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    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Had a dorf survive immolation for the first time ever!

    Dwarf Fortress Had a dorf survive immolation for the first time ever!

    Had a dorf survive immolation for the first time ever!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Steam - Autumn Dev Update | Gameplay, Menus, Zones

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Video Dev Log! Gameplay, Menus, Zones

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Channels other than Kruggsmash

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    I am a relatively new player in search of channels like Kruggsmash. He may not tell me a damn thing about how to play the game, but his stories inspire me to keep playing. Who can I find that is both a story teller and a tutor for this game?

    submitted by /u/RileyN0326
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    xSCIENCEx Numbing dwarfs with public executions

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Since i kept hearing that you can numb your dwarfs to death/dead bodies by having them witness death, i decided to give it a try and check how feasible it actually is.

    My attempt at dwarven science is shoddy at best, but maybe it helps or at least gives more adept torturers scientists some angles to work with.

    The setup:

    The first few years were spent with typical fort building and preperation of enough cagetraps to have a seasonal supply of things to kill (mostly goblins, some undead and a few animals for a side project)

    After that, pretty much every season (with one short siege induced break as mentioned below) all dwarfs in the fortress got exposed to those public executions.

    Fort population was somewhere near 80 when it started and at 110ish (capped) soon thereafter.

    Test subjects:

    Goblins, trolls, undead, necromancer experiments, beak dogs and animals in seperate wave

    All of them got released in several waves during each execution event. (meaning combat started and ended several times for the dwarfs witnessing it)

    Images to show in detail the results:


    The details:

    • First event:

    Kills: 6

    Average witnessed: 3 (smaller burrow from here on)

    Saw death: Horrified

    Experienced trauma: Afraid

    • Second event:

    Kills: 15

    Average witnessed: 8-10

    Saw death: Horrified

    Experienced trauma: Afraid (most have several stacks of that)

    Thoughts about dead bodies and being in conflict will be checked from here on out too.

    • Two empty seasons for civies due to df FUN happening and several dwarfs at high stress. From here on out extremly stressed dwarfs will be excluded from the execution events. Meaning, no info gathered if high stress has an impact on how quickly a dwarf numbs.

    • Third event (compromised due to necromancer experiments):

    Kills: 9

    Average witnessed: 7 (smaller burrow starts to pay off)

    Being in conflict: felt nothing for both civies and mil dwarfs

    Saw dead body: Military almost entirely felt nothing (due to having to fend off excess siegers) Covies: Horrified mostly

    Saw death: Civilians horrified (first few uneasy ones found), Military mostly uneasy (1x multiplier) with a handfull being down to alarmed (4x multiplier)

    Experienced trauma: Afraid

    Note: This test had a few necromancer experiments in them. Neither civies, nor the mil dwarfs reacted to their death. (might be missing the code to cause an emotional response?) From now on undead are excluded from the experiment.

    • Fourth event:

    Kills: 12

    Average witnessed: 8-10

    Being in conflict: nobody felt anything (even newer migrants) Might be that they become immune to very rapidly, or the thought is hampered by only witnessing combat and not being attacked?

    Saw dead body: Military felt nothing, Civlians mostly are now at uneasy

    Saw death: mil doesn't care anymore (by now at least 50 experienced deaths ahead), civies remain horrified.

    Experienced trauma: Afraid

    • One season break due to forgetting to set everything up after the experimental round (see summary)

    • Fifth event:

    Kills: 18

    Average witnessed: 9-15 (wider spread due to accidental early release before everyone was back in the arena area after running away from combat)

    Being in conflict: nothing new, everyone by now is immune

    Saw dead body: Military felt nothing, civilians remain at uneasy

    Saw death: Military remains immune (even for the ones whose personality went to shit due to trauma) Civilians are horrified (tier1 emotion), distressed (tier2) and the ones that were there from the start uneasy (tier8)

    Experienced trauma: Afraid

    Notes: Even mil dwarfs that no longer care about witnessing death and bodies still get hit with the trauma stacks and subsequently their personalities shatter. Further more the number of achieved kills doesn't seem to impact the speed at which dwarfs achieve immunity to death (mil dwarfs with 0 kills vs dwarfs with multiple kills)

    • Sixth(final) event:

    Kills: 18

    Average witnessed: 10-15

    Being in conflict: nothing new, everyone immune troughout the fort

    Saw dead body: No change, mil immune and civies at uneasy (civie observers don't seem to see as many of the dead bodies as deaths witnessed. a bit odd but can't be helped)

    Saw death: civilians now mostly alarmed (tier4 emotion) and uneasy.

    Experienced trauma: Still afraid

    • Animal Massacre (happened after round4)

    Animals don't seem to cause any reaction and it was too late into the fort to see if they would be impacted by the being in conflict thought. Sadly, i forgot to check for trauma stacks, but i somehow doubt that there were any new ones.

    Summary and observations:

    Overall i can confirm that repeated exposure to death seems to lower the impact of such events. That said, it is completly useless in its current form. The main reason being that trauma thoughts are still given even when a dwarf is immune to what caused the trauma. Those thoughts tend to linger, are quite impactfull and enough to cause a personality change for the worse.

    Most likley the only way to avoid military dwarfs having their psyche crushed is to rotate them out of active service (as in they train but don't fight) until they overcome the trauma and PRAY that the dwarfs don't chose that thought to linger upon (remember).

    Military skills (like fighter or specific ones) and actuall kills don't seem to have an impact. The only thing that set the active military squads apart was that they had to repel sieges. The training squads progressed at the same rate as the civies, regardless of their skill levels.


    As a side note, after going trough about half of my dwarfs by hand and checking the causes for their personality changes, it looks like trauma is the one that caused the most by far (which is kinda surprising, since it only got added 1-2 times per murdersession)

    Tl;dr.: It takes a shitton of kills (almost 80 kills) to make dwarfs even remotly resistant to death/bodies. Sadly it turns out to be useless anyways due to trauma stacks being applied regardless. Meaning no matter what you do, your military and corpse haulers will have their personality shattered over time. This probably needs fixing.

    submitted by /u/Jamuro
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    I can't find the criminals that I was told to kill.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    I'm a hearthsperson and I got a quest to kill some criminals in a town. They're supposed to be in the sewers (based on where the story menu and Legends Viewer say they originated), but I looked around in the sewers and didn't find anyone.

    Edit: The criminals were in the flooded part of the sewers. They are all dead now.

    submitted by /u/Jelly_Noodle
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    Mangled Beyond Recognition

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Magma Gun Evolution MK1 to MK3

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

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