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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Woho! Got my drawing today in the mail! Crawling out of the ground

    Dwarf Fortress Woho! Got my drawing today in the mail! Crawling out of the ground

    Woho! Got my drawing today in the mail! Crawling out of the ground

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:41 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    every fort needs a pet human

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    While trying to create an apocalypse world I created the ultimate human empire

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:23 AM PDT


    I played with advanced world gen and made a world with a huge amount of savagery, deserts, evil biomes, and a ton of mega beasts and semi-mega beasts.

    Mainly for adventure mode

    The two dwarf civs are both on their last strongholds with all members I have found being military. The king of one is hiding in an abandoned fortress inhabited by a forgotten beasts. Immortal by being a necromancer he's probably waiting out the destruction of his people. The dwarf civ I spawned a character in with had it's whole region totally emptied of life from war with goblins and then later the crusaders.

    so I got a world where humanity united to face the common threats under religious leaders and even absorbed a ton of necromancer towers. Here they led crusades and completely wiped out one goblin civ, many monsters, and are actively working on the other goblin civ

    Most living dwarves have been absorbed into the human crusader empire, and even separate civilizations have abandoned their own gods for the human ones.

    The elves were boxed in spawning in deserts and surrounded by haunted forests on 3 sides. They were absorbed into the crusader empire and had wooden statues erected all over their "forest" retreats

    Towers continue to spread corruption, but they're incorporated into the religion so no one minds. The last few independent towers in an active war with the unstoppable crusader empire

    Dwarves released the circus? To crusaders this must be the ultimate trial for their gods! They are excited!

    The world IS still incredibly dangerous and inhospitable like I wanted it to be, but humanity is just stomping it into the dirt! Pray to the human god of mercy and forgiveness because you will receive none from her crusaders!

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Steam Community Update - Mischievous gremlins & vacationing dogs ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    A kobold with 110 kills

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    So I found a kobold named Flilibus, who has 110 kills. Humans, elves, ten demons, five night's warriors etc. So I wonder is this a bug? I've never seen anybody with +100 kills before and hard to imagine kobold being one who has a record like that.

    submitted by /u/PeriodonticCentrum
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    Tutorial Fortress Part 9 - WeaponSmith Training

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    By popular request: Queen Mafol Slippedtongs, wearing VERY uncomfortable sounding artefact clothing.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    Going to be streaming some Dwarf Fortress creature illustrations on twitch in about an hour (1pm EDT)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Come join me at twitch.tv/leekeegan if you'd like to hang out for a bit as I draw :)

    submitted by /u/leekeegan
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    Steam Dwarf Fortress - Gremlins and Dogs

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Local Chef Has Emotional Breakdown Over People Eating Her Cooking

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Saw this happen yesterday, but it was ridiculous enough that it feels it needs to be shared.

    One of my cooks, Ònul Oilmurders, made a masterpiece, a massive 500 stack of biscuits worth approximately 1.5 million dorf bucks, worth more than all my artifacts combined. Even 1 single biscuit is worth almost 3,000. Well, some little girl got hungry and decided to take one of the biscuits to eat.

    well, the game then informed me that "A masterwork has been lost!" and that Ònul is experiencing emotional shock. I zoom to her location to find her having a breakdown literally across from this kid eating at a table. This woman is having an emotional crisis at the fact this small child is eating her food.

    I can only imagine this grown dwarven woman on the floor, in tears, screaming in anguish at this little girl while said snot-nosed kid is just eating her delicacy in ignorance.

    submitted by /u/QuestionsOverAnswers
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    Today I learned two things: The value of gold goblets, and the satisfaction of stealing from elves.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    *Spoiler* details in comments

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Social Enclosing, for all your safety needs! Sandy-Clay-Loamedglared Part 6 (Part 7 will be streamed later tonight @lowesypc from 8pm BST, roughly 6 hours from post)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Mysterious Fire Returns

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Mysterious Fire Returns

    A few days ago I posted about a sudden fire in a dirt level of my fortress. A magma crab or a fire snake igniting the plants around my graveyard was suggested as an explanation. I wrote that such thing seemed unlikely due to the layout of the place but not impossible. Now I load my game and the very same area is on fire again. Don't think it was when I left. Now maybe is something going on with my save file or the graveyard is seriously haunted.

    The fort has been locked away from the caves months before the first fire, and this second one is spreading from the same place as before, the graveyard, now more populated and expanding. No fire snakes around, just my animals and a miner. I'm more confused than before.


    submitted by /u/Oorter_23
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    simple protip if your stuck using a retracting bridge with a southern fortress

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    give one space in front of the bridge, and AFTER that single row of space, dig a 4-5 wide row of channels (and a bridge that wide so merchants can come in) where you have a trade depot under neath.

    before the row of channels, add a second raising bridge. if its only one wide it wont look different but i believe it still functions as a wall -- you could also add one more space if you want the visible difference.

    behind the row of channels, add a wall, and put in a locking door of good quality material leading up into the entrance of your fort from inside where the channels go/where the trade depot is built

    sometimes you just cant build a fort in a spot where the raising bridges will work (i.e. you have a volcano in the south) but that doesnt stop you from haivng TWO bridges (an access travel bridge to outside, and blocking wall bridge)

    honestly I think bridges should be able to raise backwards too -- but they cant. anyway if you wire them to the same lever while both are open, they work as a single gate mechanism when you need to build to the south

    theres also the benefit that if someone makes it onto your access bridge before it collapses, the other one will still raise and they will be dropped into the moat because you have a dual raising/retracting setup


    for further security, if you want you can replace the door with another raising bridge inside -- but this can potentially atom smash dwarves if they dont get inside quick enough. that way if anyone DOES get inside the trading chamber, they become locked in, and you can kill them with fortifications carved in walls behind that bridge/door area. if you do that, even if you pull the lever a bit late theres no way things are getting in unless its a dragon and you havent gamed the system or got good enough materials to ensure dragonfire proofness

    submitted by /u/PurpleTurtle865
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    A Fort needs a captive Giant Cave Spider.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    So I've got back into DF since lockdown here in NZ (April) and for the first time, got my head around textiles and clothing.

    And farming silk from a GCS is the best easy way of making a fortune, clothing your dwarves in happy thoughts, and torturing a captive goblin, human or dwarf.

    The High Volume Silk Farm on the wiki is best for, well, high volumes, but having 12k threads can reduce FPS. And goblins and dwarves survive as bait much better than humans.

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    Why is there so much blood on the stairs

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    There was a series of were beast attacks in my fort. Every time they turned in the tavern deep in the heart of Swampcavern. I send the military in. That does it, from now on taverns are going to the entrance of the fort, or outside of it on the surface. People flee in every direction. The military killed the were wolf but the stairs are thoroughly coated with blood. Levels of it. I check to see if anyone got bit - no actually, not that survived. But there is at least one casualty because 12 pages of fighting happened in seemingly a couple of seconds. Well, that explains it.

    submitted by /u/TheEqualsE
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    Civil war fix script just ends with error

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    So, yeah i my own civilization at war with me, causing no migrants to come. After much digging around with vague answers found the fix/civil-war script post in the forums (attached below) and apparently got the idea of how to run it, BUT as i run the script DFhack just give me "Error running script" without any troubleshooting, like what command exactly failed to execute or anything. If anyone knows why please tell me.

    NOTE: due to how vague info is about "how to's" for things as basic as running a script (with a documented example) i might be doing it wrong. Also yes, i am rather new to DF in general. As far as i understand i have to go to the console of DFhack and type "script fix/civil-war"

    EDIT: code formattingDFHack ver. 0.47.04-r1


    -- Force peace with hostile parent civilization--[====[ fix/civil-war ============= Reset diplomacy relationship of parent civilization to end a civil war. ]====] local civ = df.historical_entity.find(df.global.ui.civ_id) for _,ent in pairs(civ.relations.diplomacy) do if ent.group_id == civ.id and ent.relation > 0 then ent.relation = 0 print("Civil war removed") end end 

    submitted by /u/Szarps
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