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    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress #justdwarfthings

    Dwarf Fortress #justdwarfthings


    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    I was lucky enough to be one of the 15 people at Toady's Q&A tonight. I hit record just after we started. It's not the best quality, but for those who like their Toady stuff, this was a nice session with him.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    After many months of being afraid of the game, finally started playing and this got me all excited!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    First brood of -trained- crocodile hatchlings (In Telears Fabulous Embark)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    My troglodite in my pit have now a baby

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Can Toady please make diving into lava something dwarves aren't happy to do?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Sudden wild animal invasion over the bridge, as the merchants arrive. Think I'll send out my novice squad to deal with them.

    Five of them immediately dodge into the lava moat when entering combat.

    Seriously, I want to build a Dwarf Fortress, not babysit 5 year olds...

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    Vocabulary of the day: "proportionate response"

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Guys, help me please.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I m new. I currently realised that i dont have any battle axes, so i cant cut trees. And and i dont have steel either. I have a lot food and beer. What do i do? How do i get wood now?

    submitted by /u/He1loThere
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    An analysis of why the magma sea is superior to caverns.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    An analysis of why the magma sea is superior to caverns.

    Part One

    Having gone to the store and acquired more booze, it was time to once again see what my dwarves were up to.

    The first step to a legendary fortress is, of course, legendary goods. This means that the dwarves of Lancerways need access to both raw materials and workshops. Having run out of wood, they could not produce fuel from the veins of lignite uncovered by the initial dig. We needed another source of energy. And what better source of energy than the blood of the mountain itself? The dwarves got busy digging deeper.

    By some stroke of luck, as the dwarves dug down, they were completely uninterrupted by dank caverns and the foul beasts that dwell within. As the dwarves dug deeper and deeper, the call went echoing back up the main stairwell, the aorta of the fortress: "The stone is warm!"

    The miners, once simply proficient, but now true masters, carefully dug out a small space. The floor was warm, the walls were warm, and they knew one mistake could mingle the blood of the mountain with the main stairwell. Truly a dwarfy result, but most definitely not OSHA-approved. Once a small area was cleared, the miners, growing bolder, carefully knocked a hole in the warm granite beneath them, revealing a great magma sea!

    The first (true) smelters

    As the call went back up the stairwell, every dwarf with time to spare was pressed into service, moving the smelters and forge down to the heart of the mountain. Within a few days, the blood of the mountain dripped into the first dwarven furnaces, and the weaponsmith and armorsmith immediately set to work smelting ore and producing axes. To avoid future mistakes, a chamber was dug up directly above the furnaces, and every dwarf not otherwise occupied was set to work carrying spare ore, flux, and coal to the new stockpile. After all, the dwarves had called themselves The Factional Furnace. Their namesake must be fed, and the steel must flow.

    Population: ore, rocks, gems, and a cute lil' fire snake!

    By this time, the horses that pulled the wagon were beginning to look gaunt and act particularly aggressive, as they preferred green pastures and not caves with stone floors. As a result, they were immediately butchered. Horse meat for everyone! Of course, the bits of nervous and connective tissues that could not be eaten needed a place to rot out of the way, so a refuse pile was added to the battlefield behind a door. That way, future bodies could quickly be dragged out of sight and out of mind. There is no need to offend the delicate sensibilities of the civilian population with rotting sentients.

    While the outdoors was still blocked off, the cavern grew perceptibly colder and the pig tails stopped growing. Winter was upon us. The dwarves weren't really sure how they knew, being locked away behind a brick wall, but they knew that the necromancer had left. Based on the guttural growls and howls coming from the stone, however, it was obvious that the undead minions had stayed behind. Not only that, but wild animal sounds had joined the cacophony, implying that some local wildlife had joined the unnatural horde.

    It appeared that the dwarven caravan had wisely decided to bypass the fledgling fortress, which was not a great loss. The dwarves of Lancerways had everything they needed. Sadly, none of them had much skill at appraising item values, so the dwarves had no conception of their riches. A trading caravan could have helped in that regard, but it was a minor concern. Along with the caravan, no more migrants had arrived, leaving the dwarven population at 15. While slightly unexpected, as steel production was well under way, this was not a great loss. Especially now, there were not enough furnished bedrooms to go around anyway. Plus, there were other ways of growing the population.

    Some may find the dwarven custom to carry babies into battle disturbing, but a well-thrown baby has saved many a dwarven life on the battlefield. Plus, Captain Picard did it on the Enterprise.

    While the lack of trade and migration was something the dwarves would have to deal with eventually, it was simply not something they could do at this moment. The militia was barely adequate.

    Adequate, but unarmored.

    As winter entombed the outside world, the dwarves busied themselves with improving the fortress and providing a festive cheer. Stone walls were smoothed, floors were straightened, and the general improvements made the fortress look a bit more like home. A non-denominational temple was carved out by the entrance to ensure some spiritual fulfillment to the dwarves. For now, this would have to do. As the fortress filled out, more specialized shrines would be placed in locations near their spheres of worship. Plans were laid down for a great library, one that would store the chronicle of Lancerways, as well as less important information about the rest of the world.

    As quickly as it came, the icy grip of winter left the surrounding area. The undead growls echoing from the surface seemed mellower, and more melodic. One of the axedwarves compared it to birds singing in passing at the tavern, and after he went back to the barracks, the other dwarves decided to keep their distance from then on.

    Of course, with new seasons come new headaches. A recent mining expedition to acquire more marble had accidentally knocked a hole into a wall, revealing a great cavern...as well as a fell beast.

    Yay! Poison!

    This was deemed "not a priority", and the hole was quickly bricked up for now. There were, after all, more important considerations.


    Due to the quality of the weapons, personal attachments were discouraged for now. The order went out that every axe in the fortress is to be melted down immediately, without exceptions. We could not allow inferior goods to stain the reputation of Lancerways, already bruised by the undead milling about on the surface.

    And so, a new year dawned on The Dimension of Forever, 251 years since Armok first put hammer to anvil. Simultaneously, The Factional Furnace celebrated their first year of survival, which in retrospect was deemed an overall success.

    submitted by /u/MassiveCapitalist
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    More of Telear's fabulous embark in german at 18:00 UTC+2! 3rd Stream Session

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Blubb Blubb everyone!

    Today we will continue the great warfall and volcano embark!
    Maybe we will get the magma to were it belongs ... our forges. Maybe we will burn the whole world ... who knows?

    You will if you take a look! :D
    Stream starts around 18:00 UTC+2 and will go for at least 4 hours. Maybe more, depends on how I am doing and how chat is doing :P


    submitted by /u/GaryTheGammarid
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    I've been trying to mine for the past 15 minutes...

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I've been trying to mine for the past 15 minutes...

    Hey there! New player here. It's my first game ever but I can't seem to figure out how to mine. I've followed the steps in the guides (designations menu, press d for Mine, press enter and then move the in-game cursor across before pressing enter again) but I can't seem to get the area I wanted to have mined highlighted. The selection just... resets? Any help would be greatly appreciated. If it helps, here's an image of the area I want to dig out.


    submitted by /u/Moostas
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    Stream 5+ hours. Starting off with legends, Fortress mode after (Vod in comments once offline.)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Removing religion from my Dwarves

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Is there a way I can make my Dwarves atheists? or at least be able to remove religion entirely, I don't want my dwarves to be bowing down to heathen gods, It's treachery.

    submitted by /u/Rambleken
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    This is my first two hours of DF! So excited!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I dropped a cow down 28 pit -z levels and this happened

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Part 5 of Gary's German DF-Tutorial Series - Setting up your embark!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    First adventure

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I've heard about this game yesterday, the game's complexity and the personality of Tarn Adams amazed me already. I'm about to embark on my first journey. Whish me luck! I'll comment my first experiences.

    submitted by /u/MechanicLecter
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    I updated an old bash script for installing Dwarf Fortress with DFHack and Phoebus for 0.47.04 and Ubuntu 18.04!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Tarn Adams Twitch Q&A VOD from GameDevGraz

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    That's one smart bear

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:17 PM PDT

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