• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 21, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress The definitive guide to DF

    Dwarf Fortress The definitive guide to DF

    The definitive guide to DF

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    The Kingdom of Autumn: Waddlesquash" a new let's play by /u/Kruggsmash in autumn-themed world that you can play yourself.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    Steam news - Goblins and Military Gameplay (feat, Zach Adams)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Ebra Anaozud Stosbubutost.Ebra Holeruthless The Hateful Mole. Ebra Holeruthless The Hateful Mole was a forgotten beast it was the only one of its kind. A towering quadruped composed of amber. It has a long curly tail and it undulates rhythmically. Beware its webs! Ebra was associated with torture.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Steam Community Update 21 October 2021: How to Stop a Goblin Attack

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 10:01 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    DevLog 21 October 2021: "Before we look at equipment and schedules, here's a look at where you assign dwarves to positions in the squad and also give individuals orders. I've set three of the dwarves to stand in the hallway (the white rectangle is animated.)"

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    Water filling up my drydock (with ship) - interesting water movement pattern

    Posted: 20 Oct 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    The Duality of Dorf

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    Ideas for Dwarf Fortress 2.0.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    This is just a short list of points that Dwarf Fortress should cover when the mythical 2.0 update releases in a couple of thousand years.

    TL;DR: Dwarf Fortress, from Fantasy to SCI-FI. Simulated progression of technology. Infinite NPC possibilities thanks to AI improvements in real life. To-scale planets and stars, each distance accurate. Universal destruction.

    • Technology progresses from bows and swords to laser guns and robots.
    • Proc. Generated Governments can form, giving way to countries as the civilizations colonize the map and, eventually, the galaxy.
    • (New Edition) Simulated Industrial Age, construct factories, and manage resources.
    • The Proc. Generated Magic System can be used to power futuristic technology (magical rocket fuel, computer equipment, so forth)
    • (New Edition) Mythology Includes Proc. Generated 'Simulation Theory', the possibility that your CIV realizes they are a pawn in a wider game.
    • (New Edition) Potential Multiverse, you can be invaded by Proc. Generated creatures and entities or find yourself facing your exact same civilization, but slightly different because of parallel universes.
    • Fully simulated planets, the first world can be Earth-sized, or something completely different.
    • Fully simulated galaxy, each new game different from the last, each chance of finding a primordial threat in the galaxy different.
    • (New Edition) Advance to the point of Dyson Spheres and Matrioshka brains, to even beyond.
    • Immersive conversations and interactions, AI-powered programs allow you to speak to an NPC and ask them whatever you want. No more limitations in what a Dev can write in their chat script.
    • Hyper-realistic anatomical detail, the body structure has been upgraded to simulate every cell and how it would react to all situations.
    • Proc. Generated Diseases, each world has its own sicknesses and each reacts differently to your people.
    • Universal Death, planetary collisions, star deaths, to the end of the universe. Watch the events spanning billions or trillions of years. Then watch the universe get formed again in a Proc. Generated Fashion.
    • Time Travel, it's possible either with magic or with technology. Watch as you meet your future self even when you haven't played up to that point yet. Bring back an ancient Dwarf, for example, and watch as he is shocked by the stunning advances in technology.
    • Random Endings, will your civilization progress to the point of escaping reality by jumping in their computers, or will they destroy themselves (nukes) or some existential threat? Every ending PROC. Generated.
    • Sliders, Sliders, Sliders, sliders for every situation. You can never run out of adjustments.
    • Adventure Mode, randomly generated introduction, goals, and backstory for your character. You can even play as a God.
    • (New Edition) Multiplayer Mode, upload your fort to the wider galaxy and play against other human players in a shared universe.
    • Legends Mode revamp, track individual cells in every single creature.
    • (New Edition) Open Source, it helps add all of this content and much much more.
    • (New Edition) Tarn merges his consciousness with the Gods and continues to develop the game forever. 1/10000 chance of finding him and his brother in the game via Easter Egg.
    • (New Edition) Intro cutscene is updated, showing the progress from pickaxes to automation via. machines and computers -- all told with brilliant ASCII cutscenes.

    That's about it for 2.0. Would you play it? If you can't tell that this is a sarcastic post, then I am sorry.

    If/When DF becomes Open-Source, let's strive to make this 2.0 update possible.

    submitted by /u/WraithfulWrath
    [link] [comments]

    Thirty. Seven. Days. Of Dwarf: Day 21 -- Crash Dive! (10/21, 7pm ET, Extra Life 2021!)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    We're over halfway to our final broadcast, but only approximately 30% to our goal -- Come out and join us!

    Having hit my 3-crashes-and-you're-deleted rule for our last fortress (to say nothing of exploding wagons and titans losing the path) we're onto another fortress just underway after embark and in need of defenses, industries and more.

    That means we've embarked in another attempt to lose lots of dwarves to tragedy, violence, bugs, and forgotten monstrostities left hidden across the face of the world.

    (I'm also contemplating demonstrations of a few other games this weekend on different time slots (Deep Rock Galactic, Valheim, Gloomhaven, perhaps others) in order to keep on plugging towards our goal, so if there's something you wanted to see, better come out and ask!)

    ----------------------------------------Who's this guy?-------------------------------

    Hey guys!

    I'm /u/Nameless_Archon, and I provide tutorials on how to play Dwarf Fortress every year while I try to raise money for sick kids.


    What in the name of the glowing pits is this about?


    It is time to return to our roots, and so we shall: Thirty. Seven. Days. Of. Dwarf.

    Starting on 10/1 and proceeding through the Extra Life 2021 Game Day event on 11/6 and 11/7, I'm going to stream and teach what little I know at https://www.twitch.tv/nirruden.

    Dwarves. Every. Single. Day.

    ----------------------------------------But why?----------------------------------------

    I like to do things when there's more than one reason to do them:

    • It's for charity.
    • I get to collect money for the very same hospital that once helped me as a child.
    • I like to teach, or at least I have in the past when my health has allowed it.
    • It's for charity.
    • People (crazy people, apparently) like my stream, when I do it.
    • People are always complaining that Dwarf Fortress is hard to learn. (Not really, but let's show it.)
    • It's for charity.
    • It raises the profile of Dwarf Fortress, a game I regard as a seminal work and personally enjoy.

    -------------------------So how's this going to work?-------------------------

    We've started out like I usually do - streaming a basic, sustainable fortress. However, the reality of the situation is that thirty-seven days of Basic Base Building 101 is going to probably bore the pants off people (including me) and I don't really want things to be boring. So we're going to have to do a few things along the way to try to spice things up, and along the way likely reveal that I'm just an average player like everyone else. (Dwarves dying of starvation and frostbite on a glacier? Likelier than you think!)

    Basically, I'll stream in the evenings most days for a few hours. On Saturdays and Sundays, we'll generally run a little longer, or at different times but I'm going to stream every day until 11/6 even if it means I have to get up at 3am to do it. On 11/6, we're going to culminate with a 24-hour long livestream, as part of the worldwide Extra Life charity event, ending on 11/7!

    I don't use Twitter, Facebook, etc. and people may want to donate to Extra Life 2021, even if they're not supporting my efforts directly. Feel free to share my donations link, or to direct people to the charity's main page.

    --------------------------So what's in it for viewers?---------------------------

    Well, aside from helping to support my local children's hospital (good vibes, ho!) I'll be pushing out tutorial game(s) live on stream as part of the event. Your donations are a spur in that direction applied to my backside. You can even attend the event with me, since I'll be broadcasting live on my stream the whole time!

    ...but if that's not enough for you?

    • There's a callout for donations so everyone can see your generosity!

    Anonymous or not, everyone will know you're supporting kids that need it.

    • Donate $10 or more and you may request to have a dwarf named in current and future forts!

    If you're not naming him something awful, it'll even happen. You're welcome to request a trade for the dwarf, if I have one suitable to match it! If we run more than one fort, donator dwarves will show up in all forts after the one where you donated!

    • For $50 or more, you can reserve one of the starting seven instead of a.. <.< >.> ...migrant.

    If none are available, I'll have to use a migrant. (We call this 'Early cat catches the dwarf'. Move fast.) As above, if you donate on the first fort of our event, we'll put that same dwarf into the starting seven every fort thereafter!


    • For a donation of $100, I'll let you flip the script for a bit.

    Want me to embark on a reanimating evil biome with a necromancer next door? It's your call. I'll save the current stream fort, and start a new one on the spot with settings as close to your request as I can manage on the fly, and run with it until it dies or I do. If someone else flips the script on you before I finish, you can either donate again to flip if back or wait for their fort to exhaust before I resume yours. Your choice. (We call this one 'Last dwarf gets the sock.')

    • Feeling your oats? If you're willing to drop $500, I'll let you flip the whole table and pick the game I'm playing!

    Some limits on this are required for sanity's sake. Let's talk first.

    At some point, I'll get back to the stream fort, but for a truly generous donation, I'm 100% willing to give up some time and show off anything you'd like, live and on the spot. You can find a link to my Steam profile (which contains a list of potential games I could probably get set up for streaming) here if you're considering this. (And if it's something we can do multiplayer, we can even try that too, which would be a stream first.)


    Wait....Thirty-some days of tutorials for Dwarf Fortress as part of a charity drive?


    Thirty-seven days, actually. It was the wife's idea - she suggested that you folks might like to get a newer version of my original tutorial, and that this might be a good avenue to combine hardcore Dwarf Fortress fanatics, who are already a generous and supporting community, with a charitable cause to support. I didn't have much luck finding a flaw in her reasoning, so I bit the bullet and advertised it at work, too, despite my trepidation regarding drawing personal attention there. (Last year, they contributed only about a sixth of our total collection, because the players and viewers - people like you and I - were far more generous!)

    ------------------------- New and Uncertain Players: ----------------------

    We'll be putting the newest version of the starter pack and Dwarf Fortress through its paces as we (attempt to) start a new tutorial series for v 0.47.05. (Note: If there's an update and it seems relatively bug free, I'll try for the newer version, but I'm aiming this at newer players, so trying to ride the cutting edge isn't really in the cards.)

    Past demonstrations (From v.34 to present) have included glaciers, deserts, sites with necromancer towers adjacent as well as discussion on how to influence worldgen to get what you want. Our first one will be a more sedate embark, designed and chosen for relatively newer players, and we'll start with worldgen as though we're looking at a fresh install.


    My goal is to walk new players through an embark using the DF Starter Pack. (Explicit thanks to /u/PeridexisErrant and others who I admire for their dedication, which is studded with perseverance and ringed with bands of my gratitude! Without those efforts, a tutorial for installing and configuring everything for the game and its add-ons would be a sizable task unto itself. I've actually devoted many hours of stream to demonstrating it 'the hard way'!)

    Along the way, I'll provide examples of the setup and tools I use to play Dwarf Fortress, as a guidepost for new players.

    What I'm really trying to do is give new players a reference point they can come back to on how to set up a world, embark on a site, and stand a reasonable chance of employing a fairly basic and standard design to build a workable fortress wherever they may need to start one.

    Stream Info:

    The channel rules are simple: Respect Wheaton's Law and you'll be fine. Just don't expect the content of the broadcast to be 100% suitable for children; Sorry, kids. I'm much too low-brow for a guaranteed clean broadcast. Get your parents' permission, etc etc.

    If you have questions you might like answered with a demonstration, and not simply a quick post in the weekly questions thread, I'm your guy. I'll do my best to demonstrate just about anything you can think up - aquifers, megaprojects and magma pistons aside. (Minecarts may get covered, but don't expect anything computational or timer based - I'm a casual player, not a dwarven mechanical engineer.)

    You can view the stream here, as well as on the donations page for Extra Life.

    Later Goals:

    At some point in this fortress, I'll walk players through my 'most commonly used' tools in DFHack and in the utilities that come packaged in the DF Starter Pack and how I use them to construct a simple, basic, and tightly run fortress that can support as many dwarves as my PC can haul, defend itself against all comers, and handle just about anything. I also will try to demonstrate Quickfort at some point for those who've never taken advantage of it - there's a new version and I've got to learn to use it properly!

    We'll certainly touch on Dwarf Therapist, and discuss how I use it to control the behavior and organization of my ants dwarves, including a demonstration of custom professions in action. Sound will be provided by Soundsense so that you're not listening to me play in silence during any lulls, and the off-topic interaction between the audience and myself tends toward the lively (and often ribald).

    New players, your questions (no matter how 'silly' you may think they are) are 100% welcome, as they're the whole point to the broadcast! Join us and ask them!

    If you can't make it (or are not willing to brave my often vulgar displays of unsuitability) and still have questions you can't seem to figure out, post them in the DF Bi-Weekly Questions Thread for this week and I'll do my best to help you overcome your obstacles, if the expert players haven't gotten there first!

    (Obligatory: Yesss... Join usss... Join the Dark Side... We have cookies!)

    ------------------------ More advanced players: ------------------------------

    On that note, experienced players who want to follow along are certainly welcome (and often manage to teach me a thing or two, directly or not) but the main thrust of the stream will be to help new players get over the introductory hump to start playing at a deeper level, so you may find yourself paying less attention to the pace of the stream and more attention to your fellow audience members. I do love having a few veterans show up, though, because my fortress designs always get better when I'm shown a method I've never used!

    --------------------------------Parting Words----------------------------------------

    Please don't go. The children need you.

    Please donate if you are able.

    On behalf of Riley and Extra Life: Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!

    ------------------------ !!EVENT NAVIGATION BAR!! ---------------------------

    <= (Space Reserved for Day 20 Link) == (Space Reserved for Day 22 Link) =>


    ----------------------------------------Progress Readout---------------------------

    1. Pre-Broadcast: Completed. You're reading it. You could have read it before this, but I'm lazy and I'm blaming the day's average solar flux, since that really was the real reason... this one time... like... a few years ago. Don't tell anyone.
    2. Thirty Seven Days of Dwarf: This is today at 7:00pm ET! Within 14 days, the VOD will still be up at Twitch (-link pending-) but after that, you'll need to wait for a Youtube upload, which may take some time.
    3. Day 21 Youtube Upload ( -link pending- ) is pending broadcast completion!

    Special thanks to this year's donators!


    ---------------------------------- Fortresses To Date ------------------------------

    • Tosiddur Berim: The Armored Fist of Artifice
      • Lost to audience request for new fort following loyalty cascade(?)
    • Mozibnish: Swallowtraded
      • Magma tapped, forges operating. Time to mint coinage.
      • Militia organized, training scheduled and begun.
      • Why not a were-elephant to go with the water heater? Sure!
      • The weaknesses of current apiary model.
    • Naughtypaddle
      • The coolest bedrooms around, guaranteed.
      • Magma forges tonight using safe-bridge breach method we used on the well/pasture flooding.
      • Let's punch a hole in the caverns with a garbage chute! What could possibly go crundle wrong?
      • Time to militia and set up nobles and orders!
    • Another week, and another new fortress tonight!
    submitted by /u/Nameless_Archon
    [link] [comments]

    Thirty. Seven. Days. Of. Dwarf: Day 20 -- What Do You Mean 'Offline'? (10/20, 7pm ET, Extra Life 2021!)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    (...And for those of you who wondered about why we weren't on at 7 last night? Read on and laugh!

    It's probably a good idea if I flip the button labeled "Actually Send Your Stream To Twitch" so people can, you know, see it. I figured it out. At 10pm. So we did another 2 hours, and I'll upload the three missing hours (which I recorded but didn't actually stream) to go along with the two that I did stream.

    Go me, I guess?)

    We're back tonight for another night with our fortress Naughtypaddle, with a king and a baron, and more coins than you can shake a bank at. ...except in our charity drive, which is falling behind -- we're over halfway to our final broadcast, but only approximately 25% to our goal!

    ----------------------------------------Who's this guy?-------------------------------

    Hey guys!

    I'm /u/Nameless_Archon, and I provide tutorials on how to play Dwarf Fortress every year while I try to raise money for sick kids.


    What in the name of the glowing pits is this about?


    It is time to return to our roots, and so we shall: Thirty. Seven. Days. Of. Dwarf.

    Starting on 10/1 and proceeding through the Extra Life 2021 Game Day event on 11/6 and 11/7, I'm going to stream and teach what little I know at https://www.twitch.tv/nirruden.

    Dwarves. Every. Single. Day.

    ----------------------------------------But why?----------------------------------------

    I like to do things when there's more than one reason to do them:

    • It's for charity.
    • I get to collect money for the very same hospital that once helped me as a child.
    • I like to teach, or at least I have in the past when my health has allowed it.
    • It's for charity.
    • People (crazy people, apparently) like my stream, when I do it.
    • People are always complaining that Dwarf Fortress is hard to learn. (Not really, but let's show it.)
    • It's for charity.
    • It raises the profile of Dwarf Fortress, a game I regard as a seminal work and personally enjoy.

    -------------------------So how's this going to work?-------------------------

    We've started out like I usually do - streaming a basic, sustainable fortress. However, the reality of the situation is that thirty-seven days of Basic Base Building 101 is going to probably bore the pants off people (including me) and I don't really want things to be boring. So we're going to have to do a few things along the way to try to spice things up, and along the way likely reveal that I'm just an average player like everyone else. (Dwarves dying of starvation and frostbite on a glacier? Likelier than you think!)

    Basically, I'll stream in the evenings most days for a few hours. On Saturdays and Sundays, we'll generally run a little longer, or at different times but I'm going to stream every day until 11/6 even if it means I have to get up at 3am to do it. On 11/6, we're going to culminate with a 24-hour long livestream, as part of the worldwide Extra Life charity event, ending on 11/7!

    I don't use Twitter, Facebook, etc. and people may want to donate to Extra Life 2021, even if they're not supporting my efforts directly. Feel free to share my donations link, or to direct people to the charity's main page.

    --------------------------So what's in it for viewers?---------------------------

    Well, aside from helping to support my local children's hospital (good vibes, ho!) I'll be pushing out tutorial game(s) live on stream as part of the event. Your donations are a spur in that direction applied to my backside. You can even attend the event with me, since I'll be broadcasting live on my stream the whole time!

    ...but if that's not enough for you?

    • There's a callout for donations so everyone can see your generosity!

    Anonymous or not, everyone will know you're supporting kids that need it.

    • Donate $10 or more and you may request to have a dwarf named in current and future forts!

    If you're not naming him something awful, it'll even happen. You're welcome to request a trade for the dwarf, if I have one suitable to match it! If we run more than one fort, donator dwarves will show up in all forts after the one where you donated!

    • For $50 or more, you can reserve one of the starting seven instead of a.. <.< >.> ...migrant.

    If none are available, I'll have to use a migrant. (We call this 'Early cat catches the dwarf'. Move fast.) As above, if you donate on the first fort of our event, we'll put that same dwarf into the starting seven every fort thereafter!


    • For a donation of $100, I'll let you flip the script for a bit.

    Want me to embark on a reanimating evil biome with a necromancer next door? It's your call. I'll save the current stream fort, and start a new one on the spot with settings as close to your request as I can manage on the fly, and run with it until it dies or I do. If someone else flips the script on you before I finish, you can either donate again to flip if back or wait for their fort to exhaust before I resume yours. Your choice. (We call this one 'Last dwarf gets the sock.')

    • Feeling your oats? If you're willing to drop $500, I'll let you flip the whole table and pick the game I'm playing!

    Some limits on this are required for sanity's sake. Let's talk first.

    At some point, I'll get back to the stream fort, but for a truly generous donation, I'm 100% willing to give up some time and show off anything you'd like, live and on the spot. You can find a link to my Steam profile (which contains a list of potential games I could probably get set up for streaming) here if you're considering this. (And if it's something we can do multiplayer, we can even try that too, which would be a stream first.)


    Wait....Thirty-some days of tutorials for Dwarf Fortress as part of a charity drive?


    Thirty-seven days, actually. It was the wife's idea - she suggested that you folks might like to get a newer version of my original tutorial, and that this might be a good avenue to combine hardcore Dwarf Fortress fanatics, who are already a generous and supporting community, with a charitable cause to support. I didn't have much luck finding a flaw in her reasoning, so I bit the bullet and advertised it at work, too, despite my trepidation regarding drawing personal attention there. (Last year, they contributed only about a sixth of our total collection, because the players and viewers - people like you and I - were far more generous!)

    ------------------------- New and Uncertain Players: ----------------------

    We'll be putting the newest version of the starter pack and Dwarf Fortress through its paces as we (attempt to) start a new tutorial series for v 0.47.05. (Note: If there's an update and it seems relatively bug free, I'll try for the newer version, but I'm aiming this at newer players, so trying to ride the cutting edge isn't really in the cards.)

    Past demonstrations (From v.34 to present) have included glaciers, deserts, sites with necromancer towers adjacent as well as discussion on how to influence worldgen to get what you want. Our first one will be a more sedate embark, designed and chosen for relatively newer players, and we'll start with worldgen as though we're looking at a fresh install.


    My goal is to walk new players through an embark using the DF Starter Pack. (Explicit thanks to /u/PeridexisErrant and others who I admire for their dedication, which is studded with perseverance and ringed with bands of my gratitude! Without those efforts, a tutorial for installing and configuring everything for the game and its add-ons would be a sizable task unto itself. I've actually devoted many hours of stream to demonstrating it 'the hard way'!)

    Along the way, I'll provide examples of the setup and tools I use to play Dwarf Fortress, as a guidepost for new players.

    What I'm really trying to do is give new players a reference point they can come back to on how to set up a world, embark on a site, and stand a reasonable chance of employing a fairly basic and standard design to build a workable fortress wherever they may need to start one.

    Stream Info:

    The channel rules are simple: Respect Wheaton's Law and you'll be fine. Just don't expect the content of the broadcast to be 100% suitable for children; Sorry, kids. I'm much too low-brow for a guaranteed clean broadcast. Get your parents' permission, etc etc.

    If you have questions you might like answered with a demonstration, and not simply a quick post in the weekly questions thread, I'm your guy. I'll do my best to demonstrate just about anything you can think up - aquifers, megaprojects and magma pistons aside. (Minecarts may get covered, but don't expect anything computational or timer based - I'm a casual player, not a dwarven mechanical engineer.)

    You can view the stream here, as well as on the donations page for Extra Life.

    Later Goals:

    At some point in this fortress, I'll walk players through my 'most commonly used' tools in DFHack and in the utilities that come packaged in the DF Starter Pack and how I use them to construct a simple, basic, and tightly run fortress that can support as many dwarves as my PC can haul, defend itself against all comers, and handle just about anything. I also will try to demonstrate Quickfort at some point for those who've never taken advantage of it - there's a new version and I've got to learn to use it properly!

    We'll certainly touch on Dwarf Therapist, and discuss how I use it to control the behavior and organization of my ants dwarves, including a demonstration of custom professions in action. Sound will be provided by Soundsense so that you're not listening to me play in silence during any lulls, and the off-topic interaction between the audience and myself tends toward the lively (and often ribald).

    New players, your questions (no matter how 'silly' you may think they are) are 100% welcome, as they're the whole point to the broadcast! Join us and ask them!

    If you can't make it (or are not willing to brave my often vulgar displays of unsuitability) and still have questions you can't seem to figure out, post them in the DF Bi-Weekly Questions Thread for this week and I'll do my best to help you overcome your obstacles, if the expert players haven't gotten there first!

    (Obligatory: Yesss... Join usss... Join the Dark Side... We have cookies!)

    ------------------------ More advanced players: ------------------------------

    On that note, experienced players who want to follow along are certainly welcome (and often manage to teach me a thing or two, directly or not) but the main thrust of the stream will be to help new players get over the introductory hump to start playing at a deeper level, so you may find yourself paying less attention to the pace of the stream and more attention to your fellow audience members. I do love having a few veterans show up, though, because my fortress designs always get better when I'm shown a method I've never used!

    --------------------------------Parting Words----------------------------------------

    Please don't go. The children need you.

    Please donate if you are able.

    On behalf of Riley and Extra Life: Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!

    ------------------------ !!EVENT NAVIGATION BAR!! ---------------------------

    <= (Space Reserved for Day 19 Link) == (Space Reserved for Day 21 Link) =>


    ----------------------------------------Progress Readout---------------------------

    1. Pre-Broadcast: Completed. You're reading it. You could have read it before this, but I'm lazy and I'm blaming the day's average solar flux, since that really was the real reason... this one time... like... a few years ago. Don't tell anyone.
    2. Thirty Seven Days of Dwarf: This is today at 7:00pm ET! Within 14 days, the VOD will still be up at Twitch (-link pending-) but after that, you'll need to wait for a Youtube upload, which may take some time.
    3. Day 20 Youtube Upload ( -link pending- ) is pending broadcast completion!

    Special thanks to this year's donators!


    ---------------------------------- Fortresses To Date ------------------------------

    • Tosiddur Berim: The Armored Fist of Artifice
      • Lost to audience request for new fort following loyalty cascade(?)
    • Mozibnish: Swallowtraded
      • Magma tapped, forges operating. Time to mint coinage.
      • Militia organized, training scheduled and begun.
      • Why not a were-elephant to go with the water heater? Sure!
      • The weaknesses of current apiary model.
    • Naughtypaddle
      • The coolest bedrooms around, guaranteed.
      • Magma forges tonight using safe-bridge breach method we used on the well/pasture flooding.
      • Let's punch a hole in the caverns with a garbage chute! What could possibly go crundle wrong?
      • Time to militia and set up nobles and orders!
    submitted by /u/Nameless_Archon
    [link] [comments]

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