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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Got gelding guild going.

    Dwarf Fortress Got gelding guild going.

    Got gelding guild going.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:44 AM PST

    PSA - pressing Shift-E enables tactical mode

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:09 AM PST

    The feature we have all been waiting for.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    A Night Creature came to visit my aboveground fort...And it just stands in the doorway eyeing the sleeping dorf. Sweet dreams.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:07 AM PST

    It seems Evil cannot comprehend music.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:27 AM PST

    Baby's revenge - A fabulous new bug

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:34 PM PST

    So, all those years of being dragged into battle and being used as a shield (or a club) by irresponsible parents have come to a head and baby is now taking its revenge.

    Bug description: "When a dwarf gives birth to a baby, the baby turns the mother into its mount and rides the mother around like a horse, and the mother eventually dies of thirst, unable to escape the existence of horse."

    submitted by /u/Shonai_Dweller
    [link] [comments]

    Don't ever change, DF.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:41 AM PST

    Look at these character choices.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    When the mountainhome sends its people, they're not sending their best.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST

    The reptiloids have taken over my world.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I had to try .47, and quickly remembered how spoiled I am with dfhack and square ASCII/tilesets...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST

    Every setting is at its highest except mineral resources, it's not even done creating the world and the population is almost destroyed �� ready to try out this update ��

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:13 AM PST

    It's a kobold's life

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Found a kobold named Timbis in Legends mode. Kobolds tend to live short boring lives, not being able to speak to other races kind of limits their potential. Generally they die in great numbers as Forgotten Beasts claim their home caves as their own.

    Timbis was born in 27. At a few months old he was attacked by Ura Faintbones the Shady Umbra (who is apparently a Twilight monster). Timbis escaped. Only to be attacked by a dingo. Timbis managed to escape again.

    A year later, the dingo came back for revenge. Timbis once again got away. Lucky guy. At 1 year old these kobold's are already great at evading big nasties.

    At the age of 4, another night troll attacked Timbis. Seems that Timbis is a troll magnet. Once more though, he escaped.

    A year later, the same dingo made one final attempt on Timbis' life, and tore off his ear. Timbis managed to evade the jaws of death again. And for a while he was OK.

    Timbis, being a veteran of both dingo and night troll attacks became a ranger at the age of 12. This drew the attention of Ura Faintbones again who attacked him twice over the next couple of years.

    It took a while, but Timbis finally knew what he had to do. He'd defied whatever gods look over the affairs of kobolds for too long and he needed to get back into line.

    At the age of 63 Timbis the one-eared kobold night-troll magnet declared his life as a ranger over and became a criminal. Surely now the powers that be would stop trying to kill him.

    And they did.

    In the year 99, Timbis found love. A year later he was married. 27 years later he divorced.

    And finally, in the year 179, at the age of 152 he was granted that which most kobolds never know. Death by old age.

    submitted by /u/Shonai_Dweller
    [link] [comments]

    Introduced myself to a baroness in one of the new human forts, its almost like she's telling me to not cause trouble.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:36 PM PST

    This is as close as I've seen Histfigs and Dead get

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:59 AM PST

    Fun fact, human towns now have statues in the middle of their roads occasionally in addition to thealtars on the sides of roads. Makes them much prettier.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:02 PM PST

    I just got attacked and I guess a dwarven baby wanted to get in on the fun.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Found some dice. I didn't like my roll, so I tried again

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Fortress concept: Dwarven Factory/Manufactory - Fuel your Cameralist Trade Empire

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    There are two parts to my concept, the lore fluff which explains why you are building this fortress and what the lore objectives are and the gameplay ideas I had spooking around in my head. If you don't care an just want the fortress ideas skip to gameplay.


    First up, background knowledge. Some of you may be confused but a factory in pre-industrial (medieval and modern) times was a heavily fortified trade post from which trade in a region was controlled. In the context of the Hanse this was called a Kontor, but its purpose remains the same. These factories were founded all over the New World, Africa and Asia. The Portuguese were famous for their Feitorias with which they built a trade empire. Even today traces can still be found for example in town names, Moose Factory in Canada as a example.

    Cameralism was a science of administration similar to mercantilism from the 15th to 19th century in which a centrally planned economy was to be established for the benefit of the state. In a way it is a variation of of mercantilism with the caveats that the science was developed for often landlocked fiefdoms and tried to substitute the whole production process (i.e. complete import substitution) while French Mercantilism relied on cheap resource from its colonies. Because you can and should import cheap ore and metal bars I think it's a new form, called Dwarven Cameralism.

    Enough background so here is the lore. Your group was chartered by a trade company from the Mountainhome. Your group's job is it to increase their wealth and yours ruthlessly by employing Cameralist measures, so no buying of finished goods from non-dwarves. Plant your flag at a strategic position in the proximity of as many other kingdoms are possible. Raw goods and half-finished goods like metal bars are fine though, it fits the spirit of fleecing others. Furthermore war profiteering is not only condoned but encouraged. The more money you make by arming everyone to the teeth and inciting conflict, the better you are off. Nobody fights the weapon's dealer.

    Of course such a prosperous factory will have the jealous eyeing its wealth, so build a strong security force to deter these feeble-minded fools. As for your patrons, they want to see returns, so pay any goods with high-quality goods and especially luxuries (not just mugs as a certain Canadian would do)


    As stated previously build your fortress in a strategic location with access to as many races and kingdoms as possible. It doesn't make a difference in terms of amount of trades but you get more variety of nationality and a war declaration doesn't hurt as much.

    The idea of the fortress is to increase goods output as much as possible and minimise unneeded labour, especially hauling. As such we have to try and apply some taylorist principles of managing the economy.

    The Fortress is divided into three (two) sections, all of which function as largely independent mini fortresses with a distinct purpose. A surface section on which goods are traded, military is trained, wood, sand, clay and raw food stuffs are produced. A middle section in which all goods are refined and sent back to where they are needed. A lower section whose job it is to mine and transport subterranean resources like ores, bars and boulders. The upper two sections can be combined if they are close enough.

    The most unique aspect is a heavy reliance on minecarts and boroughs. Dwarves and especially haulers should be restricted to these to reduce walking times. The minecart system should largely take care of hauling.

    As a system idea for example to maintain food stocks a minecart is sent from the central kitchen with dishes. These are unloaded and when the cart is full of empty barrels the minecart is returned. Another idea is to automatically dump export goods i the trade depot. Any import goods are sent to a sorting center in which the goods are loaded onto minecarts for the appropriate stockpile. As for Export goods here is my supply chain idea. Any weapons which are subpar are smelted in again, while the rest are loaded into bins and transported on minecarts to the next station. There they are detailed and again loaded into minecarts and then dumped into a quantum stockpile at the trade depot. This is think will make everything much more efficient. Any surplus labour is used as military to stand against the sieges and attacks of enemies.


    I just wanted to share some ideas about how to make fortresses more productive and used a historical example to illustrate that. I know it isn't a fancy picture but I wanted to get it out of my head. I am unsure how viable the concept is, but I rarely see minecart posts and I think they can be very useful in increasing productivity.

    submitted by /u/RedKrypton
    [link] [comments]

    [0.47.01] Did I say something wrong..?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Adventure mode skills and professions in 47.01

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Hi bearded pals

    Long live to the cause!

    I was playing the new version of DF, I only play adventure mode, and I have had problems since the very first moment with the character creator's new tab. In my humble opinion it would be so nice if we could (F)ilter among jobs and skills.

    Also, I was a bit confused because I wanted to role play a barbarian mage, where is my job option? I though you could develop your character pointing towards some skills to Role Play it, now it is like an imposition among a diverse, but also limited, number of options.

    I hope this well intended criticisms helps the game to improve.



    submitted by /u/Percennio
    [link] [comments]

    [47.01] Installed Phoebus graphics, kinda worked

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    1. My DF install folder "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01"

    2. Pre-Installed Package for Windows @DFFD w/ DF 0.40.24

    3. I am interested in the graphics files from the "~\data\art\" subfolder.
      Extract these Phoebus files into my DF install folder:
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16.png"
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16_Diagonal.png"
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16_Smooth.png"
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16_Symbol.png"
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16_TextBackground.png"
      "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\art\Phoebus_16x16_TextClean.png"

    4. Edit "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\init\init.txt"






    1. Edit "H:\DF\DF47_01 Vanilla\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.01\data\init\d_init.txt"



    This controls the display of areas that are far below outside. The format is SKY:<character>:<foreground color>:<background color>:<brightness>. The <character> can be either an ASCII tile number or a character in quotes, like '#'.


    As above, for inside/subterranean areas.


    Pillar tile, <character> as above.


    Track tiles. I at the end inverts the material colors.


    Tiles for the parts of trees.

    [TREE_ROOT_SLOPING:158] * 127
    [TREE_TRUNK_SLOPING:158] * 127
    [TREE_ROOT_SLOPING_DEAD:158] * 127

    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N:202] * 207
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_N_DEAD:202] * 207
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S:203] * 209
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_S_DEAD:203] * 209
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E:204] * 199
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_E_DEAD:204] * 199
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W:185] * 182
    [TREE_TRUNK_BRANCH_W_DEAD:185] * 182

    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR1:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR2:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR1_DEAD:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR2_DEAD:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR3:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR4:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR3_DEAD:30] * 249
    [TREE_CAP_FLOOR4_DEAD:30] * 249

    You can set the maximum population of your fortress here. Keep in mind that your population must be at least 80 to get a king and 100 to obtain the current game features. The strict cap also stops fort births. Both caps can be violated by a few special cases, like the arrival of the monarch if you qualify.


    This allows you to control the number of babies+children in your fortress. The first number is an absolute cap on the number of babies+children. The second is a percentage of the current number of adults in your fortress (the default is the essentially meaningless 1000% here). The lower number is used as the cap. The cap only prevents further pregnancies, so migrant children, multiple births and existing pregnancies from old saves can still push you over the cap. Setting either number to zero will disallow pregnancies in the fortress.


    You can set the maximum number of visitors to your fort here. This does not include merchants, diplomats, animals or invaders, but only those either dropping by for a temporary visit to a tavern, library or temple, or those seeking permanent employment. Once you accept a petition from a visitor to stay at your fort, they no longer count against the cap, even if they never become a full citizen. Certain traveling groups (e.g. quester parties) may also push slightly over the cap.


    You can set the maximum number of soldiers allowed to invade in serious invasions with these numbers. This doesn't affect smaller raids or mounts, and ambushers and other special units will also ignore the cap. Set INVADERS to NO above if you don't want invaders -- a cap of zero will be ignored here.




    Set these to control how subgroups form and develop in the fortress.


    Some images

    Main Menu

    World Map

    Embark Maps

    Local Embark
    I don't know why some dwarf looks blank.

    submitted by /u/Sanctume
    [link] [comments]

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