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    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I love Masterwork.

    Dwarf Fortress I love Masterwork.

    I love Masterwork.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    New fort, new world. Streaming for 5+ hours.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Battle Royale Heavy Division Results

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Document hub

    Combat log


    Kill count at the bottom of the post.

    The gladiators are forced in to the crowded arena. The crowd cries for blood. The Arena Masters gives the signal to start the killing:


    1. Beul, the executioner kills Quispep Sinewbristled with a powerful stab to the head.

    2. Snektacular kills Shishigami with a swift stab to the head.

    3. Ulmond the Toe Amputator kills The Yeeti by cleaving her skull.

    4. Yit'em, "Melt-Away" bled to death. Snektacular is awarded the kill.

    5. William "Billy-Goat" Goatman bled to death. Beul, the executioner gets awarded the kill after severing Billys hoof.

    6. Gargreen kills Captain Jack by decapitation.

    7. Garkim Shellcarver kills Ragarth Zaram by cleaving his head with a stab.

    8. Ulmond the Toe Amputator kills Meng Evilevil the Evil by decapitation.

    9. Beul, the executioner kills Orge by decapitation.

    10. Kul Setauribrow has bled to death. Kelvinn Bloodaxe gets awarded the kill after biting off his nose and cutting off his left leg.

    11. Athur Dwarfkiller kills the dwarf Nosucc Jusblo with a powerful lash to his head, crushing it.

    12. Snektacular kills Garkim Shellcarver with a stab through his skull.

    13. Ulmond the Toe Amputator kills Magor Deathbrisket by decapitation.

    14. Gargreen kills Iron Man by decapitation.

    15. Kelvinn Bloodaxe kills Ulmond the Toe Amputator with a shattering stab to his head.

    16. Sektacular kills Gargreen by cleaving his head with a stab.

    17. Beul, the executioner kills Bahajamba, the Troll Archer with a stab to the head.

    18. Kelvinn Bloodaxe kills Major B. Horn, Bear-bear-ian by decapitation.

    19. Snektacular has bled to death. Bahajamba, the Troll Archer gets rewarded the kill after early in the fight putting an arrow to his heart, that slowly drained his lifeforce. He fought to the bitter end!

    20. Athur Dwarfkiller bled to death. Beul, the executioner gets awarded the kill after stabbing Athurs foot, removing it.

    21. Kelvin Bloodaxe executes Beul, the executioner by decapitation.

    22. Basher McSmasher has bled to death after a long chase. Kelvinn Bloodaxe gets rewarded the kill, as there are nobody else left.

    Kelvinn Bloodaxe 5 kills
    Beul, the Executioner 5 kills
    Snektacular 4 kills
    Ulmond, the Toe Amputator 3 kills
    Gargreen 2 kills
    Garkim Shellcarver 1 kills
    Athur Dwarfkiller 1 kills
    Bahajamba, The Troll Archer 1 kills

    Congratulations Kelvinn Bloodaxe! You live to die another day!

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
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    In my restless dreams... I see that town.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Plotting my DF Legends data using an application I'm developing. Still looking for testers.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    My second fortress. I wasn't excepting him to get this far.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Looming Darkness I - Pre-tournament write up for Adrinna.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    She had lost track of time since the Cataclysm.

    It wasn't the lack of sleep, food or water getting to her. Nor the strange dimensional anomalies that once ravaged her world. No, it was the small things.

    Electricity. Central heating and A/C.

    Still, she thought, picking out the mechanics manual out of the death-mobile's welding rig, it could be worse. What she had seen from the early days scared her. Reanimated dead walking the streets. It sounded like something out of a B-movie back then.

    Unslinging her compound crossbow from her back, she glanced it over. The red-dot sight and shaped cams reassured her every time she went out scavenging.

    Jeremias though.. his shotgun was the biggest dinner bell for every monster around. They had learned their lesson when mutated worms, almost three meters long, followed their modified deluxe RV around the countryside.

    They had argued for an hour about that.

    Both were heading to an abandoned lab. Her old GPS system, now worthless, sat on the dashboard. It was Jeremias driving - working in shifts would allow for breaks.

    "We there yet?" she asked.

    "Pft, Adrinna. You always ask that. Y'know, when I was little I always dozed off when riding things."

    "Yeah, and that served us so well when escaping a horde of ossified zombies."

    "Don't remind me. Reports are coming in from survivor settlements that these ossified zombies have become juggernauts."

    They passed the chain-link fence into the facility proper. Much of it was uninhabited save for the shambling remains of the security forces.

    "Here. ID card from one of the security head. Says 'Erin Hermina, Head of Security'," Jeremias said.

    "OK. Ready your shotgun. Be ready to shoot."

    Jeremias nodded. The heavy bulkheads to the lower levels rumbled open.


    It was dark in the sub-basement levels. Their headlamps revealed strange experiments: reanimated husks of test subjects and half-broken cyborgs.

    They continued. Soon they encountered the super-soldiers - or what was left of them. Adrinna noticed that despite being dead, they maintained a vague, martial arts stance. Most were still no match for a shotgun slug, however.

    Jeremias' shotgun clicked empty. They chose a direction and ran.

    One final bulkhead stopped them. The air had a staticy quality to it. Jeremias swiped open the ID card and they entered. It crashed shut behind them.

    It was a great machine. In the center, a shimmering rift twisted and contorted in incomprehensible fashion. Bolts of prismatic electricity constantly lanced around it.

    A scorched set of bound notes lay beside a dead technician. It simply read, "Dimension XE-453 - Preliminary Report. Restricted to Level 4 XEDRA Personnel".

    According to the report, Dimension XE-453 was a world similar to that of Earth in its Iron Age. XEDRA had encountered the primitive sapient species there, but dared not contact the alternate humans. Some of them were documented: nearby was a set of glass vats containing odd beings: bipedal animals, with little metal plaques describing them.

    The reanimated super-soldiers pounded on the bulkhead from outside, jolting them. Adrinna shoved the report into her pack. With only a crossbow, there was no way they could win.

    "We gotta go! Into the tear, NOW!"

    She roughly shoved Jeremias into the rift before he could react or hesitate, and followed shortly after.

    submitted by /u/Extension_Driver
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    So a naked human merchant is visiting my tavern...

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:21 PM PDT

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