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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.12: The Horns of War

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.12: The Horns of War

    [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.12: The Horns of War

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress - Steam News - Monsters Critters and Weapons.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Shorast the badass: The peasant that single-handledly beat a Forgotten Beast to death.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Shorast the badass: The peasant that single-handledly beat a Forgotten Beast to death.

    It's just another day in Ustuthbab. Our gold and copper industry is firing on all cylinders, alcohol is flowing steadily, and the dwarves are moving around doing their usual stuff.

    Everything is business as usual until an eyeless, giant mite with pink exoskeleton and large wings emerges from the caverns. Gorzu, The Bewildering Terrors, has come.

    I immediately send the army to battle and set a civilian alert. Everyone starts rushing upstairs. Everyone, that is, except for Shorast.

    This guy is down in the mines, moving stuff into stockpiles, minding his own business, until he is attacked by the beast.

    Now. Any sane dwarf (if there's such a thing) should have tried to escape in that very moment. But not Shorast.

    Shorast is made of something else entirely.

    SHORAST throws himself at the creature, giving it everything he's got. He's punching, he's kicking, and, more importantly, he's BITING!

    He sure has a thing for gnawing...

    It just cannot touch him! I'm sitting there, watching this random peasant beat the crap out of a forgotten beast, while 30 hammerdwarves and 20 marksdwarves run downstairs, already late to the party.

    Just picture the face of Átir, captain of the guard, showing up ready for battle, surrounded by his elite army, only to find a giant dead carcass and this guy on top, surrounded by toxic fumes, chewing on the beast's head.


    He's not precisely unscathed either. Gorzu didn't connect a single hit, but the vapours it exuded have corroded Shorast's body from head to toe.


    After the battle, Shorast picks himself up and heads to the hospital. His condition is not very good, and his health is not as great as he likes to let other people see.


    He's really in a pickle, but he's in good hands too. After several hours of surgery and a lot of praying to Armok, he makes it!


    The moment the chief medical dwarf releases him, he's back at moving stuff around the fortress again.


    Doing a bit of research on him, it looks like he arrived to the fortress a couple years ago. He had previously done some time in jail, and finished to pay for whatever he did with military service.


    I imagine that he came to Ustuthbab looking for some tranquility after a tough life, but he ended up sacrificing some of his peace to protect that of others.

    He's no hero. He doesn't seek fame nor glory. He's just a dwarf that got interrupted and did what had to be done in order to keep the wheels turning.

    submitted by /u/r1c3m1ll3r
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    The Annual Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament is coming to a fighting pit near you soon!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Hub

    Listen up you dwarves and elves; you minotaurs and harp seal men!

    The annual Gladiator Tournament is approaching. Gather all your convicts, mercenaries, maniacs, revenge seekers and glory chasers. Hand them a weapon and show them which part to stick into their enemies.

    This year it will be hosted by u/Morpheus_Darkwater and u/Black_Griffin23

    The 29th of June the contestant registration post will open. It will remain open for 7 days. I am giving a good heads up, because every year there is people who miss the registration deadline. The more we hype this, the more people will join. The more people, the better the stories will be.

    I promise that any humanoid gladiator registered will get at least one fight. 125/126 gladiators will start in the regular tournament, and all others will be sorted in to two or three Battle Royales where the winner will get to join the tournament.

    To increase the effort people will put into their gladiators, this year we will have a quick poll for three days after the registration deadline. There people will be allowed to upvote gladiators they want to see in the tournament, the most popular ones will be seeded directly into the tournament. It would be a shame if a gladiator with 8 pages of backstory and 10 pieces of art gets thrown into the Battle Royale and accidentally catch an arrow to the knee. (This is experimental, and I reserve the right to disregard the entire thing if it somehow turns bad.)

    If you have read this far, and still wonder: "By Urist, what is this nonsense?"

    Check out last years tournament or do a search for the three previous ones.

    DFGT IV 2019

    May Armok ever be in your favor!

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
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    I'm 100% getting dwarf fortress.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    ... as soon as it's out on steam, I've had my eye on this game for many years but the uhh... "graphics style" really seemed overwhelming for me and I did try it many years ago but that didn't really go anywhere, I didn't understand anything and when a small band of goblins came and wrecked the place I was clueless to it.

    However, in recent weeks I've been binge watching the videos from Kruggsmash and getting myself hyped up to try it again, then after the announcement video from Tarn Adams here my mind was fully made up. I'm totally getting in to dwarf fortress now... as soon as it's out on steam.

    So, does anyone here have any tips for a total n00b to the game like myself?

    submitted by /u/RedderBarron
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    An analysis of why I am walled in underground while a necromancer and his minions control the surface.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    An analysis of why I am walled in underground while a necromancer and his minions control the surface.

    So, I started another fortress. This one was gonna be truly legendary. A fort for the ages. The walls shall stand for hundreds of years! Of course, for such an endeavor to be successful, one must plan ahead. One must have extreme foresight, especially where it matters the most. The defenses must be unbreakable.

    Now, I am not one for trap hallways. I prefer dwarven blood encased in dwarven steel.

    And so, my brave seven dwarves set out. Immediately, I deconstructed my wagon for the three logs, for I did not have pickaxes nor axes. All I had was an anvil, ore, marble, and some coal. And 40 units of booze. This was enough to smelt my first few steel bars, allowing me to create the most basic of tools for my glorious fortress. Two picks and an axe later, we struck the earth in the first week of Slate.

    Immediately, I began to dig deep. There were no aquifers to worry about, so we dug. And we dug. And we began to build our defensive fortifications. By the time summer had arrived on the calendar, our entryway was complete. At a depth of -17 z levels. That's right, we're already 17z levels underground, 3-wide ramps, hallways, and a switchback to avoid the map edge.

    The defensive lines of...crap, I forgot the name of the fort. It was something reasonably epic, I hit random quite a few times.

    Here was the first mistake. Thing is, 17 z levels of rock is a bit of an endeavor, and more importantly, it is quite a distance to haul ore. My second mistake, of course, was not setting up a hauling daisy chain to move my materials underground as we dug. My off duty dwarves spent their time foraging for food and smoothing the, and I once again emphasize, 17 z levels of hallway above.

    Well, on the bright side, I won't ever have to worry about my fighters being nauseated by the sun. I could probably fit an entire elven siege in the entryway to my fort. An important factor in the design was a series of switchbacks in the main battlefield. At five tiles, that's a mighty short distance to cover for an enraged dwarf, ensuring that enemy marksmen will not be able to loose more than a bolt or two at my rampaging defenders. With future improvements, it will also allow my own markdwarves to fire down on the rampaging horde from a series of well placed panopticons.

    Well, some migrants had arrived by that point, and it was time to start carving out the fort proper. nothing too fancy, just the top layer. This fort was to last for ages, which meant it would span all the way to the magma sea. Soon, the top layer would only be necessary to support a garrison and some farmers. The rest of the dwarves would busy themselves among the caverns and in the magma forges, creating treasures the likes of which had not been seen in the world thus far.

    The tavern is, of course, the first thing built, and smoothed. Already two poets and two adventurers hanging out.

    So, it was time to prepare. I ordered the furnaces and forges on the surface deconstructed and moved downstairs. At the same time, I ordered some basic workshops put up, as well as a food storage (directly below the tavern) and a farming area at dirt level (see that up/down stair in the tavern corner? And the one in the above image?). At this point, I queued up a few more axes, assigned the migrants with some mental fortitude (or at least a fondness for picking fights) to a squad, and set them loose in my barracks (in the top picture).

    And I waited. And I waited.

    That's when I realized that my ore was up on the surface this entire time. I quickly ordered an economic stone stockpile built to bring down as much as possible as soon as possible. We needed to get more axes out of the forges, pronto! My weaponsmith was also getting a little bit antsy with smoothing stone and hauling ore. The three dwarves not currently doing anything useful quickly hopped to, bringing down the rest of the limonite and a few chunks of marble.

    By this point, it was rapidly approaching autumn, and I turned my attention to my rapidly diminishing booze stockpile. After all, 40 units of booze wasn't going to last my population of 14 adults and one child very long. This meant actually getting my farm set up and plump helmets in the ground. Just in time, as the leaves began to turn and a chill wind blew through the wilderness above.

    With autumn came the realization that I should probably get some pig tails in the ground. After all, I had three migrants that weren't doing anything particularly useful, and I didn't want them getting bored. Tailoring, spinning, and plant processing seemed the perfect way to occupy their time.

    Well, a glorious fortress needs to have glorious neighbors. And my neighbors obliged. A nearby elven retreat was conquered, somehow, and became one of my holdings. I didn't think much of it, figured my civilization had gone on the war path. Truly, the road to glory. Always a good idea to set up in the thick of things. Reminder to self: check legends.

    At this moment, I realized that the autumnal breeze was less chill and more ill.

    "The dead walk. Hide while you still can!"

    I had only two axes. While my military was already off to a great start, their skills were not particularly notable, with only one above dabbling. Plus, there were only two axes between the four of them. They were in no shape to hold off an invading force of a half dozen armored human maceman/lasher undead and their necromancer leader (he's standing in my defensive hall image above, perplexed).

    With heavy heart, the order was given to brick off the entrance while more axes, armor, and skills were obtained.

    That's when I realized the sum of my mistakes: the dwarves had hauled down the rest of the limonite and about half of the marble, but they hadn't gotten around to the coal. Or the logs. We had no fuel. We didn't even have enough beds to go around.

    And the booze had run out.

    submitted by /u/MassiveCapitalist
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    I like when this game makes fun of fantasy tropes and cliches.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Love this community

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    I've been following this game since a couple years after it was released, and playing since 2016. Just want to say I'm filled with glee seeing this community still alive and well in 2020. It's been a huge success and I'm excited to see how it grows as the years go on. It's more than just a game, in my opinion. A whole experience, a hobby if you will.

    Strike the Earth!

    submitted by /u/ohail
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    Having second thoughts of baiting Goblins with Captain of the Guard Urist McWiggam's son ... although it is so effective

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    And you thought dwarven mothers had it hard

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Steam Update 18 June 2020: "Serrated discs jammed by goblin bits ⚔️"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Part 4 of Gary's German DF-Tutorial Series - Finding your embark!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Looking for feedback on drowning chamber

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    [SIEGE] "If Chins Could Kill" vs "Evil Dead"

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V - Document hub

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    This post is meant to make finding the other posts easier. Links will follow.

    The 2020 Master document. All relevant art and stories will be linked on the Hall of Fame page inside this document.

    I'm planning on publishing the results of the fights every Saturday.

    Contestant registration post - Opens 29.06.2020 - Closes 05.07.2020

    Battle Royale Heavy division results

    Battle Royale Medium division results?

    Battle Royale Light division results

    Round 1 Betting page

    Round 2 Betting page

    Round 3 Betting page

    Round 4 Betting page

    Round 5 Betting page

    Finale Betting page

    Round 1 Results

    Round 2 Results

    Round 3 Results

    Round 4 Results

    Round 5 Results

    The Losers Battle Royale

    Finale Results

    Round 2 upgrade post

    Round 3 upgrade post

    Round 4 upgrade post

    Round 5 upgrade post

    Finale upgrade post

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
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    I know, I know, Fashmonuz, you've got a special bond with them. But do you *really* need to bring them all with you when you're on mining duty? It just doesn't seem practical!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Fist time playing

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Wana test Adventure mode first, my world is 177 years old.

    I started close an Necromacer tower.

    Any sugestions?

    submitted by /u/TheWeidTraveler
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    When FUN visits the circus.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I think I've figured it out.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress is a game which doesn't want you to play it. It's brilliant. They've hidden a tremendously deep game/story creation engine beneath a user interface which doesn't just make it difficult to use, it actively tries to make it as difficult as possible for you to understand it.

    How do I scroll up and down? Well, sometimes it's up and down arrows. But sometimes it's the + and - keys. That +- sounds like it would make sense except that the - key is hit without a shift key and the + requires a shift key. So going up and down a list requires shifting and unshifting? See, it's trolling you.

    But wait, for no particular reason scrolling is sometimes 8246. WTF? Oh I see, they're trying to tell us that they number pad is how you scroll. Except in other places it's 8293. Wait, 2 numbers at the top of the number pad and 2 at the bottom? Hey, just figure it out. And if you have a laptop without a number pad then too bad. That's just a little "physical displacement" joke we threw in where the physical location of the numbers on the number pad (the one you don't have) is the key to understanding the concept. But we won't tell you that, we'll just put 824613@Scroll on the screen and not tell you what the additional 13 is for. And let's not even get started on the 4 different ways to toggle something on or off.

    Yep, it's a brilliant troll. There's no other game in the world which has the depth, complexity, completeness of detail and incredible sense of autonomous story telling as Dwarf Fortress. You're literally both watching the story unfold and playing the story at the same time. It makes games like Skyrim, and the Fallout series feel like you're being railroaded down a story path with almost no actual choice. But Dwarf Fortress creates an entire history and continuously changing story line which you have to figure out to truly experience. But as a troll, we're going to make it as difficult as possible to actually play it.

    [humor intended]

    submitted by /u/DruLeeParsec
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    My manager is a necromancer

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    So, I've not played DF for a couple of years. Downloaded a LNP equivalent, created a world, and embarked, default settings afaik - but after a short while I realized that my expedition leader was a dwarven necromancer... And I got another necromancer (ranger) in my first migration wave.

    Is this normal? Can I use it? The expedition leader is now manager and chief medical dwarf as he's the only one with the skills... Did a quick check but can't see anything about dwarven necromancers in fortress mode on the wiki. Halp?

    submitted by /u/haard
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    So this story of how my artifact Mindtame was stolen was too good to pass up.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Been a long siege...

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    My First Fortress - Love this game now

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    A short summary of learning and how it can all go to shit in moments.

    Season 1 With the power of quick tutorials the basics of (d)esignation, (p) stockpiles and (b)uilding were applied. A small part of the forest was chopped, a few chambers were mined, animals hunted and butchered, some workshops were erected and utilized, farms were sown and attended to. It was all going somewhat well. Until the expedition leader, wielding the only axe was scared up a tree and died by dehydration. Stairs were not yet understood. Not for a while longer too. In the meanwhile all wood that had been stockpiled was used up for making cups in an effort to rectify that complaint by dwarves. Work order gone wrong.

    Rest of year 1 Much of the rest of the year was spent on attempts to dig through a 1z level aquifer layer, retrieving an axe (trees dont fall if you dig the earth underneath it away), assigning labors and dealing with migrant waves. Which brought a necromancer. Who ended up becoming a manager and generally considered a good dude. Confontations with a ghost taught about burials and memorials, strange moods devolving to madness and death gave rise to artifact understanding. Water access and lack thereof taught about the dangers of dehydration and depressed dwarves showed the way to temples. It was a messy year full of surprises with very little accomplished, but satisfying nonetheless.

    Year 2 A great year. After initially missing the point of caravans, they brought a sweet release food, drinks, cloth and... axes. Sweet sweet axes. This allowed for wood harvesting once again, finally putting the expedition leader in a tomb and sorely needed beds. For this was also a year of population boom, going up to 94 towards the end of the year! Some real headway was made mining downwards and caverns were encountered, with much stone and many gems along the way. This year taught much about labor managment, what nobles were for, how floodgates and scewpumps worked, weapon making, exploring additional settings in work orders, workshops and squads, creating and assigning a burrow, etc. The fortress easily tripled in size, and despite for a few wants, most dwarves were happy and productive. Still, the fortress is a great mess, labor managment is rather poor and inefficient, dwarves are often lost and more than a few work orders, buildings and assignments are still very poorly understood.

    Year 3 and how it all went to shit Year 3 started out great. Some more trading with caravans, new caverns were reached, artifacts created. What a joy.

    Until the werehorse attacked.

    It was already inside the fortress when the message popped, but miraculously enough the dwarves managed to deal with it well enough, only losing 4 in the process with a few wounded. A well fought victory and the wounded were taken care of in the hospital, but no respite was given.

    As the elves attacked.

    Four armed elves on the edge of the map were making their way over to the fortress to revenge nature(?), a dangerous bunch but I believed I could deal with th-

    A goblin raid party attacks

    From the other side of the map came goblins. I initially hoped that perhaps the two parties would meet outside and deal with eachother. So I burrowed my dwarves, posted what remained of the squads in the main hall and locked the door.

    The fortress, it turned out, wasn't quite sealed well enough. And to make matters worse.

    dwarves turned into werehorses.

    I type this now at the end of the battle. The goblins, elves and werehorses are dead. At the start of the month the fortress was 98 dwarves strong, at the end, 15 remain. 5 children/babies, 6 wounded, 2 throwing tantrums. The fortress itself smeared red with blood, the first purple mists of miasma are spreading. An awful scene, yet I can't help but laugh at the madness that unfolded. Seems like losing can be fun.

    But perhaps not all is over. A new migrant wave just popped up. Bringing 9 more dwarves. Maybe the Dwarven Fortress of Intenseochre is not quite done yet.

    submitted by /u/Neomerisense
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    My Dwarf Fortress Review.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Hello, Hi! I'm Salmonish, and I'm doing a game review on Dwarf Fortress.

    Dwarf Fortress...Is a great game. Not only in it Fortress building and randomly generated lore, but it's style as well. Never have I been so terrified of a giant S moving towards some faces. One thing I really enjoy about the game is the ability to do almost whatever you want. DF is the only game I've ever heard of where you can take over entire continents, and still be wiped off the face of the earth by some turtle thing that randomly appeared deep underground. Despite this, the game can get hard to understand for new players and often requires several YouTube tutorial videos to get a Fortress that doesn't starve to death in a year.

    TL;DR: 9/10.

    submitted by /u/Real-Salmonish
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