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    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    First baby steps to 3D rendering my embark

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Adventure Mode is....... Interesting. Basically a how fast can life fuck you simulator.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I made a few characters in adventure mode, all dying in incredibly fast, horrible ways..... but number three, Mr. Mansplainer will always be remembered. His journey started casually, I walked out of the city after talking to someone about the lands leaders before he told me his aunt's only sister was his wife........ Yes, he said it like that. Obviously, after learning I was in Alabama I decided to leave immediately.

    When I was outside of the hamlet I wondered around, and found nothing but forest for about three minutes until a heavily armored human came up to me. He was weaponless, and demanded to know who I was. I introduced myself, and then he did the same. He went on about himself and how his name was Såkzul, the greatest warrior to ever live. He only talked about his exploits and I got bored of it, so I asked him to come with me. He declined saying that he was busy hunting at the moment. I thought he was bugged or something, and I said farewell to him before decided to walk away and let this "warrior" do as he wanted.

    I continued walking, and he walked the same direction I did. At first I assumed he was just going the same direction as me, but he turned the same directions I did, multiple times. I turned around to talk again, and ask him about that but no option existed sadly. I talked to him again, more of the same shit, he was hunting. It was odd, but I thought I'd just continue......... Well, this time when I left he turned into a werewolf and fucking killed me. I'm not joking, that caught me off guard and I seriously don't know if this was a bugged NPC or not. Is stalking an actual thing they added into this game? Because holy crap that was not expected.

    submitted by /u/_Falling__Down_
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    The year is 250. Somehow a copy of a shitty essay of a guy boasting about himself survived to this day, long enough for me to pick it up in a bandit camp and throw it at their leader to punish them for their shitty taste in literature.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Shendau Goldpeak, the Ascetic Swordsgoat, and Gladiator in the 5th Tournament

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    "Shielddriells". The city with no lawman.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Weregiraffe dancer started reciting poetry rather than attacking

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Okay, so... I've learned three things since my previous post:

    -I have a serious weregiraffe infestation.

    -Intelligent undead can be weaponized, but they'll steal all your shit

    -Dwarf fortress is really unpredictable.

    I've been attacked by four weregiraffes now and not one of them has actually managed to reach my dwarves.

    I now have a tavern full of undead just hanging around that put a stop to every attack, even though they're corrupting the shit out of my dwarves and have stolen four artifacts. They're like expensive guards. (I created a tavern just for them and put it outside the main gate to contain them somewhat.)

    Somehow I ended up with a goblin dancer who goes weregiraffe and doesn't attack anyone. I don't understand how. I checked her out in legends mode and there's nothing unusual about her, except for the fact she has no history of eating sentients. She's only eaten an ibex and a reindeer.

    I was feeling inspired, so story time. The narrator is a Kobold faded hunter named Froger who sometimes goes by the alias 'the mischief of ashes.' She's so ancient, she was born in the year -84.

    I was in my usual spot, playing cards with some faded hunter 'friends' of mine, when the captain came in. (I had a hand so good I didn't even need to cheat.)

    Logem Robustshot, captain of the guard, dragged aside a sunless ghoul named Devsem for questioning. Already the ghoul was cheerfully confessing to espionage and describing, in loving detail, how easily the dwarves of Amuserag succumbed to flattery.

    Why try to hide it? The punishment for espionage was a mere prison sentence. What is a few months to the undead? We all call it 'the price of admission.' The Inky Butters in Amuserag is the go-to destination for bored immortals. By common truce, undead of myriad affiliations gather under one roof, swap stories, gamble, and scheme.

    "Say hi to Tobul," said Turot, another sunless ghoul.

    I chuckled. Tobul Chantbridges was a goblin mercenary, naive to the game, who had gotten himself caught some months ago. He slept on the prison floor in a pool of his own tears.

    "Enough," said Logem. "That goblin is paying off his debt, same as any of you."

    She was a bleeding heart, that one.

    "Of course, Captain," I said, raising a goblet. "Fine work as always."

    Logem sneered and slammed the door behind her. She was never one to be rattled, although she must know any one of us could snap her neck on a whim. There was a betting pool open on who would manage to corrupt Logem first.

    "She seems stressed," said Turot.

    "That elf Tode Ngethacrashed is giving her trouble," I said. "Confessed to every crime she committed since 202. Logem is having a hell of a time sorting it out."

    Turot whistled. "Sentence?"

    "439 days and a beating. Most of it's too cold."

    "Highest I've seen."

    A chair clattered to the floor. A goblin with long, violet hair stood. She was pale and shaking. "Wait, what day is it? Shit, I think I'm going to..."

    I knew her. Athel Glovestilled, or so she called herself. A skilled dancer with a singing voice too good for a goblin.

    She howled and her body twisted, bones cracking, until a familiar shape loomed over me: a weregiraffe. I exchanged a glance with the faded hunters at my side.

    One of the players at my table, Ddlodin, grinned. "Can't have that. These are our dwarves."

    He cast an affectionate glance at the bartender. It was a look a farmer might give to his favourite livestock.

    I raised my hand.

    "Wait," said a meek voice.

    It was coming from the weregiraffe. Her tone was... embarrassed?

    "It just happens sometimes," she said. And then, while all eyes were on her, she began to recite poetry.

    The room fell silent, listening. The poem was long and, as Athel finished, she shrank back into her goblin form.

    Dlodin nudged me. "So, you in or not?"

    I had a good hand, so I emptied my pockets.

    "What's that?"


    "Made of mica. What's it supposed to be?"

    "A mug."

    "If it's a mug, what are those leather bits?"

    "Spikes, I think."

    "But why?"

    "Dwarves." I shrugged. "They call it Spurnbrews."

    "Okay, fine, whatever. Deal."

    I dealt, waiting for eternity to pass.

    submitted by /u/WordsWithSharpEdges
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    I like to imagine this Afe Glistenbucks wrote a book that basically went "Everyone is stupid, no one knows shit."

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Tired of building 30 windmills to power your fortress? Here's how to save time with the Dwarven Water Reactor™

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Plugging a Volcano

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    So I'm pretty new to dwarf fortress, but despite this I decided to do a bit of a challenge fortress. By preparing carefully, my dwarves and I have been able to survive in a tundra, completely devoid of surface trees, but with a volcano in the center.

    Anyways, we were mining out a section of obsidian at the top lava layer when i mistakenly mined a "hot rock", and essentially let the lava loose on the valley bellow.

    I don't have anything built in the path of the lava, so i'm not really worried about that, but I am currently using the top lava layer to fuel my furnaces and workshops etc. so I need the lava to stay at a certain elevation.

    Does anyone have any idea's for a good way to plug the hole or stop the lava in some other way? I cant build a wall or floodgate IN the hole thats spewing out lava, because its... well... spewing out lava.

    submitted by /u/clickthecreeper
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    The mystery of moods....

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    The fact a moody weaver can grab; 3 bolts of cloth, uncut gems (1), 2 logs of wood, a limestone boulder, 2 diorite block and a bar of pig iron, and produce a single left glove.

    It's a nice glove, but where did the 6 cubic metres of rock, wood and metal go?

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    Hey guys! I was going to start playing the game today, but when I try to launch the game, this message comes up. Anyone know what to do? As far as I can see, I have a file with the same name in the right place.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Just happy

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I Just wanted to tell you folks how happy i am. After losing 60% of my dwarfs ( maybe i forgot to make bozze) i Just managed to set up a Squad of marksdwarfs to Training AND THEY ARE ACTUALLY TRAINING . Just a little thing, but every bit of progress i make makes me really, really Happy in this Game

    submitted by /u/decapitatr
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    My first try at adventure mode

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I'd never tried adventure mode before so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I was Bitchtits Aledrinker, a Goblin Crossbow woman hailing from a small human Hamlet.

    I awoke in what appeared to be a guards outpost. I spoke to the nearest guard and enquired about the ruler of our fair land, he informed me of the Lady who'd ruled for many happy years.

    Naturally I ask if he wants to start a revolution, and he politely declined.

    I decided to see what this world had in store, and headed west to explore the untamed wilderness.

    I happened upon a trio of Emus, and started the hunt for my breakfasts. I struck one down with a well placed crossbow bolt, and viciously stabbed the other to death. I stuffed the two Emu corpses into my backpack while the other stared on dumbfounded. I collected some of the Emu blood, drinking some for good measure.

    While wandering on to see where I should go next, I was ambushed by what appeared to be an undead wolf. I immediately landed a hit with my crossbow, and another, but the beast was too fast. It was soon upon me, mauling my small Goblin body. It didn't take long before I bled to death there in the wilderness.

    10/10 would traumatise Emus again.

    submitted by /u/Talos-the-Divine
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    New Fort come learn if you wish to!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    CAVERN Fresh-Embark Livestream! (7-11:59PM Central 7/5/20) VOD In comments after!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:19 PM PDT

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