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    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Thats a tough choice

    Dwarf Fortress Thats a tough choice

    Thats a tough choice

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I was going through my fort's beds and noticed two of my dwarves had bonded over similar interests. You might even say things between them have started to ... heat up

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:38 PM PST

    The adventures of Asmu Markgifted The Confident Smokes, bronze colossus adventurer

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Ever since it's birth in 360(don't ask how, it's a sensitive matter for it), Asmu has always dreamed of adventuring the world, of possibly carving out a life for itself beyond being a megabeast that every civilized creature either runs from or attacks hopelessly. It spent days and nights sneaking into fortresses and dark pits stealing iron gear and melting it in the volcana it's lair was near to, reforging it into iron armour suited for it's massiv physique, so that those damned lashers couldn't get to it.

    It's first journey was to a human castle, named Datelathered. As it arrived, the humans expectedly attacked it, and though Asmu tried to avoid them it had to unfortunately kill three humans before running, all while trying to chat with the lord who was busy trying to punch it.

    As it travelled through dark pits and hillocks, it racked up a small kill count of 16, mostly because the stupid people tried to attack it and prevented it from fast travelling out or retreating. Wherever possible, it tried to shake off pursuers through swimming through rivers, or outrunning them. However, it sometimes did not stave off particularly fixated opponents.

    At the fortress of Craterworks, it found an insurrection taking place, where it killed 7 goblins in the fortress. After that, it attempted to hide itself away by creating a false identity, "Thebi Actednumbers of the Dimpled Spear", in the hopes that the idiotic civilized creatures(known as such because they attempted to attack a bronze colossus with their fists only) would mistake it for some dwarf or something. It didn't work.

    However, the first true manslaughter was in the dark pits of Horrorpainted, where a large amount of goblins were decapitated easily or mortally wounded and died. A similar fate met the goblins of Sinfulmeets, where probably around 30 goblins died, not counting beak dogs and trolls which were killed in a similar fashion. As it went from pit to pit slaughtering goblins, beheading many, punching them flying into walls or even into the deep pits they designed themselves to spat onto the cavern beneath a gory mess, it slowly realized that it could never become the noble warrior it wanted to be. Every noble that it encountered had ran, attacked or declined it's offer to be a hearthsperson or soldier, or simply was killed by it. Even though it had killed a cyclops, mountain titan and minotaur, civilians who were told the tale never really cared about it and carried on whatever they were doing. It realized that with it's armour and Standardsin The Fears of Tormenting, it had accidentally become the most powerful megabeast ever. Perhaps it was never as noble as it thought it was...

    Unfortunately, it made the critical mistake of checking out a tomb. When it awoke the first mummy, it and it's companions were wiped out easily. But the second mummy was not so easily defeated. Armed with a bronze knife and a room full of mausoleum ones, they swarmed Asmu and the human administrator mummy relentlessly sliced and fractured Asmu's bronze, and the mausoleum ones prevented any hope of escape. For the first time ever, Asmu experienced fear, fear of dying to this dreaded beast and what it has unleashed on the world. Luckily, it finally scored a fatal hit to the mummy, however it's mausolem ones kept bashing and punching at it's armour until all of it had either broken or was mangled beyong recognition. Asmu emerged from that tomb a changed colossus, traumatized at the max. If not for the fact that bronze colossi were thoughtless, it might have very well gone insane that day. But it persisted still, though left with an unshakable fear of tombs.

    After being bored of sitting around in dead hamlets, Asmu decided to attempt to clear a dark fortress, Wickedballs. Traveling to that site, it followed the river right to the central tower where it began possibly the biggest slaughter it had ever embarked on. Goblins, Beak dogs, Trolls, they were all spared no mercy. The tower was covered in the bodies of goblins, their pets and their blood. Eyewitness accounts state that it was mumbling a phrase constantly under it's breath during the gruesome event, "We are in a slaughterhouse, and I am the butcher...".

    Unfortunately, a particularly terrible encounter with a lasher disabled all but one of Asmu's legs. Forced to limp around, it was however by no means ready to give in. As stupid goblins crowded around it to punch and kick it, Asmu smashed their heads in with it's one remaining leg, resulting in probably around 30 more casualties. Anything that was dumb enough to attack was killed. However it decided to leave the dark fortress, only to be mobbed by goblins and forced into battle with a crowd of goblins that dodged it's every attack. Stuck into a corner and with no way to escape without taking faaaaar too long, it decided to give in.

    For weeks the goblins continued punching it, doing nothing to it until they realized the stupidity of their actions and stopped, pushing the essentially limbless body down into one of their rooms, left to rest, perhaps for all eternity.

    Asmu Markgifted The Confident Smokes had 669 kills in total, 558 notable kills and 111 other kills. It was known in 8 governments as a killer and in 3 of those communities as a hero and greatly respected. It was a member of 4 civilizations, and the lord of 4 different entities, as well as one holding, a ruined hamlet, Rumoredrung, it's seat of power. It at one point had a traveling companion, Kima Esteemedwhip, who was once a friend but they had a falling out and now travel their separate ways. It named two weapons, it's original iron battleaxe which was named Standardsin The Fears of Tormenting, and an iron great axe it looted from the corpse of one of it's victims, Slaughterdoom The Axe of Killing. Both very fitting names, for the atrocities commited by both were immense. Both Standardsin and Slaughterdoom were left in Wickedballs after Asmu lost both it's arms and could no longer wield both.

    btw the whole backstory part isn't actually true but I mean we need to justify how a bronze colossus got iron armour that fits its size lol

    submitted by /u/JAL28
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    My first ACTUAL successful fort...so far.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:16 AM PST

    I don't have pics cause this is from my phone but I have finally made a fort that can handle the undead and ghouls that decide to stick their noses (or non-noses) where they shouldn't be.

    I actually managed to make a squad of axe dwarves, it's amazing how much armor and weapons you can get from capturing the undead, stripping them of all their gear, then chucking them down the DEATH PIT!

    My love for DF has been revitalized! Now I just need to get clothing for my dwarves and everything will be hunky dory!

    submitted by /u/AdViceLive
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    starting an insurrection

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:27 AM PST

    i keep trying to find people in power and assassinate them, but i can never find them. is there anything outside of the brown zones in towns and cities? i only find a large field of plants growing and how many fps are lowered when you start an insurrection (im also playing on the modern mod)

    submitted by /u/Gas_Furries
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    My Emotional Dwarves Challenge

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:14 AM PST

    I challenge you to beat the game in Dwarf Fortress mode without cheating by digging into circus and killing all the clowns.

    However you will have to do this without other mods or hacks on default random world seed settings with those emotional settings of Dwarves I made:


    Anything else in they're raw file about emotions is to be deleted and simply replaced with this. I used world wiki to determine what is an emotion. Empathy is not just an emotion, it is a skill. That's why they don't have 5000 empathy but are swayed by emotions.

    If by any reason you were recording this, could you please upload your struggle to youtube with "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" in the background (by Kevin MacLeod) and let me know. I just can't resist seeing people actually doing this.

    Bonus if you do this with graphics for better effect. I actually allow you to use non-text stuff.

    Bonus if an actual artist decided to draw some events caused by my challenge.

    submitted by /u/rico6822
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    Is this a sign of undead tendencies? Or just dwarf angst

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Close encounters of a Giliakind. In short, don't mess with them.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

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