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    Tuesday, October 19, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress I don't get this fascination with "spoilers"

    Dwarf Fortress I don't get this fascination with "spoilers"

    I don't get this fascination with "spoilers"

    Posted: 19 Oct 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    In Tolkien's Middle Earth, when the dwarves dug too deep in the Moria, they awoke a balrog. In Minecraft, you get a portal to hell. Everyone knows that if you dig too deep, you get demons. Just like in real life.

    submitted by /u/HawkslayerHawkslayer
    [link] [comments]

    I didn't know it was possible to survive this. Dude's just chilling on the floor of my fort.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Introducing the Highfantasy Mod - Civs, Creatures, Systems, Balance [OC][Mod][47.05] - Feature complete and ready for Premium

    Posted: 19 Oct 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Introducing the Highfantasy Mod - Civs, Creatures, Systems, Balance [OC][Mod][47.05] - Feature complete and ready for Premium

    Hello reddit, I'm Kiiranaux, and I make the Highfantasy Mod over at the Bay12 forums. I'm making this post to share, just one time and one time only, what Highfantasy is, why people have been talking about, it and what kinds of Dwarf players might find this mod interesting.

    A sample region generated in Highfantasy showing the 14 spawned entities/civilizations.

    Highfantasy is a mod layered atop of vanilla Dwarf Fortress that expands the vertical and horizontal scope of the game.

    We incorporated elements of Tolkien-esque – and more modern – high fantasy, while remaining true to the vision of vanilla Dwarf Fortress. It's balanced and bug-free, with each feature is designed to play well with every other feature. As of the recent v.1.3.00, this mod is not in development – it is complete, and there are no more features planned, just additional balancing based on played feedback. And, HighFantasy is completely standalone. You should install it on a fresh download of dwarf fortress with no Lazy Newb Pack, no other mods, and most importantly, no DFHACK. This also means the mod can be updated to new versions of D.F. almost instantly!

    <<<<Download Today!>>>> 

    Highfantasy focuses on 4 additions: Polishing, Balancing, and Adding Horizontal and Vertical Progression Systems.

    • More of the consistent dwarf fortress gameplay you love, including 20 new semi/megabeasts
    • 14 unique, balanced, different-feeling civilizations trading and competing in 4 fleshed-out factions
    • Better endgame hazards ranging from toxic materials and diseased creatures to siege machines to disguised impostors and powerful bloodlines
    • Balanced, rewarding vertical progression systems that D.F. hasn't reached yet – guns, magic, and more

    In total, the features are:
    1. "Raw changes you can't do without"
    2a 14 Classic high-fantasy civilizations with factions and distinct features
    2.b More interesting underground civs
    2.c Reorganization of the caverns; Dinos; Eldrazi horros; More fantasy creatures everywhere
    2.d Make animal-people above-ground more interesting/rarer
    2.e A Divine civ to make divine language and materials see usage
    3a Flesh out existing civ gameplay
    3.b lineage system for playable tieflings, aasimar, etc without ip-specific names
    3.c Catapults, Gunpowder, Orc Sieges
    3.d Better adventure mode
    3.e Hazardous materials and diseased creatures
    4. A complete and consistent magic system to complement Necromancy

    Highfantasy Mission Statement: Taking Vanilla to its Limits, and Maintaining Wiki Information

    Inspired by D.F., this mod feels a little more mysterious than others. There are no I.P. based creature or ability names! You don't "Cast the Fireball spell", which is inherently DnD, you "stretch out your hand and project a ball of magical fire. You aren't a "Tiefling", you're a "human with touches of fiendish ancestry." There aren't "Gold Dragons", there are just Dragons, and you won't know what they do until they're eating your corpse. And so on. Dwarf Fortress eskews limiting I.P. based names in favor of procedural generation, so we eskew I.P based names until D.F. can out-do us. When D.F. adds procedural magic, we'll take ours out. When D.F. adds procedural dragons, we'll get rid of ours.

    There's one more thing. This mod promises to not invalidate the information you can get just by reading the wiki. There are almost no changes to existing creatures, items, or even systems that would make it so that reading a wiki article about that thing is not helpful to you. Short swords still have edged cuts, giant giraffes are still in the savage biomes, and candy still comes with the circus. (Two exceptions: animalmen have been moved to good biomes, and the third cavern layer has been squeezed up to layer two.)

    If this sounds interesting, check out details about all the features, and thanks for reading!

    A Planar Diagram explaining the Magic System of Highfantasy


    {0.0} Content Overview by Category

    {0.1} General Gameplay

    {0.2} New, Distinct Civilizations

    {0.3} Better Horizontal (Civilization-level) Gameplay

    {0.4} Better Vertical (Endgame) Systems and Progression

    {0.5} Included Mini-mods

    {1.0} Where to find Highfantasy How-to Information

    {2.0} FAQs

    {3.0} Highfantasy Mod Promise

    {0.0} Feature Summary

    The following section quickly summarizes the features of Highfantasy and how they relate to "Taking Vanilla to its Limits"

    {0.1} More Consistent General Gameplay

    In fort mode, this means you can do logical things like use dragonscales as leather and giant insect chitin as bone, and a few surface stones like Flint and Chert are strong enough to make weapons. In adventure mode, you can pick more plant growths, repair your armor, and make lots of interesting items that would help your quest, while not becoming a total lone craftsman. And, there is a reasonably small list of civilized, magical, and animal people to choose from in gameplay. In both modes, there are many more interesting fantasy creatures, both intelligent, friendly, wild, and deadly, almost all of which are confined to non-Mundane biomes for balance. There are training weapons for more skill types, domestic animal men including catgirls, giant domestics and giant pond vermin, magical creatures like griffons, a few dinosaur groups and many extinct mammals, and veterinarians to heal animals. There are also more real-world animals, from seagulls to meerkats to Sulawesi cave pigs, which kobolds like to domesticate.
    Although there are many new magical creatures, Non-intelligent Non-megabeast fantasy creatures are confined to non-mundane biomes (Savage, Evil, or Good), with the sole exceptions being skales, drakes, and elementals. So like in DF, in mundane biomes you'll have mostly mundane wildlife.
    AnimalMen have been moved to Good biomes in keeping with the mod story. This means much more diversity in Savage biomes. They also have standardized armor sizes - only eight sizes to choose from instead of 300, four of which fit humans and/or dwarves!

    {0.2} New Civilizations

    This mod has 14 of them, and that number is no coincidence! In Vanilla D.F., there are 4 types of civilization: Normal Men/Elves/Dwarves, Evil Goblins, Thieving Kobolds, and an unused super evil faction. In Highfantasy, there are 4 Normal, 4 Evil, 4 Thieving, and 2 Superbad civs. There are also 2 different powerlevels of hidden, underground civilization, and finally, animal people were rebalanced and moved from SAVAGE to GOOD biomes. The most popular animal people from things like Magic the Gathering and DnD are always playable – Tigermen and Hyenamen (gnolls) and such.
    Here are the civilizations:
    4Normal: Dwarves The same dwarves as ever, the only ones to mine adamantine. They have access to the second highest amount of reactions and materials of all races, and are balanced.
    Human* Industrious surface dwellers who can make boulders and logs with high efficiency, and the masters of primitive gunpowder. Embark with your Lord and expand!
    Elves* The forest dwelling civilization can grow useful wood from seeds, and can even "bloom" metals into Mythril, which is sharper than steel. Biologically immortal.
    Mer These "sea-elves" use caught fish to grow coral and seaweed for use as building materials, can make unique weapons out of native metals and jade, and control weather.
    4Snatcher: Orcs The master siegers ride into battle on worgs with huge steel weapons and powerful siege machines, and live in dark towers ruled by demons. They also get a bonus to burning trees into charcoal.
    Goblins* These wild creatures live in primitive tribes, fending off attacks from feral goblins and adopting rival tribe members. They build with bone and drink booze distilled from meat, and many of their pets spread debilitating diseases.
    Hobgoblins These larger goblinoids march in lock-step with huge armies, and apply the human advantages of limited gunpowder and efficient building to the bad team. They have mastered the creation of the ancient alloy Orichalcum, which is harder than steel.
    Sahuagin These wave-dwelling baddies have come to land, accompanied by vicious landsharks, and they take no prisoners.
    4Thief: Kobold* These adorable dograts live in sprawling caves milking their goats and pigs to brew fermented drinks, while salvaging the scraps of other races and sometimes obeying a dragon overlord. Just be careful not to milk a diseased beak dog or worg!
    Dark Gnomes This spiteful race lives in mountain fortresses, where they build golems to do their labor and battle. They don't use weapons, but are the only thief civ to use magic.
    Lizardmen and Halfings You'll be hard-pressed to find one of these hidden, non-playable civilizations, who mostly wish to escape the din of the world. One is offensive, the other defensive.
    2Superbad: Naga The slavers of the world, Naga take neither pet nor prisoner, and are exceptionally deadly fighters with both natural poison and mastery of weapons, magic, and their signature harpoon guns.
    Half-Angel These descendants of the celestials are the "godmode" civilization, who can do everything anyone else can – but they WILL still attack you for a late-game challenge. Furthermore, they have access to animal hybridization magics that elude all other races, being able to summon great beasts at their labs. Half-angels can repopulate the world with forgotten beasts, Titans, Night creatures, animalmen, demons, and just about anything else, and can forge Divine metals and materials.

    Finally, every race in Highfantasy has unique attack conditions, pack animals, permitted reactions, profession names, speech files, religious idols, and even noble titles tastefully inspired by the real world. No more 5 copies of the human civilization; you will definitely feel the difference.

    One quirk of the mod - in keeping with dF's "ages" idea, there are absolutely NO outsider controllable creatures except for Humans. Many creatures are playable from their tribes or when they join civs, but once they die out, they die out. In the end, only humanity is guaranteed.

    {0.3} Better Civilization-Level Gameplay

    Every system included in the mod is designed to balance every other one. There are no "infinite reactions" without a cost. Weapons from Mod B aren't broken compared to Mod A (thanks to Sver Combat Revised), etc, except for guns, which are more powerful to balance their detailed unlocking. Even wizardly studies cost time and materials.
    Another sort of exception is the mod's lineage system. This mod introduces the idea that creatures can be magically-touched in their ancestry, ie, a tiefling. But in the spirit of dwarf fortress, we don't use those special words. You can't tell a tiefling ( "outsider" in dnd terms, but that means something different to DF players) by its name, or its appearance; you have to check its actual description. There are Angel, Demon, Fey, Shadow, and Elemental tieflings, and they appear in all 4 Normal and some other civilizations. You can get a Tiefling fort migrant, fort invader, fresh adventurer, or even adventure mode npc.
    Finally, new civilization-level hazards await. For the individual miner, certain caustic materials underground can lead to debilitating conditions, while diseased versions of certain underground creatures can plague the entire fort. In the third cavern layer await horrific, amalgamated creatures; sauropods stalk the savage wilds; and new megabeasts roam the skies, some of them with unique and deadly abilities. Siege weapons, which are creatures much like wagons, offer new threats from invaders. Combined with the lineage system, tricksome creatures force the player to always check creature descriptions and not just names.

    {0.4} New Systems and Vertical Progression

    Highfantasy introduces multiple vertical progression systems which works by gathering materials and learning recipes over time, much like adamantine in the vanilla game.
    For the fighters among us, megabeasts have beating hearts which hold the cures to various difficult ailments including vampirism, old age, or sterility. Meanwhile, toxic creatures have bulbous venom sacs which adventures can extract to create contact poisons for subterfuge and sabotage.
    Guns, the strongest mundane weapons, are a complicated mechanism that requires assembling a lock, a stock, and a barrel, plus gunpowder and bullets. All their reactions are confined to new workshops and are intended to be an endgame weapon for Human, Dwarves, Hobgoblins, Orcs, and Naga.
    Highfantasy also introduces a balanced magic system loosely based on Dark Souls. There are 5 main schools of magic besides necromancy: Aetherial, Miracles, Pyromancy, Polymorphy, and Hexing. Each of these schools of magic can be studied and passed from student to teacher as a secret in worldgen, OR, they can be studied meticulously in adventure or fort mode as a "wizard" of one of the schools. Finally, there are two more secrets that are much rarer: the Shadowmancers, who raise corpses as shadows and build towers, and the Order of Silencers, who work to expunge all magic. They will fight back against your magical learning. Good luck surviving the endgame in this challenging world.

    {0.5} Included Minimods

    Each of these minimods is contained in only one or a couple files, and can operate outside of the Highfantasy environment.

    "Big Cats and Lap Dogs" introduces servals/caracals, called "forest cats", which are cats that perform the functions of dogs; and "lap dogs," dogs that perform the functions of cats. These are for humans who prefer one type of pet to the other.

    "Slimes of Armok" introduces comprehensive, balanced, and integrally-designed slime farming to Dwarf Fortress. Slimes are tameable in the second cavern layer and provide passive income as well as occasional active killing rewards, which can be truly great. Across 4 types of slime, there are 10 castes and over 100 color variations to collect, which pass their colors down genetically and also have color-dependent drops.

    10 castes of slimes hopping about in the Object Testing Arena.

    {1.0} Learning to play Highfantasy

    The third post on the Highfantasy forum page, here, contains detailed information about the major features and changes present in Highfantasy, to make sure that you are guided through every critical step of the process, while still sometimes experiencing surprises in the specifics.

    Before we continue, please remember the following:

    Highfantasy is designed not to invalidate most vanilla wiki information! Highfantasy is designed to be consistent - systems speak to each other! Highfantasy is designed to roll in new content slowly - playing as dwarves on a non-savage biome, things will look very familiar, right up until they don't! 

    The guides on post three include:

    • Playing Fort Mode in Highfantasy and step-by-step guide to each of the playable civilizations
    • Playing Adventure Mode in Highfantasy and guides to magical lineages and elementals
      • How the Highfantasy magic system impacts creature abilities and resistances/weaknesses
    • New weapons and materials introduced in highfantasy, including "advanced weapons"
      • Ranged Weapon Sets
      • New armors and armor sets
      • New ores, metals, and materials
      • Complete guide to gun manufacturing
    • The magic system of Highfantasy
      • Activating magical abilities in fort and adventure modes
      • The six magical schools and their foci
      • List of spell counts
      • Secrets and Sorcery
    • The Caverns of Highfantasy
      • How Highfantasy combines the second and third cavern layers
      • Sampling of new creatures in the first two layers
      • Introduction to the horrors of the third layer

    {2.0} FAQS

    Will this mod be updated with graphics?

    I am fully committed to adding a full graphical set to this mod alongside the Steam release (Premium) and official graphics. There is a development path and workplan to accomplish this goal, with some of the work being performed prior to the steam release. The premium release of Highfantasy will also include updated language files with words for the new Highfantasy things.
    Since I don't use dfhack, Highfantasy should be one of the first mods updated to premium!

    What mods are included? Are those mod authors being respected?

    Every line of code written by another mod author is meticulously credited - in the readme and in the files. Although their mods have been modified, sometimes heavily, their vision is respected and they were all contacted prior to the release of this mod:

    ---Credits: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Modname Signature Author Link
    n/o Modest (MM) [LargeSnail] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=174231.0
    Y Revised {+} [Taffer et al] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=161832.0
    sent Spice (VSR) [Warlord255] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=173907.0
    Y All Races Playable (ARP) [Lovechild] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=140713.0
    Y Primal (DEP) [Enemy Post] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=172869.15
    n/d Assorted Creatures Pack (ACP) [Enemy Post] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=163773.0
    n/a Veterinarian Golems (Vetg) [Enemy Post] https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14707
    sent Monstrous (TB DND) [Teneb] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=173304.0
    sent Goblin Hordes, Humans (hordes; hf) [Brolol.404] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=174305.0
    Y Savage Domestics (savdom) [Atkana] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=178013.0
    Y A Dwarven Domestic (no vanilla) [vettlingr] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=171979.0
    n/a Blackpowder (BPFA) [Jake*] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=85060.0
    n/a Toymod (toymod) [I3erent]
    n/a Dragon Blood (db) [Nixeris] https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/mezb3n/mod_dragon_blood/
    n/d Combat Reworked (unmarked) [Sver] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=170474.0
    Y Spellcrafts (no vanilla) [Eric Blank] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=149426.0
    Y Vanilla Expanded Creatures() [Splint] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=177593.0
    Y Adventurecrafts (unmarked) [Random_Dragon] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=153036.0
    Y Voliol'sVariousVivants (no vanilla/VVV)[voliol] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=170936.0
    Y What Lurks Below (no vanilla) [ZM5] http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=167606.0
    *Blackpowder completely restored and modernized by Kiiranaux.

    So it's a modpack. What did you actually do - anything?

    Highfantasy represents a collection of mods that has been balanced for years to play perfectly together. In addition to the tens of thousands of lines of code that are completely and utterly my own (such as for the mod's unique Merrow/Sea-Elf civilization), I also wrote thousands of lines of compatability code - to balance weapons, systems, and things and make the systems consistent and cohesive. Sometimes this involved incredible amounts of grunt work - I probably wrote a thousand lines of code just adding kobold milk reactions to creatures from other mods, or venom sac reactions outside of Adventurecraft. Other times it meant a lot of design thinking to make sure the play experience was integral - such as redoing the entire magic system from the ground up.

    {3.0} My Mod Promise

    This mod:
    -is an alternative to existing big conversion mods that
    -does not require DFHack or other utilities
    This mod:
    -is "Belgian Vanilla", trying to imitate the vanilla DF vision and play
    -is well-tested with an empty errorlog
    -is extremely easy to update with new DF updates
    -explicitly and painstakingly credits the work of other mod authors
    This mod:
    -is balanced for a great play experience
    -is feature complete, except for graphics and language work to be added over time.

    Thanks for reading about this new mod. I hope you enjoy playing Highfantasy, and please feel free to leave comments here or on the forums. Most importantly, let's all continue to support Dwarf Fortress by playing, talking, and sharing our joy!

    submitted by /u/sylvain_ice
    [link] [comments]

    I'm not sure what I expected to happen when I decided to change the maximum amount of invaders

    Posted: 18 Oct 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Seamenace: a community ship - crew wanted!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Six years ago we struck the earth, here in the Jungle just by sea. And now our grand projects are at last complete. Not the fortress, although there is a fortress it's nothing to speak of, it's just like any other you might find throughout our kingdom, the Lustrous Spear, although we have deliberately come quite far from the reach of King Zasit.

    Since a time before time it has been said amongst the wisest dwarves that water is a curse from the gods, only there to drown us and burn our throats when booze cannot be had. Therefore the ocean is truly a cursed place, water as far as the eye can see and a sickening open horizon that causes the plump helmet roast to rise from the stomach of even the best adapted dwarf. Nonetheless, dwarves are not known to shy away from cursed places, and so, our ambitions coming here were:

    One: Construct a drydock in which we could construct a seaworthy vessel before the dread salt-water surrounded it
    Two: Construct such a ship
    Three: Set sail and raid every town near the sea from the mired tundra in the south, to the Entrancing forest in the north for loot and glory, striking fear in all in our path

    And we have almost completed steps one and two already.

    Full details on the bay12 forum post: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=179127.0

    Long story short, i built a ship with which to raid up and down the coast, but now I need a crew! so if you're interested please submit your name, profession and if you want to take part in raids or not. The ship also needs a name! All updates will be in the bay12 forum from here on out so if you want to follow this do so there.

    submitted by /u/Sean_give_me_beta_no
    [link] [comments]

    Thirty. Seven. Days. Of. Dwarf: Day 18 -- Tree Farming (10/18, 7pm ET, Extra Life 2021!)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    We're back for another night with our fortress Naughtypaddle, and setting up our tree farm for wood harvesting on our glacier!

    "Yeah, I'm treeeeee.... Tree farmin'..."

    ----------------------------------------Who's this guy?-------------------------------

    Hey guys!

    I'm /u/Nameless_Archon, and I provide tutorials on how to play Dwarf Fortress every year while I try to raise money for sick kids.


    What in the name of the glowing pits is this about?


    It is time to return to our roots, and so we shall: Thirty. Seven. Days. Of. Dwarf.

    Starting on 10/1 and proceeding through the Extra Life 2021 Game Day event on 11/6 and 11/7, I'm going to stream and teach what little I know at https://www.twitch.tv/nirruden.

    Dwarves. Every. Single. Day.

    ----------------------------------------But why?----------------------------------------

    I like to do things when there's more than one reason to do them:

    • It's for charity.
    • I get to collect money for the very same hospital that once helped me as a child.
    • I like to teach, or at least I have in the past when my health has allowed it.
    • It's for charity.
    • People (crazy people, apparently) like my stream, when I do it.
    • People are always complaining that Dwarf Fortress is hard to learn. (Not really, but let's show it.)
    • It's for charity.
    • It raises the profile of Dwarf Fortress, a game I regard as a seminal work and personally enjoy.

    -------------------------So how's this going to work?-------------------------

    We've started out like I usually do - streaming a basic, sustainable fortress. However, the reality of the situation is that thirty-seven days of Basic Base Building 101 is going to probably bore the pants off people (including me) and I don't really want things to be boring. So we're going to have to do a few things along the way to try to spice things up, and along the way likely reveal that I'm just an average player like everyone else. (Dwarves dying of starvation and frostbite on a glacier? Likelier than you think!)

    Basically, I'll stream in the evenings most days for a few hours. On Saturdays and Sundays, we'll generally run a little longer, or at different times but I'm going to stream every day until 11/6 even if it means I have to get up at 3am to do it. On 11/6, we're going to culminate with a 24-hour long livestream, as part of the worldwide Extra Life charity event, ending on 11/7!

    I don't use Twitter, Facebook, etc. and people may want to donate to Extra Life 2021, even if they're not supporting my efforts directly. Feel free to share my donations link, or to direct people to the charity's main page.

    --------------------------So what's in it for viewers?---------------------------

    Well, aside from helping to support my local children's hospital (good vibes, ho!) I'll be pushing out tutorial game(s) live on stream as part of the event. Your donations are a spur in that direction applied to my backside. You can even attend the event with me, since I'll be broadcasting live on my stream the whole time!

    ...but if that's not enough for you?

    • There's a callout for donations so everyone can see your generosity!

    Anonymous or not, everyone will know you're supporting kids that need it.

    • Donate $10 or more and you may request to have a dwarf named in current and future forts!

    If you're not naming him something awful, it'll even happen. You're welcome to request a trade for the dwarf, if I have one suitable to match it! If we run more than one fort, donator dwarves will show up in all forts after the one where you donated!

    • For $50 or more, you can reserve one of the starting seven instead of a.. <.< >.> ...migrant.

    If none are available, I'll have to use a migrant. (We call this 'Early cat catches the dwarf'. Move fast.) As above, if you donate on the first fort of our event, we'll put that same dwarf into the starting seven every fort thereafter!


    • For a donation of $100, I'll let you flip the script for a bit.

    Want me to embark on a reanimating evil biome with a necromancer next door? It's your call. I'll save the current stream fort, and start a new one on the spot with settings as close to your request as I can manage on the fly, and run with it until it dies or I do. If someone else flips the script on you before I finish, you can either donate again to flip if back or wait for their fort to exhaust before I resume yours. Your choice. (We call this one 'Last dwarf gets the sock.')

    • Feeling your oats? If you're willing to drop $500, I'll let you flip the whole table and pick the game I'm playing!

    Some limits on this are required for sanity's sake. Let's talk first.

    At some point, I'll get back to the stream fort, but for a truly generous donation, I'm 100% willing to give up some time and show off anything you'd like, live and on the spot. You can find a link to my Steam profile (which contains a list of potential games I could probably get set up for streaming) here if you're considering this. (And if it's something we can do multiplayer, we can even try that too, which would be a stream first.)


    Wait....Thirty-some days of tutorials for Dwarf Fortress as part of a charity drive?


    Thirty-seven days, actually. It was the wife's idea - she suggested that you folks might like to get a newer version of my original tutorial, and that this might be a good avenue to combine hardcore Dwarf Fortress fanatics, who are already a generous and supporting community, with a charitable cause to support. I didn't have much luck finding a flaw in her reasoning, so I bit the bullet and advertised it at work, too, despite my trepidation regarding drawing personal attention there. (Last year, they contributed only about a sixth of our total collection, because the players and viewers - people like you and I - were far more generous!)

    ------------------------- New and Uncertain Players: ----------------------

    We'll be putting the newest version of the starter pack and Dwarf Fortress through its paces as we (attempt to) start a new tutorial series for v 0.47.05. (Note: If there's an update and it seems relatively bug free, I'll try for the newer version, but I'm aiming this at newer players, so trying to ride the cutting edge isn't really in the cards.)

    Past demonstrations (From v.34 to present) have included glaciers, deserts, sites with necromancer towers adjacent as well as discussion on how to influence worldgen to get what you want. Our first one will be a more sedate embark, designed and chosen for relatively newer players, and we'll start with worldgen as though we're looking at a fresh install.


    My goal is to walk new players through an embark using the DF Starter Pack. (Explicit thanks to /u/PeridexisErrant and others who I admire for their dedication, which is studded with perseverance and ringed with bands of my gratitude! Without those efforts, a tutorial for installing and configuring everything for the game and its add-ons would be a sizable task unto itself. I've actually devoted many hours of stream to demonstrating it 'the hard way'!)

    Along the way, I'll provide examples of the setup and tools I use to play Dwarf Fortress, as a guidepost for new players.

    What I'm really trying to do is give new players a reference point they can come back to on how to set up a world, embark on a site, and stand a reasonable chance of employing a fairly basic and standard design to build a workable fortress wherever they may need to start one.

    Stream Info:

    The channel rules are simple: Respect Wheaton's Law and you'll be fine. Just don't expect the content of the broadcast to be 100% suitable for children; Sorry, kids. I'm much too low-brow for a guaranteed clean broadcast. Get your parents' permission, etc etc.

    If you have questions you might like answered with a demonstration, and not simply a quick post in the weekly questions thread, I'm your guy. I'll do my best to demonstrate just about anything you can think up - aquifers, megaprojects and magma pistons aside. (Minecarts may get covered, but don't expect anything computational or timer based - I'm a casual player, not a dwarven mechanical engineer.)

    You can view the stream here, as well as on the donations page for Extra Life.

    Later Goals:

    At some point in this fortress, I'll walk players through my 'most commonly used' tools in DFHack and in the utilities that come packaged in the DF Starter Pack and how I use them to construct a simple, basic, and tightly run fortress that can support as many dwarves as my PC can haul, defend itself against all comers, and handle just about anything. I also will try to demonstrate Quickfort at some point for those who've never taken advantage of it - there's a new version and I've got to learn to use it properly!

    We'll certainly touch on Dwarf Therapist, and discuss how I use it to control the behavior and organization of my ants dwarves, including a demonstration of custom professions in action. Sound will be provided by Soundsense so that you're not listening to me play in silence during any lulls, and the off-topic interaction between the audience and myself tends toward the lively (and often ribald).

    New players, your questions (no matter how 'silly' you may think they are) are 100% welcome, as they're the whole point to the broadcast! Join us and ask them!

    If you can't make it (or are not willing to brave my often vulgar displays of unsuitability) and still have questions you can't seem to figure out, post them in the DF Bi-Weekly Questions Thread for this week and I'll do my best to help you overcome your obstacles, if the expert players haven't gotten there first!

    (Obligatory: Yesss... Join usss... Join the Dark Side... We have cookies!)

    ------------------------ More advanced players: ------------------------------

    On that note, experienced players who want to follow along are certainly welcome (and often manage to teach me a thing or two, directly or not) but the main thrust of the stream will be to help new players get over the introductory hump to start playing at a deeper level, so you may find yourself paying less attention to the pace of the stream and more attention to your fellow audience members. I do love having a few veterans show up, though, because my fortress designs always get better when I'm shown a method I've never used!

    --------------------------------Parting Words----------------------------------------

    Please don't go. The children need you.

    Please donate if you are able.

    On behalf of Riley and Extra Life: Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!

    ------------------------ !!EVENT NAVIGATION BAR!! ---------------------------

    <= (Space Reserved for Day 17 Link) == (Space Reserved for Day 19 Link) =>


    ----------------------------------------Progress Readout---------------------------

    1. Pre-Broadcast: Completed. You're reading it. You could have read it before this, but I'm lazy and I'm blaming the day's average solar flux, since that really was the real reason... this one time... like... a few years ago. Don't tell anyone.
    2. Thirty Seven Days of Dwarf: This is today at 7:00pm ET! Within 14 days, the VOD will still be up at Twitch (-link pending-) but after that, you'll need to wait for a Youtube upload, which may take some time.
    3. Day 18 Youtube Upload ( -link pending- ) is pending broadcast completion!

    Special thanks to this year's donators!


    ---------------------------------- Fortresses To Date ------------------------------

    • Tosiddur Berim: The Armored Fist of Artifice
      • Lost to audience request for new fort following loyalty cascade(?)
    • Mozibnish: Swallowtraded
      • Magma tapped, forges operating. Time to mint coinage.
      • Militia organized, training scheduled and begun.
      • Why not a were-elephant to go with the water heater? Sure!
      • The weaknesses of current apiary model.
    • Naughtypaddle
      • The coolest bedrooms around, guaranteed.
      • Magma forges tonight using safe-bridge breach method we used on the well/pasture flooding.
      • Let's punch a hole in the caverns with a garbage chute! What could possibly go crundle wrong?
      • Time to militia and set up nobles and orders!
    submitted by /u/Nameless_Archon
    [link] [comments]

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