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    Dwarf Fortress So summoning is fun

    Dwarf Fortress So summoning is fun

    So summoning is fun

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:14 AM PST

    When you forgot to seal off the entrance to the watergun and a dwarf sees a sock...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    My first attempt at the new update

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:15 AM PST

    So I start my newest fortress, excited for the update. I'm embarking on a fairly flat and hot plain with only a large river running through the center of my screen to provide scenery.

    It's time to get to work 'ere the giant tigers get hungry.

    My plan- Create an impenetrable fortress with high walls and catwalks snaking throughout the entire screen.

    Deck the whole thing out with fortifications.

    Train an elite squad of crossbow dwarves to tear apart any would-be attackers while hiding safely behind my walls.

    My reality- Instantly as I unpause and let my brave dwarves get to work an alligator attacks. Four dwarves are knocked into the river and drown within seconds. Several cats were tragically wounded. I'm now working with only three dwarves, not enough to build walls before winter entombs us.

    Okay new plan- Dig a pit. The pit is by the river. Wrap a wall around the pit. Everything will be fine.

    "Summer has arrived on the calendar"

    My miner made the executive decision of channeling down two layers before digging beneath the incredibly fragile and incredibly unsupported first layer.

    One miner instantly dies in the collapse (a cat was also tragically wounded)

    No worries I'll just turn my woodcutter into a miner and he'll finish the pit.

    He instantly causes another collapse...

    When I abandoned the "fortress" all that was left was a paralysed woodcutter at the bottom of an unfinished pit, several ghosts haunting an extremely stressed expedition leader, and a herd of tragically wounded cats. Alas, "Mossgear" was a truly legendary fort

    submitted by /u/KaZamtheWizard
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    Frostarm, a cautionary tale about inter-continental bridges

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Current playthrough, will update if it goes anywhere I want it to. But not until its at least well on way to being finished (eventual mega project).

    Anyway, heres a relatively short story about by first year and a half after embarking. I set my embark (territory) to a long and narrow strip and placed it over two near but separate huge continents to the extreme south (near the ice caps). I wanted to build a bridge between them. Thing is i spawned in the early spring and im near the southern pole (think new zealand levels). Anyway i spawned on the frozen ocean, it made an ice bridge between the two continents, unfortunately i saw it was melting and knew shit was about to go sideways. I ordered my dwarves to abandon their wagon (which cant move btw) and run all their shit to one side. The ice collapsed and i lost half of my food, the only wood axe and 4 of my starting 7 dwarves (including the doctor and soldier). Worse yet i picked the side without connection to the home kingdom so i was stranded for about a year. I ended up having to ration (pre-cut) wood, forage for wild berries and live off of them until the outpost liaison eventually crossed the ice bridge from the other side that next winter. Also my dwarf hole was haunted by the 4 dead dwarves because i couldnt build memorials due to a massive multi layer aquifer.

    Ive finally got all this shit together after a caravan brought me some stone and some axes. And after a migrant wave of ~20 (popcap 30).

    So, when embarking near the poles be careful about the time of year.

    E: the first 2 migrant caravans and trade caravans spawned on the other side of the map during the hot months. So, I had to wait a considerable amount of time before anyone actually managed to get over here. The migrants would have died of dehydration before winter (ice bridge would then spawn) because the one murky pool was completely frozen, and salt water isnt drinkable. I thought about spawning an axe over there so they could build a still and live of bilberry wine, but i didnt want to cheat.

    submitted by /u/CardinalSyns
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    Schola Mortis #1 : mummies now have necromantic powers and can raise towers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Didn't think this could happen outside sparring.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Dwarf Therapist Updated Experimental memory layouts for 0.47.01 (All platforms except Win 64!)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Looking for DF YouTubers. Currently subscribed to Kruggsmash (obviously), DwarfComic, and MolanoPlays.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST

    I've known about this game for a while but never really wanted to get into it despite thinking it was really interesting. A sandbox game to rival no other. Minecraft bows before it.

    I stumbled on Kruggsmash's channel over the weekend and binged a load of his videos. I couldn't get enough so found another couple of channels that do the same thing.

    Doesn't have to have the same level of production as KS. Just want to have a couple more channels that produce this sort of content on my feed.



    submitted by /u/NinjaMilez
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    New episode of Dwarf Fortress Roundtable podcast Ep. 21: In Which the Gang Talks About Vanilla DF, DFHack Detox, and Release Anticipation

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:32 PM PST

    one of my guys has a funny tantrum

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:39 PM PST

    whenever she has a tantrum, she grabs a drink, takes it to the still, and drinks it.

    she used to yell at ppl, attack ppl, but her values changed to think its best to not complain about things, due to getting caught in the rain.

    submitted by /u/buki_chan
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    Knife eared tree huggers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Retire/reclaim shenanigans

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Anyone else notice shenanigans with retire/unretire forts?

    I can't seem to deconstruct buildings built before the fort was retired, and I seem to not have access to any resources that were in the buildings at the moment of retire.

    It also seems to freeze farm plots, in that I have several farm plots full of crops that I cannot remove and that seem to be immune to withering.

    On the other hand, it appears that food disappearing on unretire is no longer a thing.

    submitted by /u/FiscalCarrot
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    Immersive playstyle...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:29 PM PST

    Playing 0.47 I went over to noting every dwarf on an index card while playing. It may sound stupid, but when you write down some traits and appearances, you get so much more immersed. I cought myself thinking: "that's very typical for him" and trying to comfort my dwarves way more. Consider trying it on your next embark!

    E.g. I found a few dwarves that very much like nature, so I build them a few small huts in the Forrest and made them all into hunters. It's the most adorable thing I have ever seen in DF!

    submitted by /u/Murffist
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    Comedian training :)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:09 PM PST


    I have automated comedian training for the time by finding a target whose attitude is PATIENT and making a macro to train it. I'm a skilled comedian now, and I plan to become a legendary comedian by the end of this day. You can probably do this with flatterer, but I'm not sure about pacifier. I'm not sure how to raise liar though, and I really want to learn that. I'm not sure if anyone's even tested this, but I find this to be a great discovery.

    Edit 1: I have raised comedian to Legendary, and I have figured out you can make people patient by using comedy. Now, I'm trying out calming on a macro with a dwarf. It's going well.

    Edit 2: I've raised pacifier to legendary. However, the dwarf I was talking to supposedly mastered judger of intent. Therefore, pick your targets wisely and only do one person for your entire training session. Otherwise, you'll be training everyone to judge intent. I'll do about two updates per edit to the least. Next, I need to train up judger of intent, possibly by either arguing and setting up a macro for it or prepping my target to tell me jokes or the such. I don't believe it's possible after looking into it. It's quite random. It might be possible by someone much smarter than me, but I'm afraid you're stuck with me for this post. Poor you.

    I am using Auto hotkey, and my methods are as simple as training comedian as stated before, and then using the skill to shift between comedy and calming/flattering.

    MY AHK for training comedian, assuming the only conversation is with one guy. k:: send k{enter}------{enter}

    k, start the conversation, enter, conversation menu, 6 (-)'s to scroll down the list, and enter to do the deed.

    Also, by trying to argue, you gain the option to impatiently take your leave. Don't do that. Don't argue until you've done the three training.

    Edit 3: These skills are absolutely useless. I've been using my legendary skills of calming and joking on someone who's uneasy and afraid. Even with the macro and use of jokes and calming to prevent them from becoming too impatient, I cannot calm them. So these new skills are useless even at my skill level.

    On another note, you can use investigation / interrogation to improve persuader and intimidator. You need to figure out how to keep them from getting annoying, and I need to know what skill needs to be trained in order to stop annoyance. Consoler is my best guess, but I have no leads.

    So now, I have these leads. You can learn comedian, pacifier, flatterer, persuader, and intimidator with the use of a macro, but more research is needed for judger or intent, liar, negotiator, consoler, and possibly conversationalist.

    This is all for this post.

    submitted by /u/warcraft3tft
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    A fort with 13 dwarves and like 70 animals tried to attack me. A human visitor with a copper scimitar singlehandedly routed the entire siege without taking a scratch.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Duckfort2020 - 0.47.01+spacefox+dwarf therapist

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

    "So, what is making a fort in a terrifying biome like?"

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Have you ever noticed...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    ... while playing DF new update, how much functions where only possible because of DF-Hack? I now see how ungrateful I was the entire time...

    submitted by /u/Murffist
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    The results of additional experimentation with my Necromancer militia captain (now, Champion): Intelligent undead lieutenants are now part of my fortress. More inside details and screenshots inside.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    My adventurer's wardogs fuck up everything in sight

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I'll be travelling on the worldmap, see a * and investigate. It's usually some traveller. My wardogs will go straight for the kill and rip them to shreds. Can't really do anything to stop them, too.

    The funny thing is, when they're done, fellow adventurers pet them lol like "good job ripping that stranger to shreds for no real reason"

    submitted by /u/FredHamptonRIP
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    So my dwarf wont move and dehydrating himself

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:09 AM PST

    So i just started df for the first time ever yesterday... Used the lazis newbs pack and all and started playing after 6 hrs of tutorials... It was all going well chopping trees making my homes but suddenly my woodworker started fighting a giant chimpmunk.. so did another miner then one of my dogs then another dwarf.

    Some got mangled hands.. some got torn off legs .. they were AFRAID and didnt wanna work ir even mive for a few days but they eventually started being normal... But this one dwarf hasnt moved from the pool of chimpunk blood for almost a month i believe... He keept staying afraid but now he isnt afraid but he is frustrated because no alcohol and is dehydrated. Guy would not move an inch. How do i fix this or is he doomed.. his left arm is mangled beyond recognition thats all

    submitted by /u/Demonsan
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