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    Friday, July 23, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ☼Fortress Friday☼

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Our weekly thread for posting interesting events without cluttering up /r/dwarffortress. Screenshots, stories, details, achievements, or other posts are all welcome here! (That includes adventure and legends mode, even if there's no fortress involved.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [OC] Litava the Moth Woman, winner of the Battle Royale Light division

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    (bug/Armok's Blessing) Random pools of blood appear in random locations around our fort

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    It's the blood of creatures who have been injured or killed at some point or another, but it will appear in totally random locations IN THE FUTURE. A dwarf who died many years ago has had pools of her blood appear throughout the area

    No baths or anything that might be triggering it. Some completely unvisited corner of our mountain that never sees anyone will randomly have a pool of Giant Cave Bat or something

    I'm just imagining a literal pool of blood randomly falling from the sky and crashing into the spot

    Armok shows us his favor

    EDIT: To catch people up on comments below:

    It's not ghosts because all dwarves are properly entombed and sometimes it is animals or forgotten beast blood that ends up spread too

    Discussed people tracking the blood as I've seen that before and here's a few reasons why I don't see it being that:

    1. Quantity: Entire pools of blood are on tiles
    2. Lack of trail: It will be a single tile often in the middle of nowhere coated, but there's no other blood being trailed from anywhere
    3. It is sometimes in locations inaccessible by others

    I embarked fully on a mountain biome so I already enjoy some strange terrain based bugs from embarking where I shouldn't be able to. For example once a grass tile dies nothing will ever grow in that spot ever again, and all farming is out the window except underground farming which *weirdly* takes forever to grow and isn't a reliable source of alcohol. We also enjoy endless rain and snow at the same time

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    New, jumping into Adventure mode: Requesting recommendations

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    As the title says, I'm new to dwarf fortress. Tried it in the past, got quickly overwhelmed by the complexity. Figured I'd try adventure mode, just the one dwarf to worry about, less stress learning the controls.

    So what would you all recommend in terms of a texture pack, other downloadables with that goal in mind? Starting tips? Anything to avoid so I don't just cheese the game?

    And as an aside, while waiting for the steam release, anyone have other game recommendations to scratch that adventure itch? I've played elona+, nethack, CDDA.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/PaulTheMerc
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    Militia Commander Refusing to Pray - Help Please!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    I need help please! My Militia Commander, a dwarf whom could likely exterminate my whole fortress singlehandedly, is getting dangerously stressed. His main gripe is that he hasnt been able to pray for a long time and so I did my best to accommodate. All of his labours are unassigned, his squad was inactive, and he was by all means free to act as he pleases. But instead of praying as he insists is necessary he chooses to do individual combat drills on his spare time. Curious enough, so I figured I would try removing him from the military to see if he would pay heed to the gods then. Strangely, however, he opts instead to endlessly take roasts from the kitchen pantry and store them in his personal chest.

    I really dont want to lock him up in the asylum - we need his fighting prowess to survive - but his stress is getting quite severe. What am I doing wrong? Is this just Dorven quirkiness?

    submitted by /u/AbsurdlyNihilist
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    Don't mess with yaks or buffaloes

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Disarming prisoners -- not working (?)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    I have some goblins in cages, and I want to remove their weapons only. The wiki says to forbid&dump, and then go into the manager to selectively manage the items on the goblin. I think I'm doing this right, but when I go into the manager and search for F&D items, I only see a single item: goblin cage.

    I thought maybe the goblin was already naked or something, so I dumped him in a pit and inspected him... scourge, armor, shield, etc. After re-caging him and searching my inventory for those items, I don't see them.

    I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. Is there a trick to getting this to work? I'm on the most recent LNP.

    submitted by /u/plainly_stated
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    Not only did the manger die, but was the only one the whole squad too.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Dwarf trapped during a demon invasion

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Dwarf trapped during a demon invasion

    There they were the miners of Daggerkeeper mining a vein of raw adamantium when *whoosh* a gust of air hits them after opening their way into what seemed to be a large open cavern. All seemed well until ghastly creatures made of snow and flame started pouring their way through. With all of their might, the dwarves push back trying to stop the flow of demons coming in only to be burned to death in their attempts. One by one the dwarves start falling until only one remained, a simple farmer who in his attempt to survive the demons dodged out of the way of one only to find himself trapped in one of the fortress's many cage traps. Safe from the demons the last survivor waits, hoping for someone, anyone to come to his aid to rescue him. Wait! There just outside he hears movement, the clattering of weapons, perhaps some merchants had arrived to save him only to find no. It's a siege the army of goblins, trolls, and cave dragons try to take the fortress only to die to the demons that destroyed it. The last survivor finally loses hope and sits there as he waits for starvation and thirst to take him.

    *First major fortress that I was actually satisfied with. Quite a lot of fun and can see why people enjoy this game*




    submitted by /u/Few-Rooster-2770
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