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    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress A Troll master and student of himself. He's a 16th level necromancer.

    Dwarf Fortress A Troll master and student of himself. He's a 16th level necromancer.

    A Troll master and student of himself. He's a 16th level necromancer.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Usu Edquektaksmo Kisesheku "The First Dog" - Colorized

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    I was surprised to see a dwarf civ conquer half the world in 250 years of map generation, then I found out why...So many evil ruins for a "good" civilization.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Here's a simple Dwarf Fortress shirt for those of you playing Animal Crossing

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Today on Extreme Elf Cruelty: Smokestack Suffering

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Background: Dwarves barely held their own against goblins, though really it was more like Clowns with goblin auxilleries, peace treaty signed, two weeks later, elves get pissy about tree abuses and sack a hillock. in a few years, most sites are occupied by either goblins or elves. Mine is the last fortress. There's two other hillocks but mine is the last, true, Dwarven Fortress.

    After an elf ambush, we have 29 elf prisoners. The rest fled like cowards. We... don't have space for them. The plan was always to build a temporary surface fortress and then build the deeper fortress in closer to the volcano, but you know what they say about temporary solutions. Anyway, space is at a premium, so I had to zone an animal stock pile to store the elves outside near the sheep AKA actually useful animals.

    Originally planned on just dumping them into the volcano or keeping them around until the target range is done, but then I thought, since we're building a greenhouse, why not have all the elves caged up next to the "smoke stack" where all the wood burning furnaces are. That way, when the target range IS ready, they'd be covered in soot from their precious damn trees.

    Yeah I know that can't actually happen, much like how I don't need clear glass for a greenhouse, but for role-playing sake, the elves are going to breathe their trees' suffering, then get filled with wooden bolts.

    submitted by /u/Finnanutenya
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    Oh Dwarf Fortress, Irony is thee name

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Omot Bitehatchet, the most unimpressive bronze colossus.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Someone here posted one of the worst worlds I’ve seen. Of course I played it.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    DF Modloader mockup

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    I don't recall if it was in a recent interview, FotF reply, or maybe a DF talk, but somewhere Toady was asked about Steam workshop, and what it meant for mod managing. He said he'd take a look at it, and that he was surprised that some kind of utility for managing mods hadn't popped up from the community. Turns out there have been a few attempts at it, but none established themselves firmly as DFhack or Therapist did, and are by now outdated. I've also acquainted myself more closely with how the raws work lately as I developed DF Diagnosipack, So I figured, why don't I give it a try. Below is my attempt, which I should already disclaim I will not continue working on. My hope is that it is still workable enough to inspire something better, or to build of off to make a long-standing utility. A third wishful outcome to is that the discussion this spawns, regarding how a mod loader should best be laid out, is helpful to the brothers Adams as they are to implement one into Dwarf Fortress proper.

    In any case, here is the download: https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=15633 and a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XfI4ntF.png

    You need Python 3 to run it, nothing more (hopefully).

    The design was inspired primarily by the Minecraft resource pack screen. The selected mods are compiled from top going down. Other than just mashing the mods together, there is some functionality in there to (mass) edit raw objects defined "higher up" in the mod loading order, as well as a few new tokens also for the modloader to parse. You can do some pretty powerful stuff, see the example mods in the download.

    New "object definitions": [*OBJECT_TYPE:OBJECT_ID]: The "vanilla" way to define a new object, e.g. [CREATURE:TIGER]. If you define an object with the same OBJECT_TYPE and OBJECT_ID as an already defined one, the old object is overwritten.

    [OBJECT_TYPE:EDIT:selection criteria]: Selects one or multiple already defined objects to be edited. Subsequent tokens are added to the end by default. Valid selection criteria are BY_ID:OBJECT_ID, selecting individual objects by id, BY_CLASS:OBJECT_CLASS, selecting all objects (of the object type) with the given object class (or creature class), BY_TOKEN:TOKEN, selecting all objects with the given token, and BY_TOKEN_PRECISE:TOKEN, selecting all objects with the given token and token values. E.g. [CREATURE:EDIT:BY_ID:TIGER], [CREATURE:EDIT:BY_CLASS:MAMMAL], [CREATURE:EDIT:BY_TOKEN:LAIR], [CREATURE:EDIT:BY_TOKEN_SPECIFIC:LAIR:SHRINE:100]

    [OBJECT_TYPE:REMOVE:selection criteria]: Removes the selected objects. Takes the same selection criteria as EDIT. e.g. [ENTITY:REMOVE:BY_ID:FOREST]

    [OBJECT_CLASS:class name] is a new token. It grants an arbitrary "object class". For creatures, it is synonymous with [CREATURE_CLASS]

    The special tokens COPY_TAGS_FROM, GO_TO_END, GO_TO_START, GO_TO_TAG have also been made to work for all objects (not just creatures).

    Finally, creature variations have been generalized into "object variations". These work just the same as creature variations do, which is too say they are a little tricky. See the wiki article. The only difference is that instead of "CREATURE_VARIATION" or "CV" object variation-related tokens have "OBJECT_VARIATION" or "OV" in their names. You can also nest an object variation within a creature variation. Creature variations can still be used on creatures. The full set of object variation-related tokens is: APPLY_OBJECT_VARIATION, APPLY_CURRENT_OBJECT_VARIATION, OV_ADD_TAG, OV_NEW_TAG, OV_REMOVE_TAG, OV_ADD_CTAG, OV_NEW_CTAG, OV_REMOVE_CTAG, OV_CONVERT_CTAG, OVCT_MASTER, OVCT_TARGET, OVCT_REPLACEMENT[/spoiler]

    I hope you excuse me for the sloppiness of my writing, I finished up the mockup to a point where I could feel satisfied to let it go pretty late in the evening, and wanted to make this post befor going to bed so I'm done with it. It's affecting the quality for the worse, as my brain gets all tangled. At the time of writing, it is 1 at night for me.

    Edit: to install the compiled mods, replace everything in your raw/objects folder, but the "text" subfolder, with the "_compiled.txt" files in the output folder. Remember to include the vanilla raws, or some other "base" mod (like Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom), in the list of mods to compile.

    submitted by /u/voliol
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    Magma, Minecarts, and Burrows.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Today I had a chance to play around with magma, minecarts, and burrows; three mechanics of the game I have little or no prior experience with. I struck my first magma pool and my imagination ran wild. I wanted magma forges and smelters inside dedicated burrows laboring far below the main fort, sending masterfully crafted metal goods up automated rail systems, protected from the monsters who lurked in the carverns around them by human mercenaries. Endless roleplaying opportunities, honest to goodness city building, and all kinds of fun were calling!

    So the first death was of course thanks to the magma. I misplaced a channel and Ingiz the miner dropped into a shallow pool of the molten rock, which was leaking through a crack in the wall. He did not die quickly. Lesson learned. Be very careful where you dig and have plenty of backup pickaxes. And miners.

    The minecart track was deceptively easy to setup. Dig the tracks, put a stockpile on both ends, put a minecart on it, push it up and ride it down. Simple enough, or so I thought.

    I spent the next few hours setting up the forge and trying to get the burrow to function while my "noble" caste of metalsmiths starved. Suddenly my Baron ended his mandate. That was weird because he had just issued it and I knew I hadn't fulfilled it. My alerts where filled with hungry metalworker spam so I checked the nobles screen and...no Baron. Where did he go?

    My Baron was spread across three z levels after getting his head taken off while "fighting" a spinning iron minecart full of diorite. Actual nobles are a pain so I wrote that one off, widened the access stairwell, and setup up new traffic designations to keep dwarfs off the track. Problem solved right?

    No. Apparently minecarts are bloodthirsty sirens whose allure no dwarf or beast can resist.

    So far the minecart has flattened a kitten, a gosling, and a child. It took a hauler's leg clean off, nearly killed a mercenary, and successfully killed another miner. The hauler accident was especially bad because I had disabled a bunch of labors while fiddling with the burrow so they all just left him, freshly amputated, on the track, for a very long time. This minecart literally has the highest kill count out of any other single entity in my fortress now.

    Absolutely everything's breaking down but I haven't given up yet. I fully expect several more dwarfs to die as I get this project working which is why, no matter what shape the final track takes, it's going to keep the nickname "Armok." Lets just hope I end up with more dwarves than memorial slabs.

    submitted by /u/nomansskyisanowagame
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