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    Thursday, July 23, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Urist McCBT

    Dwarf Fortress Urist McCBT

    Urist McCBT

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    A four word horror story

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    That escalated quickly.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Villains Tutorial: Planning a Fortress Layout (by Salford Sal)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Ozi Oozeborn, touring stories

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    I was playing around with random name generation for a human I was creating and it gave me a common human name "Ozi". I instantly knew what the rest of the name was going to be and what this human was going do with his life. The following stories are, actually, a second attempt at this character. The first was very short: I spawned in front of a thousand goblins and said hello. Instant frame death.

    Once he proved himself worthy to the local lord, (after many attempts and poetry rewrites) he set out to assemble a troupe. The first hire happened in the tavern right outside the town. There was a dwarf who just finished reciting some of his poetry, immediately starting to uncontrollably retch and vomit afterwards. But who really caught my eye was an elf woman, that was listening. She was completely naked and held a book in each arm. Ozi was enamored by the sight. He asked her if she would join his upcoming project and the elf woman appeared skeptical and asked him to prove himself to her. She was a real critic! It took some effort. Dwarf poet retching and vomiting all the while.

    This originally was submitted as a chain of comments to someone's post about how his adventurer got mobbed by some angry dwarves. They bashed the adventurer with books and I had had the story with Ozi and the elf girl happen recently with her being a dual-wielding naked book-warrior.

    After a short journey to the first big town Ozi was about to find out about this "book-warrior" side of hers. The troupe was going through their routine: Ozi being the main musical attraction along with an apprentice musician and the elf girl being the main eye-attraction (she refused to wear any clothes I offered) and working the crowd by reacting to our performance. Nothing was unusual apart from a couple of extra-grumpy faces and a notion of a rebellion happening somewhere in the realm. Some commotion started outside the tavern when we were about to play the next piece and a zombie burst into the building. Panic ensued. Ozi attempted a swift retreat but he noticed that his troupe was moving the opposite direction, actually charging at the zombie! He yelled at them but they didn't listen. So, overcoming his terror he grabbed his spear he hoped to never have to use and went outside to where the fight moved. What he saw was surreal. Never before I thought of a book as of a weapon. But what an agile elf-ninja could do having one in each hand was surprising! Two zombies fell to her book-dance and my occasional body-slamming and clumsy spear-poking. That incident really cast her in a different light. Apprentice was killed, though. Pity. We had another little adventure in which she saved Ozi's life and after it they parted ways. Short version: she dealt with the attackers while Ozi crawled to safety through town until I could fast-travel them out of trouble. Leg nerves severed, ability to stand lost. Ozi said his goodbyes and she watched him crawl, bleeding, to what would surely be his death. BUT WAS IT? titles roll

    Despite grievous wounds he stopped the bleeding, managed to cut down a small tree and made himself a crutch. Backtracked a little to see if the elf girl was still around, but she was not. Ozi rehabilitated in the nearest village where he told the simple folk the story behind the tragic death of his apprentice, and continued touring alone. His last shows were supposed to be played in the dwarven mountainhomes before returning to his hometown. I knew nothing about dwarven capitals at the time. There were, if I remember correctly, 3 or 4 conjoined mountainhomes, and the tunnels under the mountain were the longest journey I've ever taken in this game (2 hours irl).
    The tunnels were mostly empty and not halfway through Ozi got lost. He certainly wasn't prepared for that turn of things and there was not enough food in the backpack to support a trek into the unknown. The twists and turns were counter-intuitive, occasional guards weren't helpful, some roads were overtaken by amphibian people who shot poisoned darts at Ozi. I don't remember how he got through it, hitting his crutch against cavern floors and eating god knows what. First signs of civilization were some cats and a hen who would be ripped apart and eaten raw if only Ozi could catch up with it. Stairs took him to his desired destination - The Mountainhomes - but he was in no mood for concerts. He looked crazy, declared angrily something about the dwarven ways so that everyone could hear, found the storage room and sunk his teeth in the first wheel of cheese he could grab. Then he stuffed more cheese in the backpack and made his way to the surface. After speaking with the traders he found out he was waaaaay inside the mountain range and the only safe way back would be down through the tunnels. At this time he regretted not hiring a tour manager. He was not going the same way he got here, because he wanted to remain sane. So studying the maps he attempted a half-day journey in the direction of the nearest town and returned to the mountainhomes to study the maps again and to judge on how far he'd gotten. He had to, for the nights back then were dark and full of terrors. Some calculations were made and he was happy with the results. So, as early as possible he set out on the journey home. To work on some new material without getting assaulted, find new band members, maybe reconnect with that enigmatic elf girl. As grumpy as he was at that moment, future seemed bright and full of hope. BUT WAS IT? titles roll

    At this point the story never got finished because no one replied to the comments in the post anymore. So I decided to retell this +fine story+ now and this time add the final bit.

    So began the trip back to where Ozi originally started. The view was magnificent and the traveler was occasionally distracted by some hungry mountain beasts. Luckily, they posed almost no threat and were fought off easily by Ozi, who now confidently stroke the ground with his crutch, his stomach being full of cheese. The bard switched to travelling on the side of the mountain range to minimize hostile encounters. There was no time to waste for he had to cover a large distance while the sun slowly followed its path across the sky. The descent was a very welcomed change of pace and Ozi could already make out the shapes of some towns and roads in the distance. The sunset was drawing near when he got down from the mountain, and by the time he'd gotten to the roads it was already very dark. Ozi doubled and tripled his efforts when he could, trying not to give in to panic while the silhouette of the town grew dimmer but also closer. Alas! If only he had a few more hours… The cold wind brought with it the sounds no traveler, caught alone in the dark, wants to hear: incessant cackling and swearing, whispering and rustling, hustling and bustling! Red eyes staring at him from all directions. He tried to ignore them and that amused them. He tried to outrun them and they played tricks on him. He tried to fight back and they laughed like a pack of hyenas. Seeing that his efforts were going to be fruitless, he did the only thing he knew would work 100%. He sat down, put his fingers on the strings and played his best music piece that was to be his last one. BUT WAS IT? titles roll

    submitted by /u/Have_Some_Tea
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    Streaming Telear's Fabulous Embark, and it's possibly the last stream for this fortress, it's time to get the loose ends tied up. VOD will be linked in the description after the stream is over :)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Always look at the bright side of life!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    It's my first time playing DF (a little story)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I just downloaded the game and watched a couple of tutorials on youtube. I managed to make a place with beds, food and all, but eventually winter came... now, I don't know how to store water, I suppose it's with a bucket? whatever its kinda too late now, lmao.

    (I'm laughing but I feel so bad for killing them)

    All of the rivers are frozen (winter came), the drinks are going FAST, and my population starts dropping from 18-ish to 6 'cuz of dehydration, the first one I noticed was the cat, WHY, it broke my heart. At this time I had given up, but I wanted to know how it was to "lose" since it's my first time playing...

    So I have 12 poor dwarves dead from dehydration. The ones alive are so terrified of all the corpses laying around that they are giving up life altogether, and FROM NOWHERE, my place in the mountain became pink? and apparently there was a giant spider there? and miasma? long story short the ones who didn't die from dehydration got eaten alive or smth. LMAO.

    I loved this game, and I'll spend more time trying to learn more on how to play it, but it was so fun and weird I felt like sharing!

    I just wanted to share, but if you want to explain to me how to store drinks I'd appreciate, lol.

    submitted by /u/matteoolliver
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    "Small Worlds With Lava Oceans Might Have Given Us Meteorites" Once again Toady is ahead of science

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Question about Oceans and Fish

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I have been wanting to make a coastal fortress for quite a while and I was wondering:

    If I made an artificial pool, going as deep as the ocean does, with a 1-z entrance; would fish such as Tuna and sharks wander into it?

    I want a closer salt water source for my pumps and thought if I.emptied it, could also profit from dead fish once the pool is empty. I could never get verminfish to spawn into my underground canals and cisterns but larger fish behave more like animals right? Besides this would be on the surface right on the usual beach.

    Note? The ocean freezes in winter so working with it would be quite easy

    submitted by /u/Memenought
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    One of my more comedic Dwarves made himself a new outfit to wear to the tavern on the weekend.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Has anyone seen this app? It looks hell shady.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:15 PM PDT

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