonus or lacking body parts combined with "unusual colors"

    Maximum amount of random titans that can be set in advanced world generation is 1000.

    submitted by /u/rico6822
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    Finally defeated a seige instead of suffering FPS death in Fortress Mode.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST

    My next gen potato laptop can't handle sieges well. And I don't really like making pitfall traps since I still don't know how to properly dig a pit. Projectiles seems to also cause mkre lag. So I just stick to a straight out brawl. Only costed mw my best warriors. Worth it.

    Edit: and I just learned why you shouldnt have drunk dwarves and depressed dwarves in the same room. Especially if they are well trained...

    submitted by /u/Alex_Iskandar
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    My First Goblin Invasion: A story of Heroism and Loss

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Today I experienced my first goblin invasion. Needless to say, as this fort was my newest, and also my first actually decent fort, I was woefully unprepared. I had but three, only decently trained Axedwarves, and my miners (of which there were only two) were drafted into a reserve squad.

    Eight goblins stormed towards my gate, slaughtering all of my livestock in their eagerness to destroy. Dwarves ran, taking cover in the church under the direction of the mayor, hiding, waiting. A moat had never been constructed, and plans for one had just been set on the table when the announcement came.

    My military dwarves, unaccustomed to attacking anything more than the passing game for practice, geared up haphazardly, the poor distribution of equipment throughout the fort leading many to be without full suits of armor. They charged, one by one, into the approaching goblin hoard, who had been quick to disable the traps at the entrance, the only protection against the evils of the land. One by one, they fought and fell. In a panic, the miners were sent in. Unarmored, but legends with the pick. After all, what difference was there between skulls and rock?

    When the dust settled, after three days of fighting, the goblins were dead. The battle had taken a heavy toll, however; I lost every single combatant that braved the oncoming horde, and a peasant who had become trapped outside the fort.

    Statues of each of them were commissioned. They will not be forgotten. Acegrand will not forget--or forgive.

    Let the war on goblinkind begin.

    submitted by /u/Bamb00zles4F00zles
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    Save time with this DFHack tip: gui/stamper

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:58 AM PST

    For all of those DF players that love symmetry but hate repetitive (bed)room building DFHack has the solution for you:


    First, I have to give credit to u/salfordsal, who has a criminally-under subscribed YouTube channel full of very rich and deep Dwarf Fortress game play tactics / tools for exposing me "gui/stamper". Thanks Sal!

    Second, what does it do? It essentially is a cut/paste function that lets you copy UNCONSTRUCTED (AFAIK) digging designations and paste them (with the options to rotate, flip them) onto other sections of your fort's layout.

    This is incredibly helpful if you are building out a series of bedrooms and want to use the same design without having to actually build all 40-80+ of them by hand. Once you have built out a large enough section, you can copy it and paste it wherever you wish. Building floors of bedrooms has gone from a 20-minute wrist-killing typing torture to a simple 5-minute process of planning, building the copy-model and then copy/pasting it with a couple of clicks.

    Third, how does it work?

    Go to the DFHack window and type in "gui/stamper". This will bring up a window that will let you copy the section using the same Dwarf Fortress building logic - you can hit "p" (I have t double check this) and the cursor will start to blink, go to one corner of your creation, hit enter to mark the one corner of your area, then move the cursor to the other corner and hit enter again.

    You have just copied the space between the two cursors + enters. Now you can move the space using the arrow keys - there are also options to flip/rotate the shape as you want to orient it - to another part of the map. Once you have placed it where you want it, hit ENTER and it will paste a copy. You can do this as many times - with the same copy - as you wish but ESCAPE will "exit" the gui/stamper program.

    Ok, just wanted to share this DFHack tip with the DF community. I will probably edit this later to clean up the details - once I can double check them on DF/DFH.

    Here's to a better New Year and making play Dwarf Fortress easier to play!

    submitted by /u/MonsterMeowMeow
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    The Spanish fortress is here again!!!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:36 AM PST

    Dark goblin pit economically links at beginning of game. (LNP)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:53 PM PST

    So I started a new world in dwarf fortress and settled in a calm area. About a month in I get a notification that a dark goblin pit is now economically linked and i was wondering why. I've never been economically linked with anything before even if I had millions in wealth. The goblins have a higher population so I am unsure as to why they decided to link. I haven't changed any settings in LNP to do with linking. Can anyone explain why and how linking works.

    TLDR: Goblins economically linked to me and I Don't know why

    submitted by /u/CrusadingLlama
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    Arena of Dismemberment Season 1 - Ipa the Sparrow Woman vs Mube the Red Soldier Ant Woman

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:58 PM PST

    "Ladies and Gentledwarves welcome back to the Arena of Dismemberment I am your host Oggle Steambottle, and I welcome you all to the first fight of the very first season. Coming into the ring are our fighters and we have a good one for you tonight. We have Ipa the sparrow woman here competing along with her sister to prove who is the best within a family of avian warriors. She better be prepared though because tonight she doesn't face her sister but a very determined Red Soldier Ant Woman named Mube! Mube comes to us seeking assistance in a war with a black ant tribe but the only way she receives that aid is if she can become champion here at the Arena of Dismemberment. " Behind Oggle there is movement within the freshly cleaned and prepared Arena.

    "Oh look, it appears the fighters are entering the arena. Lets go take a closer look." The camera pans in showing each of the fighters as they enter the arena.

    "We have Mube in the north east corner, she's wearing leather leggings a silver mask and a platinum mail shirt. She is otherwise unarmed. It looks like she may be going for some sort of unarmed strategy, perhaps fighting with those deadly mandibles?

    Then we see her opponent Ipa in the south western corner donning a steel spear and copper bucker with no armor. Clearly having wings is an advantage but her frail body and no armor leaves her susceptible if her opponent can find an opening."

    A clock above the arena flashes 10 seconds and begins to tick down.

    "Ladies and gentleman the King has ordered the fight to begin, in 10 more seconds we will have the first bout of the season!" The clock reaches 0 and 3 loud anvil strikes fill the arena.

    With that Ipa takes flight as her and Mube charge each other. They each dodge the first few blows thrown before Ipa skewers Mube in the right lower leg and lodges the spear in the leg as ichor spews upon the arena floor. Mube falls over in agony grasping at her now limp leg. Ipa pulls the spear out and blocks an attack from the prone Mube with her buckler. Ipa strikes again and this time the spear severs Mubes right foot which flops to the ground with a wet squishing sound. Mube despite the agony is still fighting but just cannot get a clean shot off on the Sparrow woman. Another spear strike and the first right lower arm is devastated falling limp at the prone Mube's side. Mube is starting to run out of legs and is looking exhausted as more and more of her lifeblood leaks out. Mube still continues to flail wildly but cannot even hit the shield of Ipa. Mube rolls out of the way of the next strike barely escaping the onslaught. Ipa flies after the scrambling Mube lifts the spear with both hands and drives it through the silver mask of Mube with a sickening wet crunch! That's it folks the fight has ended with Ipa your victor.

    The crowd cheers relishing in the brutality and anger as money changes hands among the crowd. "I'm sorry Mube unfortunately for you the dwarves will not be helping your people against the black ant threat. Maybe another competitor can come along next season before your people are completely wiped out. " Ipa is seen picking through the remains of Mube and grabbing her Leather Leggings and then flying up into the stands, landing next to another Sparrow woman. "Well my fellow dwarves if you thought there was bad blood between these two you would be wrong. It appears Ipa and Rifafa are discussing with each other after the fight, possibly strategizing how best to move forward in this tournament of death and loss of limbs. It also appears Ipa has selected the Leather Leggings from the corpse of Mube. Our leather workers will get to fitting those to you right away."

    The camera returns from the action to Oggle's "Men and Women I have to say while that was a one sided fight the amount of extra limbs laying on the arena floor I think is a good omen for the rest of this tournament. Ipa you have proven yourself worthy of entry here. I bid you all adieu until our next fight where we will learn Ipa's next opponent. Be sure to place your bets on the next fight as we have Asi the Wild Boar Woman vs Asten the Emu Woman.

    Arena of Dismemberment Introduction: https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/kpgyg2/arena_of_dismemberment_season_1_introduction_to/

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    submitted by /u/MomPrime
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    Dwarf Fortress Series!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:08 AM PST

    Hello Everyone! My name is Cross, and I'm a new youtuber whose decided to take a little trip down memory lane and play some Dwarf Fortress. The plan is to upload a video of Dwarf Fortress every day until my settlement falls, whether that be to the hordes of Goblins or something more insidious. Whether you're an experienced player or a new one, I'd love to see you drop by.

    Introduction Video: https://youtu.be/aakVUJll4VQ

    First Episode: https://youtu.be/9qsq-yVB900

    That being said, I do have a few questions about what you'd like to see.

    1. Should I be recording the entire process? Or should I record the designation phase, and then unpause when it's been completed / something interesting happens?
    2. Am I going a little too hard in the paint with the explanations?


    submitted by /u/Cross_The_Galaxy
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