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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Crundle

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Crundle

    Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Crundle

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    [Kruggsmash] Dwarf Fortress: Legendary Stories

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:15 AM PST

    DevLog 22 January 2020: "All continues toward a release, in the next some days."

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    How we dug too deep, won it all, and lost immediately

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:49 PM PST

    This is my most successful fort to date. Besides littering the entire surface with hundreds of elf, human and goblin corpses it was my most unique and wealthy fort.

    I carved out a 10 layer deep artificial cavern layer. Rather than simply carving out individual rooms and make some complicated tunnel network I was inspired by the underdark cities of D&D and carved an actual city with open spaces outside of buildings and then covered everything in gold, silver, platinum and jewels.

    I built small outpost rooms on two cavern layers to make harvesting resources easy, etc.

    Finally, to end my fort I decided it was high-time to take on the circus! I knew many players who did different creative tricks to beat them, but I genuinely wanted a straight up fight. Just soldiers and war animals vs clowns! So I dug a long tunnel filled with prisoners of war for them to run through first then a small trench network of fortifications for us to freely shoot them as they made their way to us.

    it uh. It had middling success.

    The first clowns were successfully ganged up on and beaten, but then my dwarves and their 60 war rhinos, dogs, cheetahs and gorrillas single-file charged down the trench line fighting each clown 1-on1! wow so stunning and brave! They were all butchered to the last the only benefit being the two or so crossbowdwarves sitting outside picking off all the clowns.

    To the very last every single soul was butchered. Our duke armed in all artifact gear with 100 kills to his name had his head torn off by a single bite...great.

    Our last marksdwarf died taking down a clown before his head also was shorn off.

    "fair game" I think to myself and go to abandon my fort. You see I didn't want to just wall off the circus and wait until I could beat them at my leisure. Didn't seem fair. so with only 20 or so iron doors between them and the defenseless civilians. I lost. Abandon fort.

    And then I checked back in post-fort abandoning.

    There were only TWO CLOWNS LEFT!

    I abandoned the fort only after realizing that I HAD WON, and by the time the two clowns stopped massacring each cavern layer of life and got up to the fortress proper I could have had something in place to deal with them!

    I WON THE DANG THING AND QUIT EARLY! One of them was made out of ASH! I feel just so stupid now, and my awesome fort is totally abandoned and even if I reclaim it there's a good chance we'd just spawn right on top of the two clowns.

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    The announcement of a new version of DF has me checking the site every day, and I hate it.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:12 PM PST

    I don't know about you guys, but I am HYPED about the new version. I can't wait to play it for like, a few days to two weeks and then drop the game again until two years later! I keep on checking the site EVERY DAY and I'm counting down the days in this month hoping to get the January release promised. I just want this month to be over, man.

    submitted by /u/warcraft3tft
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    Interesting miasma situation, involving a lllama, soldiers and cheese.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    So figured out how to get soldiers to tra.in - in the 3rd year or my first fort.

    Was carefully sorting out the finer details of the squads one thing by one, pausing and unpausing to see if the changes made the soldiers wander off or something. The vanilla interface is not so obvious.

    One of the setting I was fiddling here the provisions. In the vanilla system it's hard to see what you do, so provisions got turned on and off and up and down some times, before it was OFF for all the squads.

    Then I got distracted by a miasma in the tavern/depot/big entrance hall (about 40 "people" there, most of them elf dancers, socializing in the middle of a huge miasma.)

    The cause turned out to be a llama that for no reason I could discover had died in the tavern (heart attack??). Was so weird everybody stayed in a bar with a rotting llama on the floor :)

    Managed to change the settings to have dwarves rid of the llama - some setting stuff made them ignore it.

    But OK, soldiers train, dead llama is gone, all is well.

    I turn my attention to the lower levels of the fort.

    After some tunnel designing I get back upstairs to check out how it's going.

    BOTH the barracks are like miasma gas chambers, because I put doors in all the exits and it blocks the miasma inside the room. Soldiers training stoically in the fumes!

    WTF more llamas ??? I thought I fixed that ?!?

    But no, there is no dead animals in the barracks.

    But lot of stuff on the floor. I thought the soldiers dropped some of their clothes when they put on armor, or just randomly droped socks or w/e, so I didn't check the piles.

    Ok lemme check everything in those miasma gas chamber. What do I find - several backpacks with ROTTEN CHEESE in them! All kinds of cheese!

    So what happened was, I guess, when I was fiddling with their provision setting, turning it on and off, some of the soldiers must have went and gotten backpacks and stuffed food in then. And then just dropped it where they stood when I turned it off again.

    And since THEY were busy training and nobody else enters the barracks, all the damn cheese was just left on the floor to rot. And I didn't see it for a while, because I thought everything was fine with them :)

    Kinda wierd to be training your martial prowess in a room stuffed full with rotten cheese.

    submitted by /u/Orange-of-Cthulhu
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    Never been more proud of my bastards. A few of ours got captured but we sent many elf souls straight to the circus

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Dwarven Cavalry

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Hello, I was reading about mounts on the wiki and stumbled across this:

    Dwarves may field cavalry similar to human and goblin forces (should they have the luck to domesticate something,) Prior to version 0.44.01 the player would need to mod the game in order to experience this, as the ability for dwarves to declare war on the player was added in this version. Playing below 0.44.01 requires a modded game allowing for the player to play as a race other than dwarves.

    How does one go about fielding cavalry. I can't seem to figure it out and it looks like it could be all sorts of fun and !Fun!.

    submitted by /u/AzathothsAlarmClock
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    Just Dwarfy Things (Funny bugs, behaviors and silly stuff)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    What strange and elfish things have happened in your Fortress that stick out in your mind?

    submitted by /u/DakkaDakka25
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    An ordinary day of rain: The Forgotten Beast Aquiya Sanenerupola has come! An enormous ass with external ribs. It has a broad shell and it has a bloated body. Its eyes glow violet. Its gray hair is very curly. Beware its noxious secretions. After the bloodbath I report all dwarves dead or missing.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Anyone seen that show on history/discovery channel the Curse of Oak Island? LOL (in my Random Generation)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Streaming Dwarf Fortress for the next 4 hours. Vod will be posted when I'm offline.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Full Potential (Version 1.0) Slaves to Armok: God of Blood: Chapter I vs. Full Potential (Version 1.0) Slaves to Armok: God of Blood: Chapter II.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:13 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I thought it would be nice to see which game would've been 'better', or more *fun* if both projects were suddenly completed with all goals accomplished. Counting even the major goals for Tarn's original Armok.

    I'm not too sure which one would be more complicated. Though, I would imagine Dwarf Fortress would be since it has probably been designed more about future goals.

    Also, I really wish Tarn someday releases the source code for the Orginal Armok. I think the community could actually make it really good (at least good enough for the first instalment for the series)

    Anyway, that's it.

    submitted by /u/WraithfulWrath
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