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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Congratulations to my enemies

    Dwarf Fortress Congratulations to my enemies

    Congratulations to my enemies

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Congratulations to my enemies

    I just wanted to congratulate the invading force on their hard fought victory against this cat, to which they only lost 27 of their comrades to my nearby cage traps.


    submitted by /u/Singing_Sea_Shanties
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    DF Assistant - Introducing a new way to look at DF events & announcements during the game!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:29 AM PST

    DF Assistant - Introducing a new way to look at DF events & announcements during the game!


    Hey there bearded bast.. friends!

    I'm releasing a utility I've made for myself to make my DF fortress mode plays more enjoyable.

    Get the latest version:

    - Download full version

    - Download the light version (smaller filesize, without music)

    - Screenshots

    - Get latest info & links in an updated post on the official DF forums.

    What is it and what can it do? 

    Game events are split between advisors, each responsible for a separate aspect of your fortress:

    • Chief Advisor: keeps track of only the most important events that you don't want to miss
    • Military Advisor: combat injuries, deaths, big fights, etc
    • Engineering Advisor: building, maintenance, material shortages, etc
    • Creature Advisor: anything that lives in and around your fortress, what they think, how they feel, etc.
    • Miscellaneous Advisor: rest of the events, like weather, trading, thievery, etc.

    Alongside that:

    • Each advisor has a unique sound effect to announce when it has something to say.
    • Shows current conditions like season & weather.
    • Background music with the ability to pause/skip/change volume and add your own music

    App is designed to fit vertically alongside other DF utilities on a 1080p screen. I'm also planning to make it dynamically resizable in future versions. Besides, app is made to be almost fully configurable - all parsing is done with the use of regex defined in an XML file, and the sounds are read from the directories (so music tracks and sfx are easily added/removed).

    How do I use it? 
    1. Unzip it to wherever you want
    2. Launch DFAssistant.exe
    3. File -> Locate Gamelog.txt (it'll be in your Dwarf Fortress main folder)

    You don't have to start a new game. It'll process the last 5000 lines of game events. Events after that will be timestamped.

    How do I change the rules or configure the app? 

    There are some settings in the 'Edit' menu up top, check that first.

    To change other stuff:


    App looks at the \sound\music\ folder and plays whatever valid music files are stored there.

    Copy your mp3/wav files there, or remove the tracks you don't like.

    Sound effects:

    Advisors look for tracks located in \sound\effects\ folder. They are named accordingly (e.g. 'effect_military.wav'). Replace that file with whatever sfx you desire, but make sure to keep the filename the same.


    Rules are located in the XML file 'DFAssistant.xml' in the same folder as the DFAssistant.exe. It's pretty self-explanatory, but I'll cover the basics here.

    The tag you (and advisors) care about is <qualifier>. Example:

    <qualifier regex="( has come! ).+(beware)" wingdings\_icon="N" notify\_chief="true" color\_rgb="ffff00"/>


    - 'regex' - the actual regex expression that will match the string that you want to show up. You cannot set WHAT advisor will say, he will simply post the entire line that matched. (May be changed in the future versions). Not case sensitive.

    - 'wingdings_icon' - an icon that will be shown with the line. Check Wingdings font symbols (https://wingdingstranslator.com/chart-symbols/) to find the corresponding character.

    - 'notify_chief' - matched line will also be given to Chief Advisor, as it's very important.

    - 'color_rgb' - font color that will be used for this line. Given in an HTML RGB hex value. For example 'FF0000' is red, 'FFAA66' is light yellow, etc.

    More functionality/tags to come in future versions.

    Your app is missing important events I need my advisors to mention! 

    Yep, most likely they're missing some, I couldn't add all possible events. You can easily add qualifiers to the XML to have them mention in. See above for instructions.

    You can also post here or on the official DF forums thread (or better yet, email me) the lines you want advisors to mention (and which advisor it should go to, in your opinion). I'll consider adding it to the default config XML.

    I've created a MUCH better ruleset XML than yours! 

    That's excellent news! Post the DFAssistant.xml file here (and tell me, I'll mention it in the OP) for others to use. Mention why you think it's a better set of rules so people know.

    Can I repost/add to a pack/integrate into something? 

    - Reposting: please only link to the official DF forums thread, as this is where the latest info/links will be kept.

    - Packs: Feel free to add it to whatever pack you want (LNP/Masterwork/etc), just mind that most of the app size is the music that's included. Ideally I want to keep it, but if size is an issue, remove most of the music tracks, but keep the advisor notification sfx.

    - Integration: Let's talk - [darkdvr@gmail.com](mailto:darkdvr@gmail.com)

    Mandatory mention for copyright materials 

    Click "Copyright" in the upper right corner of the app to see the mentions for the licensed content. Most of it is free even for commercial use, and some for non-profit use, which this is. If you own some of it, and want me to remove it - email me and I'll do that.

    Hey! I actually enjoy this utility and I want to support future development, how do I do that? 

    Paypal: [darkdvr@gmail.com](mailto:darkdvr@gmail.com)

    Special thanks to Simon Swerwer (https://soundcloud.com/simonswerwer) for the incredible DF music tracks!

    submitted by /u/DarkDvr
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    Unsure if this has been posted before, but this utility looks really neat.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:18 AM PST

    My bets are on Bunion!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Engror's experiment

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:29 AM PST

    The Guild of Strangeness - Ep3 [Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:56 PM PST

    Splatterface II, Round 1 Bout 3: Melbil v. Bunion betting - Which one of the combatants you put your money on?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    On the Eradication of the Elves

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:43 AM PST

    What is the best way to raze capital cities? (or what I take to be capital cities at any rate - pop:5000)

    I currently have a mixture of 60 legendary marks-axe-spear-mace-sword-hammer dwarves all equipped with masterwork steel armor sets and weapons and a legendary tactician + leader as commander.

    My objective is to wipe the elves off of my continent so I may begin colonizing in peace. I've been sending out missions to raze the closest pop:5000 elf city with all 6 10 dwarf squads and while the mission report outlines them brutally slaughtering large numbers of elves, the population of the city is unchanged. After like 10 of these death-squad missions I sent out a demand for ongoing tribute just to see what would happen, but this just ended up with my squads slaughtering a bunch more elves, so I presume they rejected that offer.

    What do? I'll be sad if I can't destroy that city.

    submitted by /u/BradGoesWild
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    Come make your bets dwarves! The Splatterface tournament is about to begin!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

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